public virtual int SysMemUserForUser_FE707FDF(PspString name, int type, int size, TPointer paramsAddr) { if (paramsAddr.NotNull) { int Length = paramsAddr.getValue32(); if (Length != 4) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("SysMemUserForUser_FE707FDF: unknown parameters with Length={0:D}", Length)); } } if (type < PSP_SMEM_Low || type > PSP_SMEM_High) { return(SceKernelErrors.ERROR_KERNEL_ILLEGAL_MEMBLOCK_ALLOC_TYPE); } // Always allocate memory in user area (partitionid == 2). SysMemInfo info = malloc(SysMemUserForUser.USER_PARTITION_ID, name.String, type, size, 0); if (info == null) { return(SceKernelErrors.ERROR_KERNEL_FAILED_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK); } return(info.uid); }
public virtual int sceUmdActivate(int mode, PspString drive) { umdActivated = true; Modules.IoFileMgrForUserModule.registerUmdIso(); // Notify the callback. // The callback will be executed at the next sceXXXXCB() syscall. int notifyArg = NotificationArg; Modules.ThreadManForUserModule.hleKernelNotifyCallback(SceKernelThreadInfo.THREAD_CALLBACK_UMD, notifyArg); checkWaitingThreads(); // int arg[] = { 1 }; // sceIoAssign(drive, "umd0:", "isofs0:", 1, &arg, 4); int sceIoAssign = NIDMapper.Instance.getAddressByName("sceIoAssign"); if (sceIoAssign != 0) { SysMemInfo memInfo = Modules.SysMemUserForUserModule.malloc(SysMemUserForUser.KERNEL_PARTITION_ID, "sceUmdActivate", SysMemUserForUser.PSP_SMEM_Low, 32, 0); int argAddr = memInfo.addr; int umdAddr = memInfo.addr + 4; int isofsAddr = memInfo.addr + 10; Memory mem = Memory.Instance; Utilities.writeStringZ(mem, umdAddr, "umd0:"); Utilities.writeStringZ(mem, isofsAddr, "isofs0:"); mem.write32(argAddr, 1); SceKernelThreadInfo thread = Modules.ThreadManForUserModule.CurrentThread; Modules.ThreadManForUserModule.executeCallback(thread, sceIoAssign, null, false, drive.Address, umdAddr, isofsAddr, 1, argAddr, 4); } return(0); }
public virtual int sceUmdDeactivate(int mode, PspString drive) { // Trigger the callback only if the UMD was already activated. // The callback will be executed at the next sceXXXXCB() syscall. bool triggerCallback = umdActivated; umdActivated = false; Modules.IoFileMgrForUserModule.registerUmdIso(); umdDeactivateCalled = true; if (triggerCallback) { int notifyArg; if (iso != null) { notifyArg = PSP_UMD_PRESENT | PSP_UMD_READY; } else { notifyArg = PSP_UMD_NOT_PRESENT | PSP_UMD_NOT_READY; } Modules.ThreadManForUserModule.hleKernelNotifyCallback(SceKernelThreadInfo.THREAD_CALLBACK_UMD, notifyArg); } checkWaitingThreads(); return(0); }
public virtual int hleMSstorStorageIoDevctl(pspIoDrvFileArg drvFileArg, PspString devicename, int cmd, TPointer indata, int inlen, TPointer outdata, int outlen) { switch (cmd) { case 0x02125802: outdata.setValue32(0); // ??? break; case 0x0211D814: // inlen == 4, outlen == 0 break; case 0x0210D816: // Format Memory Stick // inlen == 0, outlen == 0 Console.WriteLine(string.Format("A FORMAT of the Memory Stick was requested, ignoring the request")); break; case 0x02025806: // Check if the device is inserted // 0 = Not inserted. // 1 = Inserted. outdata.setValue32(1); break; default: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("hleMSstorStorageIoDevctl 0x{0:X8} unknown command on device '{1}'", cmd, devicename)); break; } return(0); }
public virtual int sceKernelLoadModuleNpDrm(PspString path, int flags, TPointer optionAddr) { SceKernelLMOption lmOption = null; if (optionAddr.NotNull) { lmOption = new SceKernelLMOption();; if (log.InfoEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceKernelLoadModuleNpDrm options: {0}", lmOption)); } } // SPRX modules can't be decrypted yet. if (!DisableDLCStatus) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceKernelLoadModuleNpDrm detected encrypted DLC module: {0}", path.String)); return(SceKernelErrors.ERROR_NPDRM_INVALID_PERM); } LoadModuleContext loadModuleContext = new LoadModuleContext(); loadModuleContext.fileName = path.String; loadModuleContext.flags = flags; loadModuleContext.lmOption = lmOption; loadModuleContext.needModuleInfo = true; loadModuleContext.allocMem = true; return(Modules.ModuleMgrForUserModule.hleKernelLoadModule(loadModuleContext)); }
