Example #1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Computes the message that accepts the handshake.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remark>
        ///   Here the server computes a signature of the network key, the
        ///   signature of the long term client's public key and a sha 256 of
        ///   the shared ab secret. This is signed with the server's long term
        ///   private key.
        ///   This signature is encrypted using a sha 256 of the network key
        ///   and all of the derived secrets.
        /// </remark>
        /// <returns>
        ///   A byte array of length 80 consisting of the message.
        /// </returns>
        public byte[] Accept()
            var detached_signature = PublicKeyAuth.SignDetached(

            // A nonce consisting of 24 zeros
            var nonce = new byte[NONCE_SIZE];


            var key = CryptoHash.Sha256(
                Utils.Concat(_network_key, _shared_ab, _shared_aB, _shared_Ab)

            var msg = SecretBox.Create(detached_signature, nonce, key);

        /// <summary>
        ///   Validates server acceptance message
        /// </summary>
        /// <remark>
        ///   Here the client verifies that the received message length is 80
        ///   bytes, then opens the encrypted box and verifies that the sent
        ///   message is server's signature to the derived shared secrets. With
        ///   this the handshake concludes.
        /// </remark>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        ///   Thrown if the server's Accept <paramref name="msg"/> is not the
        ///   correct size or the signature is not valid.
        /// </exception>
        /// <param name="msg">
        ///   The received message, encrypted server's signature.
        /// </param>
        public void VerifyAccept(byte[] msg)
            if (msg.Length != 80)
                throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect message size");

            var nonce = new byte[NONCE_SIZE];


            // Concatenate the network key and derived secrets to obtain
            // the message key
            var key = CryptoHash.Sha256(
                Utils.Concat(_network_key, _shared_ab, _shared_aB, _shared_Ab)

            var opened_msg = SecretBox.Open(msg, nonce, key);

            // Compute the message that it is supposed to be signed with the
            // server's long term key
            var hashed        = CryptoHash.Sha256(_shared_ab);
            var msg_to_verify = Utils.Concat(
                _network_key, detached_signature_A,
                _longterm_client_keypair.PublicKey, hashed

            if (!PublicKeyAuth.VerifyDetached(opened_msg, msg_to_verify, _longterm_server_pk))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid signature");
        private void DeriveSecrets()
            var curve25519Sk = PublicKeyAuth

            var curve25519Pk = PublicKeyAuth

            this._shared_ab = ScalarMult.Mult(

            this._shared_aB = ScalarMult.Mult(

            this._shared_Ab = ScalarMult.Mult(
        /// <summary>
        ///   Crafts the client Authenticate message
        /// </summary>
        /// <remark>
        ///   Consists of a signature of the network identifier, the server's
        ///   long term public key and a sha 256 of the derived secret ab,
        ///   concatenated with the client's long term public key. All
        ///   encrypted using the network identifier and the derived secrets
        ///   ab and aB.
        ///   This sets the object's <see cref="detached_signature_A"/>
        /// </remark>
        /// <returns>
        ///   The client Authenticate message
        /// </returns>
        public byte[] Authenticate()
            var hash_ab = CryptoHash.Sha256(this._shared_ab);

            // Concatenate the network identifier, the server's public key and
            // the hash of the derived secret.
            var to_sign = Utils.Concat(
                _network_key, _longterm_server_pk, hash_ab

            // Sign the first portion of the message and save it in the object
            // state for later use in the server accept verification.
            detached_signature_A = PublicKeyAuth.SignDetached(
                to_sign, _longterm_client_keypair.PrivateKey

            // Create the plaintext message
            var plaintext = Utils.Concat(
                detached_signature_A, _longterm_client_keypair.PublicKey

            // Create the key from the network key and the shared secrets
            var box_key = Utils.Concat(
                _network_key, _shared_ab, _shared_aB

            // A nonce consisting of 24 zeros
            var nonce = new byte[NONCE_SIZE];


            var msg = SecretBox.Create(plaintext, nonce, CryptoHash.Sha256(box_key));

Example #5
        public Key(byte[] privateKey)
            var keyPair = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair(privateKey);

            PrivateKey = keyPair.PrivateKey;
            PublicKey  = keyPair.PublicKey;
Example #6
        public Key(byte[] seed, int index)
            var encoder = new ASCIIEncoder();
            var secret  = encoder.DecodeData(Ed25519Curve);

