public AccountViewModel (AccountObject account) { if (account == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException ("account"); } Account = account; PropertyGroups = new ObservableCollection<PropertyGroup> (); var general = new PropertyGroup ("General"); general.Add ("Name", account.Name, PropertyType.Generic); general.Add ("Industry", account.Industry, PropertyType.Generic); general.Add ("Account", account.AccountNumber, PropertyType.Generic); general.Add ("Modified", account.LastModified==null?"":account.LastModified.ToString(), PropertyType.Generic); if (general.Properties.Count > 0) { PropertyGroups.Add (general); } var phone = new PropertyGroup ("Contact"); phone.Add ("Phone", account.Phone, PropertyType.Phone); phone.Add ("Website", account.Website, PropertyType.Url); if (phone.Properties.Count > 0) { PropertyGroups.Add (phone); } }
protected RealEstateSpace(string name, SpaceKeys position, PropertyGroup.Groups group, int cost, int rent) { Name = name; Position = position; Group = group; Cost = cost; Rent = rent; }
/// <summary> /// Install a Daemon /// </summary> /// <param name="machineID">Machine ID</param> /// <param name="mapPath">An Aneka Daemon Binaries path for future uses</param> public void InstallDaemon(int machineID, string mapPath) { try { CloudWebPortal.Areas.Aneka.Models.Machine machine = db.Machines.Find(machineID); global::Aneka.PAL.Management.Model.Machine AnekaMachine = machineManagment.ToAnekaPALMachine(machine); Daemon daemon = machine.Daemon; Configuration rootWebConfig = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/"); String RepoAccessURL = rootWebConfig.AppSettings.Settings["RepoAccessURL"].Value; String RepoAccessUser = rootWebConfig.AppSettings.Settings["RepoAccessUser"].Value; String RepoAccessPassword = rootWebConfig.AppSettings.Settings["RepoAccessPassword"].Value; //Repository Group Property Method = new Property("Method", "File"); Property Location = new Property("Location", RepoAccessURL); Property Username = new Property("Username", RepoAccessUser); Property Password = new Property("Password", RepoAccessPassword); Property Platform = new Property("Platform", "Windows"); PropertyGroup RepositoryGroup = new PropertyGroup("Repository"); RepositoryGroup.Add(Method); RepositoryGroup.Add(Location); RepositoryGroup.Add(Username); RepositoryGroup.Add(Password); RepositoryGroup.Add(Platform); //Send Loader Binaries //string anekaDaemonBinaries = mapPath + "Repository\\Daemon\\"; string RepoLocalLocation = rootWebConfig.AppSettings.Settings["RepoLocalLocation"].Value; Property DaemonPort = new Property("Port", daemon.Port); Property FreshInstall = new Property("FreshInstall", "True"); Property EnableAutoUpdate = new Property("EnableAutoUpdate", "False"); Property DaemonHomeDirectory = new Property("HomeDirectory", daemon.Directory + "\\Runtime\\Daemon\\"); PropertyGroup DaemonGroup = new PropertyGroup("Daemon"); DaemonGroup.Add(DaemonPort); DaemonGroup.Add(FreshInstall); DaemonGroup.Add(EnableAutoUpdate); DaemonGroup.Add(DaemonHomeDirectory); ConfigurationBase daemonInstallerConfig = new ConfigurationBase(); daemonInstallerConfig.Add(DaemonGroup); daemonInstallerConfig.Add(RepositoryGroup); machine.isInProgress = true; machine.ProgressMesage = "Installing Binaries"; db.SaveChanges(); daemonManager.Install(AnekaMachine, daemonInstallerConfig, RepoLocalLocation + "\\Loader\\" ); finishedActivity(machineID); } catch (Exception ex) { CloudWebPortal.Areas.Aneka.Models.Machine machine = db.Machines.Find(machineID); machine.StatusEnum = DaemonProbeStatus.Unknown; machine.ProgressMesage = "Error while stopping daemon: " + ex.Message; machine.isInProgress = false; db.SaveChanges(); } }
public PropertyGroup[] GetConfigurationProperties(int groupId) { PropertyGroup group = new PropertyGroup("options", _translation.GetLanguageResourceValue("configuration_options"), 1); group.Properties.Add(new Property("groupid", "", PropertyType.Int, 1, groupId.ToString()) { Visible = false, Editable = false }); group.Properties.Add(new Property("label", _translation.GetLanguageResourceValue("configuration_label"), PropertyType.String, 2, "") { DescriptionText = _translation.GetLanguageResourceValue("configuration_label_description") }); return new PropertyGroup[] { group }; }
public PropertyGroup[] GetConfigurationProperties() { PropertyGroup group = new PropertyGroup("config", "", 1); Property p = new Property("user", _translation.GetLanguageResourceValue("link_to_user"), PropertyType.String, 1, "current"); p.SelectableValues.Add(new PropertyValue("current", _translation.GetLanguageResourceValue("link_to_user_current"), 0)); p.SelectableValues.Add(new PropertyValue("accessing", _translation.GetLanguageResourceValue("link_to_user_accessing"), 1)); group.Properties.Add(p); p = new Property("label", _translation.GetLanguageResourceValue("label"), PropertyType.String, 2, "Polls"); p.ControlType = typeof(Telligent.Evolution.Controls.ContentFragmentTokenStringControl); group.Properties.Add(p); return new PropertyGroup[] { group }; }
public BuildTarget(int lineNumber, PropertyGroup targetProps, ItemGroup targetItems) { LineNumber = lineNumber; Properties = targetProps; Items = targetItems; Name = targetProps.GetRequiredValue("TargetName"); InputFiles = targetItems.GetRequiredValue("TargetInputs"); OutputFiles = targetItems.GetRequiredValue("TargetOutputs"); Func<IList<ParsedPath>, IEnumerable<string>> extractAndSortExtensions = (files) => { return files.Select<ParsedPath, string>(f => f.Extension).Distinct<string>().OrderBy(s => s, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); }; InputExtensions = extractAndSortExtensions(InputFiles); OutputExtensions = extractAndSortExtensions(OutputFiles); }
public static string ProjectFile(string xml, string fileName) { var original = XDocument.Parse(xml.Replace("xmlns=\"\"", string.Empty)); var root = new XElement(XName.Get("Project")); var isWpf = IsWpf(original); root.SetAttributeValue(XName.Get("Sdk"), isWpf ? "Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop" : "Microsoft.NET.Sdk"); foreach (var element in original.Root.Elements()) { var localName = element.Name.LocalName; switch (localName) { case "PropertyGroup": { if (PropertyGroup.TryMigrate(element, fileName, isWpf, out var migratedElement)) { if (migratedElement != null) { root.Add(migratedElement); } } continue; } case "ItemGroup": { if (ItemGroup.TryMigrate(element, isWpf, out var migratedElement)) { if (migratedElement != null) { root.Add(migratedElement); } } continue; } case "Choose": continue; case "Import": { if (element.Attribute(XName.Get("Project")) is { } pa) { switch (pa.Value) { case "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\\Microsoft.Common.props": case "$(MSBuildToolsPath)\\Microsoft.CSharp.targets": case "$(VSToolsPath)\\TeamTest\\Microsoft.TestTools.targets": continue; } } break; } } root.Add(element); } return(new XDocument(root).ToString());
public RailroadSpace(string name, SpaceKeys position, PropertyGroup.Groups group, int cost, int rent) : base(name, position, group, cost, rent) { }
public PropertyGroup AddPropertyGroup(string name, Color groupColour) { PropertyGroup newGroup = FindPropertyGroup(name); if (newGroup == null) { newGroup = new PropertyGroup(name, groupColour, this); propertyGroupList.Add(newGroup); newGroup.groupInstance.transform.SetParent(mainPanel.transform, false); } return newGroup; }
public void Adding_PropertyGroup_To_ContentType_Results_In_Dirty_Entity() { // Arrange var contentType = MockedContentTypes.CreateTextpageContentType(); contentType.ResetDirtyProperties(); // Act var propertyGroup = new PropertyGroup { Name = "Test Group", SortOrder = 3 }; contentType.PropertyGroups.Add(propertyGroup); // Assert Assert.That(contentType.IsDirty(), Is.True); Assert.That(contentType.PropertyGroups.Any(x => x.Name == "Test Group"), Is.True); //Assert.That(contentType.IsPropertyDirty("PropertyGroups"), Is.True); }
void btnNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PropertyGroup r = new PropertyGroup(); r.Name = "NewPropertyGroup"; int n; if (tempDef.PropertyGroup.ContainsKey(r.Name)) { n = 2; while (tempDef.PropertyGroup.ContainsKey(r.Name + n)) n++; r.Name = r.Name + n; } tempDef.PropertyGroup.Add(r.Name, r); _editForm.Name = r.Name; _editForm.DefinitionType = DefinitionType.Local; _editForm.Refresh(); tempDef.RegisterChange(r.Guid); WAFContext.FlagChangeInTemporaryDefinition(); WAFContext.UpdateTemporaryLocalDefinitionFile(); list.SetSelected(r.Name); setQuery(); }
private bool IsWholeGroupOwned(PropertyGroup group) { bool AllAreOwned = true; foreach (ILocation i in propertyList.Values.Where(j => j is RentableLocation && j.Group == group)) { AllAreOwned &= SpaceIsOwned(i.SpaceNumber); } return AllAreOwned; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a PropertyGroup. /// This method will also check if a group already exists with the same name and link it to the parent. /// </summary> /// <param name="groupName">Name of the PropertyGroup to add</param> /// <returns>Returns <c>True</c> if a PropertyGroup with the passed in name was added, otherwise <c>False</c></returns> public override bool AddPropertyGroup(string groupName) { if (PropertyGroups.Any(x => x.Name == groupName)) return false; var propertyGroup = new PropertyGroup {Name = groupName, SortOrder = 0}; if (CompositionPropertyGroups.Any(x => x.Name == groupName)) { var firstGroup = CompositionPropertyGroups.First(x => x.Name == groupName && x.ParentId.HasValue == false); propertyGroup.SetLazyParentId(new Lazy<int?>(() => firstGroup.Id)); } if (PropertyGroups.Any()) { var last = PropertyGroups.Last(); propertyGroup.SortOrder = last.SortOrder + 1; } PropertyGroups.Add(propertyGroup); return true; }
private void HandleAlreadyRenamedPropertyGroup(IContentType contentType, string oldName, PropertyGroup groupWithNewName) { var oldGroup = GetPropertyGroupOrNull(contentType, oldName); if (oldGroup == null) { return; } if (oldGroup.PropertyTypes.Count > 0) { var propertiesToMove = oldGroup.PropertyTypes.ToArray(); foreach (var property in propertiesToMove) { MovePropertyInternal(contentType, property, groupWithNewName.Name); } } RemovePropertyGroupInternal(contentType, oldGroup.Name); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a group of properties to the GtkTable, starting at the specified row. /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Table to be modified.</param> /// <param name="properties">Property group to be modified.</param> /// <param name="startRow">The row to which the first property will be added (used for recursive calls).</param> /// <param name="columnOffset">The number of columns to offset for this propertygroup (0 = single. >0 multiply models reported as columns).</param> protected void AddPropertiesToTable(ref Grid table, PropertyGroup properties, ref int startRow, int columnOffset) { // Using a regular for loop is not practical because we can // sometimes have multiple rows per property (e.g. if it has separators). foreach (Property property in properties.Properties) { if (property.Separators != null) { foreach (string separator in property.Separators) { Label separatorLabel = new Label($"<b>{separator}</b>") { Xalign = 0, UseMarkup = true }; separatorLabel.StyleContext.AddClass("separator"); propertyTable.Attach(separatorLabel, 0, startRow, 3, 1); startRow++; } } if (columnOffset == 0) // only perform on first or only entry { Label label = new Label(property.Name); label.TooltipText = property.Tooltip; label.Xalign = 0; label.MarginEnd = 10; propertyTable.Attach(label, 0, startRow, 1, 1); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.Tooltip)) { Button info = new Button(new Image(Stock.Info, IconSize.Button)); info.TooltipText = property.Tooltip; propertyTable.Attach(info, 1, startRow, 1, 1); info.Clicked += OnInfoButtonClicked; } Widget inputWidget = GenerateInputWidget(property); inputWidget.Name = property.ID.ToString(); inputWidget.TooltipText = property.Tooltip; propertyTable.Attach(inputWidget, 2 + columnOffset, startRow, 1, 1); inputWidget.Hexpand = true; startRow++; } foreach (PropertyGroup subProperties in properties.SubModelProperties) { Label label = new Label($"<b>{subProperties.Name} Properties</b>"); label.Xalign = 0; label.UseMarkup = true; propertyTable.Attach(label, 0, startRow, 2, 1); label.Ypad = 5; startRow++; AddPropertiesToTable(ref table, subProperties, ref startRow, columnOffset); } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Init(); var path = txtPath.Text?.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) || !Directory.Exists(path)) { MessageBox.Show("Please input the correct path which includes .csproj files!", "error"); return; } SenparcTrace.SendCustomLog("Task", "Search .csproj files begin."); var csprojFiles = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.csproj", SearchOption.AllDirectories); if (csprojFiles == null || csprojFiles.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No valiable .csproj file!", "error"); return; } foreach (var file in csprojFiles) { try { var doc = XDocument.Load(file); var propertyGroup = doc.Root.Elements("PropertyGroup").FirstOrDefault(); if (propertyGroup == null) { SenparcTrace.SendCustomLog("Task Falid", $"{file} is not a valid xml.csproj file."); continue; } var projectFile = PropertyGroup.GetObjet(propertyGroup, file); ProjectFiles.Add(projectFile); ProjectDocuments.Add(doc); SenparcTrace.SendCustomLog("Task", $"[Success] Load file:{file}"); } catch (Exception ex) { SenparcTrace.SendCustomLog("Task", $"[Faild] Load file:{file}"); SenparcTrace.SendCustomLog("Error", ex.Message); } } if (ProjectFiles.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No valiable .csproj file!", "error"); return; } if (lbFiles.Items.Count > 0) { lbFiles.SelectedIndex = 0;//default select the first item. } //lbFiles.DataContext = ProjectFiles; //lbFiles.ItemsSource = ProjectFiles; //foreach (var projectFile in ProjectFiles) //{ // BindFileData.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(projectFile.FileName, projectFile.FullFilePath)); //} //lbFiles.ItemsSource = BindFileData; }
