Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used for insert new supplier purchase order in database. - JJ
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="supplierPO"> object of SupplierPOAC</param>
        /// <param name="company">object of Company</param>
        /// <param name="userName">current user's username</param>
        /// <returns>status</returns>
        public string SaveSupplierPO(SupplierPOAC supplierPO, string userName, CompanyDetail company)
                var    log                 = new WorkFlowLog();
                var    currentUser         = _userDetailContext.First(x => x.UserName == userName && x.IsDelete == false);
                var    companyConfig       = _companyConfigurationContext.First(x => x.CompanyId == company.Id);
                var    sponumber           = companyConfig.SPOInvoiceNo;
                bool   IsApproved          = false;
                bool   IsConfirmed         = false;
                bool   IsCanceled          = false;
                bool   IsRejected          = false;
                bool   IsPartiallyReceived = false;
                string ponumber            = PurchaseOrderNumberGenerator(sponumber, 4);
                if (supplierPO.IsSubmitted)
                    var workFlowLog = _IWorkFlowDetailsRepository.GetInitiationActionWorkFlow(StringConstants.SupplierPurchaseOrder, StringConstants.CreateSupplierPurchaseOrder, currentUser, company, supplierPO, supplierPO.InitiationComment, supplierPO);
                    if (workFlowLog != null)
                        log = (WorkFlowLog)workFlowLog.Item1;
                        supplierPO.ParentRecordId = log.RecordId;
                    var activityWorkFlow = _workFlowContext.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == log.WorkFlowId);
                    if (!activityWorkFlow.NextActivity.IsClosed)
                        IsApproved = false;
                        IsApproved = true;

                var  supplierType = _paramTypeContext.Fetch(x => x.Param.Key == StringConstants.SupplierType);
                bool isCredit     = false;
                foreach (var type in supplierType)
                    if (type.Id == supplierPO.SupplierTypeId && type.ValueEn == StringConstants.Credit)
                        isCredit = true;
                        isCredit = false;

                var supplierPurchaseOrder = new SupplierPurchaseOrder
                    UserId              = currentUser.Id,
                    RecordId            = supplierPO.ParentRecordId,
                    SupplierId          = supplierPO.SupplierId,
                    InitiationBranchId  = supplierPO.InitiationBranchId,
                    IsApproved          = IsApproved,
                    IsConfirmed         = IsConfirmed,
                    IsNotProcessed      = true,
                    IsRejected          = IsRejected,
                    IsCanceled          = IsCanceled,
                    IsPartiallyReceived = IsPartiallyReceived,
                    IsSend              = false,
                    IsSubmitted         = supplierPO.IsSubmitted,
                    DueDate             = supplierPO.DueDate,
                    CreatedDateTime     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    CreditDaysLimit     = supplierPO.SupplierDaysLimit,
                    IsCreditPayment     = isCredit,
                    UpdatedDate         = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    PurchaseOrderNumber = ponumber

                if (supplierPO.IsSubmitted)
                    _supplierPOWorkListContext.SaveSupplierPurchaseOrderLog(log.Action, supplierPO.InitiationComment, supplierPurchaseOrder.Id, log.RecordId, currentUser.RoleName, log.Stage, currentUser.UserName);

                foreach (var branch in supplierPO.SPOBranch)
                    var spoBranch = new PurchaseOrderBranch
                        CreatedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        BranchId        = branch.Id,
                        PurchaseOrderId = supplierPurchaseOrder.Id
                foreach (var item in supplierPO.SupplierItem)
                    var poItem = new PurchaseOrderItem
                        CreatedDateTime      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        FreeQuantity         = item.FreeQuantity,
                        ItemId               = item.ItemId,
                        OrderCostPrice       = item.OrderCostPrice,
                        OrderQuantity        = item.OrderQuantity,
                        ReceivingCostPrice   = item.OrderCostPrice,
                        BillCostPrice        = item.OrderCostPrice,
                        ReceivingQuantity    = item.OrderQuantity,
                        SystemParameterId    = item.UnitParamTypeId,
                        PercentageDiscount   = item.PercentageDiscount,
                        IsPercentageDiscount = true,
                        PurchaseOrderId      = supplierPurchaseOrder.Id,
                        ReceivingDate        = supplierPO.DueDate,
                        UpdatedDate          = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        SPOReceivingStatus   = SPOReceivingStatus.NotReceived
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to edit spo and delete item of spo - JJ
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="supplierPO">object of SupplierPOAC</param>
        /// <returns>status</returns>
        public string EditSPO(SupplierPOAC supplierPO)
                var supplierPurchaseOrder = _supplierPOContext.First(x => x.Id == supplierPO.Id);
                if (supplierPurchaseOrder.DueDate == supplierPO.DueDate)
                    supplierPurchaseOrder.IsNotProcessed = true;
                    supplierPurchaseOrder.IsNotProcessed = false;
                supplierPurchaseOrder.DueDate          = supplierPO.DueDate;
                supplierPurchaseOrder.IsRejected       = false;
                supplierPurchaseOrder.ModifiedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                var oldItems        = _purchaseOrderItemContext.Fetch(x => x.PurchaseOrderId == supplierPO.Id).ToList();
                var firstCollection = from item in supplierPO.SupplierItem
                                      select new
                    FreeQuantity       = item.FreeQuantity,
                    ItemId             = item.ItemId,
                    OrderCostPrice     = item.OrderCostPrice,
                    OrderQuantity      = item.OrderQuantity,
                    ReceivingCostPrice = item.OrderCostPrice,
                    ReceivingQuantity  = item.OrderQuantity,
                    PurchaseOrderId    = supplierPurchaseOrder.Id,
                    PercentageDiscount = item.PercentageDiscount

