Example #1
    private void ConnectPiece(PuzzleConnectionScript conn)
        PuzzlePieceScript conPiece = conn.pointToConnet.myPuzzle.currPiece;

        Transform          connPieceTransform = conPiece.transform;
        SinglePuzzleScript conPuzzle          = conn.myPuzzle;

        connPieceTransform.position += conPuzzle.transform.position - conn.pointToConnet.myPuzzle.transform.position + conPuzzle.offsets[conn.connIndex];

        SinglePuzzleScript[] connectedPuzzles = conPiece.puzzles;
        foreach (SinglePuzzleScript puzzle in connectedPuzzles)
            foreach (PuzzleConnectionScript puzzleCon in puzzle.puzzleConnections)
                if (puzzleCon != null && !puzzleCon.isConnected && puzzleCon.pointToConnet.myPuzzle.currPiece == this)
                    puzzleCon.isConnected               = true;
                    puzzleCon.pointCollider.enabled     = false;
                    puzzleCon.pointToConnet.isConnected = true;
                    puzzleCon.pointCollider.enabled     = false;
Example #2
 public void StartDrag(PuzzlePieceScript piece)
     foreach (PuzzlePieceScript p in pieces)
         if (p.renderOrder > piece.renderOrder)
             p.SetPuzzlesRenderOrder(p.renderOrder - 1);
Example #3
 public void RemovePiece(PuzzlePieceScript piece)
     foreach (PuzzlePieceScript p in pieces)
         if (p.renderOrder > piece.renderOrder)
             p.SetPuzzlesRenderOrder(p.renderOrder - 1);
Example #4
    private bool lockPuzzle = false; //Lock the puzzle for a small delay after win

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        pieces = new GameObject[puzzleSize, puzzleSize]; //Intialize pieces array

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPieces; i++)         //For loop to get gameObject piece[i] and set it to the pieces[,] array where the terms in the array are the pieces' position on the puzzle grid
            Transform         child             = piecesParent.transform.GetChild(i);
            PuzzlePieceScript puzzlePieceScript = child.GetComponent <PuzzlePieceScript>();
            pieces[(int)puzzlePieceScript.position.x, (int)puzzlePieceScript.position.y] = child.gameObject;

        startingPiecePos     = new Vector2[numberOfPieces]; //Initialize storing starting positions of pieces
        startingPieceVector3 = new Vector3[numberOfPieces]; //Initialize storing the starting world position of pieces

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPieces; i++)
            Transform         child             = piecesParent.transform.GetChild(i);
            PuzzlePieceScript puzzlePieceScript = child.GetComponent <PuzzlePieceScript>();
            startingPiecePos[i] = puzzlePieceScript.position; //Store the starting position of all the pieces

            startingPieceVector3[i] = child.transform.position;

        nodes = new GameObject[puzzleSize, puzzleSize]; //Intialize nodes array

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++)
            Transform         child             = nodesParent.transform.GetChild(i);
            PuzzlePieceScript puzzlePieceScript = child.GetComponent <PuzzlePieceScript>();
            nodes[(int)puzzlePieceScript.position.x, (int)puzzlePieceScript.position.y] = child.gameObject;

        blockers = new GameObject[puzzleSize, puzzleSize]; //Intialize blockers array

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBlockers; i++)
            Transform         child             = blockersParent.transform.GetChild(i);
            PuzzlePieceScript puzzlePieceScript = child.GetComponent <PuzzlePieceScript>();
            blockers[(int)puzzlePieceScript.position.x, (int)puzzlePieceScript.position.y] = child.gameObject;



        this.enabled = false;
Example #5
    void ReArray() //Reinitialize the array with updated positions for all pieces, call after each button press event
        for (int i = 0; i < puzzleSize; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < puzzleSize; j++)
                pieces[i, j] = null; //Clear the array