private static PropertyGroupCollection GetPropertyTypeGroupCollection(MemberTypeReadOnlyDto dto, MemberType memberType, Dictionary <string, PropertyType> standardProps) { // see PropertyGroupFactory, repeating code here... var propertyGroups = new PropertyGroupCollection(); foreach (var groupDto in dto.PropertyTypeGroups.Where(x => x.Id.HasValue)) { var group = new PropertyGroup(MemberType.SupportsPublishingConst); // if the group is defined on the current member type, // assign its identifier, else it will be zero if (groupDto.ContentTypeNodeId == memberType.Id) { // note: no idea why Id is nullable here, but better check if (groupDto.Id.HasValue == false) { throw new Exception("GroupDto.Id has no value."); } group.Id = groupDto.Id.Value; } group.Key = groupDto.UniqueId; group.Name = groupDto.Text; group.SortOrder = groupDto.SortOrder; group.PropertyTypes = new PropertyTypeCollection(MemberType.SupportsPublishingConst); //Because we are likely to have a group with no PropertyTypes we need to ensure that these are excluded var localGroupDto = groupDto; var typeDtos = dto.PropertyTypes.Where(x => x.Id.HasValue && x.Id > 0 && x.PropertyTypeGroupId.HasValue && x.PropertyTypeGroupId.Value == localGroupDto.Id.Value); foreach (var typeDto in typeDtos) { //Internal dictionary for adding "MemberCanEdit" and "VisibleOnProfile" properties to each PropertyType memberType.MemberTypePropertyTypes.Add(typeDto.Alias, new MemberTypePropertyProfileAccess(typeDto.ViewOnProfile, typeDto.CanEdit, typeDto.IsSensitive)); var tempGroupDto = groupDto; //ensures that any built-in membership properties have their correct dbtype assigned no matter //what the underlying data type is var propDbType = MemberTypeRepository.GetDbTypeForBuiltInProperty( typeDto.Alias, typeDto.DbType.EnumParse <ValueStorageType>(true), standardProps); var propertyType = new PropertyType( typeDto.PropertyEditorAlias, propDbType.Result, //This flag tells the property type that it has an explicit dbtype and that it cannot be changed // which is what we want for the built-in properties. propDbType.Success, typeDto.Alias) { DataTypeId = typeDto.DataTypeId, Description = typeDto.Description, Id = typeDto.Id.Value, Name = typeDto.Name, Mandatory = typeDto.Mandatory, SortOrder = typeDto.SortOrder, ValidationRegExp = typeDto.ValidationRegExp, PropertyGroupId = new Lazy <int>(() => tempGroupDto.Id.Value), CreateDate = memberType.CreateDate, UpdateDate = memberType.UpdateDate, Key = typeDto.UniqueId }; // reset dirty initial properties (U4-1946) propertyType.ResetDirtyProperties(false); group.PropertyTypes.Add(propertyType); } // reset dirty initial properties (U4-1946) group.ResetDirtyProperties(false); propertyGroups.Add(group); } return(propertyGroups); }
public override PropertyGroup[] GetPropertyGroups() { PropertyGroup group = new PropertyGroup("GeneralSettings", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_propertygroup_general"), 0); Property headerTitle = new Property("headerTitle", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_title"), PropertyType.String, 0, "${resource:default_property_title}") { ControlType = typeof(ContentFragmentTokenStringControl) }; group.Properties.Add(headerTitle); PropertyGroup defaultContent = new PropertyGroup("DefaultContent", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_propertygroup_defaultContent"), 0); Property property = new Property("default_content", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue( "fragment_property_content"), PropertyType.Html, 1, "") { ControlType = typeof(HtmlEditorStringControl) }; property.Attributes["EnableHtmlScrubbing"] = "false"; property.Attributes["width"] = "100%"; property.Attributes["height"] = "300px"; property.Attributes["enablehtmlediting"] = "true"; property.Attributes["ContentTypeId"] = InlineContentPart.InlineContentContentTypeId.ToString(); defaultContent.Properties.Add(property); PropertyGroup anoymousContent = new PropertyGroup("AnonymousContent", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_propertygroup_anonymousContent"), 0); property = new Property("anonymous_content", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue( "fragment_property_content"), PropertyType.Html, 1, "") { ControlType = typeof(HtmlEditorStringControl) }; property.Attributes["EnableHtmlScrubbing"] = "false"; property.Attributes["width"] = "100%"; property.Attributes["height"] = "300px"; property.Attributes["enablehtmlediting"] = "true"; property.Attributes["ContentTypeId"] = InlineContentPart.InlineContentContentTypeId.ToString(); anoymousContent.Properties.Add(property); property = new Property("inlinecontenttype", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_inlinecontent_type"), PropertyType.String, 2, "Contextual") { DescriptionResourceName = "fragment_property_inlinecontent_type_description" }; property.SelectableValues.Add(new PropertyValue("Contextual", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_inlinecontent_contextual"), (int)ContextMode.Context)); property.SelectableValues.Add(new PropertyValue("GroupContextual", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_inlinecontent_groupcontextual"), (int)ContextMode.GroupContext)); property.SelectableValues.Add(new PropertyValue("ByName", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_inlinecontent_byname"), (int)ContextMode.Name)); group.Properties.Add(property); property = new Property("dynamicname", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_inlinecontent_dynamicname"), PropertyType.Bool, 3, bool.FalseString) { DescriptionResourceName = "fragment_property_inlinecontent_dynamicname_description" }; group.Properties.Add(property); property = new Property("inlinecontentname", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_inlinecontent_name"), PropertyType.String, 4, string.Empty); group.Properties.Add(property); return(new[] { group, defaultContent, anoymousContent }); }
protected override void ApplicationStarted(UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext) { var ct = applicationContext.Services.ContentTypeService .GetAllContentTypes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Alias == "UcommentatorSettings"); if (ct == null) { var textstring = applicationContext.Services.DataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionByPropertyEditorAlias("umbraco.Textbox") .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower() == "textstring"); var trueFalse = applicationContext.Services.DataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionByPropertyEditorAlias( "Umbraco.TrueFalse") .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower() == "true/false"); ContentType uCommentatorType = new ContentType(-1); uCommentatorType.Name = "uCommentatorSettings"; uCommentatorType.Alias = "UcommentatorSettings"; uCommentatorType.AllowedAsRoot = true; uCommentatorType.Icon = "icon-wrench"; var propGroup = new PropertyGroup() { Name = "Settings" }; uCommentatorType.AddPropertyGroup("Settings"); var api_key = new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "api_key", Name = "API_KEY", Mandatory = true }; var api_secret = new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "api_secret", Name = "API_SECRET", Mandatory = true }; var access_token = new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "access_token", Name = "ACCESS_TOKEN", Mandatory = true }; var shortname = new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "shortname", Name = "Shortname", Mandatory = true }; var category = new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "category", Name = "Category", Mandatory = true }; var limit = new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "itemPerPage", Name = "Item per Page", Mandatory = true }; var enableSSO = new PropertyType(trueFalse) { Alias = "enableSSO", Name = "Enable SSO?", Mandatory = false }; var ssoName = new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "ssoName", Name = "SSO Name", Description = "Fill this if you enable SSO.", Mandatory = false }; var ssoButton = new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "ssoButton", Name = "SSO Button URL", Description = "Fill this if you enable SSO.", Mandatory = false }; var ssoIcon = new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "ssoIcon", Name = "SSO Icon URL", Description = "Fill this if you enable SSO.", Mandatory = false }; var ssoLogin = new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "ssoLogin", Name = "SSO Login URL", Description = "Fill this if you enable SSO.", Mandatory = false }; var ssoLogout = new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "ssoLogout", Name = "SSO Logout URL", Description = "Fill this if you enable SSO.", Mandatory = false }; uCommentatorType.AddPropertyType(api_key, "Settings"); uCommentatorType.AddPropertyType(api_secret, "Settings"); uCommentatorType.AddPropertyType(access_token, "Settings"); uCommentatorType.AddPropertyType(shortname, "Settings"); uCommentatorType.AddPropertyType(category, "Settings"); uCommentatorType.AddPropertyType(limit, "Settings"); uCommentatorType.AddPropertyType(enableSSO, "Settings"); uCommentatorType.AddPropertyType(ssoName, "Settings"); uCommentatorType.AddPropertyType(ssoButton, "Settings"); uCommentatorType.AddPropertyType(ssoIcon, "Settings"); uCommentatorType.AddPropertyType(ssoLogin, "Settings"); uCommentatorType.AddPropertyType(ssoLogout, "Settings"); ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentTypeService.Save(uCommentatorType); } var root = new Node(-1); var settings = root.ChildrenAsList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.NodeTypeAlias == "UcommentatorSettings"); if (settings == null) { IContent doc = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentService.CreateContent("uCommentator Settings", -1, "UcommentatorSettings"); doc.SetValue("api_key", "your api_key"); doc.SetValue("api_secret", "your api_secret"); doc.SetValue("access_token", "your access_token"); doc.SetValue("shortname", "your shortname"); doc.SetValue("category", "your category"); doc.SetValue("itemPerPage", 10); doc.SetValue("enableSSO", 0); doc.SetValue("ssoName", "Example SSO"); doc.SetValue("ssoButton", ""); doc.SetValue("ssoIcon", ""); doc.SetValue("ssoLogout", ""); doc.SetValue("ssoLogout", ""); applicationContext.Services.ContentService.SaveAndPublishWithStatus(doc); } installer = new LanguageInstaller(); installer.CheckAndInstallLanguageActions(); ServerVariablesParser.Parsing += ServerVariablesParser_Parsing; var us = applicationContext.Services.UserService; var user = us.GetByProviderKey(0); if (!user.AllowedSections.Any(x => x == "uCommentator")) { user.AddAllowedSection("uCommentator"); us.Save(user); } }
