Example #1
        private PropertyCollection GetPropertyCollection(int id, Guid versionId, IMediaType contentType, DateTime createDate, DateTime updateDate)
            var sql = new Sql();

            .From <PropertyDataDto>()
            .InnerJoin <PropertyTypeDto>()
            .On <PropertyDataDto, PropertyTypeDto>(left => left.PropertyTypeId, right => right.Id)
            .Where <PropertyDataDto>(x => x.NodeId == id)
            .Where <PropertyDataDto>(x => x.VersionId == versionId);

            var propertyDataDtos = Database.Fetch <PropertyDataDto, PropertyTypeDto>(sql);
            var propertyFactory  = new PropertyFactory(contentType, versionId, id, createDate, updateDate);
            var properties       = propertyFactory.BuildEntity(propertyDataDtos);

            var newProperties = properties.Where(x => x.HasIdentity == false);

            foreach (var property in newProperties)
                var propertyDataDto = new PropertyDataDto {
                    NodeId = id, PropertyTypeId = property.PropertyTypeId, VersionId = versionId
                int primaryKey = Convert.ToInt32(Database.Insert(propertyDataDto));

                property.Version = versionId;
                property.Id      = primaryKey;

            return(new PropertyCollection(properties));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the property collection for a query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pagingSqlQuery"></param>
        /// <param name="documentDefs"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected IDictionary <Guid, PropertyCollection> GetPropertyCollection(
            PagingSqlQuery pagingSqlQuery,
            IReadOnlyCollection <DocumentDefinition> documentDefs)
            if (documentDefs.Count == 0)
                return(new Dictionary <Guid, PropertyCollection>());

            //initialize to the query passed in
            var docSql = pagingSqlQuery.PrePagedSql;

            //we need to parse the original SQL statement and reduce the columns to just cmsContent.nodeId, cmsContentVersion.VersionId so that we can use
            // the statement to go get the property data for all of the items by using an inner join
            var parsedOriginalSql = "SELECT {0} " + docSql.SQL.Substring(docSql.SQL.IndexOf("FROM", StringComparison.Ordinal));

            if (pagingSqlQuery.HasPaging)
                //if this is a paged query, build the paged query with the custom column substitution, then re-assign
                docSql            = pagingSqlQuery.BuildPagedQuery("{0}");
                parsedOriginalSql = docSql.SQL;
            else if (parsedOriginalSql.InvariantContains("ORDER BY "))
                //now remove everything from an Orderby clause and beyond if this is unpaged data
                parsedOriginalSql = parsedOriginalSql.Substring(0, parsedOriginalSql.LastIndexOf("ORDER BY ", StringComparison.Ordinal));

            //This retrieves all pre-values for all data types that are referenced for all property types
            // that exist in the data set.
            //Benchmarks show that eagerly loading these so that we can lazily read the property data
            // below (with the use of Query intead of Fetch) go about 30% faster, so we'll eagerly load
            // this now since we cannot execute another reader inside of reading the property data.
            var preValsSql = new Sql(@"SELECT a.id, a.value, a.sortorder, a.alias, a.datatypeNodeId
FROM cmsDataTypePreValues a
    SELECT DISTINCT b.id as preValIdInner
    FROM cmsDataTypePreValues b
	INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType
	ON b.datatypeNodeId = cmsPropertyType.dataTypeId
	    ("     + string.Format(parsedOriginalSql, "cmsContent.contentType") + @") as docData
    ON cmsPropertyType.contentTypeId = docData.contentType
    WHERE a.id = b.id)", docSql.Arguments);

            var allPreValues = Database.Fetch <DataTypePreValueDto>(preValsSql);

            //It's Important with the sort order here! We require this to be sorted by node id,
            // this is required because this data set can be huge depending on the page size. Due
            // to it's size we need to be smart about iterating over the property values to build
            // the document. Before we used to use Linq to get the property data for a given content node
            // and perform a Distinct() call. This kills performance because that would mean if we had 7000 nodes
            // and on each iteration we will perform a lookup on potentially 100,000 property rows against the node
            // id which turns out to be a crazy amount of iterations. Instead we know it's sorted by this value we'll
            // keep an index stored of the rows being read so we never have to re-iterate the entire data set
            // on each document iteration.
            var propSql = new Sql(@"SELECT cmsPropertyData.*
FROM cmsPropertyData
INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType
ON cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid = cmsPropertyType.id
	("     + string.Format(parsedOriginalSql, "cmsContent.nodeId, cmsContentVersion.VersionId") + @") as docData
ON cmsPropertyData.versionId = docData.VersionId AND cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId = docData.nodeId
ORDER BY contentNodeId, versionId, propertytypeid
", docSql.Arguments);

