Example #1
    /// <summary>
    /// A callback that is invoked prior to sending the proxied request. All HttpRequestMessage fields are
    /// initialized except RequestUri, which will be initialized after the callback if no value is provided.
    /// See <see cref="RequestUtilities.MakeDestinationAddress(string, PathString, QueryString)"/> for constructing a custom request Uri.
    /// The string parameter represents the destination URI prefix that should be used when constructing the RequestUri.
    /// The headers are copied by the base implementation, excluding some protocol headers like HTTP/2 pseudo headers (":authority").
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="httpContext">The incoming request.</param>
    /// <param name="proxyRequest">The outgoing proxy request.</param>
    /// <param name="destinationPrefix">The uri prefix for the selected destination server which can be used to create the RequestUri.</param>
    public virtual ValueTask TransformRequestAsync(HttpContext httpContext, HttpRequestMessage proxyRequest, string destinationPrefix)
        foreach (var header in httpContext.Request.Headers)
            var headerName  = header.Key;
            var headerValue = header.Value;
            if (RequestUtilities.ShouldSkipRequestHeader(headerName))

            RequestUtilities.AddHeader(proxyRequest, headerName, headerValue);

        // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7230#section-3.3.3
        // If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding and a
        // Content-Length header field, the Transfer-Encoding overrides the
        // Content-Length.  Such a message might indicate an attempt to
        // perform request smuggling (Section 9.5) or response splitting
        // (Section 9.4) and ought to be handled as an error.  A sender MUST
        // remove the received Content-Length field prior to forwarding such
        // a message downstream.
        if (httpContext.Request.Headers.ContainsKey(HeaderNames.TransferEncoding) &&

        // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7540#section-
        // The only exception to this is the TE header field, which MAY be
        // present in an HTTP/2 request; when it is, it MUST NOT contain any
        // value other than "trailers".
        if (ProtocolHelper.IsHttp2OrGreater(httpContext.Request.Protocol))
            var te = httpContext.Request.Headers.GetCommaSeparatedValues(HeaderNames.TE);
            if (te != null)
                for (var i = 0; i < te.Length; i++)
                    if (string.Equals(te[i], "trailers", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        var added = proxyRequest.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(HeaderNames.TE, te[i]);

        private static void CopyResponseHeaders(HttpContext httpContext, HttpHeaders source, IHeaderDictionary destination)
            var isHttp2OrGreater = ProtocolHelper.IsHttp2OrGreater(httpContext.Request.Protocol);

            foreach (var header in source)
                var headerName = header.Key;
                if (RequestUtilities.ShouldSkipResponseHeader(headerName, isHttp2OrGreater))

                destination.Append(headerName, header.Value.ToArray());
Example #3
        private static Task CopyResponseStatusAndHeadersAsync(HttpResponseMessage source, HttpContext context, HttpTransformer transformer)
            context.Response.StatusCode = (int)source.StatusCode;

            if (!ProtocolHelper.IsHttp2OrGreater(context.Request.Protocol))
                // Don't explicitly set the field if the default reason phrase is used
                if (source.ReasonPhrase != ReasonPhrases.GetReasonPhrase((int)source.StatusCode))
                    context.Features.Get <IHttpResponseFeature>().ReasonPhrase = source.ReasonPhrase;

            // Copies headers
            return(transformer.TransformResponseAsync(context, source));
Example #4
        private StreamCopyHttpContent SetupRequestBodyCopy(HttpRequest request, bool isStreamingRequest, CancellationToken cancellation)
            // If we generate an HttpContent without a Content-Length then for HTTP/1.1 HttpClient will add a Transfer-Encoding: chunked header
            // even if it's a GET request. Some servers reject requests containing a Transfer-Encoding header if they're not expecting a body.
            // Try to be as specific as possible about the client's intent to send a body. The one thing we don't want to do is to start
            // reading the body early because that has side-effects like 100-continue.
            var hasBody       = true;
            var contentLength = request.Headers.ContentLength;
            var method        = request.Method;