public static MSVSProjectFile FromFile(string filepath) { var ProjectFileName = new FileInfo(filepath); var Document = XDocument.Load(filepath); var HintPaths = Document.Root.Elements(nsItemGroup).Elements(nsReference).Elements(nsHintPath).Select(k => k.Value).ToArray(); var DefaultNamespace = Enumerable.First( from PropertyGroup in Document.Root.Elements(nsPropertyGroup) //from RootNamespace in PropertyGroup.Elements(nsRootNamespace) //select RootNamespace.Value from __AssemblyName in PropertyGroup.Elements(nsAssemblyName) select __AssemblyName.Value ); // emulate $safeprojectname$ DefaultNamespace = DefaultNamespace.Replace(" ", "_"); #region GetFilesByType Func <XName, IEnumerable <ProjectFileInfo> > GetFilesByType = FileType => from ItemGroup in Document.Root.Elements(nsItemGroup) from None in ItemGroup.Elements(FileType) // <Link>%(RecursiveDir)%(FileName)%(Extension)</Link> let Link0 = None.Element(nsLink) // Include = "Y:\\opensource\\github\\elastic-droid\\src\\**\\*.*" let Include0 = None.Attribute("Include").Value // // what about *.java ? let Wildcard = @"**\*.*" let IsWildcard = Include0.EndsWith(Wildcard) let IncludeWildcard = Include0.TakeUntilLastOrNull(Wildcard) let Include1 = !IsWildcard ? new[] { Include0 } : Directory.EnumerateFiles(IncludeWildcard, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) from Include in Include1 let IncludeDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Include) let Replace = new { Extension = Path.GetExtension(Include), FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Include), RecursiveDir = IncludeDirectory.SkipUntilOrEmpty(IncludeWildcard), } //let Include = Include0 let Link = Link0 == null ? null : new { Value = Link0.Value .Replace("%(Extension)", Replace.Extension) .Replace("%(FileName)", Replace.FileName) .Replace("%(RecursiveDir)", Replace.RecursiveDir == "" ? "" : Replace.RecursiveDir + "\\") } // Directory In Project let Directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Link != null ? Link.Value : Include).Replace("\\", "/") let File = new FileInfo( Link != null ? Include : Path.Combine(ProjectFileName.Directory.FullName, Include) ) select new ProjectFileInfo { File = File, NamespaceDirectory = Directory }; #endregion #region HasReference Func <FileInfo, bool> HasReference = AssemblyFile => { var TargetHintPath = GetRelativePath( ProjectFileName.Directory.FullName, AssemblyFile.FullName ); return(Enumerable.Any( from ItemGroup in Document.Root.Elements(nsItemGroup) from Reference in ItemGroup.Elements(nsReference) from HintPath in Reference.Elements(nsHintPath) where TargetHintPath == HintPath.Value select new { HintPath, Reference, ItemGroup } )); }; #endregion #region GetAssemblyReferences Func <FileInfo[]> GetAssemblyReferences = delegate { var a = from ItemGroup in Document.Root.Elements(nsItemGroup) from Reference in ItemGroup.Elements(nsReference) from HintPath in Reference.Elements(nsHintPath) let AssemblyReferencePath = Path.Combine(new FileInfo(filepath).Directory.FullName, HintPath.Value) select new FileInfo(AssemblyReferencePath); // <Reference Include="My.Solutions.Pages.OpCode.AssetsLibrary"> // <HintPath>bin\staging.AssetsLibrary\My.Solutions.Pages.OpCode.AssetsLibrary.dll</HintPath> //</Reference> return(a.ToArray()); }; #endregion #region GetProjectReferences Func <MSVSProjectFile[]> GetProjectReferences = delegate { var a = from ItemGroup in Document.Root.Elements(nsItemGroup) from ProjectReference in ItemGroup.Elements(nsProjectReference) let Include = ProjectReference.Attribute("Include") let ProjectReferencePath = Path.Combine(new FileInfo(filepath).Directory.FullName, Include.Value) where File.Exists(ProjectReferencePath) select(MSVSProjectFile) new FileInfo(ProjectReferencePath); //<ItemGroup> // <ProjectReference Include="..\..\My.Solutions.Pages.OpCode\My.Solutions.Pages.OpCode\My.Solutions.Pages.OpCode.csproj"> // <Project>{5823d538-ea39-4d2a-9c15-f3bce76c9781}</Project> // <Name>My.Solutions.Pages.OpCode</Name> // </ProjectReference> return(a.ToArray()); }; #endregion MSVSProjectFile __this = null; #region AddReference Action <FileInfo, AssemblyName> AddReference = (AssemblyFile, Name) => { /* add reference * <Reference Include="AutoGeneratedReferences.Components.JohDoe.TextComponent, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> * <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion> * <HintPath>bin\staging\AutoGeneratedReferences.Components.JohDoe.TextComponent.dll</HintPath> * </Reference> */ if (!AssemblyFile.Exists) { return; } //var TargetHintPath = AssemblyFile.FullName.Substring(ProjectFileName.Directory.FullName.Length + 1); var TargetHintPath = GetRelativePath( ProjectFileName.Directory.FullName, AssemblyFile.FullName ); // sanity check if (!HasReference(AssemblyFile)) { var TargetItemGroup = Enumerable.First( from ItemGroup in Document.Root.Elements(nsItemGroup) from Reference in ItemGroup.Elements(nsReference) select ItemGroup ); TargetItemGroup.Add( new XElement(nsReference, new XAttribute("Include", Name.ToString()), new XElement(nsHintPath, TargetHintPath) ) ); __this.RaiseReferenceAdded(); } }; #endregion Action Save = delegate { Document.Save(filepath); }; return(__this = new MSVSProjectFile { Document = Document, HintPaths = HintPaths, DefaultNamespace = DefaultNamespace, NoneFiles = GetFilesByType(nsNone).ToArray(), ContentFiles = GetFilesByType(nsContent).ToArray(), HasReference = HasReference, AddReference = AddReference, Save = Save, GetProjectReferences = GetProjectReferences, GetAssemblyReferences = GetAssemblyReferences }); }
public DrawCardLocation(int spaceNumber, PropertyGroup @group) : base(spaceNumber, @group) { }
private XElement SerializePropertyType(IPropertyType propertyType, IDataType definition, PropertyGroup propertyGroup) => new XElement("GenericProperty", new XElement("Name", propertyType.Name), new XElement("Alias", propertyType.Alias), new XElement("Key", propertyType.Key), new XElement("Type", propertyType.PropertyEditorAlias), new XElement("Definition", definition.Key), propertyGroup != null ? new XElement("Tab", propertyGroup.Name, new XAttribute("Alias", propertyGroup.Alias)) : null, // TODO Replace with PropertyGroupAlias new XElement("SortOrder", propertyType.SortOrder), new XElement("Mandatory", propertyType.Mandatory.ToString()), new XElement("LabelOnTop", propertyType.LabelOnTop.ToString()), propertyType.MandatoryMessage != null ? new XElement("MandatoryMessage", propertyType.MandatoryMessage) : null, propertyType.ValidationRegExp != null ? new XElement("Validation", propertyType.ValidationRegExp) : null, propertyType.ValidationRegExpMessage != null ? new XElement("ValidationRegExpMessage", propertyType.ValidationRegExpMessage) : null, propertyType.Description != null ? new XElement("Description", new XCData(propertyType.Description)) : null);
public static Lazy <IContentType> GetContentTypeDefinition(Type modelType) { //Check for BaseType different from ContentTypeBase bool hasParent = modelType.BaseType != null && modelType.BaseType != typeof(ContentTypeBase) && modelType.BaseType != typeof(object); var parent = new Lazy <IContentType>(); if (hasParent) { var isResolved = _contentTypeCache.ContainsKey(modelType.BaseType.FullName); parent = isResolved ? _contentTypeCache[modelType.BaseType.FullName].ContentType : GetContentTypeDefinition(modelType.BaseType); } var contentTypeAttribute = modelType.FirstAttribute <ContentTypeAttribute>(); var contentTypeAlias = contentTypeAttribute == null?modelType.Name.ToUmbracoAlias() : contentTypeAttribute.Alias; //Check if ContentType already exists by looking it up by Alias. var existing = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentTypeService.GetContentType(contentTypeAlias); Lazy <IContentType> contentType = contentTypeAttribute == null ? PlainPocoConvention(modelType, existing) : ContentTypeConvention(contentTypeAttribute, modelType, existing); //Check for interfaces that'll be used for ContentTypeComposition var mixins = GetAliasesFromTypeInterfaces(modelType); var definitions = new List <PropertyDefinition>(); int order = 0; var objProperties = modelType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly).ToList(); foreach (var propertyInfo in objProperties) { var propertyTypeAttribute = propertyInfo.FirstAttribute <PropertyTypeConventionAttribute>(); var definition = propertyTypeAttribute == null ? new PropertyDefinition() : propertyTypeAttribute.GetPropertyConvention(); //DataTypeDefinition fallback if (definition.DataTypeDefinition == null) { definition.DataTypeDefinition = Conventions.GetDataTypeDefinitionByAttributeOrType(null, propertyInfo.PropertyType); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.PropertyGroup)) { definition.PropertyGroup = "Generic Properties"; } //Alias fallback if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Alias)) { var aliasAttribute = propertyInfo.FirstAttribute <AliasAttribute>(); definition.Alias = Conventions.GetPropertyTypeAlias(aliasAttribute, propertyInfo.Name); definition.Name = Conventions.GetPropertyTypeName(aliasAttribute, propertyInfo.Name); } //Description fallback if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Description)) { var descriptionAttribute = propertyInfo.FirstAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>(); definition.Description = descriptionAttribute != null ? descriptionAttribute.Description : string.Empty; } //SortOrder fallback if (definition.Order == default(int)) { var sortOrderAttribute = propertyInfo.FirstAttribute <SortOrderAttribute>(); definition.Order = sortOrderAttribute != null ? sortOrderAttribute.Order : order; } definitions.Add(definition); order++; } //Loop through definitions for PropertyGroups and create those that not already exists var groupDefinitions = definitions.DistinctBy(d => d.PropertyGroup); foreach (var groupDefinition in groupDefinitions) { var groupExists = contentType.Value.PropertyGroups.Contains(groupDefinition.PropertyGroup); if (groupExists == false) { var propertyGroup = new PropertyGroup { Name = groupDefinition.PropertyGroup }; contentType.Value.PropertyGroups.Add(propertyGroup); } } //Loop through definitions for PropertyTypes and add them to the correct PropertyGroup foreach (var definition in definitions) { var group = contentType.Value.PropertyGroups.First(x => x.Name == definition.PropertyGroup); //Check if a PropertyType with the same alias already exists, as we don't want to override existing ones if (group.PropertyTypes.Contains(definition.Alias)) { continue; } var propertyType = new PropertyType(definition.DataTypeDefinition) { Mandatory = definition.Mandatory, ValidationRegExp = definition.ValidationRegExp, SortOrder = definition.Order, Alias = definition.Alias, Name = definition.Name }; group.PropertyTypes.Add(propertyType); } //If current ContentType has a Parent the ParentId should be set and the ContentType added to the composition. if (hasParent) { contentType.Value.SetLazyParentId(new Lazy <int>(() => parent.Value.Id)); contentType.Value.AddContentType(parent.Value); } //Add the resolved ContentType to the internal cache var field = new DependencyField { ContentType = contentType, Alias = contentType.Value.Alias }; var dependencies = new List <string>(); //If current type has a parent (inherited model) we add the alias of that type as a dependency if (hasParent) { dependencies.Add(parent.Value.Alias); } //Check ContentType for existing 'Allowed ContentTypes' if (contentType.Value.AllowedContentTypes.Any()) { dependencies.AddRange(contentType.Value.AllowedContentTypes.Select(allowed => allowed.Alias)); } //Check for interfaces with AliasAttribute and add those as dependencies //NOTE: might also be an idea to check if ContentType has already been created/added to cache that implements the interface. if (mixins.Any()) { foreach (var mixin in mixins) { if (dependencies.Contains(mixin.Item1)) { continue; } dependencies.Add(mixin.Item1); var isMixinResolved = _contentTypeCache.ContainsKey(mixin.Item2); Lazy <IContentType> compositionType = null; if (isMixinResolved) { compositionType = _contentTypeCache[mixin.Item2].ContentType; } else { GetContentTypeDefinition(mixin.Item3); compositionType = _contentTypeCache[mixin.Item2].ContentType; } contentType.Value.AddContentType(compositionType.Value); } } field.DependsOn = dependencies.ToArray(); _contentTypeCache.AddOrUpdate(modelType.FullName, field, (x, y) => field); return(contentType); }
public static Project CreateDefaultConsole(Guid projectGuid, string rootNameSpace, string assemblyName, string targetFrameworkVersion) { var project = Project.CreatePreVS2017Project(); var import = new Import(@"$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props") { Condition = @"Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props')" }; project.Add(import); var propertyGroup = new PropertyGroup(); propertyGroup.SetProperty("Configuration", "Debug", " '$(Configuration)' == '' "); propertyGroup.SetProperty("Platform", "AnyCPU", " '$(Platform)' == '' "); propertyGroup.SetProperty("ProjectGuid", $"{{{projectGuid.ToString().ToUpper()}}}"); propertyGroup.SetProperty("OutputType", "Exe"); propertyGroup.SetProperty("RootNamespace", rootNameSpace); propertyGroup.SetProperty("AssemblyName", assemblyName); propertyGroup.SetProperty("TargetFrameworkVersion", targetFrameworkVersion); propertyGroup.SetProperty("FileAlignment", "512"); propertyGroup.SetProperty("AutoGenerateBindingRedirects", "true"); propertyGroup.SetProperty("Deterministic", "true"); project.Add(propertyGroup); var debugPropertyGroup = new PropertyGroup { Condition = " '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' " }; debugPropertyGroup.SetProperty("PlatformTarget", "AnyCPU"); debugPropertyGroup.SetProperty("DebugSymbols", "true"); debugPropertyGroup.SetProperty("DebugType", "true"); debugPropertyGroup.SetProperty("DebugSymbols", "full"); debugPropertyGroup.SetProperty("Optimize", "false"); debugPropertyGroup.SetProperty("OutputPath", @"bin\Debug\"); debugPropertyGroup.SetProperty("DefineConstants", "DEBUG;TRACE"); debugPropertyGroup.SetProperty("ErrorReport", "prompt"); debugPropertyGroup.SetProperty("WarningLevel", "4"); project.Add(debugPropertyGroup); var releasePropertyGroup = new PropertyGroup { Condition = " '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' " }; releasePropertyGroup.SetProperty("PlatformTarget", "AnyCPU"); releasePropertyGroup.SetProperty("DebugType", "pdbonly"); releasePropertyGroup.SetProperty("Optimize", "true"); releasePropertyGroup.SetProperty("OutputPath", @"bin\Release\"); releasePropertyGroup.SetProperty("DefineConstants", "TRACE"); releasePropertyGroup.SetProperty("ErrorReport", "prompt"); releasePropertyGroup.SetProperty("WarningLevel", "4"); project.Add(releasePropertyGroup); var referenceItemGroup = new ItemGroup(); referenceItemGroup.Add(new Reference("System")); referenceItemGroup.Add(new Reference("System.Core")); referenceItemGroup.Add(new Reference("System.Xml.Linq")); referenceItemGroup.Add(new Reference("System.Data.DataSetExtensions")); referenceItemGroup.Add(new Reference("Microsoft.CSharp")); referenceItemGroup.Add(new Reference("System.Data")); referenceItemGroup.Add(new Reference("System.Net.Http")); referenceItemGroup.Add(new Reference("System.Xml")); project.Add(referenceItemGroup); var targetsImport = new Import(@"$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets"); project.Add(targetsImport); return(project); }
