Example #1
    protected void btnSubmit_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        CEncounter enc = new CEncounter();

        string strAllResponse   = String.Empty,
               strQResponse     = String.Empty,
               strResponseCount = Request.Form["ResponseCount"];

        Int32 nCount = 0;

        if (strResponseCount != null)
            nCount = Convert.ToInt32(strResponseCount);

        //loop thru the responses
        for (int a = 1; a < nCount; a++)
            int    iQID            = a;
            string strCurrResponse = String.Empty;

            //get responses controls
            string strRadio      = "grpRadio_" + iQID.ToString(),
                   strCheckbox   = "grpCheck_" + iQID.ToString(),
                   strText       = "grpCtrlText_" + iQID.ToString(),
                   strCombo      = "grpCombo_" + iQID.ToString(),
                   strHiddenText = "grpHidden_" + iQID.ToString();

            //get radio response
            if (Request.Form[strRadio] != null)
                strCurrResponse = Request.Form[strRadio];
                string[] splitResponse = strCurrResponse.Split(new Char[] { '|' });
                strQResponse += enc.GetRecordForInsert(splitResponse);

            //get checkbox response
            if (Request.Form[strCheckbox] != null)
                strCurrResponse = Request.Form[strCheckbox];
                string[] splitResponse = strCurrResponse.Split(new Char[] { '|' });
                strQResponse += enc.GetRecordForInsert(splitResponse);

            //get textbox response
            String strT = null;
            strT = Request.Form[strText];
            if (strT != null)
                if (strT.Trim().Length > 0)
                    strT = strT.Trim();

                    strCurrResponse = strT;

                    String strH = null;
                    strH = Request.Form[strHiddenText];

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strH) == false)
                        strCurrResponse += " " + Request.Form[strHiddenText];
                        string[] strHidden = Request.Form[strHiddenText].Split(new Char[] { '|' });
                        strQResponse += enc.GetRecordForInsert(strHidden, strT);

            //get combo response
            if (Request.Form[strCombo] != null)
                strCurrResponse = Request.Form[strCombo];
                string[] splitResponse = strCurrResponse.Split(new Char[] { '|' });
                strQResponse += enc.GetRecordForInsert(splitResponse);

            object objResponse = new { rIndex = iQID, rString = strCurrResponse };

            //start computing the individual variables
            QResponse resp = new QResponse(iQID, strCurrResponse);

            strAllResponse += strQResponse;
            strQResponse    = null;

        if (!enc.WriteIntakeResponses(Master, Master.SelectedEncounterID, lEncIntakeID, lMID, lGRP, strAllResponse))

        if (!Score(lEncIntakeID, lMID))

        //mark module complete
        if (enc.CompleteModule(Master, lMID, lGRP))
Example #2
    //compute the individual variables
    protected void SetPSQIVariables(QResponse resp)
        if (resp != null)
            //  calculate fQ1

            if (resp.rIndex == 1)
                string   strValue   = Regex.Replace(resp.rResponse.Split('|')[0], "[^0-9:]", String.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                string[] strTime    = strValue.Split(':');
                string   strHour    = strTime[0];
                string   strMinutes = strTime[1];
                double   dSeconds   = (24 * 60 * 60) - (Convert.ToInt32(strHour) * 3600) + (Convert.ToInt32(strMinutes) * 60);
                fQ1 = (float)dSeconds;

            //  calculate value for Q2New

            if (resp.rIndex == 2)
                long   lValue   = -1;
                string strValue = Regex.Replace(resp.rResponse.Split('|')[2], "[^0-9.]", String.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                if (long.TryParse(strValue, out lValue) && lValue != -1)
                    if (lValue >= 0 && lValue <= 15)
                        lQ2New = 0;
                    if (lValue > 15 && lValue <= 30)
                        lQ2New = 1;
                    if (lValue > 30 && lValue <= 60)
                        lQ2New = 2;
                    if (lValue > 60)
                        lQ2New = 3;

            //  calculate fQ3, Diffhour, newtib

            if (resp.rIndex == 3)
                string   strValue   = Regex.Replace(resp.rResponse.Split('|')[0], "[^0-9:]", String.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                string[] strTime    = strValue.Split(':');
                string   strHour    = strTime[0];
                string   strMinutes = strTime[1];
                double   dSeconds   = (Convert.ToInt32(strHour) * 3600) + (Convert.ToInt32(strMinutes) * 60);
                fQ3 = (float)dSeconds;

                // Calculate Diffhour
                fDiffhour = Math.Abs((fQ1 + fQ3) / 3600);
                if (fDiffhour > 24)
                    fnewtib = fDiffhour - 24;
                if (fDiffhour <= 24)
                    fnewtib = fDiffhour;