            // var seedBytes = HexByteConvertorExtensions.HexToByteArrayInternal(seed);
            var array = new HMACSHA512(secret).ComputeHash(seed);

            var key       = array.SafeSubarray(0, 32);
            var chainCode = array.SafeSubarray(32, 32);

            var derivedPath = unchecked ((uint)index + HardenedOffset);

            derivedPath = HexByteConvertorExtensions.ReverseBytes(derivedPath);
            var dpBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(derivedPath);
            var data = new byte[] { 0 }.Concat(key, dpBytes);

            var array2 = new HMACSHA512(chainCode).ComputeHash(data);

            var key2 = array2.SafeSubarray(0, 32);

            var keyPair = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair(key2);

            PrivateKey = keyPair.PrivateKey;
            PublicKey  = keyPair.PublicKey;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        ///   Constructs the server given the Network key and its keypair
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="network_key">
        ///   The key that identifies the network
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="server_keypair">
        ///   The server's long term keypair
        /// </param>
        public Server(byte[] network_key, Sodium.KeyPair server_keypair)
            this._network_key             = network_key;
            this._longterm_server_keypair = server_keypair;

            _ephemeral_server_keypair = new KeyPair(PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair());
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        ///     Validate a file with a MinisignSignature and a MinisignPublicKey object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The message to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="signature">A valid MinisignSignature object.</param>
        /// <param name="publicKey">A valid MinisignPublicKey object.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if valid; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="OverflowException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception>
        public static bool ValidateSignature(byte[] message, MinisignSignature signature, MinisignPublicKey publicKey)
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("missing signature input", nameof(message));

            if (signature == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("missing signature input", nameof(signature));

            if (publicKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("missing publicKey input", nameof(publicKey));

            if (!ArrayHelpers.ConstantTimeEquals(signature.KeyId, publicKey.KeyId))
            // verify the signature
            if (PublicKeyAuth.VerifyDetached(signature.Signature, message, publicKey.PublicKey))
                // verify the trusted comment
                                                    ArrayHelpers.ConcatArrays(signature.Signature, signature.TrustedComment), publicKey.PublicKey));

Example #9
        public void ItWorks()
            var network_key = new byte[] {
                0xd4, 0xa1, 0xcb, 0x88, 0xa6, 0x6f, 0x02, 0xf8, 0xdb, 0x63, 0x5c,
                0xe2, 0x64, 0x41, 0xcc, 0x5d, 0xac, 0x1b, 0x08, 0x42, 0x0c, 0xea,
                0xac, 0x23, 0x08, 0x39, 0xb7, 0x55, 0x84, 0x5a, 0x9f, 0xfb

            var client_keypair = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();
            var server_keypair = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();

            var client = new Client(network_key, server_keypair.PublicKey, client_keypair);
            var server = new Server(network_key, server_keypair);

            // Client -> Server [1]
            var client_hello = client.Hello();


            // Client <- Server [2]
            var server_hello = server.Hello();


                Enumerable.SequenceEqual(client.EphemeralDerivedSecret, server.EphemeralDerivedSecret),
                "The ephemeral derived secrets are not the same" +
                "client: " +
                $"{string.Join(" ", client.EphemeralDerivedSecret.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray())}\n" +
                "server: " +
                $"{string.Join(" ", server.EphemeralDerivedSecret.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray())}"
                Enumerable.SequenceEqual(client.ServerDerivedSecret, server.ServerDerivedSecret),
                "The Server derived secrets are not the same\n" +
                "client: " +
                $"{string.Join(" ", client.ServerDerivedSecret.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray())}\n" +
                "server: " +
                $"{string.Join(" ", server.ServerDerivedSecret.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray())}"

            // Client -> Server [3]
            var client_auth = client.Authenticate();


                Enumerable.SequenceEqual(client.ClientDerivedSecret, server.ClientDerivedSecret),
                "The Client derived secrets are not the same\n" +
                "client: " +
                $"{string.Join(" ", client.ClientDerivedSecret.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray())}\n" +
                "server: " +
                $"{string.Join(" ", server.ClientDerivedSecret.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray())}"

