private static void Move01(PwClient client) { // go to the first room client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(363.5f, 502.5f); client.Additional.WaitForTeleportation(446.2f, 569.9f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(446.2f, 574.6f); }
private static void Move56(PwClient client) { client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(438.2f, 597.8f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(436.3f, 598.6f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(433.6f, 598.6f); client.Additional.WaitForBomb(); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(425.5f, 598.6f); client.Additional.WaitForBomb(); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(417.3f, 598.6f); client.Additional.WaitForBomb(); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(414.5f, 598.6f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(414.5f, 593.2f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(418.3f, 589.9f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(418.3f, 587.1f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(423.5f, 587.1f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(423.5f, 585.3f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(425.6f, 585.3f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(425.6f, 586.3f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(422.8f, 586.3f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(422.8f, 585.1f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(421.2f, 585.1f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(421.2f, 570f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(422.8f, 570f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(422.8f, 568.1f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(425.8f, 567.5f); }
public static bool CheckCharacters() { var clients = PwClient.GetClients(); return(clients.Any(cl => cl.PlayerInfo.Name == "chersanya") && clients.Any(cl => cl.PlayerInfo.Name == "chersаnyа")); }
public override void Do(object param) { if (!this.IsStart) { bot = PwUtils.Pw_CLient_Search(param.ToString(), bot); if (bot == null) { return; } PwUtils.GetCords(, out this.x, out this.y, out this.z); this.IsStart = !this.IsStart; } while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1000); tempCount++; bot = PwUtils.Pw_CLient_Search(param.ToString(), bot); if (bot == null) { continue; } //поиск адреса контрола btn_address = CalcMethods.CalcControlAddress(bot.Handle, "Win_QuickbarPetH", "Btn_Attack"); //раз в 10 секунд проверяем бота на "стояние" if (tempCount % 10 == 0) { double x_new, y_new, z_new; //чекам координаты PwUtils.GetCords(, out x_new, out y_new, out z_new); if (x_new == this.x && y_new == this.y && z_new == this.z) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { //Посылаем F12 4 раза WinApi.PostMessage(bot.Descrypt, WinApi.WM_KEYDOWN, (int)Keys.F12, 0); Thread.Sleep(400); } } this.x = x_new; this.y = y_new; this.z = z_new; } //раз в две минуты проверка if (tempCount % 120 == 0) { //если не изменилось количество денег, то отправляем уведомление в телеграм PwUtils.CheckMoney(bot); oldMoneyValue = bot.Money; } //жмем атаку var visible = CalcMethods.CalcByteValue(bot.Handle, btn_address[0] + OfsPresenter.getInstance("WND_VIS")[0]); if (visible == 1) { Injects.GUI_Inject(btn_address[0], btn_address[1], bot.Handle); } } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { _client = PwClient.GetClients().First(cl => cl.PlayerInfo.Name == "chersanya"); var ps = _client.Environment.GetPlayers(); _client.UnfreezePermanent(); OpenAllChips(); }
public static void Init() { var clients = PwClient.GetClients(); Assasin = clients.First(cl => cl.PlayerInfo.Name == "chersanya"); Cleric = clients.First(cl => cl.PlayerInfo.Name == "chersаnyа"); Assasin.UnfreezePermanent(); Cleric.UnfreezePermanent(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); MouseDown += delegate { DragMove(); }; _client = PwClient.GetClients().FirstOrDefault(); var timer = new DispatcherTimer(); timer.Tick += (s, e) => { if (_client == null || _client.Process.HasExited) { _client = null; ClearInfo(); Hide(); return; } uint target = _client.PlayerInfo.TargetId; var player = _client.Environment.GetPlayers().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == target); if (player != null) { bool eye = _client.PlayerInfo.Class == Class.Assasin && player.Class == Class.Assasin && player.Level >= _client.PlayerInfo.Level; SetInfo(player.Name, player.Level, player.Class, player.Hp, player.MaxHp, player.Mp, player.MaxMp, eye); Show(); } else { SetInfo(_client.PlayerInfo.Name, _client.PlayerInfo.Level, _client.PlayerInfo.Class, _client.PlayerInfo.Hp, _client.PlayerInfo.MaxHp, _client.PlayerInfo.Mp, _client.PlayerInfo.MaxMp, false); Show(); } }; timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5); timer.Start(); var timerWinUpd = new DispatcherTimer(); timerWinUpd.Tick += (s, ee) => { IntPtr foreground = GetForegroundWindow(); if (IsActive) { return; } _client = PwClient.GetClients().FirstOrDefault(cl => cl.Process.MainWindowHandle == foreground); }; timerWinUpd.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2); timerWinUpd.Start(); }
private Int32 SearchIndexInCollection(PwClient pw, List <PwClient> coll) { //пробегаемся по коллекции и ищем индекс нужного элемента for (Int32 i = 0; i < coll.Count; i++) { if (pw == coll[i]) { return(i); } } return(-1); }
private static void Move12(PwClient client) { // go to the next room client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(436.9f, 577.6f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(435.4f, 579); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(435.4f, 579); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(434.3f, 580.6f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(433.1f, 580.6f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(433.1f, 582.1f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(430.4f, 585); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(429.1f, 585); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(429.1f, 586.3f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(425.9f, 587.9f); }
