public void QrDecompositionConstructorTest() { double[,] value = { { 2, -1, 0 }, { -1, 2, -1 }, { 0, -1, 2 } }; var target = new QrDecomposition(value); // Decomposition Identity var Q = target.OrthogonalFactor; var QQt = Q.DotWithTransposed(Q); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(QQt, Matrix.Identity(3), 1e-6)); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(value, target.Reverse(), 1e-6)); // Linear system solving double[,] B = Matrix.ColumnVector(new double[] { 1, 2, 3 }); double[,] expected = Matrix.ColumnVector(new double[] { 2.5, 4.0, 3.5 }); double[,] actual = target.Solve(B); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(expected, actual, 0.0000000000001)); }
public void SolveTest2() { // Example from Lecture notes for MATHS 370: Advanced Numerical Methods // double[,] value = { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 1, 7, 49 }, { 1, 14, 196 }, { 1, 21, 441 }, { 1, 28, 784 }, { 1, 35, 1225 }, }; // Matrices { double[,] b = { { 4 }, { 1 }, { 0 }, { 0 }, { 2 }, { 5 }, }; double[,] expected = { { 3.9286 }, { -0.5031 }, { 0.0153 }, }; var target = new QrDecomposition(value); double[,] actual = target.Solve(b); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(expected, actual, atol: 1e-4)); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(value, target.Reverse(), 1e-6)); var target2 = new JaggedQrDecomposition(value.ToJagged()); double[][] actual2 = target2.Solve(b.ToJagged()); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(expected, actual2, atol: 1e-4)); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(value, target2.Reverse(), 1e-6)); } // Vectors { double[] b = { 4, 1, 0, 0, 2, 5 }; double[] expected = { 3.9286, -0.5031, 0.0153 }; var target = new QrDecomposition(value); double[] actual = target.Solve(b); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(expected, actual, atol: 1e-4)); } }
public void SolveTest() { double[,] value = { { 2, -1, 0 }, { -1, 2, -1 }, { 0, -1, 2 } }; double[] b = { 1, 2, 3 }; double[] expected = { 2.5000, 4.0000, 3.5000 }; QrDecomposition target = new QrDecomposition(value); double[] actual = target.Solve(b); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(expected, actual, 0.0000000000001)); }
private double[,] SolveMatrix(Dictionary <Joint, Joint> matching) { double[,] matrix = new double[3 * matching.Count, 12]; double[] rightSide = new double[3 * matching.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (Joint key in matching.Keys) { for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { matrix[3 * i + k, 4 * k] = key.Position.X; matrix[3 * i + k, 4 * k + 1] = key.Position.Y; matrix[3 * i + k, 4 * k + 2] = key.Position.Z; matrix[3 * i + k, 4 * k + 3] = 1; } rightSide[3 * i] = matching[key].Position.X; rightSide[3 * i + 1] = matching[key].Position.Y; rightSide[3 * i + 2] = matching[key].Position.Z; i++; } QrDecomposition decomposition = new QrDecomposition(matrix); double[] coefficientsVector = decomposition.Solve(rightSide); double[,] coefficients = new double[4, 4]; for (int j = 0; j < coefficients.GetLength(0) - 1; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < coefficients.GetLength(1); k++) { coefficients[j, k] = coefficientsVector[j * coefficients.GetLength(1) + k]; } } for (int k = 0; k < coefficients.GetLength(1); k++) { coefficients[3, k] = (k == 3) ? 1 : 0; } return(coefficients); }
public void InverseTestNaN() { int n = 5; var I = Matrix.Identity(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { double[,] value = Matrix.Magic(n); value[i, j] = double.NaN; var target = new QrDecomposition(value); var solution = target.Solve(I); var inverse = target.Inverse(); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(solution, inverse)); } } }
public static void m1() { double[][] dataA = new double[][] { new double[] { 8.1, 2.3, -1.5 }, new double[] { 0.5, -6.23, 0.87 }, new double[] { 2.5, 1.5, 10.2 }, }; double[][] dataB = new double[][] { new double[] { 6.1 }, new double[] { 2.3 }, new double[] { 1.8 }, }; Matrix A = new Matrix(dataA); Matrix b = new Matrix(dataB); // 通过LU上下三角分解法 求解线性方程组 Ax = b QrDecomposition d = new QrDecomposition(A); Matrix x = d.Solve(b); }