#if NET
            var canHaveBodyFeature = request.HttpContext.Features.Get <IHttpRequestBodyDetectionFeature>();
            if (canHaveBodyFeature != null)
                // 5.0 servers provide a definitive answer for us.
                hasBody = canHaveBodyFeature.CanHaveBody;
            // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.3.3
            // All HTTP/1.1 requests should have Transfer-Encoding or Content-Length.
            // Http.Sys/IIS will even add a Transfer-Encoding header to HTTP/2 requests with bodies for back-compat.
            // HTTP/1.0 Connection: close bodies are only allowed on responses, not requests.
            // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1945#section-7.2.2
            // Transfer-Encoding overrides Content-Length per spec
            if (request.Headers.TryGetValue(HeaderNames.TransferEncoding, out var transferEncoding) &&
                transferEncoding.Count == 1 &&
                string.Equals("chunked", transferEncoding.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                hasBody = true;
            else if (contentLength.HasValue)
                hasBody = contentLength > 0;
            // Kestrel HTTP/2: There are no required headers that indicate if there is a request body so we need to sniff other fields.
            else if (!ProtocolHelper.IsHttp2OrGreater(request.Protocol))
                hasBody = false;
            // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-4.3.1
            // A payload within a GET/HEAD/DELETE/CONNECT request message has no defined semantics; sending a payload body on a
            // GET/HEAD/DELETE/CONNECT request might cause some existing implementations to reject the request.
            // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-4.3.8
            // A client MUST NOT send a message body in a TRACE request.
            else if (HttpMethods.IsGet(method) ||
                     HttpMethods.IsHead(method) ||
                     HttpMethods.IsDelete(method) ||
                     HttpMethods.IsConnect(method) ||
                hasBody = false;
            // else hasBody defaults to true

            StreamCopyHttpContent requestContent = null;
            if (hasBody)
                if (isStreamingRequest)

                // Note on `autoFlushHttpClientOutgoingStream: isStreamingRequest`:
                // The.NET Core HttpClient stack keeps its own buffers on top of the underlying outgoing connection socket.
                // We flush those buffers down to the socket on every write when this is set,
                // but it does NOT result in calls to flush on the underlying socket.
                // This is necessary because we proxy http2 transparently,
                // and we are deliberately unaware of packet structure used e.g. in gRPC duplex channels.
                // Because the sockets aren't flushed, the perf impact of this choice is expected to be small.
                // Future: It may be wise to set this to true for *all* http2 incoming requests,
                // but for now, out of an abundance of caution, we only do it for requests that look like gRPC.
                requestContent = new StreamCopyHttpContent(
                    source: request.Body,
                    autoFlushHttpClientOutgoingStream: isStreamingRequest,
                    clock: _clock,
                    cancellation: cancellation);

Example #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Proxies the incoming request to the destination server, and the response back to the client.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// In what follows, as well as throughout in Reverse Proxy, we consider
    /// the following picture as illustrative of the Proxy.
    /// <code>
    ///      +-------------------+
    ///      |  Destination      +
    ///      +-------------------+
    ///            ▲       |
    ///        (b) |       | (c)
    ///            |       ▼
    ///      +-------------------+
    ///      |      Proxy        +
    ///      +-------------------+
    ///            ▲       |
    ///        (a) |       | (d)
    ///            |       ▼
    ///      +-------------------+
    ///      | Client            +
    ///      +-------------------+
    /// </code>
    /// (a) and (b) show the *request* path, going from the client to the target.
    /// (c) and (d) show the *response* path, going from the destination back to the client.
    /// Normal proxying comprises the following steps:
    ///    (0) Disable ASP .NET Core limits for streaming requests
    ///    (1) Create outgoing HttpRequestMessage
    ///    (2) Setup copy of request body (background)             Client --► Proxy --► Destination
    ///    (3) Copy request headers                                Client --► Proxy --► Destination
    ///    (4) Send the outgoing request using HttpMessageInvoker  Client --► Proxy --► Destination
    ///    (5) Copy response status line                           Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
    ///    (6) Copy response headers                               Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
    ///    (7-A) Check for a 101 upgrade response, this takes care of WebSockets as well as any other upgradeable protocol.
    ///        (7-A-1)  Upgrade client channel                     Client ◄--- Proxy ◄--- Destination
    ///        (7-A-2)  Copy duplex streams and return             Client ◄--► Proxy ◄--► Destination
    ///    (7-B) Copy (normal) response body                       Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
    ///    (8) Copy response trailer headers and finish response   Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
    ///    (9) Wait for completion of step 2: copying request body Client --► Proxy --► Destination
    /// ASP .NET Core (Kestrel) will finally send response trailers (if any)
    /// after we complete the steps above and relinquish control.
    /// </remarks>
    public async ValueTask <ForwarderError> SendAsync(
        HttpContext context,
        string destinationPrefix,
        HttpMessageInvoker httpClient,
        ForwarderRequestConfig requestConfig,
        HttpTransformer transformer)
        _ = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
        _ = destinationPrefix ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(destinationPrefix));
        _ = httpClient ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(httpClient));
        _ = requestConfig ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(requestConfig));
        _ = transformer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(transformer));

        // HttpClient overload for SendAsync changes response behavior to fully buffered which impacts performance
        // See discussion in https://github.com/microsoft/reverse-proxy/issues/458
        if (httpClient is HttpClient)
            throw new ArgumentException($"The http client must be of type HttpMessageInvoker, not HttpClient", nameof(httpClient));


        var activityCancellationSource = ActivityCancellationTokenSource.Rent(requestConfig?.ActivityTimeout ?? DefaultTimeout, context.RequestAborted);

            var isClientHttp2OrGreater = ProtocolHelper.IsHttp2OrGreater(context.Request.Protocol);