        //Reinitialize array with updated positions
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPieces; i++) //For loop to get gameObject piece[i] and set it to the pieces[,] array where the terms in the array are the pieces' position on the puzzle grid
            Transform         child             = piecesParent.transform.GetChild(i);
            PuzzlePieceScript puzzlePieceScript = child.GetComponent <PuzzlePieceScript>();
            pieces[(int)puzzlePieceScript.position.x, (int)puzzlePieceScript.position.y] = child.gameObject;
Example #6
    void Restart() //Restart the puzzle, return all pieces to original positions
        for (int i = 0; i < puzzleSize; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < puzzleSize; j++)
                pieces[i, j] = null; //Clear the pieces array

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPieces; i++)
            Transform         child             = piecesParent.transform.GetChild(i);
            PuzzlePieceScript puzzlePieceScript = child.GetComponent <PuzzlePieceScript>();
            puzzlePieceScript.position = startingPiecePos[i];                                                //Reset internal position (per object)

            pieces[(int)puzzlePieceScript.position.x, (int)puzzlePieceScript.position.y] = child.gameObject; //Reset the position in the pieces[,] array

            child.transform.position = startingPieceVector3[i];                                              //Reset visual position
Example #7
 public void StopDrag(PuzzlePieceScript piece)
     piece.SetPuzzlesRenderOrder(pieces.Count - 1);
Example #8
 public void AddPiece(PuzzlePieceScript piece)
Example #9
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //When moving = true
        for (int i = 0; i < puzzleSize && moving; i++) //Checks from leftmost column and up, then one column right and up, etc. and sets moving = true if any puzzlePieces are moving
            for (int j = 0; j < puzzleSize && moving; j++)
                if (pieces[i, j] != null)
                    PuzzlePieceScript puzzlePieceScript = pieces[i, j].GetComponent <PuzzlePieceScript>();

                    moving = puzzlePieceScript.moving;
        //When moving = false
        for (int i = 0; i < puzzleSize && !moving; i++) //Checks from leftmost column and up, then one column right and up, etc. and sets moving = true if any puzzlePieces are moving
            for (int j = 0; j < puzzleSize && !moving; j++)
                if (pieces[i, j] != null)
                    PuzzlePieceScript puzzlePieceScript = pieces[i, j].GetComponent <PuzzlePieceScript>();

                    moving = puzzlePieceScript.moving;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("w") && !moving && !lockPuzzle) //Move Up
            for (int i = 0; i < puzzleSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < puzzleSize; j++)
                    if (pieces[i, j] != null) //Search through all pieces, starting in the leftmost column and going up, then right 1 column, etc. If there is a piece in the position, this if statement returns true
                        //Debug.Log("i" + i + "j" + j);

                        bool boundaryBlocked;          //true if piece [i,j] blocked by the boundary of the puzzle grid

                        bool checkAbove = true;        //Determines if k loop keeps checking; false if there is an empty space above a piece

                        bool piecesAboveBlock = false; //True if pieces above block movement of piece[i,j] (set to false to fix compiler error of local unassigned variable as a result of this variable being set in a nested if statement)

                        //First check is if this piece will move out of the boundary of the puzzle grid
                        if (j < puzzleSize - 1)
                            boundaryBlocked = false;
                            boundaryBlocked = true;

                        //Debug.Log("i" + i + "j" + j + "boundaryBlocked = " + boundaryBlocked);

                        //Second check is if there is a piece above, Third check is if the piece above will move out of the boundary of the puzzle grid; Repeat second and third checks for higher j values
                        for (int k = 1; k < puzzleSize && checkAbove && !boundaryBlocked; k++)
                            if (pieces[i, j + k] != null)   //Second check
                                if (j + k < puzzleSize - 1) //Third check
                                    piecesAboveBlock = false;
                                    piecesAboveBlock = true;
                                    checkAbove       = false;

                                //Debug.Log("i" + i + "j+k" + j + k + "piecesAboveBlock = " + piecesAboveBlock);
                                checkAbove       = false;
                                piecesAboveBlock = false;

