public JsonResult Action(ProvinceActionModel model)
            bool result;

            if (model.ID > 0)
                Province objectFirst = service.GetByID(model.ID);
                objectFirst.Name      = model.Name;
                objectFirst.CountryID = model.CountryID;
                result = service.Update(objectFirst);
                Province objectFirst = new Province();
                objectFirst.ID        = model.ID;
                objectFirst.Name      = model.Name;
                objectFirst.CountryID = model.CountryID;
                result = service.Save(objectFirst);

            JsonResult jsonResult = new JsonResult
                Data = result ? (new { Success = true, Msg = "" }) : (new { Success = false, Msg = "Unable to Save Course" })

        public ActionResult Delete(int ID)
            Province            objectFirst = service.GetByID(ID);
            ProvinceActionModel model       = new ProvinceActionModel();

            PropertyCopy.Copy(objectFirst, model);
            return(PartialView("_Delete", model));
        public ActionResult Delete(ProvinceActionModel model)
            Province   objectFirst = service.GetByID(model.ID);
            bool       result      = service.Delete(objectFirst);
            JsonResult jsonResult  = new JsonResult
                Data = result ? (new { Success = true, Msg = "" }) : (new { Success = false, Msg = "Unable to Save Department" }),

        public ActionResult Action(int?ID)
            ProvinceActionModel model = new ProvinceActionModel();

            if (ID.HasValue)
                Province objectFirst = service.GetByID(ID.Value);
                model.ID        = objectFirst.ID;
                model.Name      = objectFirst.Name;
                model.CountryID = objectFirst.CountryID;

            model.Countries = countryService.GetAll();
            return(PartialView("_Action", model));