public Location(int spaceNumber, PropertyGroup group) { SpaceNumber = spaceNumber; Group = group; }
private ContentType CreateProductContentType(IEnumerable <IDataTypeDefinition> allDataTypeDefinitions, IContentTypeService contentTypeService, List <ITemplate> templates) { ContentType contentType = new ContentType(-1); contentType.Alias = "product"; contentType.Name = "Product"; contentType.Icon = "icon-tag"; contentType.AllowedTemplates = templates.Where(t => t.Alias.ToLowerInvariant() == "product"); PropertyGroup contentPropertyGroup = new PropertyGroup(new PropertyTypeCollection(new List <PropertyType> { new PropertyType(allDataTypeDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PropertyEditorAlias == "Umbraco.MediaPicker2" && !d.Name.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("multiple"))) { Alias = "image", Name = "Image", }, new PropertyType(allDataTypeDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PropertyEditorAlias == "Umbraco.Textbox")) { Alias = "productName", Name = "Name", }, new PropertyType(allDataTypeDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PropertyEditorAlias == "Umbraco.Textbox")) { Alias = "sku", Name = "Sku", }, new PropertyType(allDataTypeDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PropertyEditorAlias == "Umbraco.Textbox")) { Alias = "priceJMD", Name = "Price", ValidationRegExp = @"^(\s*|\d+(?:[,|\.]\d+)?)$", }, new PropertyType(allDataTypeDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PropertyEditorAlias == "TeaCommerce.StockManagement")) { Alias = "stock", Name = "Stock", }, new PropertyType(allDataTypeDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PropertyEditorAlias == "Umbraco.TinyMCEv3")) { Alias = "description", Name = "Description", }, })) { Name = "Content" }; contentType.PropertyGroups.Add(contentPropertyGroup); PropertyGroup variantsPropertyGroup = new PropertyGroup(new PropertyTypeCollection(new List <PropertyType> { new PropertyType(allDataTypeDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PropertyEditorAlias == "TeaCommerce.VariantEditor")) { Alias = "variants", Name = "Variants", }, })) { Name = "Variants" }; contentType.PropertyGroups.Add(variantsPropertyGroup); contentTypeService.Save(contentType); return(contentType); }
public IMemberType AddDialogueMemberType() { #region DataType Ids //-49 Umbraco.TrueFalse //-51 Umbraco.Integer //-87 Umbraco.TinyMCEv3 //-88 Umbraco.Textbox //-89 Umbraco.TextboxMultiple //-90 Umbraco.UploadField //-92 Umbraco.NoEdit //-36 Umbraco.DateTime //-37 Umbraco.ColorPickerAlias //-38 Umbraco.FolderBrowser //-39 Umbraco.DropDownMultiple //-40 Umbraco.RadioButtonList //-41 Umbraco.Date //-42 Umbraco.DropDown //-43 Umbraco.CheckBoxList //1034 Umbraco.ContentPickerAlias //1035 Umbraco.MediaPicker //1036 Umbraco.MemberPicker //1040 Umbraco.RelatedLinks //1041 Umbraco.Tags //1045 Umbraco.MultipleMediaPicker //1077 Apt.PartialPicker //1089 Umbraco.ImageCropper //1092 Umbraco.TinyMCEv3 //1103 Our.Umbraco.FilePicker //1104 Umbraco.MemberGroupPicker //1105 Apt.CssPicker //1128 Dialogue.ThemePicker //1132 Dialogue.Permissions //1147 Umbraco.MultipleTextstring #endregion var label = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-92); var upload = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-90); var textstring = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-88); var textboxMultiple = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-89); var truefalse = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-49); var numeric = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-51); var datetime = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-36); // Profile, Settings, Social Tokens // Create the member Type var memType = new MemberType(-1) { Alias = AppConstants.MemberTypeAlias, Name = "Dialogue Member" }; // Create the Profile group/tab var profileGroup = new PropertyGroup { Name = "Profile", }; profileGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(label) { Alias = "email", Name = "Email", SortOrder = 0, Description = "This is a bit rubbish, but it's the only way to get the email from the new member service at the current time" }); profileGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(upload) { Alias = "avatar", Name = "Avatar", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); profileGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "website", Name = "Website", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); profileGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "twitter", Name = "Twitter", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); profileGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(textboxMultiple) { Alias = "signature", Name = "Signature", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); profileGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(datetime) { Alias = "lastActiveDate", Name = "Last Active Date", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); memType.PropertyGroups.Add(profileGroup); // Create the Settings group/tab var settingsGroup = new PropertyGroup { Name = "Settings", }; settingsGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(truefalse) { Alias = "canEditOtherMembers", Name = "Can Edit Other Members", SortOrder = 0, Description = "Enable this and the user can edit other members posts, their profiles and ban members (Usually use in conjunction with moderate permissions)." }); settingsGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(truefalse) { Alias = "disableEmailNotifications", Name = "Disable Email Notifications", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); settingsGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(truefalse) { Alias = "disablePosting", Name = "Disable Posting", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); settingsGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(truefalse) { Alias = "disablePrivateMessages", Name = "Disable Private Messages", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); settingsGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(truefalse) { Alias = "disableFileUploads", Name = "Disable File Uploads", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); settingsGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(numeric) { Alias = "postCount", Name = "Post Count", SortOrder = 0, Description = "The users post count. This is kept like this to help reduce SQL queries and improve performance of the forum" }); memType.PropertyGroups.Add(settingsGroup); // Create the Settings group/tab var socialGroup = new PropertyGroup { Name = "Social Tokens", }; socialGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(textstring) { Name = "Facebook Access Token", Alias = "facebookAccessToken", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); socialGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(textstring) { Name = "Facebook Id", Alias = "facebookId", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); socialGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(textstring) { Name = "Google Access Token", Alias = "googleAccessToken", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); socialGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(textstring) { Name = "Google Id", Alias = "googleId", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); memType.PropertyGroups.Add(socialGroup); // Add Slug memType.AddPropertyType(new PropertyType(textstring) { Name = "Slug", Alias = "slug", SortOrder = 0, Description = "This is what we use to look up the member in the front end" }); _memberTypeService.Save(memType); return memType; }
private void GenerateSetMethodBody(ICommonAssembly assembly, IHasMethods viewModelBaseType, ICommonType viewModelType, PropertyGroup group, FieldReference field) { log.Info("Generate set method body..."); var property = group.Property; if (property.SetMethod == null) { log.Debug($"Create set accessor method for property '{property.Name}'"); var setMethod = new MethodDefinition($"set_{property.Name}", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.SpecialName, assembly.MonoCecil.MainModule.TypeSystem.Void); setMethod.Parameters.Add(new ParameterDefinition("value", ParameterAttributes.None, property.MonoCecil.PropertyType)); property.MonoCecil.SetMethod = setMethod; viewModelType.MonoCecil.Methods.Add(setMethod); } var setMethodFromViewModelBaseWithGeneric = new GenericInstanceMethod(viewModelBaseType.GetMethod("Set", new[] { typeof(string).FullName, "T&", "T", typeof(bool).FullName }, true).MonoCecil); setMethodFromViewModelBaseWithGeneric.GenericArguments.Add(property.MonoCecil.PropertyType); var importedSetMethodFromViewModelBaseWithGeneric = assembly.MonoCecil.MainModule.ImportReference(setMethodFromViewModelBaseWithGeneric); var callMethodAfterSetPropertyInstructions = CreateCallMethodInstructions(group.CalledMethodAfterSetProperty).ToArray(); property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Variables.Clear(); property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Clear(); CreateCallMethodInstructions(group.CalledMethodBeforeSetProperty).ForEach(property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Add); property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldarg_0)); property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, property.Name)); property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldarg_0)); property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldflda, field)); property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldarg_1)); property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0)); property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, importedSetMethodFromViewModelBaseWithGeneric)); var returnInstruction = Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ret); if (group.CalledMethodAfterSuccessSetProperty != null) { var firstInstructionAfterJump = callMethodAfterSetPropertyInstructions.FirstOrDefault() ?? returnInstruction; property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Brfalse_S, firstInstructionAfterJump)); CreateCallMethodInstructions(group.CalledMethodAfterSuccessSetProperty).ForEach(property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Add); } else { property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Pop)); } callMethodAfterSetPropertyInstructions.ForEach(property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Add); property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.Body.Instructions.Add(returnInstruction); property.MonoCecil.SetMethod.RemoveAttributes <CompilerGeneratedAttribute>(); log.Info("Set method body was generated"); }
protected void AssertTab(PropertyGroup propertyGroup, ExpectedTab tab, string typeAlias) { Assert(propertyGroup, x => x.Name == tab.Name, "Tab name doesn't match. Tab: " + tab.Name + ", type: " + typeAlias); Assert(propertyGroup, x => x.SortOrder == tab.SortOrder || tab.SortOrder == 0, "Tab sort order doesn't match. Tab: " + tab.Name + ", type: " + typeAlias); AssertProperties(propertyGroup.PropertyTypes, tab.Properties, typeAlias, tab.Name); }
public static IEnumerable <PropertyGroup> BuildEntity(IEnumerable <PropertyTypeGroupDto> groupDtos, bool isPublishing, int contentTypeId, DateTime createDate, DateTime updateDate, Func <string, ValueStorageType, string, PropertyType> propertyTypeCtor) { // groupDtos contains all the groups, those that are defined on the current // content type, and those that are inherited from composition content types var propertyGroups = new PropertyGroupCollection(); foreach (var groupDto in groupDtos) { var group = new PropertyGroup(isPublishing); try { group.DisableChangeTracking(); // if the group is defined on the current content type, // assign its identifier, else it will be zero if (groupDto.ContentTypeNodeId == contentTypeId) { group.Id = groupDto.Id; } group.Key = groupDto.UniqueId; group.Type = (PropertyGroupType)groupDto.Type; group.Name = groupDto.Text; group.Alias = groupDto.Alias; group.SortOrder = groupDto.SortOrder; group.PropertyTypes = new PropertyTypeCollection(isPublishing); //Because we are likely to have a group with no PropertyTypes we need to ensure that these are excluded var typeDtos = groupDto.PropertyTypeDtos.Where(x => x.Id > 0); foreach (var typeDto in typeDtos) { var tempGroupDto = groupDto; var propertyType = propertyTypeCtor(typeDto.DataTypeDto.EditorAlias, typeDto.DataTypeDto.DbType.EnumParse <ValueStorageType>(true), typeDto.Alias); try { propertyType.DisableChangeTracking(); propertyType.Alias = typeDto.Alias; propertyType.DataTypeId = typeDto.DataTypeId; propertyType.DataTypeKey = typeDto.DataTypeDto.NodeDto.UniqueId; propertyType.Description = typeDto.Description; propertyType.Id = typeDto.Id; propertyType.Key = typeDto.UniqueId; propertyType.Name = typeDto.Name; propertyType.Mandatory = typeDto.Mandatory; propertyType.MandatoryMessage = typeDto.MandatoryMessage; propertyType.SortOrder = typeDto.SortOrder; propertyType.ValidationRegExp = typeDto.ValidationRegExp; propertyType.ValidationRegExpMessage = typeDto.ValidationRegExpMessage; propertyType.PropertyGroupId = new Lazy <int>(() => tempGroupDto.Id); propertyType.CreateDate = createDate; propertyType.UpdateDate = updateDate; propertyType.Variations = (ContentVariation)typeDto.Variations; // reset dirty initial properties (U4-1946) propertyType.ResetDirtyProperties(false); group.PropertyTypes.Add(propertyType); } finally { propertyType.EnableChangeTracking(); } } // reset dirty initial properties (U4-1946) group.ResetDirtyProperties(false); propertyGroups.Add(group); } finally { group.EnableChangeTracking(); } } return(propertyGroups); }
