public void SetAudioRoomSettings(Q3DAudioRoomSettings currentSettings)
        if (!currentSettings.BinaryEquivalent(mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsLast))
            mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsLast = currentSettings;

                                     + currentSettings.gainAdjust + ";"
                                     + currentSettings.brightAdjust + ";"
                                     + currentSettings.timeAdjust + ";"
                                     + currentSettings.wetMix + ";"
                                     + currentSettings.roomDimensionsX_meters + ";"
                                     + currentSettings.roomDimensionsY_meters + ";"
                                     + currentSettings.roomDimensionsZ_meters + ";"
                                     + currentSettings.roomMaterialWalls + ";"
                                     + currentSettings.roomMaterialCeiling + ";"
                                     + currentSettings.roomMaterialFloor + "]");

 void OnDestroy()
     if (!Q3DAudioManager.DisableIfQ3DNotActive(this))
         UpdatePlayingThisFrame();//release q3d_audio resources
    public static void CopyAndroidLibrary(string sourceFullPath, string destinationFullPath)
        Q3DAudioManager.DebugLogAlways("Copying " + sourceFullPath + " to " + destinationFullPath);

        File.SetAttributes(destinationFullPath, FileAttributes.Normal);
        File.Copy(sourceFullPath, destinationFullPath, true);
Example #4
 private void DisableBecauseUninitialized()
     enabled = false;
     if (!mAudioReverbZone)
         Q3DAudioManager.DebugLog("Q3DAudioRoom found no AudioReverbZone on its GameObject -- disabling.");
 static public void LogIfQ3DAudioSourceNumIsNotCorrect(int q3dAudioSourcesLength, int audioSourcesLength, string gameObjectName)
     if (q3dAudioSourcesLength != audioSourcesLength)
             "Authoring error: there should either be no Q3DAudioSource's on a GameObject, or there should be as many Q3DAudioSource's on the " +
             "GameObject as there are AudioSource's.  However, on " + gameObjectName + " there are " + audioSourcesLength +
             " AudioSource(s) and " + q3dAudioSourcesLength + " Q3DAudioSource(s).  Spatialization of these AudioSource's may be inconsistent");
Example #6
 static void AudioSourcesToQ3DAudioRooms()
     string Q3DAudioSource = "Q3DAudioSource";
     AudioSource[] audioSources = Q3DAudioManager.FindObjectsOfTypeAllWrapper<AudioSource>();
     foreach (AudioSource audioSource in audioSources)
         if (!audioSource.GetComponent<Q3DAudioSource>())
             Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(audioSource, "Created " + Q3DAudioSource);//this must be done before adding the component for undo to work!
Example #7
 static void ReverbZonesToQ3DAudioRooms()
     string Q3DAudioRoom = "Q3DAudioRoom";
     AudioReverbZone[] reverbZones = Q3DAudioManager.FindObjectsOfTypeAllWrapper<AudioReverbZone>();
     foreach(AudioReverbZone reverbZone in reverbZones)
             Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(reverbZone, "Created " + Q3DAudioRoom);//this must be done before adding the component for undo to work!
    void Awake()
        if (Q3DAudioManager.DisableIfQ3DNotActive(this))

        //create singleton if necessary -- do this as early as possible so logging mechanism on Windows can be setup
        if (!smQ3DAudioManagerInstance)
            GameObject go = new GameObject("Q3DAudioManager");
            smQ3DAudioManagerInstance = go.AddComponent <Q3DAudioManager>();

        GetComponent <AudioListener>().enabled = enabled;
Example #9
    void Awake()
        if (Q3DAudioManager.DisableIfQ3DNotActive(this))

        mAudioReverbZone = GetComponent <AudioReverbZone>();
        if (!mAudioReverbZone)
    static public void SpatializeMonoAudioSources(bool log)
        AudioSource[] audioSources = FindObjectsOfTypeAllWrapper <AudioSource>();

        foreach (AudioSource audioSource in audioSources)
            AudioClip clip = audioSource.clip;
            if (clip && clip.channels == 1 && audioSource.GetComponent <Q3DAudioSource>() == null)
                audioSource.spatialize = true;
                if (log)
                    Q3DAudioManager.DebugLogAlways("AudioSource " + + " with mono clip " + + " found without a Q3DAudioSource; adding Q3DAudioSource and setting Spatialize=true");
    static Q3DAudioGlobalSettings smQ3DAudioGlobalSettings;///note that this value will remain resident even if the underlying GameObject is destroyed, so the last set global settings will persist forever

    void Awake()
        if (Q3DAudioManager.DisableIfUnsupportedPlatform(this))

