public string GenerateTree(string template, ClassDef c) { string t = template; string rep = ""; foreach (PropDef p in c.props) { string type = PropertyReader.TypeToString(p.type); switch (type) { case "Object Property": case "Integer Property": case "Bool Property": case "Float Property": rep += "\t\t\tres.Nodes.Add(\"" + + " : \" + " + + ");\r\n"; break; case "Name Property": case "Byte Property": rep += "\t\t\tres.Nodes.Add(\"" + + " : \" + pcc.getNameEntry(" + + "));\r\n"; break; } } return(t.Replace("**TREEGEN**", rep)); }
public string GenerateLoadSwitch(string template, ClassDef c) { string t = template; string rep = ""; foreach (PropDef p in c.props) { string type = PropertyReader.TypeToString(p.type); switch (type) { case "Bool Property": rep += "\t\t\t\t\tcase \"" + + "\":\r\n"; rep += "\t\t\t\t\t\tif (p.raw[p.raw.Length - 1] == 1)\r\n"; rep += "\t\t\t\t\t\t" + + " = true;\r\n"; rep += "\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\r\n"; break; case "Integer Property": case "Object Property": case "Name Property": case "Byte Property": rep += "\t\t\t\t\tcase \"" + + "\":\r\n"; rep += "\t\t\t\t\t\t" + + " = p.Value.IntValue;\r\n"; rep += "\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\r\n"; break; case "Float Property": rep += "\t\t\t\t\tcase \"" + + "\":\r\n"; rep += "\t\t\t\t\t\t" + + " = BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, p.raw.Length - 4);\r\n"; rep += "\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\r\n"; break; } } return(t.Replace("**LOADINGSWITCH**", rep)); }
private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int n = listBox1.SelectedIndex; if (n == -1) { return; } ClassDef c = Classes[n]; listBox2.Items.Clear(); foreach (PropDef p in c.props) { listBox2.Items.Add( + " : " + PropertyReader.TypeToString(p.type) + " ff#" + p.ffidx + " ffFile: " + p.ffpath); } }
public TreeNode MakeDefaultPropNode(PropertyReader.Property p) { string tp = PropertyReader.TypeToString((int)p.TypeVal); switch (tp) { case "Byte Property": return(new TreeNode(pcc.GetName(p.Name) + " (" + tp + ") : (" + pcc.GetName(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 24)) + ") " + pcc.GetName(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 32)))); case "Bool Property": return(new TreeNode(pcc.GetName(p.Name) + " (" + tp + ") : " + (p.Value.IntValue == 1))); case "Object Property": string s = " "; if (p.Value.IntValue != 0) { s = pcc.GetObject(p.Value.IntValue); } return(new TreeNode(pcc.GetName(p.Name) + " (" + tp + ") : " + p.Value.IntValue + s)); case "Integer Property": return(new TreeNode(pcc.GetName(p.Name) + " (" + tp + ") : " + p.Value.IntValue)); case "Name Property": return(new TreeNode(pcc.GetName(p.Name) + " (" + tp + ") : " + pcc.GetName(p.Value.IntValue))); case "Float Property": return(new TreeNode(pcc.GetName(p.Name) + " (" + tp + ") : " + BitConverter.ToSingle(p.raw, 24))); case "String Property": return(new TreeNode(pcc.GetName(p.Name) + " (" + tp + ") : " + p.Value.StringValue)); default: return(new TreeNode(pcc.GetName(p.Name) + " (" + tp + ")")); } }
public string GenerateProps(string template, ClassDef c) { string t = template; string rep = ""; bool hadbool = false; bool hadint = false; bool hadobj = false; bool hadname = false; bool hadbyte = false; bool hadfloat = false; foreach (PropDef p in c.props) { string type = PropertyReader.TypeToString(p.type); switch (type) { case "Bool Property": if (!hadbool) { rep += "\t//Bool Properties\r\n\r\n"; hadbool = true; } rep += "\tpublic bool " + + " = false;\r\n"; break; case "Integer Property": if (!hadint) { rep += "\t//Integer Properties\r\n\r\n"; hadint = true; } rep += "\tpublic int " + + ";\r\n"; break; case "Object Property": if (!hadobj) { rep += "\t//Object Properties\r\n\r\n"; hadobj = true; } rep += "\tpublic int " + + ";\r\n"; break; case "Name Property": if (!hadname) { rep += "\t//Name Properties\r\n\r\n"; hadname = true; } rep += "\tpublic int " + + ";\r\n"; break; case "Byte Property": if (!hadbyte) { rep += "\t//Byte Properties\r\n\r\n"; hadbyte = true; } rep += "\tpublic int " + + ";\r\n"; break; case "Float Property": if (!hadfloat) { rep += "\t//Float Properties\r\n\r\n"; hadfloat = true; } rep += "\tpublic float " + + ";\r\n"; break; } } return(t.Replace("**UNEALPROPS**", rep)); }
public void LetsDump2(string classname) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ME3Directory.cookedPath)) { MessageBox.Show("This functionality requires ME3 to be installed. Set its path at:\n Options > Set Custom Path > Mass Effect 3"); return; } string path = ME3Directory.cookedPath; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.pcc"); pb1.Minimum = 0; rtb1.Text = ""; pauseToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; pb2.Value = 0; pb2.Maximum = files.Length; List <string> Names = new List <string>(); List <string> Types = new List <string>(); List <string> First = new List <string>(); DebugOutput.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { try { while (pause) { Application.DoEvents(); } using (ME3Package pcc = MEPackageHandler.OpenME3Package(files[i])) { DebugOutput.PrintLn(i + "/" + files.Length + " Scanning file : " + Path.GetFileName(files[i])); IReadOnlyList <IExportEntry> Exports = pcc.Exports; pb1.Maximum = Exports.Count; pb2.Value = i; for (int j = 0; j < Exports.Count; j++) { IExportEntry ent = Exports[j]; if (ent.ClassName == classname) { List <PropertyReader.Property> p = PropertyReader.getPropList(ent); for (int k = 0; k < p.Count; k++) { PropertyReader.Property prop = p[k]; int found = -1; for (int l = 0; l < Names.Count(); l++) { if (pcc.getNameEntry(prop.Name) == Names[l]) { found = l; } } if (found == -1) { Names.Add(pcc.getNameEntry(prop.Name)); Types.Add(PropertyReader.TypeToString((int)prop.TypeVal)); First.Add(Path.GetFileName(files[i]) + " #" + j); } } } if (j % 500 == 0) { pb1.Value = j; Status.Text = "State : " + j + " / " + Exports.Count; string s = "Possible properties found so far for class \"" + classname + "\":\n"; for (int k = 0; k < Names.Count(); k++) { s += Types[k] + " : \"" + Names[k] + "\" first found: " + First[k] + "\n"; } Action action = () => rtb1.Text = s; rtb1.Invoke(action); action = () => rtb1.SelectionStart = s.Length; rtb1.Invoke(action); action = () => rtb1.ScrollToCaret(); rtb1.Invoke(action); Application.DoEvents(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error:\n" + ex.Message); DebugOutput.PrintLn("Could not open file : " + Path.GetFileName(files[i])); } } Status.Text = "State : Done"; string t = "Possible properties found for class \"" + classname + "\":\n"; for (int k = 0; k < Names.Count(); k++) { t += Types[k] + " : \"" + Names[k] + "\" first found: " + First[k] + "\n"; } rtb1.Text = t; rtb1.SelectionStart = rtb1.TextLength; rtb1.ScrollToCaret(); pb1.Value = 0; pauseToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; }