public string GetDynamicFormXml() { ContentDetails details = GetCurrentContentDetails(); MetaData metaData = GetCurrentMetaData(details); PropertyGroup group = new PropertyGroup("Meta", "Meta Options", 0); PropertySubGroup subGroup = new PropertySubGroup("Options", "Main Options", 0) { }; group.PropertySubGroups.Add(subGroup); int order = 0; subGroup.Properties.Add(new Property("Inherit", "Inherit From Parent", PropertyType.Bool, order++, metaData.InheritData.ToString())); subGroup.Properties.Add(new Property("Title", "Title", PropertyType.String, order++, metaData.Title)); subGroup.Properties.Add(new Property("Description", "Description", PropertyType.String, order++, metaData.Description)); subGroup.Properties.Add(new Property("Keywords", "Keywords", PropertyType.String, order++, metaData.Keywords)); PropertySubGroup extendedGroup = new PropertySubGroup("Options", "Extended Tags", 1); group.PropertySubGroups.Add(extendedGroup); foreach (string extendedEntry in _metaConfig.ExtendedEntries) { extendedGroup.Properties.Add(new Property(extendedEntry, extendedEntry, PropertyType.String, order++, metaData.ExtendedMetaTags.ContainsKey(extendedEntry) ? metaData.ExtendedMetaTags[extendedEntry] : string.Empty)); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); using(StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb)) using (XmlTextWriter tw = new XmlTextWriter(sw)) group.Serialize(tw); return sb.ToString(); }
public void PropertyGroupParsed(XmlNode node, PropertyGroup group) { }
public static PropertyGroup GetOrAddPropertyGroup(IContentType contentType, string groupName) { var group = contentType.PropertyGroups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name == groupName); if (group == null) { var sortOrder = contentType.PropertyGroups.Select(g => g.SortOrder).OrderByDescending(x => x).FirstOrDefault() + 1; group = new PropertyGroup { Name = groupName, SortOrder = sortOrder }; contentType.PropertyGroups.Add(group); } return group; }
private List<CompilerClass> LoadCompilerClasses(ItemGroup itemGroup, PropertyGroup propGroup) { List<CompilerClass> compilerClasses = new List<CompilerClass>(); IList<ParsedPath> paths = itemGroup.GetRequiredValue("CompilerAssembly"); foreach (var path in paths) { Assembly assembly = null; try { // We use Assembly.Load so that the test assembly and subsequently loaded // assemblies end up in the correct load context. If the assembly cannot be // found it will raise a AssemblyResolve event where we will search for the // assembly. assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(path); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Unable to load content compiler assembly file '{0}'. {1}", path, e.ToString()), e); } Type[] types; // We won't get dependency errors until we actually try to reflect on all the types in the assembly try { types = assembly.GetTypes(); } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e) { string message = String.Format("Unable to reflect on assembly '{0}'", path); // There is one entry in the exceptions array for each null in the types array, // and they correspond positionally. foreach (Exception ex in e.LoaderExceptions) message += Environment.NewLine + " " + ex.Message; // Not being able to reflect on classes in the test assembly is a critical error throw new ApplicationException(message, e); } // Go through all the types in the test assembly and find all the // compiler classes, those that inherit from IContentCompiler. foreach (var type in types) { Type interfaceType = type.GetInterface(typeof(IContentCompiler).ToString()); if (interfaceType != null) { CompilerClass compilerClass = new CompilerClass(assembly, type); compilerClasses.Add(compilerClass); } } } return compilerClasses; }
public override PropertyGroup[] GetPropertyGroups() { PropertyGroup group = new PropertyGroup("GeneralSettings",TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_propertygroup_general"), 0); Property headerTitle = new Property("headerTitle", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_title"), PropertyType.String, 0, "${resource:default_property_title}") {ControlType = typeof (ContentFragmentTokenStringControl)}; group.Properties.Add(headerTitle); PropertyGroup defaultContent = new PropertyGroup("DefaultContent", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_propertygroup_defaultContent"), 0); Property property = new Property("default_content",TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue( "fragment_property_content"), PropertyType.Html, 1, ""){ControlType = typeof (HtmlEditorStringControl)}; property.Attributes["EnableHtmlScrubbing"] = "false"; property.Attributes["width"] = "100%"; property.Attributes["height"] = "300px"; property.Attributes["enablehtmlediting"] = "true"; property.Attributes["ContentTypeId"] = InlineContentPart.InlineContentContentTypeId.ToString(); defaultContent.Properties.Add(property); PropertyGroup anoymousContent = new PropertyGroup("AnonymousContent", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_propertygroup_anonymousContent"), 0); property = new Property("anonymous_content", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue( "fragment_property_content"), PropertyType.Html, 1, "") { ControlType = typeof(HtmlEditorStringControl) }; property.Attributes["EnableHtmlScrubbing"] = "false"; property.Attributes["width"] = "100%"; property.Attributes["height"] = "300px"; property.Attributes["enablehtmlediting"] = "true"; property.Attributes["ContentTypeId"] = InlineContentPart.InlineContentContentTypeId.ToString(); anoymousContent.Properties.Add(property); property = new Property("inlinecontenttype", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_inlinecontent_type"), PropertyType.String, 2, "Contextual") { DescriptionResourceName ="fragment_property_inlinecontent_type_description" }; property.SelectableValues.Add(new PropertyValue("Contextual", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_inlinecontent_contextual"), (int)ContextMode.Context)); property.SelectableValues.Add(new PropertyValue("GroupContextual", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_inlinecontent_groupcontextual"), (int)ContextMode.GroupContext)); property.SelectableValues.Add(new PropertyValue("ByName", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_inlinecontent_byname"), (int)ContextMode.Name)); group.Properties.Add(property); property = new Property("dynamicname", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_inlinecontent_dynamicname"), PropertyType.Bool, 3, bool.FalseString) { DescriptionResourceName ="fragment_property_inlinecontent_dynamicname_description" }; group.Properties.Add(property); property = new Property("inlinecontentname", TranslatablePluginController.GetLanguageResourceValue("fragment_property_inlinecontent_name"), PropertyType.String, 4, string.Empty); group.Properties.Add(property); return new[] { group , defaultContent , anoymousContent }; }
private void SafeExecute() { if (!NoLogo) Console.WriteLine(Parser.LogoBanner); if (!runningFromCommandLine) { Parser.GetTargetArguments(this); Output.Message(MessageImportance.Normal, Parser.CommandName + Parser.Arguments); } if (ShowHelp) { Console.WriteLine(Parser.Usage); return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentPath)) { Output.Error("A .content file must be specified"); return; } this.ContentPath = this.ContentPath.MakeFullPath(); if (!File.Exists(this.ContentPath)) { Output.Error("Content file '{0}' does not exist", this.ContentPath); return; } // Initialize properties from the environment and command line PropertyGroup globalProps = new PropertyGroup(); globalProps.AddFromEnvironment(); globalProps.AddWellKnownProperties( new ParsedPath(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, PathType.File).VolumeAndDirectory, ContentPath.VolumeAndDirectory); globalProps.AddFromPropertyString(this.Properties); BuildContext buildContext = new BuildContext(this.Output, this.ContentPath); ContentFileV2 contentFile = null; try { contentFile = ContentFileReaderV2.ReadFile(this.ContentPath); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ContentFileException(this.ContentPath, (int)e.Data["LineNumber"], "Problem reading content file", e); } Output.Message(MessageImportance.Low, "Read content file '{0}'", this.ContentPath); ItemGroup globalItems = new ItemGroup(); globalItems.ExpandAndAddFromList(contentFile.Items, globalProps); List<CompilerClass> compilerClasses = LoadCompilerClasses(globalItems, globalProps); this.NewestAssemblyWriteTime = FindNewestAssemblyWriteTime(compilerClasses); this.ContentPathWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(this.ContentPath); List<BuildTarget> BuildTargets = PrepareBuildTargets(contentFile.Targets, globalItems, globalProps); foreach (var buildTarget in BuildTargets) { bool compilerFound = false; foreach (var compilerClass in compilerClasses) { if (buildTarget.InputExtensions.SequenceEqual(compilerClass.InputExtensions) && buildTarget.OutputExtensions.SequenceEqual(compilerClass.OutputExtensions)) { compilerFound = true; string msg = String.Format("Building target '{0}' with '{1}' compiler", buildTarget.Name, compilerClass.Name); foreach (var input in buildTarget.InputFiles) { msg += Environment.NewLine + "\t" + input; } msg += Environment.NewLine + "\t->"; foreach (var output in buildTarget.OutputFiles) { msg += Environment.NewLine + "\t" + output; } Output.Message(MessageImportance.Normal, msg); if (TestMode) continue; compilerClass.ContextProperty.SetValue(compilerClass.Instance, buildContext, null); compilerClass.TargetProperty.SetValue(compilerClass.Instance, buildTarget, null); try { compilerClass.CompileMethod.Invoke(compilerClass.Instance, null); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { ContentFileException contentEx = e.InnerException as ContentFileException; if (contentEx != null) { contentEx.EnsureFileNameAndLineNumber(buildContext.ContentFile, buildTarget.LineNumber); throw contentEx; } else { throw new ContentFileException( this.ContentPath, buildTarget.LineNumber, "Unable to compile target '{0}'".CultureFormat(buildTarget.Name), e.InnerException); } } // Ensure that the output files were generated foreach (var outputFile in buildTarget.OutputFiles) { if (!File.Exists(outputFile)) { throw new ContentFileException(this.ContentPath, buildTarget.LineNumber, "Output file '{0}' was not generated".CultureFormat(outputFile)); } } } } if (!compilerFound) Output.Warning("No compiler found for target '{0}' for extensions '{1}' -> '{2}'", buildTarget.Name, String.Join(Path.PathSeparator.ToString(), buildTarget.InputExtensions), String.Join(Path.PathSeparator.ToString(), buildTarget.OutputExtensions)); } Output.Message(MessageImportance.Normal, "Done"); }
public ToolFlags CopyAndBuildFlags(BSPBuilder bsp, List <string> projectFiles, string subdir, ref PropertyList configurableProperties) { List <ParsedCondition> conditions = null; List <string> allConditions = new List <string>(); if (SimpleFileConditions != null) { allConditions.AddRange(SimpleFileConditions); } if (SmartFileConditions != null) { foreach (var str in SmartFileConditions) { int idx = str.IndexOf('|'); string name = str.Substring(0, idx); string id = "com.sysprogs.bspoptions." + name.Replace(' ', '_'); string[] values = str.Substring(idx + 1).Split(';'); PropertyEntry entry; if (values.Length == 1) { var val = values[0]; string regex, value; idx = val.IndexOf("=>"); if (idx == -1) { regex = val; value = "1"; } else { regex = val.Substring(0, idx); value = val.Substring(idx + 2); } allConditions.Add($"{regex}: $${id}$$ == {value}"); entry = new PropertyEntry.Boolean { ValueForTrue = value, Name = name, UniqueID = id, DefaultValue = true }; } else { List <PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion> suggestions = new List <PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion>(); foreach (var val in values) { idx = val.IndexOf("=>"); string regex = val.Substring(0, idx); string value = val.Substring(idx + 2); allConditions.Add($"{regex}: $${id}$$ == {value}"); suggestions.Add(new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion { InternalValue = value }); } entry = new PropertyEntry.Enumerated { Name = name, UniqueID = id, SuggestionList = suggestions.ToArray() }; } if (configurableProperties?.PropertyGroups == null) { configurableProperties = new PropertyList { PropertyGroups = new List <PropertyGroup>() } } ; var grp = configurableProperties.PropertyGroups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Name == null && g.UniqueID == null); if (grp == null) { configurableProperties.PropertyGroups.Insert(0, grp = new PropertyGroup()); } grp.Properties.Add(entry); } } if (allConditions.Count > 0) { conditions = new List <ParsedCondition>(); foreach (var