            //  calculate value for PSQIDURAT, PSQIHSE & tmphse

            if (resp.rIndex == 4)
                long   lValue   = -1;
                string strValue = Regex.Replace(resp.rResponse.Split('|')[0], "[^0-9.]", String.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                if (long.TryParse(strValue, out lValue) && lValue != -1)
                    if (lValue >= 7)
                        PSQIDURAT = 0;
                    if (lValue < 7 && lValue >= 6)
                        PSQIDURAT = 1;
                    if (lValue < 6 && lValue >= 5)
                        PSQIDURAT = 2;
                    if (lValue < 5)
                        PSQIDURAT = 3;

                    lQ4 = lValue;

                    //calculate tmphse
                    ftmphse = (lQ4 / fnewtib) * 100;

                    //calculate PSQIHSE
                    if (ftmphse >= 85)
                        PSQIHSE = 0;
                    if (ftmphse < 85 && ftmphse >= 75)
                        PSQIHSE = 1;

            //  calculate value for Q5
            //  (PSQIDISTB needs to be calculated when iQID >= 14)
            //  when we have the SUM of lQ5 and lQ5j

            if (resp.rIndex >= 5 && resp.rIndex <= 13)
                long   lValue   = -1;
                string strValue = Regex.Replace(resp.rResponse.Split('|')[2], "[^0-9.]", String.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                if (long.TryParse(strValue, out lValue) && lValue != -1)
                    lQ5 += lValue;

                    if (resp.rIndex == 5)
                        lQ5a = lValue;

                        //  calculate value for PSQILATEN

                        // set PSQILATEN based on previous calculation
                        if (lQ5a + lQ2New == 0)
                            PSQILATEN = 0;
                        if (lQ5a + lQ2New >= 1 && lQ5a + lQ2New <= 2)
                            PSQILATEN = 1;
                        if (lQ5a + lQ2New >= 3 && lQ5a + lQ2New <= 4)
                            PSQILATEN = 2;
                        if (lQ5a + lQ2New >= 5 && lQ5a + lQ2New <= 6)
                            PSQILATEN = 3;

            if (resp.rIndex == 14)
                if (resp.rResponse.Split('|').Length > 2)
                    long   lValue   = -1;
                    string strValue = Regex.Replace(resp.rResponse.Split('|')[2], "[^0-9.]", String.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                    if (long.TryParse(strValue, out lValue) && lValue != -1)
                        lQ5j += lValue;

                //calculate PSQIDISTB
                if (lQ5 + lQ5j == 0)
                    PSQIDISTB = 0;
                if (lQ5 + lQ5j >= 1 && lQ5 + lQ5j <= 9)
                    PSQIDISTB = 1;
                if (lQ5 + lQ5j > 9 && lQ5 + lQ5j <= 18)
                    PSQIDISTB = 2;
                if (lQ5 + lQ5j > 18)
                    PSQIDISTB = 3;

            //  calculate PSQISLPQUAL

            if (resp.rIndex == 15)
                long   lValue   = -1;
                string strValue = Regex.Replace(resp.rResponse.Split('|')[2], "[^0-9.]", String.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                if (long.TryParse(strValue, out lValue) && lValue != -1)
                    PSQISLPQUAL = lValue;

            //  calculate PSQIMEDS

            if (resp.rIndex == 16)
                long   lValue   = -1;
                string strValue = Regex.Replace(resp.rResponse.Split('|')[2], "[^0-9.]", String.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                if (long.TryParse(strValue, out lValue) && lValue != -1)
                    PSQIMEDS = lValue;

            //  get value for Q8, Q9 -> PSQIDAYDYS

            if (resp.rIndex == 17)
                long   lValue   = -1;
                string strValue = Regex.Replace(resp.rResponse.Split('|')[2], "[^0-9.]", String.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                if (long.TryParse(strValue, out lValue) && lValue != -1)
                    lQ8 = lValue;

            if (resp.rIndex == 18)
                long   lValue   = -1;
                string strValue = Regex.Replace(resp.rResponse.Split('|')[2], "[^0-9.]", String.Empty, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                if (long.TryParse(strValue, out lValue) && lValue != -1)
                    lQ9 = lValue;

                // calculate PSQIDAYDYS
                if (lQ8 + lQ9 == 0)
                    PSQIDAYDYS = 0;
                if (lQ8 + lQ9 >= 1 && lQ8 + lQ9 <= 2)
                    PSQIDAYDYS = 1;
                if (lQ8 + lQ9 >= 3 && lQ8 + lQ9 <= 4)
                    PSQIDAYDYS = 2;
                if (lQ8 + lQ9 >= 5 && lQ8 + lQ9 <= 6)
                    PSQIDAYDYS = 3;

            //  Calculate the total PSQI

            if (resp.rIndex > 18)
                lScore = PSQI;

                if (PSQI <= 5)
                    strInterpretation = "Associated with good sleep quality";
                if (PSQI > 5)
                    strInterpretation = "Associated with poor sleep quality";