Example #1
        // Convert the raw data in the frame's buffer into the bitmap's data, this method doesn't support
        // the following Pixel formats: eFmtRgb48, eFmtYuv411 and eFmtYuv444.
        static unsafe bool Frame2Data(ref tCamera Camera, ref BitmapData Data)
            double PixelMean = 0;

            if (NightLUT == null || NightLUT.Length == 0)
                NightLUT = new Byte[256];
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    double t = i + 0.01 * i * (255 - i);
                    if (t > 255)
                        t = 255;
                    if (t < 0)
                        t = 0;
                    NightLUT[i] = (byte)t;
            if (NoonLUT == null || NoonLUT.Length == 0)
                NoonLUT = new Byte[256];
                double gamma_r = 1.5;
                double gamma_b = 2;
                double gamma_c = 0.9;
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    double t = (gamma_c * Math.Pow(i / 255.0, gamma_r) * 255.0 - gamma_b);
                    if (t > 255)
                        t = 255;
                    if (t < 0)
                        t = 0;
                    NoonLUT[i] = (byte)t;
            switch (Camera.Frame.Format)
            case tImageFormat.eFmtMono8:
                UInt32 lOffset = 0;
                UInt32 lPos    = 0;
                byte * lDst    = (byte *)Data.Scan0;
                byte * lSrc    = (byte *)Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer;

                while (lOffset < Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize)
                        byte thisPixel = lSrc[lOffset];
                        if (isNight)
                            thisPixel = NightLUT[thisPixel];
                        else if (isNoon)
                            thisPixel = NoonLUT[thisPixel];
                        lDst[lPos]     = thisPixel;
                        lDst[lPos + 1] = thisPixel;
                        lDst[lPos + 2] = thisPixel;
                        PixelMean     += lSrc[lOffset];
                    catch (Exception e)
                    lPos += 3;
                        // Take care of the padding in the destination bitmap.
                        if ((lOffset % Camera.Frame.Width) == 0)
                            lPos += (UInt32)Data.Stride - (Camera.Frame.Width * 3);
                    catch (Exception e)
                PixelMean /= (double)Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize;
                illumiance = PixelMean;
                LuminanceAdjust(ref Camera, PixelMean);

            case tImageFormat.eFmtMono16:
                UInt32  lOffset  = 0;
                UInt32  lPos     = 0;
                byte *  lDst     = (byte *)Data.Scan0;
                byte    bitshift = (byte)((int)Camera.Frame.BitDepth - 8);
                UInt16 *lSrc     = (UInt16 *)Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer;

                while (lOffset < Camera.Frame.Width * Camera.Frame.Height)
                    lDst[lPos]     = (byte)(lSrc[lOffset] >> bitshift);
                    lDst[lPos + 1] = lDst[lPos];
                    lDst[lPos + 2] = lDst[lPos];

                    lPos += 3;

                    // Take care of the padding in the destination bitmap.
                    if ((lOffset % Camera.Frame.Width) == 0)
                        lPos += (UInt32)Data.Stride - (Camera.Frame.Width * 3);


            case tImageFormat.eFmtBayer8:
                UInt32   WidthSize = Camera.Frame.Width * 3;
                GCHandle pFrame    = GCHandle.Alloc(Camera.Frame, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                UInt32   remainder = (((WidthSize + 3U) & ~3U) - WidthSize);

                // Interpolate the colors.
                IntPtr pRed   = (IntPtr)((byte *)Data.Scan0 + 2);
                IntPtr pGreen = (IntPtr)((byte *)Data.Scan0 + 1);
                IntPtr pBlue  = (IntPtr)((byte *)Data.Scan0);
                Pv.ColorInterpolate(pFrame.AddrOfPinnedObject(), pRed, pGreen, pBlue, 2, remainder);
                UInt32 lOffset = 0;
                byte * lSrc    = (byte *)Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer;
                //double pixelMean2 = 0;
                while (lOffset < Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize)
                    PixelMean += ((double)lSrc[lOffset + 2] + (double)lSrc[lOffset + 1] + (double)lSrc[lOffset]) / 3;