cond in allConditions) { int idx = cond.IndexOf(':'); if (idx == -1) { throw new Exception("Invalid simple condition format"); } Regex rgFile = new Regex(cond.Substring(0, idx), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); string rawCond = cond.Substring(idx + 1).Trim(); Condition parsedCond = ParseCondition(rawCond); conditions.Add(new ParsedCondition { Regex = rgFile, Condition = parsedCond }); } } string expandedSourceFolder = SourceFolder; bsp.ExpandVariables(ref expandedSourceFolder); if (TargetFolder == null) { TargetFolder = Path.GetFileName(expandedSourceFolder); } TargetFolder = TargetFolder.Replace('\\', '/'); if (subdir == null) { subdir = ""; } string absTarget = Path.Combine(bsp.BSPRoot, subdir, TargetFolder); Directory.CreateDirectory(absTarget); string folderInsideBSPPrefix = TargetFolder; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subdir)) { folderInsideBSPPrefix = subdir + "/" + TargetFolder; } folderInsideBSPPrefix = folderInsideBSPPrefix.Replace('\\', '/'); if (folderInsideBSPPrefix == "/") { folderInsideBSPPrefix = ""; } else if (folderInsideBSPPrefix != "" && !folderInsideBSPPrefix.StartsWith("/")) { folderInsideBSPPrefix = "/" + folderInsideBSPPrefix; } var copyMasks = new CopyFilters(FilesToCopy); var autoIncludes = new CopyFilters(AutoIncludeMask); var potentialSymlinks = new CopyFilters(SymlinkResolutionMask); var projectContents = new CopyFilters(ProjectInclusionMask); var filesToCopy = Directory.GetFiles(expandedSourceFolder, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where(f => !bsp.SkipHiddenFiles || (File.GetAttributes(f) & FileAttributes.Hidden) != FileAttributes.Hidden) .Select(f => f.Substring(expandedSourceFolder.Length + 1)) .Where(f => copyMasks.IsMatch(f)) .ToArray(); foreach (var dir in filesToCopy.Select(f => Path.Combine(absTarget, Path.GetDirectoryName(f))).Distinct()) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } List <IRenameRule> rules = new List <IRenameRule>(); foreach (var r in (RenameRules ?? "").Split(';').Select(s => s.Trim()).Where(s => s != "")) { int idx = r.IndexOf("=>"); rules.Add(new RenameRule { OldName = r.Substring(0, idx), NewName = r.Substring(idx + 2) }); } foreach (var r in (AdvancedRenameRules ?? "").Split(';').Where(s => s != "")) { int idx = r.IndexOf("=>"); rules.Add(new AdvancedRenamingRule { OldName = new Regex(r.Substring(0, idx), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase), NewNameFormat = r.Substring(idx + 2) }); } var includeDirs = filesToCopy.Where(f => autoIncludes.IsMatch(f)).Select(f => Path.GetDirectoryName(f).Replace('\\', '/')).Distinct().Select(d => "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$" + folderInsideBSPPrefix + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(d) ? "" : ("/" + d))).ToList(); foreach (var f in filesToCopy) { string renamedRelativePath = f; string pathInsidePackage = Path.Combine(subdir, TargetFolder, f); if (pathInsidePackage.Length > 170) { if (!bsp.OnFilePathTooLong(pathInsidePackage)) { continue; } } string targetFile = Path.Combine(absTarget, f); string newName = rules?.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Matches(f))?.Apply(targetFile); if (newName == null) { if (bsp.RenamedFileTable.TryGetValue(targetFile, out newName) || bsp.RenamedFileTable.TryGetValue(targetFile.Replace('/', '\\'), out newName)) { } } if (newName != null) { var oldTargetFile = targetFile; targetFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(targetFile), newName); renamedRelativePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(renamedRelativePath), newName); bsp.RenamedFileTable[oldTargetFile] = newName; } if (AlreadyCopied) { if (!File.Exists(targetFile)) { throw new Exception(targetFile + " required by a copy job marked as 'Already Copied' does not exist"); } } else { bool resolved = false; var absSourcePath = Path.Combine(expandedSourceFolder, f); if (potentialSymlinks.IsMatch(f)) { for (; ;) { var contents = File.ReadAllLines(absSourcePath); if (contents.Length == 1 && File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(absSourcePath), contents[0]))) { absSourcePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(absSourcePath), contents[0])); } else { break; } } } if (!resolved) { File.Copy(absSourcePath, targetFile, true); } } File.SetAttributes(targetFile, File.GetAttributes(targetFile) & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly); string encodedPath = "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$" + folderInsideBSPPrefix + "/" + renamedRelativePath.Replace('\\', '/'); if (projectContents.IsMatch(f)) { projectFiles.Add(encodedPath.Replace('\\', '/')); } if (conditions != null) { foreach (var cond in conditions) { if (cond.Regex.IsMatch(f)) { bsp.MatchedFileConditions.Add(new FileCondition { ConditionToInclude = cond.Condition, FilePath = encodedPath }); cond.UseCount++; break; } } } } if (AdditionalProjectFiles != null) { foreach (var spec in AdditionalProjectFiles.Split(';')) { string encodedPath = "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$" + folderInsideBSPPrefix + "/" + spec; projectFiles.Add(encodedPath); } } var unusedConditions = conditions?.Where(c => c.UseCount == 0)?.ToArray(); if ((unusedConditions?.Length ?? 0) != 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Found {0} unused conditions. Please recheck your rules.", unusedConditions.Length)); } if (Patches != null) { foreach (var p in Patches) { foreach (var fn in p.FilePath.Split(';')) { List <string> allLines = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(absTarget, fn)).ToList(); p.Apply(allLines); string targetPath = p.TargetPath; if (targetPath == null) { targetPath = fn; } Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.Combine(absTarget, targetPath))); File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(absTarget, targetPath), allLines); } } } if (GuardedFiles != null) { foreach (var gf in GuardedFiles) { int idx = gf.IndexOf("=>"); Regex rgFile = new Regex(gf.Substring(0, idx)); string macro = gf.Substring(idx + 2); var fn = Path.Combine(absTarget, filesToCopy.First(f => rgFile.IsMatch(f))); List <string> lines = new List <string>(File.ReadAllLines(fn)); int i = 0; //1. Find first #include for (i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++) { if (lines[i].Trim().StartsWith("#include")) { break; } } //2. Find first non-preprocessor line for (; i < lines.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lines[i]) && !lines[i].Trim().StartsWith("#include")) { break; } } if (i == lines.Count) { throw new Exception("Cannot find a place to insert guard in " + fn); } lines.Insert(i, string.Format("#if defined({0}) && {0}", macro)); lines.Add("#endif //" + macro); File.WriteAllLines(fn, lines); } } if (AdditionalIncludeDirs != null) { includeDirs.AddRange(AdditionalIncludeDirs.Split(';').Select(d => MapIncludeDir(absTarget, d))); } return(new ToolFlags { PreprocessorMacros = (PreprocessorMacros == null) ? null : PreprocessorMacros.Split(';'), IncludeDirectories = includeDirs.ToArray() }); }
/// <summary> /// A helper method that will create a basic/generic member for use with a generic membership provider /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> internal static IMember CreateGenericMembershipProviderMember(string name, string email, string username, string password) { var identity = int.MaxValue; var memType = new MemberType(-1); var propGroup = new PropertyGroup { Name = "Membership", Id = --identity }; propGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(Constants.PropertyEditors.TextboxAlias, DataTypeDatabaseType.Ntext) { Alias = Constants.Conventions.Member.Comments, Name = Constants.Conventions.Member.CommentsLabel, SortOrder = 0, Id = --identity }); propGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(Constants.PropertyEditors.TrueFalseAlias, DataTypeDatabaseType.Integer) { Alias = Constants.Conventions.Member.IsApproved, Name = Constants.Conventions.Member.IsApprovedLabel, SortOrder = 3, Id = --identity }); propGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(Constants.PropertyEditors.TrueFalseAlias, DataTypeDatabaseType.Integer) { Alias = Constants.Conventions.Member.IsLockedOut, Name = Constants.Conventions.Member.IsLockedOutLabel, SortOrder = 4, Id = --identity }); propGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(Constants.PropertyEditors.NoEditAlias, DataTypeDatabaseType.Date) { Alias = Constants.Conventions.Member.LastLockoutDate, Name = Constants.Conventions.Member.LastLockoutDateLabel, SortOrder = 5, Id = --identity }); propGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(Constants.PropertyEditors.NoEditAlias, DataTypeDatabaseType.Date) { Alias = Constants.Conventions.Member.LastLoginDate, Name = Constants.Conventions.Member.LastLoginDateLabel, SortOrder = 6, Id = --identity }); propGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(Constants.PropertyEditors.NoEditAlias, DataTypeDatabaseType.Date) { Alias = Constants.Conventions.Member.LastPasswordChangeDate, Name = Constants.Conventions.Member.LastPasswordChangeDateLabel, SortOrder = 7, Id = --identity }); memType.PropertyGroups.Add(propGroup); return new Member(name, email, username, password, -1, memType); }
public IMemberType AddDialogueMemberType() { #region DataType Ids //-49 Umbraco.TrueFalse //-51 Umbraco.Integer //-87 Umbraco.TinyMCEv3 //-88 Umbraco.Textbox //-89 Umbraco.TextboxMultiple //-90 Umbraco.UploadField //-92 Umbraco.NoEdit //-36 Umbraco.DateTime //-37 Umbraco.ColorPickerAlias //-38 Umbraco.FolderBrowser //-39 Umbraco.DropDownMultiple //-40 Umbraco.RadioButtonList //-41 Umbraco.Date //-42 Umbraco.DropDown //-43 Umbraco.CheckBoxList //1034 Umbraco.ContentPickerAlias //1035 Umbraco.MediaPicker //1036 Umbraco.MemberPicker //1040 Umbraco.RelatedLinks //1041 Umbraco.Tags //1045 Umbraco.MultipleMediaPicker //1077 Apt.PartialPicker //1089 Umbraco.ImageCropper //1092 Umbraco.TinyMCEv3 //1103 Our.Umbraco.FilePicker //1104 Umbraco.MemberGroupPicker //1105 Apt.CssPicker //1128 Dialogue.ThemePicker //1132 Dialogue.Permissions //1147 Umbraco.MultipleTextstring #endregion var label = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-92); var upload = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-90); var textstring = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-88); var textboxMultiple = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-89); var truefalse = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-49); var numeric = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-51); var datetime = _dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(-36); // Profile, Settings, Social Tokens // Create the member Type var memType = new MemberType(-1) { Alias = DialogueConfiguration.Instance.MemberTypeAlias, Name = "Dialogue Member" }; // Create the Profile group/tab var profileGroup = new PropertyGroup { Name = "Profile", }; profileGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(label) { Alias = "email", Name = "Email", SortOrder = 0, Description = "This is a bit rubbish, but it's the only way to get the email from the new member service at the current time" }); profileGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(upload) { Alias = "avatar", Name = "Avatar", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); profileGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "website", Name = "Website", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); profileGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(textstring) { Alias = "twitter", Name = "Twitter", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); profileGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(textboxMultiple) { Alias = "signature", Name = "Signature", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); profileGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(datetime) { Alias = "lastActiveDate", Name = "Last Active Date", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); memType.PropertyGroups.Add(profileGroup); // Create the Settings group/tab var settingsGroup = new PropertyGroup { Name = "Settings", }; settingsGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(truefalse) { Alias = "canEditOtherMembers", Name = "Can Edit Other Members", SortOrder = 0, Description = "Enable this and the user can edit other members posts, their profiles and ban members (Usually use in conjunction with moderate permissions)." }); settingsGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(truefalse) { Alias = "disableEmailNotifications", Name = "Disable Email Notifications", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); settingsGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(truefalse) { Alias = "disablePosting", Name = "Disable Posting", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); settingsGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(truefalse) { Alias = "disablePrivateMessages", Name = "Disable Private Messages", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); settingsGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(truefalse) { Alias = "disableFileUploads", Name = "Disable File Uploads", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); settingsGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(numeric) { Alias = "postCount", Name = "Post Count", SortOrder = 0, Description = "The users post count. This is kept like this to help reduce SQL queries and improve performance of the forum" }); memType.PropertyGroups.Add(settingsGroup); // Create the Settings group/tab var socialGroup = new PropertyGroup { Name = "Social Tokens", }; socialGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(textstring) { Name = "Facebook Access Token", Alias = "facebookAccessToken", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); socialGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(textstring) { Name = "Google Access Token", Alias = "googleAccessToken", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); socialGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(new PropertyType(textstring) { Name = "Microsoft Access Token", Alias = "microsoftAccessToken", SortOrder = 0, Description = "" }); memType.PropertyGroups.Add(socialGroup); // Add Slug memType.AddPropertyType(new PropertyType(textstring) { Name = "Slug", Alias = "slug", SortOrder = 0, Description = "This is what we use to look up the member in the front end" }); _memberTypeService.Save(memType); return(memType); }
