Example #1
        public ActionResult Index(PropertySearchModel searchModel, int page = 1)
            ViewBag.CategoryList = _categoryEngine.GetAll();
            var model = _propertyEngine.GetAll(searchModel).ToPagedList(page, 16);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Properties(PropertySearchModel model)
            var results = await _propertyDetailService.searchPropertyDetails(model);

            PropertyModel propertyModel            = new PropertyModel();
            List <PropertyDetailViewModel> details = new List <PropertyDetailViewModel>();

            foreach (var item in results)
                var propDetails = new PropertyDetailViewModel
                    Image               = Convert.ToBase64String(item.PropertyImage?.FirstOrDefault().Image),
                    Id                  = item.Id,
                    NumOfbathrooms      = item.NumOfbathrooms,
                    NumOfBedrooms       = item.NumOfBedrooms,
                    LandSize            = item.LandSize,
                    NumOfGarages        = item.NumOfGarages,
                    NumOfKitchens       = item.NumOfKitchens,
                    NumOfParkingSpots   = item.NumOfParkingSpots,
                    NumOfReceptionRooms = item.NumOfReceptionRooms,
                    PropertyAddress     = item.PropertyAddress,
                    PropertyDesc        = item.PropertyDesc
            propertyModel.PropertyDetails = details;
            propertyModel.propertySearch  = new PropertySearchModel();
Example #3
        public IHttpActionResult Get([FromUri] PropertySearchModel model)
            var properties = _propertiesPresenter.GetProperties(model);
            var totalCount = properties.Count;;
            var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalCount / model.PageSize);

            var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(Request);

            var prevLink = model.Page > 0 ? Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { controller = "Properties", page = model.Page - 1 }) : "";
            var nextLink = model.Page < totalPages - 1 ? Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { controller = "Properties", page = model.Page + 1 }) : "";

            var paginationHeader = new
                TotalCount   = totalCount,
                TotalPages   = totalPages,
                PrePageLink  = prevLink,
                NextPageLink = nextLink

            HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers.Add("X-Pagination", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paginationHeader));

            var results = properties
                          .Skip(model.PageSize * model.Page)

Example #4
        public IQueryable <Property> GetAll(PropertySearchModel searchModel)
            var result = _propertyRepository.GetAll(x => !x.IsDeleted);

            if (searchModel != null)
                if (searchModel.Id.HasValue)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.Id == searchModel.Id);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchModel.City))
                    result = result.Where(x => x.City.Contains(searchModel.City));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchModel.Adress))
                    result = result.Where(x => x.GeoLocation.Address.Contains(searchModel.Adress));
                if (searchModel.PriceFrom.HasValue)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.Price >= searchModel.PriceFrom);
                if (searchModel.PriceTo.HasValue)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.Price <= searchModel.PriceTo);

                if (searchModel.TypeOfProperty <= 2)
                    if (searchModel.TypeOfProperty == 0)
                        result = result.Where(x => x.TypeOfProperty == false);
                        result = result.Where(x => x.TypeOfProperty == true);

                if (searchModel.Status <= 2)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.Status == searchModel.Status);

                if (searchModel.CategoryId != 0)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.Category.Id == searchModel.CategoryId);

Example #5
        public async Task <ActionResult> Search()
            var model = new PropertySearchModel();

            model.PropertyTypesList = (await db.PropertyTypes.Convert(db)).ToList();
            model.PropertyTypesList.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Text = "", Value = null, Selected = true

Example #6
        // GET: User
        public ActionResult Index(PropertySearchModel m, int?_pageNo)
            ViewBag.PropertyTypeId = new SelectList(db.PropertyTypes, "Id", "Ad");
            //return RedirectToAction("Action", new { id = 99 });

            var model = GetProducts(m);

Example #7
        public IQueryable <Property> GetProducts(PropertySearchModel searchModel)
            var result = db.Properties.AsQueryable();

            if (searchModel != null)
                if (searchModel.MinPrice.HasValue)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.Price > searchModel.MinPrice);
                if (searchModel.MaxPrice.HasValue)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.Price < searchModel.MaxPrice);
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.Adress))
                    result = result.Where(x => x.Adress.Contains(searchModel.Adress));
                if (searchModel.SquareMeter.HasValue)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.SquareMeter == searchModel.SquareMeter);
                if (searchModel.LivingRoomCount.HasValue)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.LivingRoomCount == searchModel.LivingRoomCount);
                if (searchModel.NumberOfFloors.HasValue)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.NumberOfFloors == searchModel.NumberOfFloors);
                if (searchModel.PropertyTypeId.HasValue)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.PropertyTypeId == searchModel.PropertyTypeId);
                if (searchModel.RoomCount.HasValue)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.RoomCount == searchModel.RoomCount);
                if (searchModel.State != State.Empty)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.State == searchModel.State);
                if (searchModel.WarmingType != WarmingType.Empty)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.WarmingType == searchModel.WarmingType);
                if (searchModel.Floor != searchModel.Floor)
                    result = result.Where(x => x.Floor == searchModel.Floor);
        public IList <PropertyModel> GetProperties(PropertySearchModel model)
            var properties = _service.GetProperties(new SearchModel()
                Address = model.Adsress, Id = model.Id, PriceMax = model.PriceMax, PriceMin = model.PriceMin