            // Client <- Server [4]
            var server_accept = server.Accept();

        protected override void OnBeforeRequest(RestClient client, IRestRequest request, Proxy proxy = null)
            request.AddHeader("X-Sign-Date", DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString());

            var patchString = request.Resource;

            var qParamas = request.Parameters
                           .Where(w => w.Type == ParameterType.QueryString)
                           .Select(s => s.ToString())

            var bParamas = request.Parameters
                           .Where(w => w.Type == ParameterType.RequestBody)
                           .Select(s => s.ToString())

            if (qParamas.Any())
                patchString += $"?{string.Join("&", qParamas.Select(s => s.ToString()))}";

            if (bParamas.Any())
                patchString += JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request.Parameters
                                                           .Where(w => w.Type == ParameterType.RequestBody)
                                                           .ToDictionary(d => d.Name, d => d.Value));

            var sigString = request.Method + patchString + DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds();
            var sig       = Utilities.BinaryToHex(PublicKeyAuth.SignDetached(sigString, Utilities.HexToBinary(_privateKey)));

            request.AddHeader("X-Request-Sign", $"dmar ed25519 {sig}");
        public void GenerateKeyPairTest()
            var kp = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();

            Assert.AreEqual(32, kp.Public.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(64, kp.Secret.Length);
Example #12
        public bool isValidSignature(Interaction interaction)
            var signature = Context.Request.Headers["X-Signature-Ed25519"];

            signature ??= Context.Request.Headers["X-Signature-Ed25519".ToLower()];
            var timestamp = Context.Request.Headers["X-Signature-Timestamp"];

            timestamp ??= Context.Request.Headers["X-Signature-Timestamp".ToLower()];
            Program.LogMsg($"Verifying {timestamp} with {signature}");
            var message   = timestamp + Context.Body;
            var publicKey = Program.Configuration["tokens:publickey"];

#if !DEBUG
            if (!PublicKeyAuth.VerifyDetached(
                Program.LogMsg($"Failed verification.");
            Program.LogMsg($"Suceeded verification");
Example #13
        private static Certificate ExtractCertificate(byte[] data, byte[] providerKey)
            var certificate = new Certificate();

            if (data.Length != 116)
            certificate.MagicQuery = ArrayHelper.SubArray(data, 96, 8);
            var serial  = ArrayHelper.SubArray(data, 104, 4);
            var tsBegin = ArrayHelper.SubArray(data, 108, 4);
            var tsEnd   = ArrayHelper.SubArray(data, 112, 4);

            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
            certificate.Serial  = BitConverter.ToInt32(serial, 0);
            certificate.TsBegin = UnixTimeStampToDateTime(BitConverter.ToInt32(tsBegin, 0));
            certificate.TsEnd   = UnixTimeStampToDateTime(BitConverter.ToInt32(tsEnd, 0));

                var m = PublicKeyAuth.Verify(data, providerKey);
                certificate.Valid = true;
            catch (Exception)
Example #14
        public void PublicKeyAuthConvertToCurve25519()
            var keypairSeed = new byte[] {
                0x42, 0x11, 0x51, 0xa4, 0x59, 0xfa, 0xea, 0xde,
                0x3d, 0x24, 0x71, 0x15, 0xf9, 0x4a, 0xed, 0xae,
                0x42, 0x31, 0x81, 0x24, 0x09, 0x5a, 0xfa, 0xbe,
                0x4d, 0x14, 0x51, 0xa5, 0x59, 0xfa, 0xed, 0xee

            var keys = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair(keypairSeed);

            var ed25519Pk   = keys.PublicKey;
            var ed25519SkPk = keys.PrivateKey;

            var curve25519Pk = PublicKeyAuth.ConvertEd25519PublicKeyToCurve25519PublicKey(ed25519Pk);
            var curve25519Sk = PublicKeyAuth.ConvertEd25519SecretKeyToCurve25519SecretKey(ed25519SkPk);

            Assert.AreEqual(Utilities.BinaryToHex(curve25519Pk, Utilities.HexFormat.None, Utilities.HexCase.Upper),
            Assert.AreEqual(Utilities.BinaryToHex(curve25519Sk, Utilities.HexFormat.None, Utilities.HexCase.Upper),

            for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++)
                keys         = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();
                ed25519Pk    = keys.PublicKey;
                ed25519SkPk  = keys.PrivateKey;
                curve25519Pk = PublicKeyAuth.ConvertEd25519PublicKeyToCurve25519PublicKey(ed25519Pk);
                curve25519Sk = PublicKeyAuth.ConvertEd25519SecretKeyToCurve25519SecretKey(ed25519SkPk);
                var curve25519Pk2 = ScalarMult.Base(curve25519Sk);