        /*  setup the global settings even if the user has disabled Q3DAudio on this supported platform; this allows the rest of Q3DAudio to disable
         *  with minimal startup processing */
        if (smQ3DAudioGlobalSettings)
            Q3DAudioManager.DebugLog("There is already another Q3DAudioGlobalSettings; this Q3DAudioGlobalSettings replaces and destroys it.  Multiple Q3DAudioGlobalSetting's in one scene is not recommended practice, since " +
                                     "this original Q3DAudioGlobalSettings will not be restored, even if this Q3DAudioGlobalSettings is destroyed.  We recommend you " +
                                     "instantiate one Q3DAudioGlobalSettings at startup; it will remain resident for the entire lifetime of the application, even if its " +
                                     "GameObject is destroyed when a new scene is loaded.  If you place one Q3DAudioGlobalSettings object in each scene, then each time " +
                                     "a new scene is loaded the latest Q3DAudioGlobalSettings will replace the previous one without emitting this message.");
        smQ3DAudioGlobalSettings = this;
    void Awake()
        if (Q3DAudioManager.DisableIfQ3DNotActive(this))

        int idInt;

            //Unity's audio interface only passes floats; use 23-bit mantissa of IEEE 32bit float to keep things simple with non-fractional float ids
            idInt = smRandom.Next(2 << 23);
        } while (smIdHashMap.ContainsKey(idInt));
        mId = (float)idInt;
        smIdHashMap.Add(idInt, mId);

        if (!InitializeAudioSource())
 private void DisableBecauseUninitialized()
     Q3DAudioManager.DebugLog("Q3DAudioSource " + + " found no AudioSource on its GameObject -- disabling.  (Q3DAudioSource must have an AudioSource that references an AudioClip of 1 or 4 channels to work as a sound object or First Order Ambisonics soundfield, respectively).  Soundfields are supported by Unity 2017.1.0f3 and later versions");
     enabled = false;
 void OnApplicationQuit()
     Q3DAudioManager.DebugLog("OnApplicationQuit called!");
    void Awake()
        //Q3DAudioManager should never be constructed by Q3DAudioListener if we are running a platform Q3DAudio does not support or the user has disabled
        //allow C++ plugin can emit to Unity's debug logs -- call as soon as possible!
        DebugLogCallbackDelegate callbackDelegate = new DebugLogCallbackDelegate(DebugLogCallBackFunction);

        System.IntPtr intptrDelegate = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(callbackDelegate); //convert callback_delegate into a function pointer that can be used in unmanaged code
        SetDebugLogCallback(intptrDelegate);                                                    // Call the API passing along the function pointer

        Q3DAudioGlobalSettings.vr_audio_shoebox_mode firstChoiceReverbProcessor  = Q3DAudioGlobalSettings.vr_audio_shoebox_mode.COMPUTE_DSP;
        Q3DAudioGlobalSettings.vr_audio_shoebox_mode secondChoiceReverbProcessor = Q3DAudioGlobalSettings.vr_audio_shoebox_mode.HEXAGON_ADSP;
        Q3DAudioGlobalSettings globalSettings = Q3DAudioGlobalSettings.GetQ3DAudioGlobalSettings();

        if (globalSettings)
            firstChoiceReverbProcessor  = globalSettings.mAndroidReverbProcessorFirstChoice;
            secondChoiceReverbProcessor = globalSettings.mAndroidReverbProcessorSecondChoice;

        /*  * command line arguments (Windows) and intents (Android) override global settings
         * command line arguments are case-insensitive and are expected to be formatted: NAME_OF_EXE Q3DAudio1stChoiceReverbProcessor=COMPUTE_DSP
         * the equivalent Android intent has a case-sensitive key (due to Android's requirements) and a case-insensitive value:
         *    adb shell am start -n NAME_OF_PACKAGE/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity -e Q3DAudio1stChoiceReverbProcessor COMPUTE_CPU
        string firstChoiceReverbProcessorString  = "1stChoiceReverbProcessor";
        string secondChoiceReverbProcessorString = "2ndChoiceReverbProcessor";
        string q3dAudioString = "Q3DAudio";