private void PatchGroup(ICommonAssembly assembly, IHasMethods viewModelBaseType, ICommonType viewModelType, PropertyGroup group) { RemoveDefaultField(viewModelType, group.Property.Name); var field = group.Field?.MonoCecil ?? CreateField(viewModelType, group.Property); GenerateGetMethodBody(viewModelType, group, field); GenerateSetMethodBody(assembly, viewModelBaseType, viewModelType, group, field); }
public void Ent_PropGroup_Prop_KString_VString_RULToSet() { EtagairCore core = Common.CreateCoreInMemory(); // create an entity template to instantiate EntityTempl entTemplComputer = core.EditorTempl.CreateEntityTempl("TemplComputer"); // create the group Core PropGroupTempl propGroupTemplCore = core.EditorTempl.CreatePropGroupTempl(entTemplComputer, "Core"); // create a property template without the value: will be created on the instantiation PropTempl propTemplType = core.EditorTempl.CreatePropTempl(entTemplComputer, propGroupTemplCore, "Type", (string)null); // On prop type, Add Rule: add property, V=RULE:ToSet, type= string PropTemplRuleValueToSet rule = new PropTemplRuleValueToSet(); rule.ValueType = PropValueType.String; core.EditorTempl.AddPropTemplRule(entTemplComputer, propTemplType, rule); //====Instantiate EntityTemplToInst templToInst = core.ProcessTempl.CreateEntity(entTemplComputer); Assert.AreEqual(TemplToInstState.InProgress, templToInst.State, "the state should be InProgress"); Assert.AreEqual(TemplToInstStep.NeedAction, templToInst.NextStep, "the next step should be NeedAction"); //---provide an action to the rule (to execute it automatically): Property value set on instantiation PropTemplRuleActionValueToSet action = new PropTemplRuleActionValueToSet(); action.SetRule(rule); action.SetValueString("Intel"); // adds actions to rules and create the entity core.ProcessTempl.AddActionsToCreateEntity(templToInst, action); Assert.AreEqual(TemplToInstState.InProgress, templToInst.State, "the state should be InProgress"); Assert.AreEqual(TemplToInstStep.Starts, templToInst.NextStep, "the next step should be NeedAction"); // create the entity, use action core.ProcessTempl.CompleteCreateEntity(templToInst); // check that the execution finishes with success Assert.AreEqual(TemplToInstState.Success, templToInst.State, "the state should be sucess"); Assert.AreEqual(TemplToInstStep.Ends, templToInst.NextStep, "the next step should be ends"); //=====Check the creation //----check the prop group: Core PropertyBase propBase = core.Searcher.FindPropertyByKey(templToInst.Entity, templToInst.Entity.PropertyRoot, "Core", false); PropertyGroup propGroup = propBase as PropertyGroup; Assert.IsNotNull(propGroup, "the propgroup Core should exists"); // Check the prop group key PropertyKeyString propGroupKey = propGroup.Key as PropertyKeyString; Assert.IsNotNull(propGroupKey, "the propgroup key Core should exists"); Assert.AreEqual("Core", propGroupKey.Key, "the key should be Core"); //----check the property child: Type=Computer propBase = core.Searcher.FindPropertyByKey(templToInst.Entity, propGroup, "Type", false); Property prop = propBase as Property; Assert.IsNotNull(prop, "the prop child Type should exists"); // find the prop Intel (inside the group Core) from the root property PropertyBase propBaseTypeIntel = core.Searcher.FindPropertyByKey(templToInst.Entity, "Type", true); Property propTypeIntel = propBaseTypeIntel as Property; Assert.IsNotNull(propTypeIntel, "the prop child Type should exists (find from the root)"); // check the prop key: Type, find the prop from the parent PropertyKeyString propKeyString = prop.Key as PropertyKeyString; Assert.IsNotNull(propKeyString, "the prop key string Type should exists"); Assert.AreEqual("Type", propKeyString.Key, "the key should be Type"); // check the prop value //PropertyValueString propValueString = prop.Value as PropertyValueString; ValString propValueString = prop.Value as ValString; Assert.IsNotNull(propValueString, "the prop key string Type should exists"); Assert.AreEqual("Intel", propValueString.Value, "the value should be Intel"); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the Property object for the given property group /// </summary> /// <param name="content"></param> /// <param name="propertyGroup"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IEnumerable <IProperty> GetPropertiesForGroup(this IContentBase content, PropertyGroup propertyGroup) { //get the properties for the current tab return(content.Properties .Where(property => propertyGroup.PropertyTypes is not null && propertyGroup.PropertyTypes .Select(propertyType => propertyType.Id) .Contains(property.PropertyTypeId))); }
private List<BuildTarget> PrepareBuildTargets(List<ContentFileV2.Target> rawTargets, ItemGroup globalItems, PropertyGroup globalProps) { List<BuildTarget> buildTargets = new List<BuildTarget>(); foreach (var rawTarget in rawTargets) { try { PropertyGroup targetProps = new PropertyGroup(globalProps); targetProps.Set("TargetName", rawTarget.Name); if (rawTarget.Properties != null) targetProps.ExpandAndAddFromList(rawTarget.Properties, targetProps); ItemGroup targetItems = new ItemGroup(globalItems); ParsedPathList inputFiles = new ParsedPathList(); string[] list = rawTarget.Inputs.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var rawInputFile in list) { ParsedPath pathSpec = null; string s = targetProps.ReplaceVariables(rawInputFile); try { pathSpec = new ParsedPath(s, PathType.File).MakeFullPath(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ContentFileException("Bad path '{0}'".CultureFormat(s), e); } if (pathSpec.HasWildcards) { if (!Directory.Exists(pathSpec.VolumeAndDirectory)) { throw new ContentFileException("Directory '{0}' does not exist".CultureFormat(pathSpec.VolumeAndDirectory)); } IList<ParsedPath> files = DirectoryUtility.GetFiles(pathSpec, SearchScope.DirectoryOnly); if (files.Count == 0) { throw new ContentFileException("Wildcard input refers to no files after expansion"); } inputFiles = new ParsedPathList(inputFiles.Concat(files)); } else { if (!File.Exists(pathSpec)) { throw new ContentFileException("Input file '{0}' does not exist".CultureFormat(pathSpec)); } inputFiles.Add(pathSpec); } } ParsedPathList outputFiles = new ParsedPathList(); list = rawTarget.Outputs.Split(';'); foreach (var rawOutputFile in list) { string s = targetProps.ReplaceVariables(rawOutputFile); try { ParsedPath outputFile = new ParsedPath(s, PathType.File).MakeFullPath(); outputFiles.Add(outputFile); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ContentFileException("Bad path '{0}'".CultureFormat(s), e); } } targetItems.Set("TargetInputs", inputFiles); targetItems.Set("TargetOutputs", outputFiles); bool needsRebuild = IsCompileRequired(inputFiles, outputFiles); if (!needsRebuild) continue; buildTargets.Add(new BuildTarget(rawTarget.LineNumber, targetProps, targetItems)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ContentFileException(this.ContentPath, rawTarget.LineNumber, "Error preparing targets", e); } } return buildTargets; }
public IEnumerable <PropertyGroup> BuildEntity(IEnumerable <PropertyTypeGroupDto> groupDtos) { // groupDtos contains all the groups, those that are defined on the current // content type, and those that are inherited from composition content types var propertyGroups = new PropertyGroupCollection(); foreach (var groupDto in groupDtos) { var group = new PropertyGroup(); try { group.DisableChangeTracking(); // if the group is defined on the current content type, // assign its identifier, else it will be zero if (groupDto.ContentTypeNodeId == _contentTypeId) { group.Id = groupDto.Id; } group.Name = groupDto.Text; group.SortOrder = groupDto.SortOrder; group.PropertyTypes = new PropertyTypeCollection(); group.Key = groupDto.UniqueId; //Because we are likely to have a group with no PropertyTypes we need to ensure that these are excluded var typeDtos = groupDto.PropertyTypeDtos.Where(x => x.Id > 0); foreach (var typeDto in typeDtos) { var tempGroupDto = groupDto; var propertyType = _propertyTypeCtor(typeDto.DataTypeDto.PropertyEditorAlias, typeDto.DataTypeDto.DbType.EnumParse <DataTypeDatabaseType>(true), typeDto.Alias); try { propertyType.DisableChangeTracking(); propertyType.Alias = typeDto.Alias; propertyType.DataTypeDefinitionId = typeDto.DataTypeId; propertyType.Description = typeDto.Description; propertyType.Id = typeDto.Id; propertyType.Key = typeDto.UniqueId; propertyType.Name = typeDto.Name; propertyType.Mandatory = typeDto.Mandatory; propertyType.SortOrder = typeDto.SortOrder; propertyType.ValidationRegExp = typeDto.ValidationRegExp; propertyType.PropertyGroupId = new Lazy <int>(() => tempGroupDto.Id); propertyType.CreateDate = _createDate; propertyType.UpdateDate = _updateDate; //on initial construction we don't want to have dirty properties tracked // propertyType.ResetDirtyProperties(false); group.PropertyTypes.Add(propertyType); } finally { propertyType.EnableChangeTracking(); } } //on initial construction we don't want to have dirty properties tracked // group.ResetDirtyProperties(false); propertyGroups.Add(group); } finally { group.EnableChangeTracking(); } } return(propertyGroups); }
public PropertyGroup ConstructorInitializesPropertyGroupCorrectly(PropertyGroup group) { location = new Location(0, group); return location.Group; }
public Railroad(string name, PropertyGroup railroadGroup) : base(name, railroadGroup, 200, 25) { }
protected override void Visit(PropertyGroup group) { VisitList(group.Members); }
public ILocation GetClosest(int spaceNumber, PropertyGroup desiredGroup) { return propertyList.Values.Where(x => x.Group == desiredGroup) .OrderBy(y => Math.Abs(y.SpaceNumber - spaceNumber)) .ThenByDescending(x => x.SpaceNumber) .First(); }
public void Can_Deep_Clone() { var pg = new PropertyGroup( new PropertyTypeCollection(new[] { new PropertyType("TestPropertyEditor", DataTypeDatabaseType.Nvarchar, "test") { Id = 3, CreateDate = DateTime.Now, DataTypeDefinitionId = 5, PropertyEditorAlias = "propTest", Description = "testing", Key = Guid.NewGuid(), Mandatory = true, Name = "Test", PropertyGroupId = new Lazy <int>(() => 11), SortOrder = 9, UpdateDate = DateTime.Now, ValidationRegExp = "xxxx", DataTypeDatabaseType = DataTypeDatabaseType.Nvarchar }, new PropertyType("TestPropertyEditor", DataTypeDatabaseType.Nvarchar, "test2") { Id = 4, CreateDate = DateTime.Now, DataTypeDefinitionId = 6, PropertyEditorAlias = "propTest", Description = "testing2", Key = Guid.NewGuid(), Mandatory = true, Name = "Test2", PropertyGroupId = new Lazy <int>(() => 12), SortOrder = 10, UpdateDate = DateTime.Now, ValidationRegExp = "yyyy", DataTypeDatabaseType = DataTypeDatabaseType.Nvarchar } })) { Id = 77, CreateDate = DateTime.Now, Key = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Group1", SortOrder = 555, UpdateDate = DateTime.Now, ParentId = 9 }; var clone = (PropertyGroup)pg.DeepClone(); Assert.AreNotSame(clone, pg); Assert.AreEqual(clone, pg); Assert.AreEqual(clone.Id, pg.Id); Assert.AreEqual(clone.CreateDate, pg.CreateDate); Assert.AreEqual(clone.Key, pg.Key); Assert.AreEqual(clone.Name, pg.Name); Assert.AreEqual(clone.SortOrder, pg.SortOrder); Assert.AreEqual(clone.UpdateDate, pg.UpdateDate); Assert.AreEqual(clone.ParentId, pg.ParentId); Assert.AreNotSame(clone.PropertyTypes, pg.PropertyTypes); Assert.AreEqual(clone.PropertyTypes, pg.PropertyTypes); Assert.AreEqual(clone.PropertyTypes.Count, pg.PropertyTypes.Count); for (var i = 0; i < pg.PropertyTypes.Count; i++) { Assert.AreNotSame(clone.PropertyTypes[i], pg.PropertyTypes[i]); Assert.AreEqual(clone.PropertyTypes[i], pg.PropertyTypes[i]); } //This double verifies by reflection var allProps = clone.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (var propertyInfo in allProps) { Assert.AreEqual(propertyInfo.GetValue(clone, null), propertyInfo.GetValue(pg, null)); } }