            // NOTE: We heuristically assume gRPC-looking requests may require streaming semantics.
            // See https://github.com/microsoft/reverse-proxy/issues/118 for design discussion.
            var isStreamingRequest = isClientHttp2OrGreater && ProtocolHelper.IsGrpcContentType(context.Request.ContentType);

            // :: Step 1-3: Create outgoing HttpRequestMessage
            var(destinationRequest, requestContent) = await CreateRequestMessageAsync(
                context, destinationPrefix, transformer, requestConfig, isStreamingRequest, activityCancellationSource);

            // :: Step 4: Send the outgoing request using HttpClient
            HttpResponseMessage destinationResponse;
                destinationResponse = await httpClient.SendAsync(destinationRequest, activityCancellationSource.Token);


                // Reset the timeout since we received the response headers.
            catch (Exception requestException)
                return(await HandleRequestFailureAsync(context, requestContent, requestException, transformer, activityCancellationSource));

            Log.ResponseReceived(_logger, destinationResponse);

                // :: Step 5: Copy response status line Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
                // :: Step 6: Copy response headers Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
                var copyBody = await CopyResponseStatusAndHeadersAsync(destinationResponse, context, transformer);

                if (!copyBody)
                    // The transforms callback decided that the response body should be discarded.

                    if (requestContent is not null && requestContent.InProgress)
                        await requestContent.ConsumptionTask;

            catch (Exception ex)

                if (requestContent is not null && requestContent.InProgress)
                    await requestContent.ConsumptionTask;

                ReportProxyError(context, ForwarderError.ResponseHeaders, ex);
                // Clear the response since status code, reason and some headers might have already been copied and we want clean 502 response.
                context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status502BadGateway;

            // :: Step 7-A: Check for a 101 upgrade response, this takes care of WebSockets as well as any other upgradeable protocol.
            if (destinationResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.SwitchingProtocols)
                Debug.Assert(requestContent?.Started != true);
                return(await HandleUpgradedResponse(context, destinationResponse, activityCancellationSource));

            // NOTE: it may *seem* wise to call `context.Response.StartAsync()` at this point
            // since it looks like we are ready to send back response headers
            // (and this might help reduce extra delays while we wait to receive the body from the destination).
            // HOWEVER, this would produce the wrong result if it turns out that there is no content
            // from the destination -- instead of sending headers and terminating the stream at once,
            // we would send headers thinking a body may be coming, and there is none.
            // This is problematic on gRPC connections when the destination server encounters an error,
            // in which case it immediately returns the response headers and trailing headers, but no content,
            // and clients misbehave if the initial headers response does not indicate stream end.

            // :: Step 7-B: Copy response body Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
            var(responseBodyCopyResult, responseBodyException) = await CopyResponseBodyAsync(destinationResponse.Content, context.Response.Body, activityCancellationSource);

            if (responseBodyCopyResult != StreamCopyResult.Success)
                return(await HandleResponseBodyErrorAsync(context, requestContent, responseBodyCopyResult, responseBodyException !, activityCancellationSource));

            // :: Step 8: Copy response trailer headers and finish response Client ◄-- Proxy ◄-- Destination
            await CopyResponseTrailingHeadersAsync(destinationResponse, context, transformer);

            if (isStreamingRequest)
                // NOTE: We must call `CompleteAsync` so that Kestrel will flush all bytes to the client.
                // In the case where there was no response body,
                // this is also when headers and trailing headers are sent to the client.
                // Without this, the client might wait forever waiting for response bytes,
                // while we might wait forever waiting for request bytes,
                // leading to a stuck connection and no way to make progress.
                await context.Response.CompleteAsync();

            // :: Step 9: Wait for completion of step 2: copying request body Client --► Proxy --► Destination
            // NOTE: It is possible for the request body to NOT be copied even when there was an incoming requet body,
            // e.g. when the request includes header `Expect: 100-continue` and the destination produced a non-1xx response.
            // We must only wait for the request body to complete if it actually started,
            // otherwise we run the risk of waiting indefinitely for a task that will never complete.
            if (requestContent is not null && requestContent.Started)
                var(requestBodyCopyResult, requestBodyException) = await requestContent.ConsumptionTask;

                if (requestBodyCopyResult != StreamCopyResult.Success)
                    // The response succeeded. If there was a request body error then it was probably because the client or destination decided
                    // to cancel it. Report as low severity.

                    var error = requestBodyCopyResult switch
                        StreamCopyResult.InputError => ForwarderError.RequestBodyClient,
                        StreamCopyResult.OutputError => ForwarderError.RequestBodyDestination,
                        StreamCopyResult.Canceled => ForwarderError.RequestBodyCanceled,
                        _ => throw new NotImplementedException(requestBodyCopyResult.ToString())
                    ReportProxyError(context, error, requestBodyException !);