        //Windows is case-insensitive for convenience, because (unlike some other platforms) we can make it so
        q3dAudioString = q3dAudioString.ToLower();
        firstChoiceReverbProcessorString  = firstChoiceReverbProcessorString.ToLower();
        secondChoiceReverbProcessorString = secondChoiceReverbProcessorString.ToLower();

        string[] commandLineArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
        foreach (string c in commandLineArgs)
            string commandLineArg = c.ToLower();
            if (StringIsInString(q3dAudioString, commandLineArg))
                if (StringIsInString(firstChoiceReverbProcessorString, commandLineArg))
                    ParseAndroidReverbProcessorIfItExists(ref firstChoiceReverbProcessor, commandLineArg);
                else if (StringIsInString(secondChoiceReverbProcessorString, commandLineArg))
                    ParseAndroidReverbProcessorIfItExists(ref secondChoiceReverbProcessor, commandLineArg);
        AndroidJavaClass  UnityPlayer     = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
        AndroidJavaObject currentActivity = UnityPlayer.GetStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");

        AndroidJavaObject intent = currentActivity.Call <AndroidJavaObject>("getIntent");
        ParseAndroidReverbProcessorIfItExists(ref firstChoiceReverbProcessor, q3dAudioString + firstChoiceReverbProcessorString, intent);
        ParseAndroidReverbProcessorIfItExists(ref secondChoiceReverbProcessor, q3dAudioString + secondChoiceReverbProcessorString, intent);

        Q3DAudioManager.DebugLog("Reverb: 1stChoiceProcessor=" + firstChoiceReverbProcessor + ";2ndChoiceProcessor=" + secondChoiceReverbProcessor);
        SetReverbProcessorPreferences((int)firstChoiceReverbProcessor, (int)secondChoiceReverbProcessor);

        //point C++ plugin to the directory where q3d_audio dll's are deployed
        Q3DAudioManager.SetApplicationDataPath(Application.dataPath, InEditor());

        //the user is not allowed to set the default parameters on the mixer effect at runtime, so this can be done here once
        int roomMatWalls, roomMatCeiling, roomMatFloor;
            out mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsDefault.gainAdjust,
            out mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsDefault.brightAdjust,
            out mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsDefault.timeAdjust,
            out mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsDefault.wetMix,
            out mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsDefault.roomDimensionsX_meters,
            out mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsDefault.roomDimensionsY_meters,
            out mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsDefault.roomDimensionsZ_meters,
            out roomMatWalls,
            out roomMatCeiling,
            out roomMatFloor);
        mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsDefault.roomMaterialWalls   = (Q3DAudioRoom.vr_audio_room_material_type)roomMatWalls;
        mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsDefault.roomMaterialCeiling = (Q3DAudioRoom.vr_audio_room_material_type)roomMatCeiling;
        mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsDefault.roomMaterialFloor   = (Q3DAudioRoom.vr_audio_room_material_type)roomMatFloor;

        //after the first "play", the editor doesn't recreate the mixer effects, so the default settings are not necessarily what q3d_audio is using
        SetAudioRoomSettings(mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsDefault);//q3d_audio uses default settings
        //for standalone players, the default settings are by definition what is set immediately after creating the mixer effects
        mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsLast = mQ3DAudioRoomSettingsDefault;
#endif//#if UNITY_EDITOR

        DontDestroyOnLoad(this);//persist until the game is shut down


        /*  as of Unity 2017.1.0f3 this cannot be done.  Executing the code below appears to cause Unity to destroy all
         *  mixer effects, and the spatializer effect and ambisonic decoder effect (correct), and then recreate all of
         *  these except for the ambisonic decoder effect (wrong) and then proceeds to play silence on Android (wrong) */

        ///@todo: warn if overriding values
        //AudioConfiguration audioConfiguration = AudioSettings.GetConfiguration();
        //audioConfiguration.dspBufferSize = 192;
        ////audioConfiguration.sampleRate = 48000;
        ////audioConfiguration.speakerMode = AudioSpeakerMode.Stereo;
        ////AudioSettings.Reset(audioConfiguration);///@todo: if false, then log epic failure