// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.O))
            for (int item = 0; item < itemsPerAdd; item++)
            quadTree = quadTree.Balance(quadTree);

        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M))
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);                //generates a ray using input from mouse for direction (i believe the local origin(camera view) is used for origin)
            Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction, Color.green, 15f);                 //in order to see the ray casted for debugging
            int layerMask = 1 << 9;                                                     //this is bit shifting in order to mask or use particular layers only - used for the raycast below (walls declared as 8th layer)
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100f, layerMask))                         //ray as input(or origin,direction can be used, hit for output, 100 is reach of ray, layerMask indicates which layer the ray is used in (walls here)
                Vector3 temp = hit.point;
                temp.y = temp.y + .25f;
            quadTree = quadTree.Balance(quadTree);
        else if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);                //generates a ray using input from mouse for direction (i believe the local origin(camera view) is used for origin)
            Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction, Color.green, 5f);                  //in order to see the ray casted for debugging
            int layerMask = 1 << 8;                                                     //this is bit shifting in order to mask or use particular layers only - used for the raycast below (walls declared as 8th layer)
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100f, layerMask))                         //ray as input(or origin,direction can be used, hit for output, 100 is reach of ray, layerMask indicates which layer the ray is used in (walls here)
                int i = 0;
                projectionLocation = hit.point;

                for (angle = -maxHorizontalKeystone; angle < maxHorizontalKeystone; angle += angleRes)
                    Debug.Log("ANGLE is " + angle);
                    Vector3 direction     = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, transform.up) * hit.normal;
                    Ray     perpendicular = new Ray(hit.point, direction);
                    Debug.DrawRay(projectionLocation, direction, Color.blue, 5f);

                    float anglePower    = Mathf.Abs(angle / angleBonusDivider);
                    float anglePowerMax = Mathf.Abs(maxHorizontalKeystone / angleBonusDivider);

                    for (float D = Dmin; D <= Dmax; D = D + DRes)
                        float effectiveD = Mathf.Sqrt((D * D) - Mathf.Pow((projectionLocation.y - robotHeight), 2));
                        Debug.Log("Value for D is " + D);
                        Vector3 projectorLocation = perpendicular.GetPoint(effectiveD);
                        //Debug.Log ("Value for effectiveD is " + effectiveD);

                        //Ray projectionLine = new Ray (projectorLocation,
                        float      x       = projectorLocation.x;
                        float      z       = projectorLocation.z;
                        QuadTree3d node    = quadTree.GetNodeContaining(x, z);
                        float      envCost = node.nodeCost;
                        int        depth   = node.currentDepth;
                        Debug.Log("depth of the node is " + depth);
                        Debug.Log("cost of the node is " + envCost);

                        envCostMatrix [i, 0] = x;
                        envCostMatrix [i, 1] = z;
                        envCostMatrix [i, 2] = envCost;

                        //Add Dopt bonus as envCostMatrix[i,3] and modify envCostMatrix[i,5] to include bonus
                        float distancePowerMax = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Abs(Dmax - Dmin)) * distanceBonusMultiplier;
                        float distancePower    = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Abs(Dopt - D)) * distanceBonusMultiplier;

                        envCostMatrix [i, 3] = Mathf.Pow(10f, distancePowerMax - distancePower);
                        Debug.Log("the distance bonus is " + envCostMatrix [i, 3]);

                        envCostMatrix [i, 3] *= Mathf.Pow(10f, anglePowerMax - anglePower);
                        Debug.Log("the total bonus is " + envCostMatrix [i, 3]);

                        Vector3 oppDirection   = Quaternion.AngleAxis(180f, transform.up) * direction;
                        float   projectionCost = 0f;
                        float   pointsAdded    = 0f;
                        for (float theta = -projectionAngle / 2; theta < projectionAngle / 2; theta += angleRes)
                            Vector3 projectionDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis(theta, transform.up) * oppDirection;
                            Ray     projectionLine      = new Ray(projectorLocation, projectionDirection);
                            Debug.DrawRay(projectorLocation, projectionDirection, Color.cyan, 0.5f);
                            for (float res = .5f; res < 0.8 * effectiveD; res += DRes)
                                Vector3    projectionCostPoint = projectionLine.GetPoint(res);
                                QuadTree3d check     = quadTree.GetNodeContaining(projectionCostPoint.x, projectionCostPoint.z);
                                float      costToAdd = check.nodeCost;
                                projectionCost += costToAdd;
                        projectionCost = projectionCost / pointsAdded;
                        Debug.Log("Total projection angle cost is " + projectionCost);