                            if (blockers[i, j + k] != null) //BlockerCheck
                                piecesAboveBlock = true;
                                checkAbove       = false;

                        //The big if statement that moves the piece if it and all the pieces immediately above it are not blocked by the boundary of the puzzle
                        if (!boundaryBlocked && !piecesAboveBlock)
                            //Debug.Log("MoveUp" + "i" + i + "j" + j);

                            PuzzlePieceScript puzzlePieceScript = pieces[i, j].GetComponent <PuzzlePieceScript>();

                            IEnumerator moveUp = puzzlePieceScript.MoveUp();

            n  = 0;
            n2 = 0;
        } //End of Move Up

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("s") && !moving && !lockPuzzle) //Move Down
            for (int i = 0; i < puzzleSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < puzzleSize; j++)
                    if (pieces[i, j] != null) //Search through all pieces, starting in the leftmost column and going up, then right 1 column, etc. If there is a piece in the position, this if statement returns true
                        //Debug.Log("i" + i + "j" + j);

                        bool boundaryBlocked;          //true if piece [i,j] blocked by the boundary of the puzzle grid

                        bool checkBelow = true;        //Determines if k loop keeps checking; false if there is an empty space below a piece

                        bool piecesBelowBlock = false; //True if pieces below block movement of piece[i,j] (set to false to fix compiler error of local unassigned variable as a result of this variable being set in a nested if statement)

                        //First check is if this piece will move out of the boundary of the puzzle grid
                        if (j > 0)
                            boundaryBlocked = false;
                            boundaryBlocked = true;

                        //Debug.Log("i" + i + "j" + j + "boundaryBlocked = " + boundaryBlocked);

                        //Second check is if there is a piece below, Third check is if the piece below will move out of the boundary of the puzzle grid; Repeat second and third checks for lower j values
                        for (int k = 1; k < puzzleSize && checkBelow && !boundaryBlocked; k++)
                            if (pieces[i, j - k] != null) //Second check
                                if (j - k > 0)            //Third check
                                    piecesBelowBlock = false;
                                    piecesBelowBlock = true;
                                    checkBelow       = false;

                                //Debug.Log("i" + i + "j-k" + j + k + "piecesBelowBlock = " + piecesBelowBlock);
                                checkBelow       = false;
                                piecesBelowBlock = false;

                            if (blockers[i, j - k] != null) //BlockerCheck
                                piecesBelowBlock = true;
                                checkBelow       = false;

                        //The big if statement that moves the piece if it and all the pieces immediately below it are not blocked by the boundary of the puzzle
                        if (!boundaryBlocked && !piecesBelowBlock)
                            //Debug.Log("MoveDown" + "i" + i + "j" + j);

                            PuzzlePieceScript puzzlePieceScript = pieces[i, j].GetComponent <PuzzlePieceScript>();

                            IEnumerator moveDown = puzzlePieceScript.MoveDown();

            n  = 0;
            n2 = 0;
        } //End of Move Down

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("a") && !moving && !lockPuzzle) //Move Left
            for (int i = 0; i < puzzleSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < puzzleSize; j++)
                    if (pieces[i, j] != null) //Search through all pieces, starting in the leftmost column and going up, then right 1 column, etc. If there is a piece in the position, this if statement returns true
                        //Debug.Log("i" + i + "j" + j);

                        bool boundaryBlocked;         //true if piece [i,j] blocked by the boundary of the puzzle grid

                        bool checkLeft = true;        //Determines if k loop keeps checking; false if there is an empty space to the left of a piece

                        bool piecesLeftBlock = false; //True if pieces to the left block movement of piece[i,j] (set to false to fix compiler error of local unassigned variable as a result of this variable being set in a nested if statement)

                        //First check is if this piece will move out of the boundary of the puzzle grid
                        if (i > 0)
                            boundaryBlocked = false;
                            boundaryBlocked = true;