                var secCollection = from item in oldItems
                                    select new
                    FreeQuantity       = item.FreeQuantity,
                    ItemId             = item.ItemId,
                    OrderCostPrice     = item.OrderCostPrice,
                    OrderQuantity      = item.OrderQuantity,
                    ReceivingCostPrice = item.OrderCostPrice,
                    ReceivingQuantity  = item.OrderQuantity,
                    PurchaseOrderId    = supplierPurchaseOrder.Id,
                    PercentageDiscount = item.PercentageDiscount

                var except  = firstCollection.Except(secCollection);
                var length  = except.ToList().Count;
                var except2 = secCollection.Except(firstCollection);
                var length2 = except2.ToList().Count;

                if (length > 0 || length2 > 0)
                    supplierPurchaseOrder.IsNotProcessed = false;

                    foreach (var item in supplierPO.SupplierItem)
                        var poItem = new PurchaseOrderItem
                            CreatedDateTime      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            FreeQuantity         = item.FreeQuantity,
                            ItemId               = item.ItemId,
                            OrderCostPrice       = item.OrderCostPrice,
                            OrderQuantity        = item.OrderQuantity,
                            ReceivingCostPrice   = item.OrderCostPrice,
                            BillCostPrice        = item.OrderCostPrice,
                            ReceivingQuantity    = item.OrderQuantity,
                            SystemParameterId    = item.UnitParamTypeId,
                            PurchaseOrderId      = supplierPurchaseOrder.Id,
                            PercentageDiscount   = item.PercentageDiscount,
                            IsPercentageDiscount = true,
                            ReceivingDate        = supplierPO.DueDate,
                            UpdatedDate          = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            SPOReceivingStatus   = SPOReceivingStatus.NotReceived
                    supplierPurchaseOrder.IsNotProcessed = true;
                var oldBranches = _purchaseOrderBranchContext.Fetch(x => x.PurchaseOrderId == supplierPurchaseOrder.Id).ToList();

                var oldBranchList = from branch in oldBranches
                                    select new
                    BranchId = branch.BranchId,

                var newBranchList = from branch in supplierPO.SPOBranch
                                    select new
                    BranchId = branch.Id,

                var exceptBranch  = oldBranchList.Except(newBranchList);
                var blenghth      = exceptBranch.ToList().Count;
                var exceptBranch2 = newBranchList.Except(oldBranchList);
                var blength2      = exceptBranch2.ToList().Count;

                if (blenghth > 0 || blength2 > 0)
                    supplierPurchaseOrder.IsNotProcessed = false;

                    foreach (var branch in supplierPO.SPOBranch)
                        var spoBranch = new PurchaseOrderBranch
                            CreatedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            BranchId        = branch.Id,
                            PurchaseOrderId = supplierPurchaseOrder.Id
                    if (supplierPurchaseOrder.IsNotProcessed)
                        supplierPurchaseOrder.IsNotProcessed = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used for checking supplier bill list from database. - JJ
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PurchaseOrderId">id of PurchaseOrder</param>
        /// <returns>list of objects of SPOReceivingBillAC</returns>
        public List <SPOReceivingBillAC> CheckCondition(UserDetail currentUser, CompanyDetail company, List <SPOReceivingBillAC> SPOReceivingBill)
            bool    isCashPO;
            bool    IsDiscountChanged = true;
            decimal discount          = 0M;
            bool    canBePaid         = true;