                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(curve25519Pk, curve25519Pk2);
        public void ConvertToCurve25519Test()
            // Keypair seed from libsodium-net
            var keypairSeed = new byte[] {
                0x42, 0x11, 0x51, 0xa4, 0x59, 0xfa, 0xea, 0xde,
                0x3d, 0x24, 0x71, 0x15, 0xf9, 0x4a, 0xed, 0xae,
                0x42, 0x31, 0x81, 0x24, 0x09, 0x5a, 0xfa, 0xbe,
                0x4d, 0x14, 0x51, 0xa5, 0x59, 0xfa, 0xed, 0xee

            var kp = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair(keypairSeed);

            var ed25519Pk   = kp.Public;
            var ed25519SkPk = kp.Secret;

            var curve25519Pk = PublicKeyAuth.ConvertEd25519PublicKeyToCurve25519PublicKey(ed25519Pk);
            var curve25519Sk = PublicKeyAuth.ConvertEd25519SecretKeyToCurve25519SecretKey(ed25519SkPk);

            Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToBase64String(curve25519Pk), "8YFPDo/xBD2KRNJbq/887crmwiw+2qSPhXrnDeK6rlA=");
            Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToBase64String(curve25519Sk), "gFIDA3bUcRK+f3PtegGSk90SrZELZURVeYtGZ9c94WY=");

            for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++)
                kp           = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();
                ed25519Pk    = kp.Public;
                ed25519SkPk  = kp.Secret;
                curve25519Pk = PublicKeyAuth.ConvertEd25519PublicKeyToCurve25519PublicKey(ed25519Pk);
                curve25519Sk = PublicKeyAuth.ConvertEd25519SecretKeyToCurve25519SecretKey(ed25519SkPk);
                var curve25519Pk2 = ScalarMult.Base(curve25519Sk);

                CollectionAssert.AreEqual(curve25519Pk, curve25519Pk2);
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        ///     Validate a file with a MinisignSignature and a MinisignPublicKey object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">The full path to the file.</param>
        /// <param name="signature">A valid MinisignSignature object.</param>
        /// <param name="publicKey">A valid MinisignPublicKey object.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if valid; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="FileNotFoundException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="OverflowException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception>
        public static bool ValidateSignature(string filePath, MinisignSignature signature, MinisignPublicKey publicKey)
            if (filePath != null && !File.Exists(filePath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("could not find filePath");

            if (signature == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("missing signature input", nameof(signature));

            if (publicKey == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("missing publicKey input", nameof(publicKey));

            if (!ArrayHelpers.ConstantTimeEquals(signature.KeyId, publicKey.KeyId))
            // load the file into memory
            var file = LoadMessageFile(filePath);

            // verify the signature
            if (PublicKeyAuth.VerifyDetached(signature.Signature, file, publicKey.PublicKey))
                // verify the trusted comment
                                                    ArrayHelpers.ConcatArrays(signature.Signature, signature.TrustedComment), publicKey.PublicKey));

        public static byte[] DecodeMessage(byte[] message, byte[] nonce, byte[] senderPublicKey, byte[] recipientPrivateKey)
            var curvePublicKey = PublicKeyAuth.ConvertEd25519PublicKeyToCurve25519PublicKey(senderPublicKey);
            var curveSecretKey = PublicKeyAuth.ConvertEd25519SecretKeyToCurve25519SecretKey(recipientPrivateKey);

            return(TweetNaCl.CryptoBoxOpen(message, nonce, curvePublicKey, curveSecretKey));
Example #18
 public void VerifyAuthDetachedBadSignature()
         Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Adam Caudill"),
 public KeyPair(Sodium.KeyPair a)
     this.PublicKey = PublicKeyAuth
     this.PrivateKey = PublicKeyAuth
Example #20
        public void TestNoiseXx()
            var rootKey  = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();
            var Verifier = DiscoHelper.CreatePublicKeyVerifier(rootKey.PublicKey);

            var clienPair  = Asymmetric.GenerateKeyPair();
            var serverPair = Asymmetric.GenerateKeyPair();

