Example #1
        ///Uses the dictionary returned from GetAllPrices to create a list of chartmodels with appropriate values
        /// </summary>
        ///List of chart models with calculated average for the month and moving average across 3 months
        /// </returns>
        public List <ChartViewModel> GetAvgPriceList(string Location)
            PullData db = new PullData(Configuration);

            string Query = "SELECT Sum(price) FROM bricks.pmiresidenceresult ";

            if (Location != "" && Location != null)
                Query = Query + " Where street='" + Location + "'";

            DataTable dtPriceSum = db.LoadData(Query, "PriceSum");

            string resultQuery = "SELECT contractDate,FORMAT(((Sum(price)/" + dtPriceSum.Rows[0][0].ToString() + ")*100),6) AveragePrice FROM bricks.pmiresidenceresult ";

            if (Location != "" && Location != null)
                resultQuery = resultQuery + " Where street='" + Location + "'";
            resultQuery = resultQuery + @" Group by contractDate order by STR_TO_DATE(concat('01,', left(contractDate, 2),',20',right(contractDate, 2)),'%d,%m,%Y')";

            DataTable dtresultQuery = db.LoadData(resultQuery, "resultQuery");

            for (int i = 0; i < dtresultQuery.Rows.Count; i++)
                string strMonth = dtresultQuery.Rows[i]["contractDate"].ToString().Substring(0, 2);
                string strYear  = "20" + dtresultQuery.Rows[i]["contractDate"].ToString().Substring(2, 2);
                dtresultQuery.Rows[i]["contractDate"] = strMonth + "-" + strYear;

            var datalist = new List <ChartViewModel>();

            datalist.Add(new ChartViewModel {
                saleTime = dtresultQuery.Rows[0][0].ToString(), averagePrice = dtresultQuery.Rows[0][1].ToString(), movingAveragePrice = dtresultQuery.Rows[0][1].ToString()
            double sumOfMonths   = Double.Parse(dtresultQuery.Rows[0][1].ToString()) + Double.Parse(dtresultQuery.Rows[1][1].ToString());
            double movingAverage = sumOfMonths / 2;

            datalist.Add(new ChartViewModel {
                saleTime = dtresultQuery.Rows[1][0].ToString(), averagePrice = dtresultQuery.Rows[1][1].ToString(), movingAveragePrice = movingAverage.ToString("N6")
            for (int i = 2; i < dtresultQuery.Rows.Count; i++)
                sumOfMonths   = Double.Parse(dtresultQuery.Rows[i - 2][1].ToString()) + Double.Parse(dtresultQuery.Rows[i - 1][1].ToString()) + Double.Parse(dtresultQuery.Rows[i][1].ToString());
                movingAverage = sumOfMonths / 3;
                datalist.Add(new ChartViewModel {
                    saleTime = dtresultQuery.Rows[i][0].ToString(), averagePrice = dtresultQuery.Rows[i][1].ToString(), movingAveragePrice = movingAverage.ToString("N6")
        public string AjaxFilter(string Locations, string propertyTypes, string PriceRange, string SaleType, string LandArea, string FloorRange)
            PullData db       = new PullData(Configuration);
            string   whrQuery = " Where 0=0";

            if (Locations != null)
                whrQuery = whrQuery + " and street='" + Locations + "'";
            if (propertyTypes != null)
                whrQuery = whrQuery + " and propertyType='" + propertyTypes + "'";
            if (SaleType != null)
                whrQuery = whrQuery + " and typeOfSale='" + SaleType + "'";
            if (FloorRange != null)
                whrQuery = whrQuery + " and floorRange='" + FloorRange + "'";
            if (PriceRange != null)
                if (PriceRange == "1")
                    whrQuery = whrQuery + " and CAST(price AS UNSIGNED)<" + 1000000;
                else if (PriceRange == "11")
                    whrQuery = whrQuery + " and CAST(price AS UNSIGNED)>" + 10000000;
                    whrQuery = whrQuery + " and (CAST(price AS UNSIGNED)<" + Convert.ToInt32(PriceRange) * 1000000 + " and CAST(price AS UNSIGNED)>" + ((Convert.ToInt32(PriceRange) * 1000000) - 1000000) + " )";

            if (LandArea != null)
                if (LandArea == "1")
                    whrQuery = whrQuery + " and CAST(area AS UNSIGNED)<" + 100;
                    whrQuery = whrQuery + " and (CAST(area AS UNSIGNED)<" + Convert.ToInt32(LandArea) * 100 + " and CAST(area AS UNSIGNED)>" + ((Convert.ToInt32(LandArea) * 100) - 100) + " )";
            whrQuery = whrQuery + " ORDER BY idtransaction DESC LIMIT 600";
            string    query = " Select  * From pmiresidenceresult " + whrQuery;
            DataTable dt    = db.LoadData(query, "Loaddt");
            string    json  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt);