public void Start(PwClient client, Action <string, MsgType> log) { var runtime = Python.CreateRuntime(); var scope = runtime.CreateScope(); var engine = runtime.GetEngine("Python"); runtime.IO.SetOutput(new EventRaisingStream(s => log(s, MsgType.Out)), Encoding.ASCII); runtime.IO.SetErrorOutput(new EventRaisingStream(s => log(s, MsgType.Error)), Encoding.ASCII); scope.SetVariable("pw", client); engine.Execute(PreScript, scope); scope.SetVariable("Log", new Action <dynamic>(msg => log(msg, MsgType.Out))); scope.SetVariable("Success", new Action <dynamic>(msg => log(msg, MsgType.Success))); scope.SetVariable("Error", new Action <dynamic>(msg => log(msg, MsgType.Error))); WorkingThread = new Thread(() => { OnPropertyChanged("IsRunning"); log("Script started", MsgType.System); try { engine.Execute(Source, scope); if (scope.ContainsVariable("Loop")) { while (true) { scope.GetVariable <Action>("Loop")(); Thread.Sleep(200); } } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { Thread.ResetAbort(); } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.Message, MsgType.Error); } log("Script completed\n", MsgType.System); OnPropertyChanged("IsRunning"); }); WorkingThread.Start(); }
private void UpdateCharacters() { charactersGrid.ItemsSource = PwClient.GetClients(); }
public static void SelectCharacter(int pid) { ActiveClient = PwClient.GetClients().First(cl => cl.Pid == pid); }
private void SelectedClientChanged(object sender, SelectedCellsChangedEventArgs e) { _client = (PwClient)clientsGrid.SelectedItem; }
private void Pw_CLient_Search(ObservableCollection <PwClient> coll) { //Задаем начало отсчета IntPtr hwnd = IntPtr.Zero; //Задаем временное хранилище запущенных клиентов List <PwClient> temp_coll = new List <PwClient>(); //В бесконечном цикле перебираем все запущенные окна с классом ElementClient Window while (true) { //очищаем коллекцию клиентов и начинаем заполнять заново //получаем следующее окно с классом ElementClient Window. hwnd = WinApi.FindWindowEx(IntPtr.Zero, hwnd, "ElementClient Window", null); //Если наткнулись на ноль - значит выходим if (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { break; } //задаем временную ссылку на объект нашего клиента PwClient temp_client = new PwClient(hwnd); //если персонаж запущен (удалось прочесть имя), то добавляем наш объект во временное хранилище if (temp_client.Name.Length > 0) { temp_coll.Add(temp_client); } } //цикл для удаления из комбобокса и хэштаблицы неактуальных объектов for (int i = coll.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (!temp_coll.Contains(coll[i])) { { oldMoneyValue.Remove(((PwClient)coll[i]).Name); ht.Remove(((PwClient)coll[i]).Name); coll.Remove((PwClient)coll[i]); } } } //цикл для удаления из временного хранилища уже запущенных клиентов for (int i = coll.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) { //если временное хранилище имеет элемент, которое уже есть в комбобоксе //то ищем индекс этого объекта во временном хранилище и удаляем по индексу PwClient temp = (PwClient)coll[i]; if (temp_coll.Contains(temp)) { Int32 iter = SearchIndexInCollection((PwClient)coll[i], temp_coll); if (iter > -1) { temp_coll.RemoveAt(iter); } } } //добавляем оставшиеся во временном хранилище объекты (новые) //в комбобокс и хэш-таблицу foreach (PwClient pw in temp_coll) { coll.Add(pw); ht.Add(pw.Name, pw); oldMoneyValue.Add(pw.Name, pw.Money); } }
private void UpdateCharacters() { charactersGrid.ItemsSource = PwClient.GetClients(); configsCb.ItemsSource = MainLogic.GetConfigs(); }
private static void Move23(PwClient client) { client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(424.8f, 592.9f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(422.8f, 594.8f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(422.8f, 596.8f); }
private static void Move45(PwClient client) { client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(439.8f, 591.8f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(439.8f, 594.7f); }
private void UpdateClientsButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { clientsGrid.ItemsSource = PwClient.GetClients(); }
private static void Move34(PwClient client) { client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(432.4f, 592.7f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(434.3f, 591.8f); client.ActionStructs.GoToGame(434.8f, 591.8f); }
public override void Do(object param) { if (!this.IsStart) { botId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[param.ToString()]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(botId)) { throw new Exception($"Не найден телеграм-бот {param.ToString()}"); } //запускаем бота telebot = new TelegramBotClient(botId); telebot.SetWebhookAsync(""); //ищем id чата Int64.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ChatId"], out chatid); bot = PwUtils.Pw_CLient_Search(param.ToString(), bot); if (bot == null) { return; } this.IsStart = !this.IsStart; } while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1000); tempCount++; bot = PwUtils.Pw_CLient_Search(param.ToString(), bot); if (bot == null) { continue; } btn_address = CalcMethods.CalcControlAddress(bot.Handle, "Win_QuickbarPetH", "Btn_Attack"); //раз в две минуты проверка if (tempCount % 120 == 0) { //если не изменилось количество денег, то отправляем уведомление в телеграм PwUtils.CheckMoney(bot); if (oldMoneyValue == bot.Money) { telebot.SendTextMessageAsync(chatid, $"У меня не меняется количество денег").Wait(); } oldMoneyValue = bot.Money; //обработка последних сообщений в телеграме var updates = telebot.GetUpdatesAsync(msgCount).Result; foreach (var update in updates) // Перебираем все обновления { if (update.Message.Type == Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.MessageType.TextMessage) { if (update.Message.Text == "/addme") { //обработка текста } } msgCount = update.Id + 1; } } } }