// case delete || update in provider order state = Order
 private void Operations_dgv_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
     if (comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Order")
         // case of dalete
         if (e.ColumnIndex == 0)
             // user confirm about the delete operation
             string messag = "Do You really sure about the delete operation ?";
             if (MessageBox.Show(messag, "Confirmation Messag", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                 new ProviderOrderLineBLO(db).Delete(Convert.ToInt32(Operations_dgv.CurrentRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString()));
                 MessageBox.Show("Deleted !!");
                 // referesh the datagridview after delliting the  item selected
                 Operations_dgv.DataSource = null;
                 Operations_dgv.DataSource = new ProviderOrderLineBLO(db).GetPOlByOpType(comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString());
                 //Operations_dgv.Columns[2].Visible = false;
                 //Operations_dgv.Columns[3].Visible = false;
         // Update s case
         if (e.ColumnIndex == 1)
             // user s confirm about the operation
             string messsage = "This Order is already here ?";
             if (MessageBox.Show(messsage, "Confirmation Messag", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                 ProviderOrderLine pol = new ProviderOrderLine();
                 pol = new ProviderOrderLineBLO(db).GetByID(Convert.ToInt32(Operations_dgv.CurrentRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString()));
                 ProviderOrder po = new ProviderOrder();
                 // change the order  state selected form order to buy
                 po            = new ProviderOrderBLO(db).GetByID(Convert.ToInt32(Operations_dgv.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value.ToString()));
                 po.OrderState = "Buy";
                 po.orderDate  = DateTime.Now;
                 new ProviderOrderBLO(db).Save(po);
                 Article article = new Article();
                 article = new ArticlesBLO(db).SearchByReference(Operations_dgv.CurrentRow.Cells[4].Value.ToString())[0];
                 MessageBox.Show("Count Article Before  " + article.Quantity);
                 // add the quantity selected to the article in stock
                 article.Quantity = article.Quantity + pol.Quantity;
                 MessageBox.Show("Count Article After : " + article.Quantity);
                 // refresh the  articles datagridview after this operation
                 Operations_dgv.DataSource = null;
                 Operations_dgv.DataSource = new ProviderOrderLineBLO(db).GetPOlByOpType(comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString());
Example #2
        private void endadte_dtp_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // start date && end date confirming
            // Get the Articles list in buy order state  + the count + total price
            // Get the Articles list in sell order state + the count + total price
            // Get the expenses list + the count + total price

            EndDate = endadte_dtp.Value;
            string Message = "vous etes d'accord ? \n\t Date Debut est : " + StartDate.Day + "-" + StartDate.Month + "-" + StartDate.Year + "\n\t  Date Fin est : "
                             + EndDate.Day + "-" + EndDate.Month + "-" + EndDate.Year;

            if (MessageBox.Show(Message, "Confirmation Messag", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                // enable the other parts result
                buy_grpbx.Enabled  = true;
                buy_dgv.DataSource = null;
                buy_dgv.DataSource = new ProviderOrderLineBLO(db).GetPOLBySD_ED_OS(StartDate, EndDate);
                if (new ProviderOrderLineBLO(db).GetPOLBySD_ED_OS(StartDate, EndDate).Count > 0)
                    buy_dgv.Columns[0].Visible = false;
                    buy_dgv.Columns[1].Visible = false;
                sell_grpx.Enabled   = true;
                sell_dgv.DataSource = null;
                sell_dgv.DataSource = new CustomerOrderLineBLO(db).GetCOLBySD_ED(StartDate, EndDate);
                if (new CustomerOrderLineBLO(db).GetCOLBySD_ED(StartDate, EndDate).Count() > 0)
                    sell_dgv.Columns[0].Visible = false;
                    sell_dgv.Columns[1].Visible = false;
                exp_grpx.Enabled   = true;
                exp_dgv.DataSource = null;
                exp_dgv.DataSource = new ExpensesBLO(db).GetExpByStartDate_Ed(StartDate, EndDate);
                //Informations  count
                SAC_tb.Text = (new CustomerOrderLineBLO(db).GetCOLBySD_ED(StartDate, EndDate).Count()).ToString();
                BAC_tb.Text = (new ProviderOrderLineBLO(db).GetPOLBySD_ED_OS(StartDate, EndDate).Count).ToString();
                E_tb.Text   = (new ExpensesBLO(db).GetExpByStartDate_Ed(StartDate, EndDate).Count).ToString();
                /// Information Prices
                // 1- Sell
                List <Article> ArticlesList = new List <Article>();
                ArticlesList = new CustomerOrderLineBLO(db).GetArticles_SD_ED(StartDate, EndDate);
                float PriceTotal = 0;
                foreach (var item in ArticlesList)
                    PriceTotal = PriceTotal + item.SellingPrice;
                SP_tb.Text = PriceTotal.ToString();
                // 2- Buy
                List <Article> BuyArticlesList = new List <Article>();
                BuyArticlesList = new ProviderOrderLineBLO(db).GetArticlesList_SD_Ed(StartDate, EndDate);
                float BPriceTotal = 0;
                foreach (var item in BuyArticlesList)
                    BPriceTotal = BPriceTotal + item.BuyingPrice;
                BP_tb.Text = BPriceTotal.ToString();
                List <Expense> ExpensesList = new List <Expense>();
                ExpensesList = new ExpensesBLO(db).GetExpBySD_ES(StartDate, EndDate);
                float EPriceTotal = 0;
                foreach (var item in ExpensesList)
                    EPriceTotal = EPriceTotal + item.price;
                EP_tb.Text = EPriceTotal.ToString();