public virtual int sceNetConfigSetIfEventFlag(PspString interfaceName, int eventFlagUid, int bitsToSet) { if (eventFlagUid == 0) { return(0); } return(Modules.ThreadManForUserModule.sceKernelSetEventFlag(eventFlagUid, bitsToSet)); }
public virtual int strstr(PspString s1, PspString s2) { int index = s1.String.IndexOf(s2.String, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (index < 0) { return(0); } return(s1.Address + index); }
public virtual int sceNetConfigGetIfEvent(PspString interfaceName, TPointer32 eventAddr, TPointer32 unknown) { // Possible return values in eventAddr: // - 4 (WLAN switch off / 0x80410B03) // - 5 (WLAN beacon lost / 0x80410B0E) // - 7 (???) // Returns 0x80410184 if no event is available? return(SceKernelErrors.ERROR_NET_NO_EVENT); }
public virtual int strrchr(PspString @string, int c) { int index = @string.String.LastIndexOf(c); if (index < 0) { return(0); } return(@string.Address + index); }
public virtual int sceNpDrmOpen(PspString name, int flags, int permissions) { if (!NpDrmKeyStatus) { return(SceKernelErrors.ERROR_NPDRM_NO_K_LICENSEE_SET); } // Open the file with flags ORed with PSP_O_FGAMEDATA and send it to the IoFileMgr. int fd = Modules.IoFileMgrForUserModule.hleIoOpen(name, flags | 0x40000000, permissions, true); return(sceNpDrmEdataSetupKey(fd)); }
public virtual int sceKernelSearchModuleByName(PspString name) { SceModule module = Managers.modules.getModuleByName(name.String); if (module == null) { return(SceKernelErrors.ERROR_KERNEL_UNKNOWN_MODULE); } return(module.modid); }
public virtual int hleKernelPrintf(CpuState cpu, PspString formatString, Logger logger) { // Format and print the message to the logger if (logger.InfoEnabled) { string formattedMsg = hleKernelSprintf(cpu, formatString.String, _a1);; } return(0); }
public virtual int scePopsManLoadModule(PspString ebootPbp, int unknown) { this.ebootPbp = ebootPbp.String; ebootPbpUid = -1; vFileEbootPbp = null; string popsFileName = string.Format("flash0:/kd/pops_{0:D2}g.prx", Model.Model + 1); // Modules.ModuleMgrForUserModule.hleKernelLoadAndStartModule("flash0:/vsh/module/paf.prx", 0x19); return(Modules.ModuleMgrForUserModule.hleKernelLoadAndStartModule(popsFileName, 0x20)); }
public virtual int strtol(PspString @string, TPointer32 endString, int @base) { // base == 0 seems to be handled as base == 10. if (@base == 0) { @base = 10; } IMemoryReader memoryReader = MemoryReader.getMemoryReader(@string.Address, 1); string s = @string.String; // Skip any leading "0x" in case of base 16 if (@base == 16 && (s.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.Ordinal) || s.StartsWith("0X", StringComparison.Ordinal))) { memoryReader.skip(2); s = s.Substring(2); } for (int i = 0; true; i++) { int c = memoryReader.readNext(); if (c == 0 || !isNumberValidCharacter(c, @base)) { endString.setValue(@string.Address + i); s = s.Substring(0, i); break; } } int result; if (s.Length == 0) { result = 0; } else { result = Integer.parseInt(s, @base); } //if (log.DebugEnabled) { if (@base == 10) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("strtol on '{0}' returning {1:D}", s, result)); } else { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("strtol on '{0}' returning 0x{1:X}", s, result)); } } return(result); }
public virtual int sceHttpsInitWithPath(PspString rootCertFileList, PspString clientCertFile, PspString keyFile) { if (isHttpsInit) { return(ERROR_HTTP_ALREADY_INIT); } isHttpsInit = true; return(0); }
public virtual void sceNetEtherStrton(PspString str, TPointer etherAddr) { // This syscall is only doing something when both parameters are not 0. if (str.NotNull && etherAddr.NotNull) { // Convert string Mac address string representation (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) // into 6-byte representation. pspNetMacAddress macAddress = new pspNetMacAddress(); macAddress.MacAddress = convertStringToMacAddress(str.String); macAddress.write(etherAddr); } }
public virtual int sceKernelCreateMutex(PspString name, int attr, int count, int option_addr) { if (count < 0 || (count > 1 && (attr & PSP_MUTEX_ATTR_ALLOW_RECURSIVE) == 0)) { return(SceKernelErrors.ERROR_KERNEL_ILLEGAL_COUNT); } SceKernelMutexInfo info = new SceKernelMutexInfo(name.String, count, attr); mutexMap[info.uid] = info; return(info.uid); }