                    if (isNight)
                        lSrc[lOffset + 2] = NightLUT[lSrc[lOffset + 2]];
                        lSrc[lOffset + 1] = NightLUT[lSrc[lOffset + 1]];
                        lSrc[lOffset]     = NightLUT[lSrc[lOffset]];
                    if (isNoon)
                        lSrc[lOffset + 2] = NoonLUT[lSrc[lOffset + 2]];
                        lSrc[lOffset + 1] = NoonLUT[lSrc[lOffset + 1]];
                        lSrc[lOffset]     = NoonLUT[lSrc[lOffset]];
                    //pixelMean2 += ((double)lSrc[lOffset + 2] + (double)lSrc[lOffset + 1] + (double)lSrc[lOffset]) / 3;
                    lOffset += 3;
                PixelMean /= (double)Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize / 3;
                illumiance = PixelMean;
                LuminanceAdjust(ref Camera, PixelMean);


            case tImageFormat.eFmtBayer16:
                UInt32   WidthSize = Camera.Frame.Width * 3;
                UInt32   lOffset   = 0;
                byte     bitshift  = (byte)((int)Camera.Frame.BitDepth - 8);
                UInt16 * lSrc      = (UInt16 *)Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer;
                byte *   lDst      = (byte *)Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer;
                UInt32   remainder = (((WidthSize + 3U) & ~3U) - WidthSize);
                GCHandle pFrame;

                Camera.Frame.Format = tImageFormat.eFmtBayer8;

                pFrame = GCHandle.Alloc(Camera.Frame, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                // Shift the pixel.
                while (lOffset < Camera.Frame.Width * Camera.Frame.Height)
                    lDst[lOffset] = (byte)(lSrc[lOffset++] >> bitshift);

                // Interpolate the colors.
                IntPtr pRed   = (IntPtr)((byte *)Data.Scan0 + 2);
                IntPtr pGreen = (IntPtr)((byte *)Data.Scan0 + 1);
                IntPtr pBlue  = (IntPtr)((byte *)Data.Scan0);
                Pv.ColorInterpolate(pFrame.AddrOfPinnedObject(), pRed, pGreen, pBlue, 2, remainder);



            case tImageFormat.eFmtRgb24:
                UInt32 lOffset = 0;
                UInt32 lPos    = 0;
                byte * lDst    = (byte *)Data.Scan0;

                while (lOffset < Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize)
                    // Copy the data.
                    lDst[lPos]     = Camera.Buffer[lOffset + 2];
                    lDst[lPos + 1] = Camera.Buffer[lOffset + 1];
                    lDst[lPos + 2] = Camera.Buffer[lOffset];
                    PixelMean     += ((double)Camera.Buffer[lOffset + 2] + (double)Camera.Buffer[lOffset + 1] + (double)Camera.Buffer[lOffset]) / 3;

                    lOffset += 3;
                    lPos    += 3;

                    // Take care of the padding in the destination bitmap.
                    if ((lOffset % (Camera.Frame.Width * 3)) == 0)
                        lPos += (UInt32)Data.Stride - (Camera.Frame.Width * 3);
                PixelMean /= (double)Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize / 3;
                illumiance = PixelMean;
                LuminanceAdjust(ref Camera, PixelMean);

            case tImageFormat.eFmtRgb48:
                UInt32  lOffset  = 0;
                UInt32  lPos     = 0;
                UInt32  lLength  = Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize / sizeof(UInt16);
                UInt16 *lSrc     = (UInt16 *)Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer;
                byte *  lDst     = (byte *)Data.Scan0;
                byte    bitshift = (byte)((int)Camera.Frame.BitDepth - 8);

                while (lOffset < lLength)
                    // Copy the data.
                    lDst[lPos]     = (byte)(lSrc[lOffset + 2] >> bitshift);
                    lDst[lPos + 1] = (byte)(lSrc[lOffset + 1] >> bitshift);
                    lDst[lPos + 2] = (byte)(lSrc[lOffset] >> bitshift);

                    lOffset += 3;
                    lPos    += 3;

                    // Take care of the padding in the destination bitmap.
                    if ((lOffset % (Camera.Frame.Width * 3)) == 0)
                        lPos += (UInt32)Data.Stride - (Camera.Frame.Width * 3);


            case tImageFormat.eFmtYuv411:
                UInt32 lOffset = 0;
                UInt32 lPos = 0;
                byte * lDst = (byte *)Data.Scan0;
                int    y1, y2, y3, y4, u, v;
                int    r, g, b;

                r = g = b = 0;

                while (lOffset < Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize)
                    u  = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y1 = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y2 = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    v  = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y3 = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y4 = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];

