protected override void ProcessRecord()
            ProjectsResource.GetIamPolicyRequest request = Service.Projects.GetIamPolicy(new GetIamPolicyRequest(), $"{Project}");
            Policy policy = request.Execute();

            WriteObject(policy.Bindings, true);
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            string role   = GetRole();
            string member = GetMember();

            // Remove the role from existing bindings.
            ProjectsResource.GetIamPolicyRequest getRequest = Service.Projects.GetIamPolicy(new GetIamPolicyRequest(), $"{Project}");
            Policy existingPolicy       = getRequest.Execute();
            bool   needToExecuteRequest = false;

            foreach (Binding binding in existingPolicy.Bindings)
                if (string.Equals(role, binding.Role, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (binding.Members.Contains(member, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        needToExecuteRequest = true;

            if (!needToExecuteRequest)
                WriteObject(existingPolicy.Bindings, true);
                if (ShouldProcess($"{member}", $"Remove IAM policy binding in project '{Project}' for role '{role}'"))
                    var requestBody = new SetIamPolicyRequest()
                        Policy = existingPolicy
                    ProjectsResource.SetIamPolicyRequest setRequest =
                        Service.Projects.SetIamPolicy(requestBody, $"{Project}");

                    Policy changedPolicy = setRequest.Execute();
                    WriteObject(changedPolicy.Bindings, true);
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            string role   = GetRole();
            string member = GetMember();

            // We have to search through all the existing bindings and try to insert the role if possible
            // because otherwise, we will delete all the existing bindings. If the role is already there,
            // we don't need to execute the request.
            ProjectsResource.GetIamPolicyRequest getRequest = Service.Projects.GetIamPolicy(new GetIamPolicyRequest(), $"{Project}");
            Policy existingPolicy       = getRequest.Execute();
            bool   needToExecuteRequest = true;
            bool   bindingFound         = false;

            foreach (Binding binding in existingPolicy.Bindings)
                if (string.Equals(role, binding.Role, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    bindingFound = true;
                    if (!binding.Members.Contains(member, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        needToExecuteRequest = false;

            if (!bindingFound)
                var newBinding = new Binding()
                    Role    = role,
                    Members = new List <string>()
                needToExecuteRequest = true;

            if (!needToExecuteRequest)
                WriteObject(existingPolicy.Bindings, true);
                var requestBody = new SetIamPolicyRequest()
                    Policy = existingPolicy
                ProjectsResource.SetIamPolicyRequest setRequest =
                    Service.Projects.SetIamPolicy(requestBody, $"{Project}");

                Policy changedPolicy = setRequest.Execute();
                WriteObject(changedPolicy.Bindings, true);