public virtual int hleMSstorPartitionIoDevctl(pspIoDrvFileArg drvFileArg, PspString devicename, int cmd, TPointer indata, int inlen, TPointer outdata, int outlen) { switch (cmd) { case 0x02125802: outdata.setValue32(0); // ??? break; default: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("hleMSstorPartitionIoDevctl 0x{0:X8} unknown command on device '{1}'", cmd, devicename)); break; } return(0); }
public virtual int sceKernelCreateVpl(PspString name, int partitionid, int attr, int size, TPointer option) { if (name.Null) { // PSP is returning this error is case of a NULL name return(SceKernelErrors.ERROR_KERNEL_ERROR); } if (option.NotNull) { int optionSize = option.getValue32(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceKernelCreateVpl option at {0}, size={1:D}", option, optionSize)); } int memType = PSP_SMEM_Low; if ((attr & PSP_VPL_ATTR_ADDR_HIGH) == PSP_VPL_ATTR_ADDR_HIGH) { memType = PSP_SMEM_High; } if ((attr & ~PSP_VPL_ATTR_MASK) != 0) { Console.WriteLine("sceKernelCreateVpl bad attr value 0x" + attr.ToString("x")); return(ERROR_KERNEL_ILLEGAL_ATTR); } if (size == 0) { return(ERROR_KERNEL_ILLEGAL_MEMSIZE); } if (size < 0) { return(ERROR_KERNEL_NO_MEMORY); } SceKernelVplInfo info = SceKernelVplInfo.tryCreateVpl(name.String, partitionid, attr, size, memType); if (info == null) { return(ERROR_KERNEL_NO_MEMORY); } //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceKernelCreateVpl returning {0}", info)); } vplMap[info.uid] = info; return(info.uid); }
public virtual int sceUsbStop(PspString driverName, int size, TPointer args) { usbStarted = false; SceModule module = loadedModules.Remove(driverName.String); if (module != null) { HLEModuleManager moduleManager = HLEModuleManager.Instance; moduleManager.UnloadFlash0Module(module); } notifyCallback(); return(0); }
public virtual int sceNetStrcasecmp(PspString src1Addr, PspString src2Addr) { if (src1Addr.Null || src2Addr.Null) { if (src1Addr.Address == src2Addr.Address) { return(0); } if (src1Addr.NotNull) { return(1); } return(-1); } return(string.Compare(src1Addr.String, src2Addr.String, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); }
public virtual int sceNetIfhandle_driver_9CBA24D4(PspString interfaceName) { int handleAddr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < handles.Length; i++) { if (handles[i].NotNull) { SceNetIfHandle handle = new SceNetIfHandle();[i]); if (interfaceName.Equals(handle.handleInternal.interfaceName)) { handleAddr = handles[i].Address; break; } } } return(handleAddr); }
public virtual int hleMSstorControllerIoDevctl(pspIoDrvFileArg drvFileArg, PspString devicename, int cmd, TPointer indata, int inlen, TPointer outdata, int outlen) { switch (cmd) { case 0x0203D802: // Set EventFlag named SceFatfsDetectMedium int eventFlag = indata.getValue32(); // Event 0x1: memory stick inserted? // Event 0x2: memory stick ejected? Managers.eventFlags.sceKernelSetEventFlag(eventFlag, 0x1); outdata.setValue32(0); break; case 0x02025801: // Check the MemoryStick's driver status outdata.setValue32(4); break; case 0x2015807: outdata.setValue32(1); // Unknown value: seems to be 0 or 1? break; case 0x0202580A: outdata.clear(outlen); break; case 0x201580B: // inlen == 20, outlen == 0 break; case 0x02025806: // Check if the device is inserted // 0 = Not inserted. // 1 = Inserted. outdata.setValue32(1); break; default: Console.WriteLine(string.Format("hleMSstorControllerIoDevctl 0x{0:X8} unknown command on device '{1}'", cmd, devicename)); break; } return(0); }
public virtual int sceHeapCreateHeap(PspString name, int heapSize, int attr, TPointer paramAddr) { if (paramAddr.NotNull) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceHeapCreateHeap unknown option at {0}", paramAddr)); } int memType = PSP_SMEM_Low; if ((attr & PSP_HEAP_ATTR_ADDR_HIGH) == PSP_HEAP_ATTR_ADDR_HIGH) { memType = PSP_SMEM_High; } // Allocate a virtual heap memory space and return it's address. SysMemInfo info = null; int alignment = 4; int totalHeapSize = (heapSize + (alignment - 1)) & (~(alignment - 1)); int partitionId = SysMemUserForUser.USER_PARTITION_ID; int maxFreeSize = Modules.SysMemUserForUserModule.maxFreeMemSize(partitionId); if (totalHeapSize <= maxFreeSize) { info = Modules.SysMemUserForUserModule.malloc(partitionId, name.String, memType, totalHeapSize, 0); } else { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceHeapCreateHeap not enough free mem (want={0:D}, free={1:D}, diff={2:D})", totalHeapSize, maxFreeSize, totalHeapSize - maxFreeSize)); } if (info == null) { return(0); // Returns NULL on error. } HeapInfo heapInfo = new HeapInfo(info); heapMap[info.addr] = heapInfo; return(info.addr); }