public void SolveTest3() { double[][] value = { new double[] { 41.9, 29.1, 1 }, new double[] { 43.4, 29.3, 1 }, new double[] { 43.9, 29.5, 0 }, new double[] { 44.5, 29.7, 0 }, new double[] { 47.3, 29.9, 0 }, new double[] { 47.5, 30.3, 0 }, new double[] { 47.9, 30.5, 0 }, new double[] { 50.2, 30.7, 0 }, new double[] { 52.8, 30.8, 0 }, new double[] { 53.2, 30.9, 0 }, new double[] { 56.7, 31.5, 0 }, new double[] { 57.0, 31.7, 0 }, new double[] { 63.5, 31.9, 0 }, new double[] { 65.3, 32.0, 0 }, new double[] { 71.1, 32.1, 0 }, new double[] { 77.0, 32.5, 0 }, new double[] { 77.8, 32.9, 0 } }; double[][] b = { new double[] { 251.3 }, new double[] { 251.3 }, new double[] { 248.3 }, new double[] { 267.5 }, new double[] { 273.0 }, new double[] { 276.5 }, new double[] { 270.3 }, new double[] { 274.9 }, new double[] { 285.0 }, new double[] { 290.0 }, new double[] { 297.0 }, new double[] { 302.5 }, new double[] { 304.5 }, new double[] { 309.3 }, new double[] { 321.7 }, new double[] { 330.7 }, new double[] { 349.0 } }; double[][] expected = { new double[] { 1.7315235669547167 }, new double[] { 6.25142110500275 }, new double[] { -5.0909763966987178 }, }; var target = new JaggedQrDecomposition(value); double[][] actual = target.Solve(b); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(expected, actual, atol: 1e-4)); var reconstruct = value.Dot(expected); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(reconstruct, b, rtol: 1e-1)); double[] b2 = b.GetColumn(0); double[] expected2 = expected.GetColumn(0); var target2 = new JaggedQrDecomposition(value); double[] actual2 = target2.Solve(b2); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(expected2, actual2, atol: 1e-4)); var targetMat = new QrDecomposition(value.ToMatrix()); double[,] actualMat = targetMat.Solve(b.ToMatrix()); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(expected, actualMat, atol: 1e-4)); var reconstructMat = value.ToMatrix().Dot(expected); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(reconstruct, b, rtol: 1e-1)); var targetMat2 = new QrDecomposition(value.ToMatrix()); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(target2.Diagonal, targetMat2.Diagonal, atol: 1e-4)); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(target2.OrthogonalFactor, targetMat2.OrthogonalFactor, atol: 1e-4)); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(target2.UpperTriangularFactor, targetMat2.UpperTriangularFactor, atol: 1e-4)); double[] actualMat2 = targetMat2.Solve(b2); Assert.IsTrue(Matrix.IsEqual(expected2, actualMat2, atol: 1e-4)); }
public static void Run(int pllproc) { double[] @params = new double[6]; double maxgrad = 0; double stpthrsh = 0; double maxeigen; double mineigen; double wr = 0; double[] alpha = { 0.50, 1.00 }; double rfMax = 2.75; int td = 0; int[] prtls = { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; int iterint = 1; long sn = (long)Math.Pow(10.0, 7); int prec = (int)Math.Pow(10.0, 4); string type = ""; string alg = ""; const string rootdir = Config.ConfigsRootDir; // Read setup details from control file. try { var getParams = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(rootdir, Config.ControlFile)); var s = getParams.Split(new[] { ' ', '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); @params = s.Take(6).Select(i => double.Parse(i, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToArray(); td = int.Parse(s[6]); wr = double.Parse(s[7]); stpthrsh = double.Parse(s[8]); alg = s[9]; type = s[10]; if (type.Equals("sim")) { sn = int.Parse(s[11]); alpha[0] = double.Parse(s[12]); alpha[1] = double.Parse(s[13]); } else if (type.Equals("dp")) { prec = int.Parse(s[11]); rfMax = double.Parse(s[12]); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.Write("ERROR: Could not read file: "); Trace.WriteLine(Path.Combine(rootdir, Config.ControlFile) + $". {ex.Message}"); Trace.WriteLine("EXITING...main()..."); Console.Read(); Environment.Exit(1); } // Read initial glide-path from file. var gp = new double[td]; var gpPath = Path.Combine(rootdir, Config.InitGladepathFile); try { gp = File.ReadAllLines(gpPath).Select(double.Parse) .Take(td).ToArray(); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.Write("ERROR: Could not read file: "); Trace.WriteLine(gpPath + ". Error: " + ex.Message); Trace.WriteLine("EXITING...main()..."); Console.Read(); Environment.Exit(1); } if (gp.Length != td) { Trace.Write("ERROR: File: "); Trace.Write(gpPath); Trace.Write(" needs "); Trace.Write(td); Trace.WriteLine(" initial asset allocations, but has fewer."); Trace.WriteLine("EXITING...main()..."); Console.Read(); Environment.Exit(1); } // Display optimization algorithm. Trace.Write(@"===> Optimization algorithm: "); if (alg == "nr") { Trace.WriteLine(@"Newton's Method"); } else if (alg == "ga") { Trace.WriteLine(@"Gradient Ascent"); } // Display estimation method. Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.Write(@"===> Estimation method: "); if (type == "sim") { Trace.WriteLine(@"Simulation"); } else if (type == "dp") { Trace.WriteLine(@"Dynamic Program"); pllproc = 4 * pllproc; } // Declare variables that depend on data read from the control file for sizing. double[,] hess; double[] ngrdnt = new double[td]; EigenvalueDecomposition hevals; var grad = new double[td]; // Take some steps (1 full iteration but no more than 50 steps) in the direction of steepest ascent. This can move us off // the boundary region where computations may be unstable (infinite), especially when constructing the Hessian for Newton's method. // Also, this initial stepping usually makes improvements very quickly before proceeding with the optimization routine. double probnr = GetPNR.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, 4 * sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, prtls, pllproc); Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.WriteLine("Initial Glide-Path (w/Success Probability):"); WrtAry.Run(probnr, gp, "GP", td); for (int s = 1; s <= 2; ++s) { maxgrad = BldGrad.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, probnr, 4 * sn, alpha[1], pllproc, grad); if (maxgrad <= stpthrsh) { Trace.Write("The glide-path supplied satisfies the EPSILON convergence criteria: "); Trace.WriteLine($"{maxgrad:F15} vs. {stpthrsh:F15}"); s = s + 1; } else if (s != 2) { probnr = Climb.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, 2 * sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, pllproc, maxgrad, probnr, 4 * sn, grad, alpha[0], 50); Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.WriteLine("New (Post Initial Climb) Glide-Path (w/Success Probability):"); WrtAry.Run(probnr, gp, "GP", td); } else if (maxgrad <= stpthrsh) { Trace.Write("The glide-path supplied satisfies the EPSILON convergence criteria after intial climb without iterating: "); Trace.WriteLine($"{maxgrad:F15} vs. {stpthrsh:F15}"); } } // Negate the gradient if using NR method. if (alg == "nr") { for (int y = 0; y < td; ++y) { ngrdnt[y] = -1.00 * grad[y]; } } // If convergence is not achieved after initial climb then launch into full iteration mode. while (maxgrad > stpthrsh) { Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.WriteLine("========================="); Trace.WriteLine($"Start Iteration #{iterint}"); Trace.WriteLine("========================="); if (alg == "nr") { // Record the probability before iterating. double strtpnr = probnr; // Build the Hessian matrix for this glide-path and derive its eigenvalues. (Display the largest & smallest value.) // This is required when method=nr. When either procedure ends with convergence we recompute the Hessian matrix to // ensure we are at a local/global maximum (done below after convergence). hess = DrvHess.