public static Lazy<IContentType> GetContentTypeDefinition(Type modelType) { //Check for BaseType different from ContentTypeBase bool hasParent = modelType.BaseType != null && modelType.BaseType != typeof(ContentTypeBase) && modelType.BaseType != typeof(object); var parent = new Lazy<IContentType>(); if(hasParent) { var isResolved = _contentTypeCache.ContainsKey(modelType.BaseType.FullName); parent = isResolved ? _contentTypeCache[modelType.BaseType.FullName].ContentType : GetContentTypeDefinition(modelType.BaseType); } var contentTypeAttribute = modelType.FirstAttribute<ContentTypeAttribute>(); var contentTypeAlias = contentTypeAttribute == null ? modelType.Name.ToUmbracoAlias() : contentTypeAttribute.Alias; //Check if ContentType already exists by looking it up by Alias. var existing = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentTypeService.GetContentType(contentTypeAlias); Lazy<IContentType> contentType = contentTypeAttribute == null ? PlainPocoConvention(modelType, existing) : ContentTypeConvention(contentTypeAttribute, modelType, existing); //Check for interfaces that'll be used for ContentTypeComposition var mixins = GetAliasesFromTypeInterfaces(modelType); var definitions = new List<PropertyDefinition>(); int order = 0; var objProperties = modelType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly).ToList(); foreach (var propertyInfo in objProperties) { var propertyTypeAttribute = propertyInfo.FirstAttribute<PropertyTypeConventionAttribute>(); var definition = propertyTypeAttribute == null ? new PropertyDefinition() : propertyTypeAttribute.GetPropertyConvention(); //DataTypeDefinition fallback if(definition.DataTypeDefinition == null) { definition.DataTypeDefinition = Conventions.GetDataTypeDefinitionByAttributeOrType(null, propertyInfo.PropertyType); } if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.PropertyGroup)) { definition.PropertyGroup = "Generic Properties"; } //Alias fallback if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Alias)) { var aliasAttribute = propertyInfo.FirstAttribute<AliasAttribute>(); definition.Alias = Conventions.GetPropertyTypeAlias(aliasAttribute, propertyInfo.Name); definition.Name = Conventions.GetPropertyTypeName(aliasAttribute, propertyInfo.Name); } //Description fallback if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Description)) { var descriptionAttribute = propertyInfo.FirstAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>(); definition.Description = descriptionAttribute != null ? descriptionAttribute.Description : string.Empty; } //SortOrder fallback if (definition.Order == default(int)) { var sortOrderAttribute = propertyInfo.FirstAttribute<SortOrderAttribute>(); definition.Order = sortOrderAttribute != null ? sortOrderAttribute.Order : order; } definitions.Add(definition); order++; } //Loop through definitions for PropertyGroups and create those that not already exists var groupDefinitions = definitions.DistinctBy(d => d.PropertyGroup); foreach (var groupDefinition in groupDefinitions) { var groupExists = contentType.Value.PropertyGroups.Contains(groupDefinition.PropertyGroup); if(groupExists == false) { var propertyGroup = new PropertyGroup {Name = groupDefinition.PropertyGroup}; contentType.Value.PropertyGroups.Add(propertyGroup); } } //Loop through definitions for PropertyTypes and add them to the correct PropertyGroup foreach (var definition in definitions) { var group = contentType.Value.PropertyGroups.First(x => x.Name == definition.PropertyGroup); //Check if a PropertyType with the same alias already exists, as we don't want to override existing ones if(group.PropertyTypes.Contains(definition.Alias)) continue; var propertyType = new PropertyType(definition.DataTypeDefinition) { Mandatory = definition.Mandatory, ValidationRegExp = definition.ValidationRegExp, SortOrder = definition.Order, Alias = definition.Alias, Name = definition.Name }; group.PropertyTypes.Add(propertyType); } //If current ContentType has a Parent the ParentId should be set and the ContentType added to the composition. if(hasParent) { contentType.Value.SetLazyParentId(new Lazy<int>(() => parent.Value.Id)); contentType.Value.AddContentType(parent.Value); } //Add the resolved ContentType to the internal cache var field = new DependencyField {ContentType = contentType, Alias = contentType.Value.Alias}; var dependencies = new List<string>(); //If current type has a parent (inherited model) we add the alias of that type as a dependency if(hasParent) { dependencies.Add(parent.Value.Alias); } //Check ContentType for existing 'Allowed ContentTypes' if(contentType.Value.AllowedContentTypes.Any()) { dependencies.AddRange(contentType.Value.AllowedContentTypes.Select(allowed => allowed.Alias)); } //Check for interfaces with AliasAttribute and add those as dependencies //NOTE: might also be an idea to check if ContentType has already been created/added to cache that implements the interface. if(mixins.Any()) { foreach (var mixin in mixins) { if(dependencies.Contains(mixin.Item1)) continue; dependencies.Add(mixin.Item1); var isMixinResolved = _contentTypeCache.ContainsKey(mixin.Item2); Lazy<IContentType> compositionType = null; if (isMixinResolved) { compositionType = _contentTypeCache[mixin.Item2].ContentType; } else { GetContentTypeDefinition(mixin.Item3); compositionType = _contentTypeCache[mixin.Item2].ContentType; } contentType.Value.AddContentType(compositionType.Value); } } field.DependsOn = dependencies.ToArray(); _contentTypeCache.AddOrUpdate(modelType.FullName, field, (x, y) => field); return contentType; }
public ConfigurationFileTemplateEx BuildConfigurationFileTemplate(string file, ConfigFileDefinition cf) { Regex rgIfndef = new Regex("^#ifndef ([^ ]+)"); Regex rgDefine = new Regex("^#define ([^ ]+)( )([^ ]+)$"); Regex rgGroup = new Regex("^<h>[ \t]+(.*)"); List <string> precedingComments = new List <string>(); List <string> allProperties = new List <string>(); string lastIfndef = null; PropertyList propertyList = new PropertyList { PropertyGroups = new List <PropertyGroup>() }; PropertyGroup group = null; foreach (var line in File.ReadAllLines(file)) { string previousLineIfndef = lastIfndef; lastIfndef = null; Match m; var trimmedLine = line.Trim(); if (trimmedLine == "") { continue; } if (trimmedLine.StartsWith("//")) { string comment = trimmedLine.Substring(2).Trim(); m = rgGroup.Match(comment); if (m.Success) { if (group != null && group.Properties.Count > 0) { propertyList.PropertyGroups.Add(group); } group = new PropertyGroup { Name = m.Groups[1].Value.Trim() }; } else { precedingComments.Add(comment); } } else if ((m = rgIfndef.Match(trimmedLine)).Success) { lastIfndef = m.Groups[1].Value; } else if ((m = rgDefine.Match(trimmedLine)).Success) { if (m.Groups[1].Value == previousLineIfndef) { if (group == null) { group = new PropertyGroup { Name = "Other Properties" } } ; var prop = ParseSingleProperty(m.Groups[1].Value, m.Groups[2].Value, precedingComments); if (prop != null) { group.Properties.Add(prop); allProperties.Add(prop.UniqueID); } } precedingComments.Clear(); } else { precedingComments.Clear(); } } if (group != null && group.Properties.Count > 0) { propertyList.PropertyGroups.Add(group); } return(new ConfigurationFileTemplateEx(new ConfigurationFileTemplate { PropertyClasses = new ConfigurationFilePropertyClass[] { new ConfigurationFilePropertyClass { NormalRegex = new SerializableRegularExpression(rgDefine.ToString()), Template = "#define {0}{1}{2}", Properties = allProperties.ToArray(), NameIndex = 1, IndentIndex = 2, ValueIndex = 3, } }, TargetFileName = Path.GetFileName(file), PropertyList = propertyList, UserFriendlyName = "nRF5x SDK Configuration", })); } Regex rgMacroDescription = new Regex("<(.)> ([^ ]+)[ ]*-(.*)"); Regex rgEnumValue = new Regex("<([0-9]+)=>[ \t]*(.*)");
/// <summary> /// Adds a PropertyType to a specific PropertyGroup /// </summary> /// <param name="propertyType"><see cref="PropertyType"/> to add</param> /// <param name="propertyGroupName">Name of the PropertyGroup to add the PropertyType to</param> /// <returns>Returns <c>True</c> if PropertyType was added, otherwise <c>False</c></returns> public override bool AddPropertyType(PropertyType propertyType, string propertyGroupName) { if (PropertyTypeExists(propertyType.Alias) == false) { if (PropertyGroups.Contains(propertyGroupName)) { propertyType.PropertyGroupId = new Lazy<int>(() => PropertyGroups[propertyGroupName].Id); PropertyGroups[propertyGroupName].PropertyTypes.Add(propertyType); } else { //If the PropertyGroup doesn't already exist we create a new one var propertyTypes = new List<PropertyType> { propertyType }; var propertyGroup = new PropertyGroup(new PropertyTypeCollection(propertyTypes)) { Name = propertyGroupName, SortOrder = 1 }; //and check if its an inherited PropertyGroup, which exists in the composition if (CompositionPropertyGroups.Any(x => x.Name == propertyGroupName)) { var parentPropertyGroup = CompositionPropertyGroups.First(x => x.Name == propertyGroupName && x.ParentId.HasValue == false); propertyGroup.SortOrder = parentPropertyGroup.SortOrder; //propertyGroup.ParentId = parentPropertyGroup.Id; propertyGroup.SetLazyParentId(new Lazy<int?>(() => parentPropertyGroup.Id)); } PropertyGroups.Add(propertyGroup); } return true; } return false; }
public IEnumerable <PropertyGroup> BuildEntity(IEnumerable <PropertyTypeGroupDto> dto) { var propertyGroups = new PropertyGroupCollection(); foreach (var groupDto in dto) { var group = new PropertyGroup(); //Only assign an Id if the PropertyGroup belongs to this ContentType if (groupDto.ContentTypeNodeId == _id) { group.Id = groupDto.Id; if (groupDto.ParentGroupId.HasValue) { group.ParentId = groupDto.ParentGroupId.Value; } } else { //If the PropertyGroup is inherited, we add a reference to the group as a Parent. group.ParentId = groupDto.Id; } group.Name = groupDto.Text; group.SortOrder = groupDto.SortOrder; group.PropertyTypes = new PropertyTypeCollection(); //Because we are likely to have a group with no PropertyTypes we need to ensure that these are excluded var typeDtos = groupDto.PropertyTypeDtos.Where(x => x.Id > 0); foreach (var typeDto in typeDtos) { var tempGroupDto = groupDto; var propertyType = _propertyTypeCtor(typeDto.DataTypeDto.PropertyEditorAlias, typeDto.DataTypeDto.DbType.EnumParse <DataTypeDatabaseType>(true), typeDto.Alias); propertyType.Alias = typeDto.Alias; propertyType.DataTypeDefinitionId = typeDto.DataTypeId; propertyType.Description = typeDto.Description; propertyType.Id = typeDto.Id; propertyType.Key = typeDto.UniqueId; propertyType.Name = typeDto.Name; propertyType.Mandatory = typeDto.Mandatory; propertyType.SortOrder = typeDto.SortOrder; propertyType.ValidationRegExp = typeDto.ValidationRegExp; propertyType.PropertyGroupId = new Lazy <int>(() => tempGroupDto.Id); propertyType.CreateDate = _createDate; propertyType.UpdateDate = _updateDate; //on initial construction we don't want to have dirty properties tracked // propertyType.ResetDirtyProperties(false); group.PropertyTypes.Add(propertyType); } //on initial construction we don't want to have dirty properties tracked // group.ResetDirtyProperties(false); propertyGroups.Add(group); } return(propertyGroups); }
public void Can_Add_New_Property_To_New_PropertyType_In_New_PropertyGroup() { // Arrange var contentType = MockedContentTypes.CreateTextpageContentType(); var content = MockedContent.CreateTextpageContent(contentType, "Textpage", -1); // Act var propertyType = new PropertyType(new Guid(), DataTypeDatabaseType.Ntext) { Alias = "subtitle", Name = "Subtitle", Description = "Optional subtitle", HelpText = "", Mandatory = false, SortOrder = 3, DataTypeDefinitionId = -88 }; var propertyGroup = new PropertyGroup {Name = "Test Group", SortOrder = 3}; propertyGroup.PropertyTypes.Add(propertyType); contentType.PropertyGroups.Add(propertyGroup); content.Properties.Add(new Property(propertyType){ Value = "Subtitle Test"}); // Assert Assert.That(content.Properties.Count, Is.EqualTo(5)); Assert.That(content.PropertyTypes.Count(), Is.EqualTo(5)); Assert.That(content.PropertyGroups.Count(), Is.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(content.Properties["subtitle"].Value, Is.EqualTo("Subtitle Test")); Assert.That(content.Properties["title"].Value, Is.EqualTo("Textpage textpage")); }
public RentableLocation(int spaceNumber, int rent, int price, PropertyGroup group) : base(spaceNumber, group) { Rent = rent; Price = price; }
protected override PropertyGroup GetRootGroup() { PropertyGroup group = new PropertyGroup("autouserCleanup", "User Encouragement", 0); group.DescriptionText = "Sends an email to try and encourage users to renengage with the site."; Property accountAge = new Property("accountAge", "Inactivity Period (months)", PropertyType.Int, 3, "24") { DescriptionText = "A period after which users start recieving encouragement to re-engage the site" }; group.Properties.Add(accountAge); Property accountDeleteAge = new Property("accountDeleteAge", "Encouragement Period (months)", PropertyType.Int, 4, "1") { DescriptionText = "A period after which the user is then emailed to re-engage with content updates" }; group.Properties.Add(accountDeleteAge); Property testButton = new Property("testButton", "Test Settings", PropertyType.Custom, 5, "") { ControlType = typeof(TestSettingButton) }; group.Properties.Add(testButton); return group; }
/// <summary> /// Display properties and their values to the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="properties">Properties to be displayed/edited.</param> public override void DisplayProperties(PropertyGroup properties) { throw new NotImplementedException("Single models is not supported in PropertyMultiModelView"); }