public virtual int sceKernelLoadExecVSHMs2(PspString filename, TPointer param) { SceKernelLoadExecVSHParam loadExecVSHParam = new SceKernelLoadExecVSHParam();; //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceKernelLoadExecVSHMs2 param: {0}", loadExecVSHParam)); if (loadExecVSHParam.args > 0) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceKernelLoadExecVSHMs2 argp: {0}", Utilities.getMemoryDump(loadExecVSHParam.argp, loadExecVSHParam.args))); } if (loadExecVSHParam.vshmainArgsSize > 0) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceKernelLoadExecVSHMs2 vshmainArgs: {0}", Utilities.getMemoryDump(loadExecVSHParam.vshmainArgs, loadExecVSHParam.vshmainArgsSize))); } } if (loadExecVSHParam.args > 0 && loadExecVSHParam.argp != 0) { string arg = Utilities.readStringNZ(loadExecVSHParam.argp, loadExecVSHParam.args); if (arg.StartsWith("disc0:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { Modules.IoFileMgrForUserModule.setfilepath("disc0/"); } else if (arg.StartsWith("ms0:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { int dirIndex = arg.LastIndexOf('/'); if (dirIndex >= 0) { Modules.IoFileMgrForUserModule.setfilepath(Settings.Instance.getDirectoryMapping("ms0") + arg.Substring(4, dirIndex - 4)); } } } return(Modules.LoadExecForUserModule.hleKernelLoadExec(filename, loadExecVSHParam.args, loadExecVSHParam.argp)); }
public virtual int sceKernelLoadExec(PspString filename, TPointer32 optionAddr) { int argSize = 0; int argAddr = 0; if (optionAddr.NotNull) { int optSize = optionAddr.getValue(0); // Size of the option struct. if (optSize >= 16) { argSize = optionAddr.getValue(4); // Size of memory required for arguments. argAddr = optionAddr.getValue(8); // Arguments (memory area of size argSize). int keyAddr = optionAddr.getValue(12); // Pointer to an encryption key (may not be used). //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceKernelLoadExec params: optSize={0:D}, argSize={1:D}, argAddr=0x{2:X8}, keyAddr=0x{3:X8}: {4}", optSize, argSize, argAddr, keyAddr, Utilities.getMemoryDump(argAddr, argSize))); } } } return(hleKernelLoadExec(filename, argSize, argAddr)); }
public virtual int sceNetResolverStartNtoA(int rid, PspString hostname, TPointer32 addr, int timeout, int retry) { try { InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(hostname.String); int resolvedAddress = sceNetInet.bytesToInternetAddress(inetAddress.Address); addr.setValue(resolvedAddress); //if (log.DebugEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceNetResolverStartNtoA returning address 0x{0:X8}('{1}')", resolvedAddress, sceNetInet.internetAddressToString(resolvedAddress))); } //else if (log.InfoEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("sceNetResolverStartNtoA resolved '{0}' into '{1}'", hostname.String, sceNetInet.internetAddressToString(resolvedAddress))); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return(SceKernelErrors.ERROR_NET_RESOLVER_INVALID_HOST); } return(0); }
public virtual int kuKernelLoadModule(PspString path, int flags, TPointer optionAddr) { SceKernelLMOption lmOption = null; if (optionAddr.NotNull) { lmOption = new SceKernelLMOption();; if (log.InfoEnabled) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("kuKernelLoadModule options: {0}", lmOption)); } } LoadModuleContext loadModuleContext = new LoadModuleContext(); loadModuleContext.fileName = path.String; loadModuleContext.flags = flags; loadModuleContext.lmOption = lmOption; loadModuleContext.needModuleInfo = true; loadModuleContext.allocMem = true; return(Modules.ModuleMgrForUserModule.hleKernelLoadModule(loadModuleContext)); }
public virtual int sceKernelPrintf(CpuState cpu, PspString formatString) { return(hleKernelPrintf(cpu, formatString, stdout)); }
public virtual int sceLibUpdateDL_34243B86(PspString release) { // E.g. release is "6.60" return(0); }