Example #1
    public override void trigger()
        int rollMax = Mathf.RoundToInt(strength);

        if (rollMax < 2)
            Debug.LogWarning("<" + cardName + "> " + XMLName + " could not roll the die because it has less than 2 sides.");
            argument = null;
            int roll = (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, rollMax) + 1); //die roll
            argument = roll.ToString();                            //store in argument

            //update the parent's propertyEffects, since they may have been cached before the roll was made
            PropertyEffects?curProps = parentData.propertyEffects;
            PropertyEffects newProps;

            if (curProps == null)
                newProps = new PropertyEffects();
                newProps = curProps.Value;

            newProps.dieRoll           = roll;
            parentData.propertyEffects = newProps;
Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// fires on each enemy in the given list, if possible
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="targets">the enemies to attack</param>
    /// <returns>whether or not the attack was successful</returns>
    private bool fire(IEnumerable <EnemyScript> targets)
        //only fire if we have valid targets
        if ((targets != null) && targets.Any())
            //reduce charge meter (if the gauge was overcharged, retain the excess)
            shotCharge -= 1.0f;

            //if we are operating on ammo, decrease that too
            if (effects != null)
                if (effects.propertyEffects.limitedAmmo != null)
                    PropertyEffects temp = effects.propertyEffects;
                    effects.propertyEffects = temp;

            //trigger attack effects
            if (effects != null)
                foreach (IEffect effect in effects.effects)
                    if (effect.triggersAs(EffectType.attack))

            //create a struct and fill it with data about the attack
            DamageEventData ded = new DamageEventData();
            ded.rawDamage = attackPower;
            ded.source    = this;

            if (effects != null)
                ded.effects = effects.clone();
                ded.effects = null;

            //if overcharged and there are overcharge effects, try to apply them
            if ((shotCharge >= 1.0f) && (effects != null) && (effects.propertyEffects.maxOvercharge != null))
                int availableOvercharge = Mathf.FloorToInt(shotCharge);                                                //calculate available points of overcharge
                int usedOvercharge      = Mathf.Min(availableOvercharge, effects.propertyEffects.maxOvercharge.Value); //if there are more available than our max, still only use the max
                shotCharge -= usedOvercharge;                                                                          //decrement gauge

                //trigger overcharge effects
                foreach (IEffect effect in effects.effects)
                    if (effect.triggersAs(EffectType.overcharge))
                        ((IEffectOvercharge)effect).trigger(ref ded, usedOvercharge);

            //determine projectile spawning by targeting effect
            if (effects != null)
                switch (effects.lastUsedTargetingEffect)
                case "targetOrthogonal":
                    //if there is at least one target in range, fire directional shots in four different directions, each targeting enemies in that direction
                    if (targets.Any())
                        directionalShot(targets.Where(e => e.transform.position.x < this.transform.position.x).ToList(), ded, Vector2.left);
                        directionalShot(targets.Where(e => e.transform.position.x > this.transform.position.x).ToList(), ded, Vector2.right);
                        directionalShot(targets.Where(e => e.transform.position.y < this.transform.position.y).ToList(), ded, Vector2.up);
                        directionalShot(targets.Where(e => e.transform.position.y > this.transform.position.y).ToList(), ded, Vector2.down);

                case "targetBurst":
                    burstFire(targets, ded);

                    foreach (EnemyScript t in targets)
                        spawnBullet(t, ded);
            else //no targeting effects present: use bullets
                foreach (EnemyScript t in targets)
                    spawnBullet(t, ded);

            return(true); //success
            return(false); //failure