                        envCostMatrix [i, 4] = projectionCost;
                        envCostMatrix [i, 5] = envCostMatrix [i, 2] / envCostMatrix[i, 3] + envCostMatrix [i, 4];
                        Debug.Log("NET COST IS " + envCostMatrix [i, 5]);

                        if (envCostMatrix[i, 5] < leastCost)
                            leastCost = envCostMatrix[i, 5];
                            Debug.Log("least cost is " + leastCost);
                            leastCostIndex.x = envCostMatrix[i, 0];
                            leastCostIndex.y = 0.5f;
                            leastCostIndex.z = envCostMatrix[i, 1];
                            Debug.Log("LeastCost location is " + leastCostIndex);

/*						if (envCost < leastCost) {
 *                                                      leastCost = envCost;
 *                                                      Debug.Log ("least cost is " + leastCost);
 *                                                      leastCostIndex.x = projectorLocation.x;
 *                                                      leastCostIndex.y = 0.5f;
 *                                                      leastCostIndex.z = projectorLocation.z;
 *                                                      Debug.Log ("LeastCost location is " + leastCostIndex);
 *                                              }
                        i = i + 1;
                    i = i + 1;

                //complete algorithm here

/*				float D = Mathf.Sqrt((Dopt*Dopt) - Mathf.Pow((projectionLocation.y-robotHeight),2));		//to account for height of projection.
 *                              Debug.Log ("Value for D is " + D);
 *                              Vector3 projectorLocation = perpendicular.GetPoint (D);
 *                              float x = projectorLocation.x;
 *                              float z = projectorLocation.z;
 *                              QuadTree3d node  = quadTree.GetNodeContaining(x,z);
 *                              float envCost = node.nodeCost;
 *                              int depth = node.currentDepth;
 *                              Debug.Log ("depth of the node is " + depth);
 *                              Debug.Log ("cost of the node is " + envCost);
 *                              sn1.Target = projectorLocation;
                destination = leastCostIndex;
                Debug.Log("DESTINATION is " + destination);
                Debug.DrawLine(projectionLocation, destination, Color.red, 5f);
                sn1.Target = leastCostIndex;
                leastCost  = 1000000000000000;

/*		if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown((int)MouseUtils.Button.Left)) {						//have to input transformations here
 *                      quadTree.ClearSearch();														//Dmax, Dmin and angle have to be public variables
 *                      /*calculate Dopt from projection size(public variable if mouse input)
 *                      for Dopt dist from mouse clicked wall, create quad tree localising without increment in cost
 *                      private ones feasibilityBonus[rows,columns];
 *                      private ones optimalBonus[rows,columns];
 *                      mouse input values converted into a node on the grid "input" containing input.x and input.y
 *                      for(i = input.x-Dmax;i<input.x+Dmax;i++){
 *                              for(j = input.y-Dmax;j<input.y+Dmax;i++){
 *                                      if (Dmin<dist(i,j)<Dmax){
 *                                              feasibilityBonus(i,j) = 10;
 *                                              if (dist(i,j) == Dopt){
 *                                                      optimalBonus(i,j) = 100;
 *                                              }
 *                                      }
 *                                      if (envCost(node) less than envThreshold){
 *                                              generateProjectionAngle();
 *                                              projectionCost[i,j] = Sum(cost of all nodes in projection angle);
 *                                      }
 *                                      cost[i,j] = envCost(node)/(optimalBonus[i,j]*feasibilityBonus[i,j]) * projectionCost[i,j];
 *                              }
 *                      }
 *                      Vector3 clickPos = MouseUtils.GetMouseWorldPositionAtDepth(10);
 *                      GameObject nearest = quadTree.FindNearest(clickPos.x, clickPos.y, clickPos.z);
 *                      if(nearest != null)
 *                              Debug.DrawLine(clickPos, nearest.transform.position, Color.green, 5);
 *              }