            return(properties.Select(x => new PropertyModel()
                Address = x.Address, Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name, Price = x.Price, PropertyDescription = x.PropertyDescription
        public async Task <IEnumerable <PropertyModel> > GetByQueryAsync(PropertySearchModel searchModel)
            Uri url      = new Uri($"properties?{searchModel.GetQueryParameter()}", UriKind.Relative);
            var response = await _apiGateway.ExecuteRequest <List <PropertyApiResponse> >(HttpClientNames.Properties, url);

            if (!response.IsSuccess)
                _logger.LogError($"Call to {url} failed with {response.Status}");
                throw new ApiException(response.Status, Resources.PropertiesFailure);

Example #10
        public async Task SendsRequestBySearch()
            // Arrange
            var stubData = BuildResponse(StubPropertyApiResponse().Generate(5));

            _apiGatewayMock.Setup(gw => gw.ExecuteRequest <List <PropertyApiResponse> >(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <Uri>())).ReturnsAsync(stubData);
            PropertySearchModel searchModel = new PropertySearchModel

            // Act
            var result = await _classUnderTest.GetByQueryAsync(searchModel);

            // Assert
Example #11
        public async Task <PropertySearchModel> GetProperties(PropertySearchModel model)
            var url    = ODataApiUri + "/Property?" + GetFilterString(model);
            var result = await GetOdataResultFromApi(url);

            var searchResultCount = 0;

            if (result.Count != null)
                int.TryParse(result.Count.ToString(), out searchResultCount);
            model.TotalRows = searchResultCount;
            model.PropertySearchResult.AddRange(result.Items.Select(item => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PropertyDto>(item.ToString())));
        public async Task <IActionResult> ListProperties([FromQuery] string address, [FromQuery] string postcode, [FromQuery] string q)
            PropertySearchModel searchModel = new PropertySearchModel
                Address  = address,
                PostCode = postcode,
                Query    = q

            var properties = await _listPropertiesUseCase.ExecuteAsync(searchModel);

            List <PropertyListItem> response = properties.ToResponse();

            _logger.LogInformation(Resources.FoundProperties, response.Count);
        public async Task ReturnsProperties()
            // Arrange
            int expectedPropertyCount = 5;

            PropertySearchModel searchModel = new PropertySearchModel
                Query = "DummyQuery"

            // Act
            var result = await _classUnderTest.ExecuteAsync(searchModel);

            // Assert
Example #14
        public async Task <IEnumerable <PropertyDetail> > searchPropertyDetails(PropertySearchModel searchModel)
            using (var context = new PropertyManagementContext(_dbContextOptions))
                var result = context.PropertyDetail.Include(x => x.PropertyImage).Include(x => x.OwnerHistory).AsQueryable();

                if (searchModel != null)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchModel.OwnerName))
                        bool containsOwner = false;
                        foreach (var item in result)
                            var owners = item.OwnerHistory.Select(x => x.OwnerName);
                            foreach (var owner in owners)
                                if (owner.Contains(searchModel.OwnerName))
                                    containsOwner = true;
                            result = (!containsOwner) ? result.Where(y => y.Id != item.Id): result;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchModel.Address))
                        result = result.Where(x => x.PropertyAddress.Contains(searchModel.Address));
                    if (searchModel.NumOfBedrooms.HasValue && searchModel.NumOfBedrooms.Value != 0)
                        result = result.Where(x => x.NumOfBedrooms == searchModel.NumOfBedrooms);
                    if (searchModel.NumOfBathrooms.HasValue && searchModel.NumOfBathrooms.Value != 0)
                        result = result.Where(x => x.NumOfbathrooms == searchModel.NumOfBathrooms);
                return(await result?.ToListAsync());
Example #15
        private string GetFilterString(PropertySearchModel searchModel)
            var filterString = string.Empty;

            if (searchModel != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.FilterText))
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterString))
                        filterString = ODataFilterConstant.Filter + $"contains(Person/Forename,'{searchModel.FilterText}') eq true";
                        filterString += $" or contains(Person/Forename,'{searchModel.FilterText}') eq true";
                    filterString += $" or contains(Person/Surname,'{searchModel.FilterText}') eq true";
                AddPageSizeNumberAndSortingInFilterString(searchModel, ref filterString);
Example #16
        public async Task <ActionResult> SearchIndex(PropertySearchModel searchModel)
            if (searchModel != null)
                var result = from prop in db.Propertys
                             ((prop.Title.Contains(searchModel.SearchTerm) || prop.Description.Contains(searchModel.SearchTerm)) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchModel.SearchTerm)) &&
                             (prop.Address.County.Contains(searchModel.County) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchModel.County)) &&
                             (prop.Price >= (searchModel.PriceFrom ?? double.MinValue) && prop.Price <= (searchModel.PriceTo ?? double.MaxValue)) &&
                             ((prop.NumberOfBedrooms >= (searchModel.NumberOfBedroomsFrom ?? int.MinValue)) && (prop.NumberOfBedrooms <= (searchModel.NumberOfBedroomsTo ?? int.MaxValue))) &&
                             (prop.PropertyTypeId == (searchModel.PropertyTypeId ?? prop.PropertyTypeId))
                             select prop;

                var properties = await result.ToListAsync();

                var model = await properties.Convert <PropertyModel>(db);

                return(View(model.OrderBy(t => t.Price)));

