public void CreateTypeIsOnlyInvokedOnceOnSuccess()
            int invocationCount = 0;

            Func <Type, Type> createTypeDelegate =
                type =>

            var cache = new ProxyTypeCache();

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(MyProxyClass), cache.GetProxyType(typeof(IMyInterface), createTypeDelegate));

            Assert.AreEqual(1, invocationCount);
        public void CreateTypeIsOnlyInvokedOnceOnFailure()
            int invocationCount     = 0;
            var createTypeException = new Exception();

            Func <Type, Type> createTypeDelegate =
                type =>
                throw createTypeException;

            var cache = new ProxyTypeCache();

            for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                var ex = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => cache.GetProxyType(typeof(IMyInterface), createTypeDelegate));
                Assert.AreSame(createTypeException, ex.InnerException);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, invocationCount);
            public ProxyBuilderContext(ProxyTypeCache cache, Type targetType, Type sourceType)
                Cache = cache;

                Key = new Tuple<Type, Type>(sourceType, targetType);
                Visited = new Dictionary<Tuple<Type, Type>, VerificationResult>();
        public static Type GetProxyType(ProxyTypeCache cache, Type targetType, Type sourceType)
            if (targetType.IsAssignableFrom(sourceType))
                return null;

            var key = new Tuple<Type, Type>(sourceType, targetType);

            ProxyTypeCacheResult result;
            if (!cache.TryGetValue(key, out result))
                var context = new ProxyBuilderContext(cache, targetType, sourceType);

                // Check that all required types are proxy-able - this will create the TypeBuilder, Constructor,
                // and property mappings.
                // We need to create the TypeBuilder and Constructor up front to deal with cycles that can occur
                // when generating the proxy properties.
                if (!VerifyProxySupport(context, context.Key))
                    var error = cache[key];
                    Debug.Assert(error != null && error.IsError);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(error.Error);


                // Now that we've generated all of the constructors for the proxies, we can generate the properties.
                foreach (var verificationResult in context.Visited)
                    if (verificationResult.Value.Mappings != null)

                // Now generate the type
                foreach (var verificationResult in context.Visited)
                    if (verificationResult.Value.TypeBuilder != null)
                        verificationResult.Value.Type = verificationResult.Value.TypeBuilder.CreateTypeInfo().AsType();

                // We only want to publish the results after all of the proxies are totally generated.
                foreach (var verificationResult in context.Visited)
                    cache[verificationResult.Key] = ProxyTypeCacheResult.FromType(

                return context.Visited[context.Key].Type;
            else if (result.IsError)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(result.Error);
            else if (result.Type == null)
                // This is an identity convertion
                return null;
                return result.Type;
 public void SetUp()
     _builder = new ProxyBuilder("ProxyTypeCacheTests", "ProxyTypeCacheTests.dll");
     _cache = new ProxyTypeCache(_builder);