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, pllproc, grad, probnr); //hevals.compute(hess, false); hevals = new EigenvalueDecomposition(hess); var reals = hevals.RealEigenvalues; maxeigen = reals.Max(); mineigen = reals.Min(); // Display the smallest/largest eigenvalues. Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.Write("Min Hessian eigenvalue for this iteration (>=0.00 --> convex region): "); Trace.WriteLine(mineigen); Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.Write("Max Hessian eigenvalue for this iteration (<=0.00 --> concave region): "); Trace.WriteLine(maxeigen); // Update the glidepath and recompute the probability using the new glidepath. //sol = hess.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(ngrdnt); var qr = new QrDecomposition(hess); var sol = qr.Solve(ngrdnt); for (int y = 0; y < td; ++y) { gp[y] += sol[y]; } probnr = GetPNR.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, 4 * sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, prtls, pllproc); // If success probability has worsened alert the user. if (probnr < strtpnr) { Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.WriteLine("NOTE: The success probability has worsened during the last iteration. This could happen for different reasons:"); Trace.WriteLine(" 1.) The difference in probabilities is beyond the system's ability to measure accurately (i.e., beyond 15 significant digits)."); Trace.WriteLine(" 2.) The difference is due to estimation/approximation error."); Trace.WriteLine(" 3.) You may be operating along the boundary region. In general the procedure is not well defined on the boundaries. (Try gradient ascent.)"); } } else if (alg == "ga") { // Update the glide-path and recompute the probability using the new glide-path. probnr = Climb.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, 2 * sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, pllproc, maxgrad, probnr, 4 * sn, grad, alpha[0]); } // Display the new glide-path. Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.Write("New Glide-Path:"); WrtAry.Run(probnr, gp, "GP", td); // Rebuild the gradient and negate it when using NR. maxgrad = BldGrad.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, 1 * sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, probnr, 4 * sn, alpha[1], pllproc, grad); if (alg == "nr") { for (int y = 0; y < td; ++y) { ngrdnt[y] = -1.00 * grad[y]; } } // Report the convergence status. Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.WriteLine($"EPSILON Convergence Criteria: {maxgrad:F15} vs. {stpthrsh:F15}"); if (maxgrad <= stpthrsh) { Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.WriteLine("==========> EPSILON Convergence criteria satisfied. <=========="); } Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.WriteLine(new String('=', 25)); Trace.Write("End Iteration #"); Trace.WriteLine(iterint); Trace.WriteLine(new String('=', 25)); iterint++; } // Build Hessian and confirm we are at a maximum, not a saddle-point or plateau for example. Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.WriteLine("Convergence Achieved: Final step is to confirm we are at a local/global maximum. Hessian is being built."); hess = DrvHess.Run(type, @params, gp, td, wr, sn, (int)(rfMax * prec), prec, pllproc, grad, probnr); hevals = new EigenvalueDecomposition(hess); var r = hevals.RealEigenvalues; maxeigen = r.Max(); mineigen = r.Min(); // Display the smallest/largest eigenvalues. Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.Write("Min Hessian eigenvalue at solution [>=0.00 --> convex region --> (local/global) minimum]: "); Trace.WriteLine(mineigen); Trace.WriteLine(""); Trace.Write("Max Hessian eigenvalue at solution [<=0.00 --> concave region --> (local/global) maximum]: "); Trace.WriteLine(maxeigen); // Write final GP to the output file. Trace.WriteLine(""); if (maxeigen <= 0 || mineigen >= 0) { Trace.Write("(Local/Global) Optimal "); } Trace.WriteLine("Glide-Path:"); WrtAry.Run(probnr, gp, "GP", td, Path.Combine(rootdir, Config.Outfile)); Trace.WriteLine(""); }