public void TestSearchExampleTest1Expect1()
            string[] args = new[] { "the", "canal", "3", TestFileNameContents.Example1FileName };
            proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch(args);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, proximitySearch.Search());
        public void TestSearchNewLineFileExpect3()
            string[] args = new[] { "the", "canal", "6", TestFileNameContents.NewLinesFileName };
            proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch(args);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, proximitySearch.Search());
        public void TestSearchExampleTest1WithTwoIdenticalKeywords()
            string[] args = new[] { "the", "the", "6", TestFileNameContents.Example1FileName };
            proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch(args);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, proximitySearch.Search());
Example #4
        public void SearchExtraSpaceCapitalizationTest()
            IProximitySearch proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch();
            int matchCount = proximitySearch.ExecuteSearch("The", "mAn", 2, "  \n   the      \r\n        Man    \r  ");

            Assert.True(matchCount == 1);
Example #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
                if (args.Length != 4)
                    throw new Exception("Error - 4 parameters expected <firstKeyword> <secondKeyword> <range> <filename>");

                int range = 0;
                if (!int.TryParse(args[2], out range))
                    throw new Exception("Error - third parameter for <range> is expected to be an integer");

                IFileReader fileReader   = new FileReader();
                string      fileContents = fileReader.ReadAll(args[3]);

                IProximitySearch proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch();

                int matchCount = proximitySearch.ExecuteSearch(args[0], args[1], range, fileContents);

                System.Console.WriteLine($"Success - returned {matchCount} matches");
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #6
        public void GetRangeLengthTest()
            IProximitySearch proximitySearch           = new ProximitySearch();
            List <Dictionary <int, string> > rangeList = proximitySearch.GetRanges(6, "the man in the canal");

            Assert.True(rangeList.Count == 1);
Example #7
        public void SearchThirdTest()
            IProximitySearch proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch();
            int matchCount = proximitySearch.ExecuteSearch("the", "canal", 6, "the man the plan the canal panama panama canal the plan the man the the man the plan the canal panama");

            Assert.True(matchCount == 11);
Example #8
        public void SearchFileTest()
            IFileReader      fileReader      = new FileReader();
            IProximitySearch proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch();
            int matchCount = proximitySearch.ExecuteSearch("the", "canal", 6, fileReader.ReadAll("test3.txt"));

            Assert.True(matchCount == 15);
Example #9
        public void SearchCaseIncensitiveTest()
            IFileReader      fileReader      = new FileReader();
            IProximitySearch proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch();
            int matchCount = proximitySearch.ExecuteSearch("the", "canal", 4, "The canal is beyond the bluff");

            Assert.True(matchCount == 2);
Example #10
        public void SearchNotFoundTest()
            IFileReader      fileReader      = new FileReader();
            IProximitySearch proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch();
            int matchCount = proximitySearch.ExecuteSearch("the", "canal", 4, "inside a bluff");

            Assert.True(matchCount == 0);
        public void TestConstructorValidArguments()
            string[] args = new[] { "the", "canal", "6", TestFileNameContents.Example2FileName };
            proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch(args);

            //If no exception is thrown, this test passes
        public void ValidateCorrectInput(string keyword1, string keyword2, string range, string filename)
            ProximitySearch search = new ProximitySearch(keyword1, keyword2, range, filename);
            long            n;
            bool            isNumeric = long.TryParse(search.PerformSearch(), out n);

            Assert.AreEqual(isNumeric, true);
        public void FindProximityCount_FileNotFound_Exception_Thrown()
            ProximitySearch prox     = new ProximitySearch();
            string          keyword1 = "the";
            string          keyword2 = "canal";
            int             range    = 3;
            string          fileName = $@"{Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)}\Files\nobodyshome.zyx";

            int result = prox.FindProximityCount(keyword1, keyword2, range, fileName);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 1);
        public void FindProximityCount_RunNormalLargerSample3_Return_8()
            ProximitySearch prox     = new ProximitySearch();
            string          keyword1 = "shadow";
            string          keyword2 = "knows";
            int             range    = 6;
            string          fileName = $@"{Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)}\Files\sample3.txt";

            int result = prox.FindProximityCount(keyword1, keyword2, range, fileName);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 8);
        public void FindProximityCount_RunNormalSample2_Return_11()
            ProximitySearch prox     = new ProximitySearch();
            string          keyword1 = "the";
            string          keyword2 = "canal";
            int             range    = 6;
            string          fileName = $@"{Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)}\Files\sample2.txt";

            int result = prox.FindProximityCount(keyword1, keyword2, range, fileName);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 11);
        public void TestConstructorTooFewArguments()
            string[] args = new[] { "the", "canal", "6" };

                proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch(args);
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                Assert.AreEqual(ErrorMessageConstants.TooManyOrTooFewArgumentsErrorMessage, e.Message);
        public void FindProximityCount_RangeLessThan2_Return_0()
            ProximitySearch prox     = new ProximitySearch();
            string          keyword1 = "dummy1";
            string          keyword2 = "dummy2";
            int             range    = 1;
            string          fileName = $@"{Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)}\Files\sample1.txt";

            int result = prox.FindProximityCount(keyword1, keyword2, range, fileName);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, 0);
Example #18
        public void SameKeywordFailureTest()
            bool isFailure = false;

                IProximitySearch proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch();
                int matchCount = proximitySearch.ExecuteSearch("the", "The", 3, "the man ");
            catch (Exception ex)
                isFailure = true;
Example #19
        public void InvalidKeywordFailureTest()
            bool isFailure = false;

                IProximitySearch proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch();
                int matchCount = proximitySearch.ExecuteSearch("the new", "canal", 3, "the new man canal");
            catch (Exception ex)
                isFailure = true;
Example #20
        public void GetRangeMinimumLengthTest()
            bool isFailure = false;

                IProximitySearch proximitySearch = new ProximitySearch();
                int matchCount = proximitySearch.ExecuteSearch("the", "canal", 1, " canal ");
            catch (Exception ex)
                isFailure = true;
        public void ValidateWrongFile(string keyword1, string keyword2, string range, string filename)
            ProximitySearch search = new ProximitySearch(keyword1, keyword2, range, filename);

            Assert.AreEqual("File '" + filename + "' does not exist.", search.PerformSearch());
        public void SearchCountTest(string keyword1, string keyword2, string range, string filename, string answer)
            ProximitySearch search = new ProximitySearch(keyword1, keyword2, range, filename);

            Assert.AreEqual(answer, search.PerformSearch());
        public void ValidateWrongRange(string keyword1, string keyword2, string range, string filename)
            ProximitySearch search = new ProximitySearch(keyword1, keyword2, range, filename);

            Assert.AreEqual(range + " is not a valid range. Range should be numeric and between 2 and 9223372036854775807.", search.PerformSearch());