                    YUV2RGB(y1, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;
                    YUV2RGB(y2, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;
                    YUV2RGB(y3, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;
                    YUV2RGB(y4, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;


            case tImageFormat.eFmtYuv422:
                UInt32 lOffset = 0;
                UInt32 lPos = 0;
                byte * lDst = (byte *)Data.Scan0;
                int    y1, y2, u, v;
                int    r, g, b;

                r = g = b = 0;

                while (lOffset < Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize)
                    u  = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y1 = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    v  = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y2 = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];

                    YUV2RGB(y1, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;
                    YUV2RGB(y2, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;


            case tImageFormat.eFmtYuv444:
                UInt32 lOffset = 0;
                UInt32 lPos = 0;
                byte * lDst = (byte *)Data.Scan0;
                int    y1, y2, u, v;
                int    r, g, b;

                r = g = b = 0;

                while (lOffset < Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize)
                    u  = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y1 = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    v  = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y2 = Camera.Buffer[lOffset++];

                    YUV2RGB(y1, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;
                    YUV2RGB(y2, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;


Example #2
        // Convert the raw data in the frame's buffer into the bitmap's data. This method doesn't support
        // the following Pixel formats: eFmtRgb48, eFmtYuv411 and eFmtYuv444.
        static unsafe bool Frame2Data(ref BitmapData Data)
            switch (GCamera.Frame.Format)
            case tImageFormat.eFmtMono8:
                UInt32 lOffset = 0;
                UInt32 lPos    = 0;
                byte * lDst    = (byte *)Data.Scan0;

                while (lOffset < GCamera.Frame.ImageBufferSize)
                    lDst[lPos]     = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset];
                    lDst[lPos + 1] = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset];
                    lDst[lPos + 2] = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset];

                    lPos += 3;

                    // Take care of the padding in the destination bitmap.
                    if ((lOffset % GCamera.Frame.Width) == 0)
                        lPos += (UInt32)Data.Stride - (GCamera.Frame.Width * 3);


            case tImageFormat.eFmtMono16:
                UInt32  lOffset  = 0;
                UInt32  lPos     = 0;
                byte *  lDst     = (byte *)Data.Scan0;
                byte    bitshift = (byte)((int)GCamera.Frame.BitDepth - 8);
                UInt16 *lSrc     = (UInt16 *)GCamera.Frame.ImageBuffer;

                while (lOffset < GCamera.Frame.Width * GCamera.Frame.Height)
                    lDst[lPos]     = (byte)(lSrc[lOffset] >> bitshift);
                    lDst[lPos + 1] = lDst[lPos];
                    lDst[lPos + 2] = lDst[lPos];

                    lPos += 3;

                    // Take care of the padding in the destination bitmap.
                    if ((lOffset % GCamera.Frame.Width) == 0)
                        lPos += (UInt32)Data.Stride - (GCamera.Frame.Width * 3);


            case tImageFormat.eFmtBayer8:
                UInt32   WidthSize = GCamera.Frame.Width * 3;
                GCHandle pFrame    = GCHandle.Alloc(GCamera.Frame, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                UInt32   remainder = (((WidthSize + 3U) & ~3U) - WidthSize);

                // Interpolate the colors.
                IntPtr pRed   = (IntPtr)((byte *)Data.Scan0 + 2);
                IntPtr pGreen = (IntPtr)((byte *)Data.Scan0 + 1);
                IntPtr pBlue  = (IntPtr)((byte *)Data.Scan0);
                Pv.ColorInterpolate(pFrame.AddrOfPinnedObject(), pRed, pGreen, pBlue, 2, remainder);



            case tImageFormat.eFmtBayer16:
                UInt32   WidthSize = GCamera.Frame.Width * 3;
                UInt32   lOffset   = 0;
                byte     bitshift  = (byte)((int)GCamera.Frame.BitDepth - 8);
                UInt16 * lSrc      = (UInt16 *)GCamera.Frame.ImageBuffer;
                byte *   lDst      = (byte *)GCamera.Frame.ImageBuffer;
                UInt32   remainder = (((WidthSize + 3U) & ~3U) - WidthSize);
                GCHandle pFrame;