                        //Debug.Log("i" + i + "j" + j + "boundaryBlocked = " + boundaryBlocked);

                        //Second check is if there is a piece left, Third check is if the piece left will move out of the boundary of the puzzle grid; Repeat second and third checks for lower i values
                        for (int k = 1; k < puzzleSize && checkLeft && !boundaryBlocked; k++)
                            if (pieces[i - k, j] != null) //Second check
                                if (i - k > 0)            //Third check
                                    piecesLeftBlock = false;
                                    piecesLeftBlock = true;
                                    checkLeft       = false;

                                //Debug.Log("i-k" + i + k + "j" + j  + "piecesLeftBlock = " + piecesLeftBlock);
                                checkLeft       = false;
                                piecesLeftBlock = false;

                            if (blockers[i - k, j] != null) //BlockerCheck
                                piecesLeftBlock = true;
                                checkLeft       = false;

                        //The big if statement that moves the piece if it and all the pieces immediately left of it are not blocked by the boundary of the puzzle
                        if (!boundaryBlocked && !piecesLeftBlock)
                            //Debug.Log("MoveLeft" + "i" + i + "j" + j);

                            PuzzlePieceScript puzzlePieceScript = pieces[i, j].GetComponent <PuzzlePieceScript>();

                            IEnumerator moveLeft = puzzlePieceScript.MoveLeft();

            n  = 0;
            n2 = 0;
        } //End of Move Left

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("d") && !moving && !lockPuzzle) //Move Right
            for (int i = 0; i < puzzleSize; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < puzzleSize; j++)
                    if (pieces[i, j] != null) //Search through all pieces, starting in the leftmost column and going up, then right 1 column, etc. If there is a piece in the position, this if statement returns true
                        //Debug.Log("i" + i + "j" + j);

                        bool boundaryBlocked;          //true if piece [i,j] blocked by the boundary of the puzzle grid

                        bool checkRight = true;        //Determines if k loop keeps checking; false if there is an empty space to the right of a piece

                        bool piecesRightBlock = false; //True if pieces to the right block movement of piece[i,j] (set to false to fix compiler error of local unassigned variable as a result of this variable being set in a nested if statement)

                        //First check is if this piece will move out of the boundary of the puzzle grid
                        if (i < puzzleSize - 1)
                            boundaryBlocked = false;
                            boundaryBlocked = true;

                        //Debug.Log("i" + i + "j" + j + "boundaryBlocked = " + boundaryBlocked);

                        //Second check is if there is a piece right, Third check is if the piece right will move out of the boundary of the puzzle grid; Repeat second and third checks for higher i values
                        for (int k = 1; k < puzzleSize && checkRight && !boundaryBlocked; k++)
                            if (pieces[i + k, j] != null)   //Second check
                                if (i + k < puzzleSize - 1) //Third check
                                    piecesRightBlock = false;
                                    piecesRightBlock = true;
                                    checkRight       = false;

                                //Debug.Log("i+k" + i + k + "j" + j  + "piecesRightBlock = " + piecesRightBlock);
                                checkRight       = false;
                                piecesRightBlock = false;

                            if (blockers[i + k, j] != null) //BlockerCheck
                                piecesRightBlock = true;
                                checkRight       = false;

                        //The big if statement that moves the piece if it and all the pieces immediately right of it are not blocked by the boundary of the puzzle
                        if (!boundaryBlocked && !piecesRightBlock)
                            //Debug.Log("MoveRight" + "i" + i + "j" + j);

                            PuzzlePieceScript puzzlePieceScript = pieces[i, j].GetComponent <PuzzlePieceScript>();

                            IEnumerator moveRight = puzzlePieceScript.MoveRight();

            n  = 0;
            n2 = 0;
        } //End of Move Right

        //Quit puzzle
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("q") && !lockPuzzle)

        //Restart puzzle
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("r") && !lockPuzzle)