public override void DoCommand(string command) { string cmd = HelpForm.GetFieldLower(command, 0); if (!cmd.EndsWith("showcase")) { return; } object idshowcase = CfgFn.GetNoNullInt32(HelpForm.GetFieldLower(command, 1)); object idstore = CfgFn.GetNoNullInt32(HelpForm.GetFieldLower(command, 2)); string Query; Query = "SELECT stocktotalview.idstore as idstore, list.idlist as idlist,list.intcode as intcode, list.description as description, "; Query += " stocktotalview.number as number, stocktotalview.ordered as ordered, stocktotalview.booked as booked,listclass.title as listclasstitle,"; Query += " listclass.authrequired as authorizationrequired "; Query += " FROM showcasedetail join list on (showcasedetail.idlist=list.idlist) "; Query += " join stocktotalview on (list.idlist=stocktotalview.idlist) "; Query += " join listclass on (list.idlistclass=listclass.idlistclass) "; Query += " WHERE showcasedetail.idshowcase=" + idshowcase + " and stocktotalview.idstore=" + idstore; Query += " AND'S'"; //Query += " AND (stocktotalview.number - stocktotalview.booked)>0"; //Solo la merce disponibile Query += " order by description asc "; //string Query = "select S.idlist,S.idstore, S.intcode,S.list as description, ST.number,ST.ordered,ST.booked, " + // "S.listclass as listclasstitle,S.authrequired as authorizationrequired," + // "convert( decimal(19,2), ROUND( ( SUM ( S.residual * S.amount ) /ST.number) ,2 )) as avgprice " + // "FROM showcasedetail SC join stockview S on S.idlist=SC.idlist " + // "join stocktotal ST on S.idlist=ST.idlist and S.idstore=ST.idstore " + // "where "+ // QHS.AppAnd(QHS.CmpGt("S.amount",0),QHS.CmpGt("residual",0),QHS.CmpEq("S.idstore",idstore),QHS.CmpEq("SC.idshowcase",idshowcase))+ // " group by S.idlist,S.idstore, S.intcode,S.list,ST.number,ST.ordered,ST.booked, S.listclass,S.authrequired " + // " order by description asc"; if (booking_on_invoice()) { Query = "select S.idlist,S.idstore, S.intcode,S.list as description, S.available, S.idstock,"+ "S.listclass as listclasstitle,S.authrequired as authorizationrequired," + "convert(decimal(19,2),ROUND(S.amount/ S.number,2)) as price " + "FROM showcasedetail SC join stockview S on S.idlist=SC.idlist " + "where " + QHS.AppAnd(QHS.CmpGt("S.amount", 0), QHS.CmpGt("S.available", 0), QHS.CmpEq("S.idstore", idstore), QHS.CmpEq("SC.idshowcase", idshowcase)) + " order by description asc"; } DataTable DT = Conn.SQLRunner(Query); if (DT != null && DT.Rows.Count != 0) { if (booking_on_invoice()) { foreach (DataRow R1 in DT.Select(null, "idstock")) { if (R1.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted) { continue; } string flt2 = QHS.AppAnd(QHC.MCmp(R1, "idlist", "idstore"), QHC.CmpGt("idstock", R1["idstock"])); foreach (DataRow R2 in DT.Select(flt2)) { R2.Delete(); } } DT.AcceptChanges(); } RenderCategoryTable(DT); } string filter; filter = QHS.CmpEq("idshowcase", idshowcase); DT = Conn.RUN_SELECT("showcase", "title", null, filter, null, false); if (DT == null) { return; } titoloVetrina.Text = "<strong>Vetrina attualmente selezionata:</strong> " + DT.Rows[0]["title"].ToString(); filter = QHS.CmpEq("idstore", idstore); DT = Conn.RUN_SELECT("store", "description,deliveryaddress", null, filter, null, false); if (DT == null) { return; } lblStore.Text = "<strong>Magazzino: </strong>" + DT.Rows[0]["description"]; LabAddress.Text = "<strong>Indirizzo: </strong>" + DT.Rows[0]["deliveryaddress"]; }