            // init
            var clientConfig = new Config
                KeyPair              = clienPair,
                HandshakePattern     = NoiseHandshakeType.NoiseXX,
                PublicKeyVerifier    = Verifier,
                StaticPublicKeyProof = DiscoHelper.CreateStaticPublicKeyProof(rootKey.PrivateKey, clienPair.PublicKey)

            var serverConfig = new Config
                KeyPair              = serverPair,
                HandshakePattern     = NoiseHandshakeType.NoiseXX,
                PublicKeyVerifier    = Verifier,
                StaticPublicKeyProof = DiscoHelper.CreateStaticPublicKeyProof(rootKey.PrivateKey, serverPair.PublicKey)

            this.RunTwoWayTest(clientConfig, serverConfig, 1802);
        public void ExtractEd25519PublicKeyFromEd25519SecretKeyTest()
            var kp  = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();
            var pub = PublicKeyAuth.ExtractEd25519PublicKeyFromEd25519SecretKey(kp.Secret);

            Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToBase64String(kp.Public), Convert.ToBase64String(pub));
Example #22
        public void SimpleAuthDetachedTest()
            var expected = Utilities.HexToBinary("8d5436accbe258a6b252c1140f38d7b8dc6196619945818b72512b6a8019d86dfeeb56f40c4d4b983d97dfeed37948527256c3567d6b253757fcfb32bef56f0b");
            var actual   = PublicKeyAuth.SignDetached(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Adam Caudill"),

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Example #23
        public void SimpleVerifyTest()
            var expected = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Adam Caudill");
            var actual   = PublicKeyAuth.Verify(Utilities.HexToBinary("8d5436accbe258a6b252c1140f38d7b8dc6196619945818b72512b6a8019d86dfeeb56f40c4d4b983d97dfeed37948527256c3567d6b253757fcfb32bef56f0b4164616d2043617564696c6c"),

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Example #24
        public void GenerateKeyTest()
            var actual = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();

            //need a better test
        public void GenerateKeyPairFromSeedTest()
            var seed = Core.GetRandomBytes(32);
            var kp   = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair(seed);

            Assert.AreEqual(32, kp.Public.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(64, kp.Secret.Length);
Example #26
        // Decrypts data with receiver’s private key using Libsodium
        public static string DecryptWithPrivateKey(string data, string privateKey)
            var privateKeyConverted = PublicKeyAuth.ConvertEd25519SecretKeyToCurve25519SecretKey(Hex.Decode(privateKey));
            var publicKey           = Hex.Decode(GetPublicKeyFromPrivate(privateKey));
            var publicKeyConverted  = PublicKeyAuth.ConvertEd25519PublicKeyToCurve25519PublicKey(publicKey);

            return(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(SealedPublicKeyBox.Open(Hex.Decode(data), privateKeyConverted, publicKeyConverted)));
Example #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Generated a detached signature from the provided data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data">String payload to sign</param>
 /// <returns>byte[] of the detached signature</returns>
 public byte[] Sign(String data)
     try {
         return(PublicKeyAuth.SignDetached(data, this.signatureSecretKey));
     } catch (Exception e) {
         throw new SigningException("Unable to sign message", e);
Example #28
        public void GenerateKeyVerifySignedDataTest()
            var actual = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();

            byte[] randomArray = SodiumCore.GetRandomBytes(255);
            var    sign        = PublicKeyAuth.SignDetached(randomArray, actual.PrivateKey);

            Assert.IsTrue(PublicKeyAuth.VerifyDetached(sign, randomArray, actual.PublicKey));
Example #29
        public void GenerateKeySeedTest()
            var expected = new KeyPair(Utilities.HexToBinary("76a1592044a6e4f511265bca73a604d90b0529d1df602be30a19a9257660d1f5"),
            var actual = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair(Utilities.HexToBinary("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"));

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected.PublicKey, actual.PublicKey);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected.PrivateKey, actual.PrivateKey);
        public void ExtractEd25519SeedFromEd25519SecretKeyTest()
            var kp1  = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair();
            var seed = PublicKeyAuth.ExtractEd25519SeedFromEd25519SecretKey(kp1.Secret);
            var kp2  = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair(seed);

            Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToBase64String(kp1.Public), Convert.ToBase64String(kp2.Public));
            Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToBase64String(kp1.Secret), Convert.ToBase64String(kp2.Secret));