            foreach (var spobill in SPOReceivingBill)
                var poItems = _purchaseOrderItemContext.Fetch(x => x.SupplierPurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderNumber == spobill.PurchaseOrderNo && x.SPOReceivingStatus != SPOReceivingStatus.NotReceived).ToList();

                var bill = _poSupplierBillContext.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsVerified && !x.IsPaid && x.SupplierPurchaseOrder.PurchaseOrderNumber == spobill.PurchaseOrderNo && x.Id == spobill.BillId);
                if (bill != null && bill.SupplierPurchaseOrder.IsApproved && bill.SupplierPurchaseOrder.IsReceived && bill.SupplierPurchaseOrder.IsSend && bill.SupplierPurchaseOrder.IsVerified)
                    if (bill.SupplierPurchaseOrder.SupplierProfile.SupplierType.ValueEn == StringConstants.Cash)
                        isCashPO = true;
                        isCashPO = false;
                    if (!isCashPO)
                        //TODO: replace with supplier days limit
                        var suppDays = _supplierDaysLimit.Fetch(x => x.SupplierId == bill.SupplierPurchaseOrder.SupplierId).ToList();
                        if (suppDays.Any())
                            var date = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(bill.SupplierPurchaseOrder.UpdatedDate);
                            var days = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(date.TotalDays));
                            for (var i = 0; i < suppDays.Count; i++)
                                int index;
                                if (i == 0 && days < suppDays[i].Days) // no limit arrived yet
                                    IsDiscountChanged = false;

                                if (days == suppDays[i].Days) //in case its same days limit
                                    index = i;
                                    if (bill.PresentDiscount == suppDays[index].Discount)
                                        IsDiscountChanged = false;
                                else if (suppDays[i].Days > days || //between the days
                                         (((i + 1) <= (suppDays.Count - 1)) && suppDays[i + 1].Days >= days))
                                    index = i + 1;
                                    if (bill.PresentDiscount == suppDays[index].Discount)
                                        IsDiscountChanged = false;
                                        discount          = suppDays[index].Discount;
                                        IsDiscountChanged = true;
                            IsDiscountChanged = false;
                        if (IsDiscountChanged && bill.PresentDiscount != discount)
                            bill.PresentDiscount = discount;
                            IsDiscountChanged = false;
                        PurchaseOrderBranch conditions = new PurchaseOrderBranch
                            IsDiscountChanged = IsDiscountChanged
                        var workflowLog = _iWorkFlowDetailsRepository.GetInitiationActionWorkFlow(StringConstants.SPOPayment, StringConstants.PaySPO, currentUser, company, conditions, null, conditions);
                        if (workflowLog != null)
                            WorkFlowLog log            = (WorkFlowLog)workflowLog.Item1;
                            var         workFlowDetail = _workFlowContext.Find(log.WorkFlowId);
                            if (workFlowDetail.NextActivity.IsClosed)
                                spobill.IsSelected = true;
                                spobill.CanBePaid  = true;
                                if (workFlowDetail.ParentPermission.Name == StringConstants.ItemChangeRequest)
                                    ChangePrices(spobill.PurchaseOrderNo, log.RecordId, currentUser, company, true, workFlowDetail.Id);
                                if (workFlowDetail.ParentPermission.Name == StringConstants.ItemChangeRequest)
                                    spobill.IsSelected           = true;
                                    spobill.CanBePaid            = true;
                                    spobill.IsICRCreated         = true;
                                    spobill.IsICRAlreadyCreated  = false;
                                    spobill.IsWorkFlowNotCreated = false;
                                    spobill.IsBillNotFound       = false;
                                    ChangePrices(spobill.PurchaseOrderNo, log.RecordId, currentUser, company, true, workFlowDetail.Id);
                            foreach (var item in poItems)
                                if (item.ItemProfile.IsItemChangeRequestGenerated)
                                    canBePaid = false;
                            if (!canBePaid)
                                spobill.IsICRAlreadyCreated = true;
                            spobill.IsSelected           = false;
                            spobill.CanBePaid            = false;
                            spobill.IsICRCreated         = false;
                            spobill.IsICRAlreadyCreated  = false;
                            spobill.IsWorkFlowNotCreated = true;
                            spobill.IsBillNotFound       = false;
                        spobill.IsSelected = true;
                        spobill.CanBePaid  = true;
                    spobill.IsSelected           = false;
                    spobill.CanBePaid            = false;
                    spobill.IsBillNotFound       = true;
                    spobill.IsICRCreated         = false;
                    spobill.IsWorkFlowNotCreated = false;
                    spobill.IsICRAlreadyCreated  = false;