public void ValidateField_GivenProviderIdentifierIsBlank_ShouldReturnCorrectResult()
            // Arrange
            ProviderIdentifierBlankValidator validatorUnderTest = new ProviderIdentifierBlankValidator();

            FieldDefinition definition = new FieldDefinition
                Name                = "UPIN",
                Description         = "The UPIN identifier for the provider",
                Id                  = "1100003",
                IdentifierFieldType = IdentifierFieldType.UPIN,
                MatchExpression     = null,
                Maximum             = null,
                Minimum             = null,
                Required            = false,
                Type                = FieldType.String

            Field field = new Field(AnyCellReference, string.Empty, definition);

            // Act
            FieldValidationResult result = validatorUnderTest.ValidateField(field);

            // Assert
        public void ValidateField_GivenAFieldThatIsNotAProviderIdentifier_ShouldIgnoreAndReturnCorrectResult()
            // Arrange
            const string someOtherField = "some other field";
            ProviderIdentifierBlankValidator validatorUnderTest = new ProviderIdentifierBlankValidator();

            FieldDefinition fieldDefinitionForSomeOtherField = new FieldDefinition
                Description         = "Some other field",
                Id                  = "1100003",
                IdentifierFieldType = null,
                MatchExpression     = null,
                Maximum             = null,
                Minimum             = null,
                Name                = someOtherField,
                Required            = false,
                Type                = FieldType.String

            Field field = new Field(AnyCellReference, string.Empty, fieldDefinitionForSomeOtherField);

            // Act
            FieldValidationResult result = validatorUnderTest.ValidateField(field);

            // Assert
        public void ValidateField_GivenProviderIdentifierIsNotBlank_ShouldReturnCorrectResult()
            // Arrange
            ProviderIdentifierBlankValidator validatorUnderTest = new ProviderIdentifierBlankValidator();
            DatasetUploadCellReference       anyCellReference   = new DatasetUploadCellReference(0, 2);

            FieldDefinition definition = new FieldDefinition
                Name                = "UPIN",
                Description         = "The UPIN identifier for the provider",
                Id                  = "1100003",
                IdentifierFieldType = IdentifierFieldType.UPIN,
                MatchExpression     = null,
                Maximum             = null,
                Minimum             = null,
                Required            = false,
                Type                = FieldType.String

            Field field = new Field(anyCellReference, "107013", definition);

            // Act
            FieldValidationResult result = validatorUnderTest.ValidateField(field);

            // Assert