/// <summary>
        /// This method Setups this control
        /// </summary>
        public void Setup(Project project, DTNTable table)
            // store the args
            Project = project;
            Table   = table;

            // if the value for HasServicesFolder is false
            if (!HasServicesFolder)
                // Set the DefaultServicesFolder on the project so the Save button becomes enabled
                Project.ServicesFolder = Path.Combine(Project.ProjectFolder, @"DataGateway\Services");

            // Create a new instance of a 'ProjectsWriter' object.
            ProjectsWriter writer = new ProjectsWriter();

            // Set the InitialProject text so we can compare later
            this.InitialProject = writer.ExportProject(this.Project);

            // Display the Text
            ServicesFolderControl.Text = Project.ServicesFolder;

            // Fix a bug in my control to centger the buttons
            this.SaveCancelControl.CancelButtonTextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            this.SaveCancelControl.SaveButtonTextAlign   = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;

            // Change the text of the CreateBlazorServicesButton
            this.CreateBlazorServicesButton.Text = "Create Data Services For " + Table.TableName;

            // Setup the CancelButton to use Done instead of Cancel
            this.SaveCancelControl.SetupCancelButton("Done", 80);

            // Enable or disable controls
        /// <summary>
        /// This method enables or disables control or hides or shows controls based upon the state of the app.
        /// </summary>
        public void UIEnable()
            // local
            bool enabledSaveButton = false;

            // if the value for HasInitialProject is true
            if (HasInitialProject)
                // if the Project Exists and the ServiceFolder exists and the ServiceFolders are different
                // Create a new instance of a 'ProjectsWriter' object.
                ProjectsWriter writer = new ProjectsWriter();

                // Set the InitialProject text so we can compare later
                string currentProject = writer.ExportProject(this.Project);

                // set the value for enabledSaveButton
                enabledSaveButton = !TextHelper.IsEqual(InitialProject, currentProject);
                // set to true
                enabledSaveButton = true;

            // set the value
            SaveCancelControl.EnableSaveButton = enabledSaveButton;
        /// <summary>
        /// method returns the Save
        /// </summary>
        public bool OnSave(bool close)
            // initial value
            bool saved = false;

            // if the project exists
            if (HasProject)
                // Create a new instance of a 'Gateway' object.
                Gateway gateway = new Gateway();

                // Save the project
                saved = gateway.SaveProject(ref project);

                // Show the user a message
                MessageBoxHelper.ShowMessage("All changes have been saved.", "Save Complete");

                // create the writer
                ProjectsWriter writer = new ProjectsWriter();

                // reset the InitialProject
                InitialProject = writer.ExportProject(Project);

            // Enable controls

            // return value