            //This does NOT fetch all data into memory in a list, this will read
            // over the records as a data reader, this is much better for performance and memory,
            // but it means that during the reading of this data set, nothing else can be read
            // from SQL server otherwise we'll get an exception.
            var allPropertyData = Database.Query <PropertyDataDto>(propSql);

            var result = new Dictionary <Guid, PropertyCollection>();
            var propertiesWithTagSupport = new Dictionary <string, SupportTagsAttribute>();
            //used to track the resolved composition property types per content type so we don't have to re-resolve (ToArray) the list every time
            var resolvedCompositionProperties = new Dictionary <int, PropertyType[]>();

            //keep track of the current property data item being enumerated
            var propertyDataSetEnumerator = allPropertyData.GetEnumerator();
            var hasCurrent = false; // initially there is no enumerator.Current

            var comparer = new DocumentDefinitionComparer(SqlSyntax);

                //This must be sorted by node id because this is how we are sorting the query to lookup property types above,
                // which allows us to more efficiently iterate over the large data set of property values
                foreach (var def in documentDefs.OrderBy(x => x.Id).ThenBy(x => x.Version, comparer))
                    // get the resolved properties from our local cache, or resolve them and put them in cache
                    PropertyType[] compositionProperties;
                    if (resolvedCompositionProperties.ContainsKey(def.Composition.Id))
                        compositionProperties = resolvedCompositionProperties[def.Composition.Id];
                        compositionProperties = def.Composition.CompositionPropertyTypes.ToArray();
                        resolvedCompositionProperties[def.Composition.Id] = compositionProperties;

                    // assemble the dtos for this def
                    // use the available enumerator.Current if any else move to next
                    var propertyDataDtos = new List <PropertyDataDto>();
                    while (hasCurrent || propertyDataSetEnumerator.MoveNext())
                        //Not checking null on VersionId because it can never be null - no idea why it's set to nullable
                        // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
                        if (propertyDataSetEnumerator.Current.VersionId.Value == def.Version)
                            hasCurrent = false; // enumerator.Current is not available
                            hasCurrent = true;  // enumerator.Current is available for another def
                            break;              // no more propertyDataDto for this def

                    var properties = PropertyFactory.BuildEntity(propertyDataDtos, compositionProperties, def.CreateDate, def.VersionDate).ToArray();

                    foreach (var property in properties)
                        //NOTE: The benchmarks run with and without the following code show very little change so this is not a perf bottleneck
                        var editor = PropertyEditorResolver.Current.GetByAlias(property.PropertyType.PropertyEditorAlias);

                        var tagSupport = propertiesWithTagSupport.ContainsKey(property.PropertyType.PropertyEditorAlias)
                            ? propertiesWithTagSupport[property.PropertyType.PropertyEditorAlias]
                            : TagExtractor.GetAttribute(editor);

                        if (tagSupport != null)
                            //add to local cache so we don't need to reflect next time for this property editor alias
                            propertiesWithTagSupport[property.PropertyType.PropertyEditorAlias] = tagSupport;

                            //this property has tags, so we need to extract them and for that we need the prevals which we've already looked up
                            var preValData = allPreValues.Where(x => x.DataTypeNodeId == property.PropertyType.DataTypeDefinitionId)

                            var asDictionary = preValData.ToDictionary(x => x.Alias, x => new PreValue(x.Id, x.Value, x.SortOrder));

                            var preVals = new PreValueCollection(asDictionary);

                            var contentPropData = new ContentPropertyData(property.Value, preVals);

                            TagExtractor.SetPropertyTags(property, contentPropData, property.Value, tagSupport);

                    if (result.ContainsKey(def.Version))
                        var msg = string.Format("The query returned multiple property sets for document definition {0}, {1}, {2}", def.Id, def.Version, def.Composition.Name);
                        if (ThrowOnWarning)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(msg);
                            Logger.Warn <VersionableRepositoryBase <TId, TEntity> >(msg);
                    result[def.Version] = new PropertyCollection(properties);

Example #3
        protected IDictionary <int, PropertyCollection> GetPropertyCollection(
            Sql docSql,
            IEnumerable <DocumentDefinition> documentDefs)
            if (documentDefs.Any() == false)
                return(new Dictionary <int, PropertyCollection>());

            //we need to parse the original SQL statement and reduce the columns to just cmsContent.nodeId, cmsContentVersion.VersionId so that we can use
            // the statement to go get the property data for all of the items by using an inner join
            var parsedOriginalSql = "SELECT {0} " + docSql.SQL.Substring(docSql.SQL.IndexOf("FROM", StringComparison.Ordinal));

