Example #1
        public static string Format <T>(T[] array, Func <T, int, string> itemFormatter, Range range)
            var arrayFormatting = CurrentArrayFormatting;

            return(PwrArray.Format(array, itemFormatter,
                                   arrayFormatting.CloseBracketChar.ToString(), range));
Example #2
        public static string FormatRegular <T>(Array array, Func <T, int, int[], string> itemFormatter)
            var arrayFormatting = CurrentArrayFormatting;

            return(PwrArray.FormatAsRegular <T>(array, itemFormatter,
                                                i => arrayFormatting.DelimiterChar.ToString(),
                                                i => arrayFormatting.OpenBracketChar.ToString(),
                                                i => arrayFormatting.CloseBracketChar.ToString()));
Example #3
        public SqlRangeRegularArray(int[] lengths)
            if (lengths != null && lengths.Any(l => l < 0))
                throw new ArgumentException("One or many items have invalid values.", "lengths");

            _array     = PwrArray.CreateAsRegular <Range?>(lengths);
            _arrayInfo = new RegularArrayInfo(lengths);
Example #4
        public SqlStringRegularArray(int[] lengths, Encoding encoding)
            if (lengths != null && lengths.Any(t => t < 0))
                throw new ArgumentException("One or many items have invalid values.", "lengths");

            _array     = PwrArray.CreateAsRegular <String>(lengths);
            _arrayInfo = new RegularArrayInfo(lengths);
            _encoding  = encoding;
Example #5
        public static T[] ParseCollection <T>(string s, Func <string, int, T> itemParser, string itemPattern = null)
            var collFormatting = CurrentArrayFormatting;
            var coll           = PwrArray.Parse <T>(s, itemParser, itemPattern,
                                                    new[] { collFormatting.DelimiterChar },
                                                    new[] { collFormatting.EscapeChar });

            if (coll == null)
                throw new FormatException();
Example #6
        public static T[] ParseArray <T>(string s, Func <string, int, T> itemParser, string itemPattern = null)
            var arrayFormatting = CurrentArrayFormatting;
            var array           = PwrArray.Parse <T>(s, itemParser, itemPattern,
                                                     new[] { arrayFormatting.DelimiterChar },
                                                     new[] { arrayFormatting.EscapeChar },
                                                     new[] { arrayFormatting.OpenBracketChar },
                                                     new[] { arrayFormatting.CloseBracketChar });

            if (array == null)
                throw new FormatException();
Example #7
        public static Array ReadLongRegularArray <T>(this BinaryReader reader, Func <BinaryReader, long, long[], T> itemReader, long[] indices, long[] lengths)
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
            if (itemReader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("itemReader");

            Array array = PwrArray.CreateAsLongRegular <T>(lengths);
            long  total = 0L;

                array.FillAsLongRegular((fi, di) => { var v = itemReader(reader, fi, di); total = fi + 1L; return(v); }, indices);
            catch (Exception ex) when(ThrowDataInfo)
                throw new StreamReadLongException(array, total, ex);
 public ArgumentJaggedArrayLongElementException(string paramName, string message, params long[][] indices)
     : base(string.Format(message, PwrArray.FormatAsLongJaggedIndices(indices)), paramName)
     _indices = (long[][])indices.CloneAsJagged();
 public ArgumentJaggedArrayLongElementException(params long[][] indices)
     : base(string.Format(DefaultMessage, PwrArray.FormatAsLongJaggedIndices(indices)))
     _indices = (long[][])indices.CloneAsJagged();
Example #10
 public ArgumentRegularArrayElementException(string paramName, string message, Exception innerException, int index)
     : base(string.Format(message, PwrArray.FormatAsRegularIndices(new int[] { index })), paramName, innerException)
     _indices = new int[] { index };
Example #11
 public ArgumentRegularArrayElementException(string paramName, string message, params int[] indices)
     : base(string.Format(message, PwrArray.FormatAsRegularIndices(indices)), paramName)
     _indices = (int[])indices.Clone();
Example #12
 public ArgumentRegularArrayElementException(string paramName, Exception innerException, params int[] indices)
     : base(string.Format(DefaultMessage, PwrArray.FormatAsRegularIndices(indices)), paramName, innerException)
     _indices = (int[])indices.Clone();
Example #13
 public ArgumentRegularArrayElementException(string paramName, int index)
     : base(string.Format(DefaultMessage, PwrArray.FormatAsRegularIndices(new int[] { index })), paramName)
     _indices = new int[] { index };
 public ArgumentRegularArrayLongElementException(string paramName, params long[] indices)
     : base(string.Format(DefaultMessage, PwrArray.FormatAsLongRegularIndices(indices)), paramName)
     _indices = (long[])indices.Clone();
 public ArgumentJaggedArrayElementException(string paramName, params int[][] indices)
     : base(string.Format(DefaultMessage, PwrArray.FormatAsJaggedIndices(indices)), paramName)
     _indices = (int[][])indices.CloneAsJagged();
 public ArgumentRegularArrayLongElementException(string paramName, Exception innerException, long index)
     : base(string.Format(DefaultMessage, PwrArray.FormatAsLongRegularIndices(new long[] { index })), paramName, innerException)
     _indices = new long[] { index };
 public ArgumentRegularArrayLongElementException(string paramName, string message, long index)
     : base(string.Format(message, PwrArray.FormatAsLongRegularIndices(new long[] { index })), paramName)
     _indices = new long[] { index };
 public ArgumentRegularArrayLongElementException(string paramName, string message, Exception innerException, params long[] indices)
     : base(string.Format(message, PwrArray.FormatAsLongRegularIndices(indices)), paramName, innerException)
     _indices = (long[])indices.Clone();
 public ArgumentJaggedArrayElementException(string paramName, string message, Exception innerException, params int[][] indices)
     : base(string.Format(message, PwrArray.FormatAsJaggedIndices(indices)), paramName, innerException)
     _indices = (int[][])indices.CloneAsJagged();
 public ArgumentRegularArrayLongElementException(long index)
     : base(string.Format(DefaultMessage, PwrArray.FormatAsLongRegularIndices(new long[] { index })))
     _indices = new long[] { index };