                GCamera.Frame.Format = tImageFormat.eFmtBayer8;

                pFrame = GCHandle.Alloc(GCamera.Frame, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                // Shift the pixel.
                while (lOffset < GCamera.Frame.Width * GCamera.Frame.Height)
                    lDst[lOffset] = (byte)(lSrc[lOffset++] >> bitshift);

                // Interpolate the colors.
                IntPtr pRed   = (IntPtr)((byte *)Data.Scan0 + 2);
                IntPtr pGreen = (IntPtr)((byte *)Data.Scan0 + 1);
                IntPtr pBlue  = (IntPtr)((byte *)Data.Scan0);
                Pv.ColorInterpolate(pFrame.AddrOfPinnedObject(), pRed, pGreen, pBlue, 2, remainder);



            case tImageFormat.eFmtRgb24:
                UInt32 lOffset = 0;
                UInt32 lPos    = 0;
                byte * lDst    = (byte *)Data.Scan0;

                while (lOffset < GCamera.Frame.ImageBufferSize)
                    // Copy the data.
                    lDst[lPos]     = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset + 2];
                    lDst[lPos + 1] = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset + 1];
                    lDst[lPos + 2] = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset];

                    lOffset += 3;
                    lPos    += 3;

                    // Take care of the padding in the destination bitmap.
                    if ((lOffset % (GCamera.Frame.Width * 3)) == 0)
                        lPos += (UInt32)Data.Stride - (GCamera.Frame.Width * 3);


            case tImageFormat.eFmtRgb48:
                UInt32  lOffset  = 0;
                UInt32  lPos     = 0;
                UInt32  lLength  = GCamera.Frame.ImageBufferSize / sizeof(UInt16);
                UInt16 *lSrc     = (UInt16 *)GCamera.Frame.ImageBuffer;
                byte *  lDst     = (byte *)Data.Scan0;
                byte    bitshift = (byte)((int)GCamera.Frame.BitDepth - 8);

                while (lOffset < lLength)
                    // Copy the data.
                    lDst[lPos]     = (byte)(lSrc[lOffset + 2] >> bitshift);
                    lDst[lPos + 1] = (byte)(lSrc[lOffset + 1] >> bitshift);
                    lDst[lPos + 2] = (byte)(lSrc[lOffset] >> bitshift);

                    lOffset += 3;
                    lPos    += 3;

                    // Take care of the padding in the destination bitmap.
                    if ((lOffset % (GCamera.Frame.Width * 3)) == 0)
                        lPos += (UInt32)Data.Stride - (GCamera.Frame.Width * 3);


            case tImageFormat.eFmtYuv411:
                UInt32 lOffset = 0;
                UInt32 lPos = 0;
                byte * lDst = (byte *)Data.Scan0;
                int    y1, y2, y3, y4, u, v;
                int    r, g, b;

                r = g = b = 0;

                while (lOffset < GCamera.Frame.ImageBufferSize)
                    u  = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y1 = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y2 = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    v  = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y3 = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y4 = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];

                    YUV2RGB(y1, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;
                    YUV2RGB(y2, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;
                    YUV2RGB(y3, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;
                    YUV2RGB(y4, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;


            case tImageFormat.eFmtYuv422:
                UInt32 lOffset = 0;
                UInt32 lPos = 0;
                byte * lDst = (byte *)Data.Scan0;
                int    y1, y2, u, v;
                int    r, g, b;

                r = g = b = 0;

                while (lOffset < GCamera.Frame.ImageBufferSize)
                    u  = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y1 = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    v  = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y2 = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];

                    YUV2RGB(y1, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;
                    YUV2RGB(y2, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;


            case tImageFormat.eFmtYuv444:
                UInt32 lOffset = 0;
                UInt32 lPos = 0;
                byte * lDst = (byte *)Data.Scan0;
                int    y1, y2, u, v;
                int    r, g, b;

                r = g = b = 0;

                while (lOffset < GCamera.Frame.ImageBufferSize)
                    u  = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y1 = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    v  = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];
                    y2 = GCamera.Buffer[lOffset++];

                    YUV2RGB(y1, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;
                    YUV2RGB(y2, u, v, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)b;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)g;
                    lDst[lPos++] = (byte)r;