Example #17
        public object Search(PropertySearchModel search)
            List <Property> properties = db.Properties.ToList();

            if (search.Keyword != null)
                properties = properties.Where(i => i.Title.Contains(search.Keyword)).ToList();

            if (search.Province != null)
                properties = properties.Where(i => i.Province.ToLower() == search.Province.ToLower()).ToList();

            if (search.Status != null)
                properties = properties.Where(i => i.Status.ToLower() == search.Status.ToLower()).ToList();

            if (search.MinBeds != null)
                properties = properties.Where(i => i.Bedrooms >= search.MinBeds).ToList();

            if (search.MaxBeds != null)
                properties = properties.Where(i => i.Bedrooms <= search.MaxBeds).ToList();

            if (search.MinBaths != null)
                properties = properties.Where(i => i.Bathrooms >= search.MinBaths).ToList();

            if (search.MaxBaths != null)
                properties = properties.Where(i => i.Bathrooms <= search.MaxBaths).ToList();

            if (search.MinArea != null)
                properties = properties.Where(i => i.Size >= search.MinArea).ToList();

            if (search.MaxArea != null)
                properties = properties.Where(i => i.Size <= search.MaxArea).ToList();

            if (search.MinPrice != null)
                properties = properties.Where(i => i.Price >= search.MinPrice).ToList();

            if (search.MaxPrice != null)
                properties = properties.Where(i => i.Price <= search.MaxPrice).ToList();

 public async Task <IEnumerable <PropertyDetail> > searchPropertyDetails(PropertySearchModel searchModel)
     return(await _propertyDetailRepository.searchPropertyDetails(searchModel));
        // A function that inserts a User into the database.
        public void InsertPropertySearch(PropertySearchModel newPropertySearch)
            // Declare a new variable. Variable name is ‘sSQL’. Datatype is ‘string’.
            string sSQL = "";

            // Define the value for the ‘sSQL’ string variable.
            // Notice that this text is a SQL Query.
            sSQL += " INSERT INTO [Property Search] ";

            // More columns will need to be added, depending on how many columns you have in your User table.
            // In this line, you need ALL the columns from your User table.

            // The word ‘Password’ is in brackets because it is a reserved word in SQL.
            // We are hijacking that word and using it for our own purposes, so we need to put it in brackets.
            // Normally, SQL would try to interpret the word 'Password' differently than how we're using it.

            sSQL += " (PropertyName, PropertyAddress, PropertyCity, PropertyState, PropertyZIP, PropertyTownship, PropertyCounty,PropertyStatus) ";
            sSQL += " Values ";
            // The ‘@’ sign is a SQL Variable. It is connected to a SqlParameter (below).
            // This line needs to exactly match the list of columns in the User table.
            sSQL += " (@PropertyName, @PropertyAddress, @PropertyCity, @PropertyState, @PropertyZIP, @PropertyTownship, @PropertyCounty, @PropertyStatus) ";

            // Declare a new variable. Variable name is ‘sqlcomm’. Datatype is ‘SqlCommand’.
            SqlCommand sqlcomm = new SqlCommand();

            // Assign a value to the CommandText property.
            sqlcomm.CommandText = sSQL;

            // This SqlParameter constructor takes two arguments as input values.
            // Argument One: SQL Variable Name
            // Argument Two: Variable Value
            // The SqlParameter handles the declaration of the actual SQL Parameter in the T-SQL.
            SqlParameter sqlparam = new SqlParameter("PropertyName", newPropertySearch.PropertyName);


            // Notice that there is one ‘SqlParameter’ variable for each variable used in the SQL Query
            // More SqlParameter variables will need to be added for additional SQL variables.
            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("PropertyAddress", newPropertySearch.PropertyAddress);

            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("PropertyCity", newPropertySearch.PropertyCity);

            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("PropertyState", newPropertySearch.PropertyState);

            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("PropertyZIP", newPropertySearch.PropertyZIP);

            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("PropertyTownship", newPropertySearch.PropertyTownship);

            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("PropertyCounty", newPropertySearch.PropertyCounty);

            sqlparam = new SqlParameter("PropertyStatus", newPropertySearch.PropertyStatus);

            // Execute the query.
Example #20
 public async Task <PropertySearchModel> GetProperties(PropertySearchModel model)
     return(await _propertyApiClient.GetProperties(model));