            //now remove everything from an Orderby clause and beyond
            if (parsedOriginalSql.InvariantContains("ORDER BY "))
                parsedOriginalSql = parsedOriginalSql.Substring(0, parsedOriginalSql.LastIndexOf("ORDER BY ", StringComparison.Ordinal));

            var propSql = new Sql(@"SELECT cmsPropertyData.*
FROM cmsPropertyData
INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType
ON cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid = cmsPropertyType.id
	("     + string.Format(parsedOriginalSql, "cmsContent.nodeId, cmsContentVersion.VersionId") + @") as docData
ON cmsPropertyData.versionId = docData.VersionId AND cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId = docData.nodeId
LEFT OUTER JOIN cmsDataTypePreValues
ON cmsPropertyType.dataTypeId = cmsDataTypePreValues.datatypeNodeId", docSql.Arguments);

            var allPropertyData = Database.Fetch <PropertyDataDto>(propSql);

            //This is a lazy access call to get all prevalue data for the data types that make up all of these properties which we use
            // below if any property requires tag support
            var allPreValues = new Lazy <IEnumerable <DataTypePreValueDto> >(() =>
                var preValsSql = new Sql(@"SELECT a.id, a.value, a.sortorder, a.alias, a.datatypeNodeId
FROM cmsDataTypePreValues a
    SELECT DISTINCT b.id as preValIdInner
    FROM cmsDataTypePreValues b
	INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType
	ON b.datatypeNodeId = cmsPropertyType.dataTypeId
	    ("     + string.Format(parsedOriginalSql, "DISTINCT cmsContent.contentType") + @") as docData
    ON cmsPropertyType.contentTypeId = docData.contentType
    WHERE a.id = b.id)", docSql.Arguments);

                return(Database.Fetch <DataTypePreValueDto>(preValsSql));

            var result = new Dictionary <int, PropertyCollection>();

            var propertiesWithTagSupport = new Dictionary <string, SupportTagsAttribute>();

            //iterate each definition grouped by it's content type - this will mean less property type iterations while building
            // up the property collections
            foreach (var compositionGroup in documentDefs.GroupBy(x => x.Composition))
                var compositionProperties = compositionGroup.Key.CompositionPropertyTypes.ToArray();

                foreach (var def in compositionGroup)
                    var propertyDataDtos = allPropertyData.Where(x => x.NodeId == def.Id).Distinct();

                    var propertyFactory = new PropertyFactory(compositionProperties, def.Version, def.Id, def.CreateDate, def.VersionDate);
                    var properties      = propertyFactory.BuildEntity(propertyDataDtos.ToArray()).ToArray();

                    var newProperties = properties.Where(x => x.HasIdentity == false && x.PropertyType.HasIdentity);

                    foreach (var property in newProperties)
                        var propertyDataDto = new PropertyDataDto {
                            NodeId = def.Id, PropertyTypeId = property.PropertyTypeId, VersionId = def.Version
                        int primaryKey = Convert.ToInt32(Database.Insert(propertyDataDto));

                        property.Version = def.Version;
                        property.Id      = primaryKey;

                    foreach (var property in properties)
                        //NOTE: The benchmarks run with and without the following code show very little change so this is not a perf bottleneck
                        var editor = PropertyEditorResolver.Current.GetByAlias(property.PropertyType.PropertyEditorAlias);

                        var tagSupport = propertiesWithTagSupport.ContainsKey(property.PropertyType.PropertyEditorAlias)
                            ? propertiesWithTagSupport[property.PropertyType.PropertyEditorAlias]
                            : TagExtractor.GetAttribute(editor);

                        if (tagSupport != null)
                            //add to local cache so we don't need to reflect next time for this property editor alias
                            propertiesWithTagSupport[property.PropertyType.PropertyEditorAlias] = tagSupport;

                            //this property has tags, so we need to extract them and for that we need the prevals which we've already looked up
                            var preValData = allPreValues.Value.Where(x => x.DataTypeNodeId == property.PropertyType.DataTypeDefinitionId)

                            var asDictionary = preValData.ToDictionary(x => x.Alias, x => new PreValue(x.Id, x.Value, x.SortOrder));

                            var preVals = new PreValueCollection(asDictionary);

                            var contentPropData = new ContentPropertyData(property.Value,
                                                                          new Dictionary <string, object>());

                            TagExtractor.SetPropertyTags(property, contentPropData, property.Value, tagSupport);

                    if (result.ContainsKey(def.Id))
                        Logger.Warn <VersionableRepositoryBase <TId, TEntity> >("The query returned multiple property sets for document definition " + def.Id + ", " + def.Composition.Name);
                    result[def.Id] = new PropertyCollection(properties);
