public static void Add3DPolygon(LocalVectorDataSource source, Projection projection) { // Create 3d polygon style and poses Polygon3DStyleBuilder polygon3DStyleBuilder = new Polygon3DStyleBuilder(); polygon3DStyleBuilder.Color = new Color(51, 51, 255, 255); MapPosVector polygon3DPoses = new MapPosVector(); polygon3DPoses.Add(projection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(24.635930, 59.416659))); polygon3DPoses.Add(projection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(24.642453, 59.411354))); polygon3DPoses.Add(projection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(24.646187, 59.409607))); polygon3DPoses.Add(projection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(24.652667, 59.413123))); polygon3DPoses.Add(projection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(24.650736, 59.416703))); polygon3DPoses.Add(projection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(24.646444, 59.416245))); // Create 3d polygon holes poses MapPosVector holePositions = new MapPosVector(); holePositions.Add(projection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(24.643409, 59.411922))); holePositions.Add(projection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(24.651207, 59.412896))); holePositions.Add(projection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(24.643207, 59.414411))); MapPosVectorVector holes = new MapPosVectorVector(); holes.Add(holePositions); // Add to datasource Polygon3D polygon = new Polygon3D(polygon3DPoses, holes, polygon3DStyleBuilder.BuildStyle(), 150); polygon.SetMetaDataElement("ClickText", new Variant("Polygon 3D")); source.Add(polygon); }
public void with_the_normal_casing() { var projection = new Projection<SomeTarget>(); //projection.CamelCaseAttributeNames(); projection.Value(x => x.Name); projection.Value(x => x.Age); projection.Child(x => x.Child).Configure(_ => { _.Value(x => x.Name); }); var node = new DictionaryMediaNode(); var someTarget = new SomeTarget { Active = true, Age = 40, Name = "Jeremy", Child = new SomeChild { Name = "Max" } }; projection.As<IProjection<SomeTarget>>().Write(new ProjectionContext<SomeTarget>(new InMemoryServiceLocator(), someTarget), node); node.Values["Name"].ShouldEqual("Jeremy"); node.Values["Age"].ShouldEqual(40); node.Values["Child"].As<IDictionary<string, object>>()["Name"].ShouldEqual("Max"); }
//获取polygon内部的点 public List<PointF> getInnerPoints() { List<PointF> pts = new List<PointF>(); getBbox(cfg.resolution); for (int i = 0; i < bbox.Count;i++ ) { if (InPolygon(ContourGeomes, bbox[i])) // //-----------nettopologysuite method----- // //GeoAPI.Geometries.IGeometryFactory gfact = new GeometryFactory(); // //GeoAPI.Geometries.IPoint ipoint; // //ipoint = gfact.CreatePoint(new GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate(bbox[i].X, bbox[i].Y)); // //bool a = polygon.Contains(ipoint); // //if (polygon != null && a) { //将经纬度坐标转为大地坐标 PointF tmppoint = new PointF(); Projection pj = new Projection(); tmppoint = pj.GetXYFromLatLon(bbox[i],cfg.pjPara); pts.Add(tmppoint); } } ////random points builder //NetTopologySuite.Shape.Random.RandomPointsBuilder rpb = new NetTopologySuite.Shape.Random.RandomPointsBuilder(); //rpb.SetExtent(polygon); //IGeometry testGeo = rpb.GetGeometry(); //testGeo. return pts; }
public static Contact Load(this IContactService service, int id, Action<IProjection<Contact>> projection) { var contactProjection = new Projection<Contact>(); projection(contactProjection); return service.Load(id, contactProjection.Build()); }
internal ProjectionInitializerInvocation( Projection projection, Cell<IProjectionBehavior> behavior) { this.projection = projection; this.behavior = behavior; }
public static IEnumerable<Contact> FindByEmail(this IContactService service, string email, Action<IProjection<Contact>> fieldSelection) { var projection = new Projection<Contact>(); fieldSelection(projection); return service.FindByEmail(email, projection.Build()); }
public async Task A_stream_can_be_derived_from_an_index_projection_in_order_to_perform_a_reduce_operation() { store.WriteEvents(i => new AccountOpened { AccountType = i%2 == 0 ? BankAccountType.Checking : BankAccountType.Savings }, howMany: 100); var eventsByAggregate = streamSource.StreamPerAggregate() .Trace() .Map(ss => ss.Select(s => s.Trace())); var indexCatchup = StreamCatchup.All(eventsByAggregate, batchSize: 1); var index = new Projection<ConcurrentBag<AccountOpened>, string> { Value = new ConcurrentBag<AccountOpened>() }; // subscribe a catchup to the updates stream to build up an index indexCatchup.Subscribe( Aggregator.Create<Projection<ConcurrentBag<AccountOpened>>, IDomainEvent>(async (p, events) => { foreach (var e in events.OfType<AccountOpened>() .Where(e => e.AccountType == BankAccountType.Savings)) { p.Value.Add(e); } return p; }).Trace(), async (streamId, aggregate) => await aggregate(index)); // create a catchup over the index var savingsAccounts = Stream.Create<IDomainEvent, string>( "Savings accounts", async q => index.Value.SkipWhile(v => q.Cursor.HasReached(v.CheckpointToken)) .Take(q.BatchSize ?? 1000)); var savingsAccountsCatchup = StreamCatchup.Create(savingsAccounts); var numberOfSavingsAccounts = new Projection<int, int>(); savingsAccountsCatchup.Subscribe<Projection<int, int>, IDomainEvent, string>( manageProjection: async (streamId, aggregate) => { numberOfSavingsAccounts = await aggregate(numberOfSavingsAccounts); }, aggregate: async (c, es) => { c.Value += es.Count; return c; }); using (indexCatchup.Poll(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100))) using (savingsAccountsCatchup.Poll(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50))) { await Wait.Until(() => numberOfSavingsAccounts.Value >= 50); } }
public void TestFromCategory() { var subject = new Projection ("test") .FromCategory ("$stats"); var actual = subject.ToJson (); actual.Should ().Be ("fromCategory('$stats')"); }
public void Projection_Forward() { Projection merc = new Projection("+init=epsg:3857"); double[] latlong = new double[] { -122.33517, 47.63752 }; double[] expected = new double[] { -13618288.8305, 6046761.54747 }; double[] actual = merc.Forward(latlong[0], latlong[1]); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0], actual[0], .0001); Assert.AreEqual(expected[1], actual[1], .0001); }
internal PropertySetterInvocation( Projection projection, ProjectionProperty property, Cell<IProjectionBehavior> behavior) { this.projection = projection; = property; this.behavior = behavior; }
/// <summary> /// Gibt an, ob sich 2 Projektionen überlagern. /// </summary> /// <param name="first">erste Projektion</param> /// <param name="second">zweite Projetion</param> /// <returns>überlagern die Projektionen sich</returns> public static bool Overlap(Projection first, Projection second) { if(first.Min < second.Min && second.Min < first.Max || first.Max < second.Max && second.Max < first.Max) return true; if(second.Min < first.Min && first.Min < second.Max || second.Min < first.Max && first.Max < first.Max) return true; return false; }
/// <summary> /// Gibt den Wert an, mit dem sich 2 Projektionen überlagern. /// </summary> /// <param name="first">erste Projektion</param> /// <param name="second">zweite Projetion</param> /// <returns>Wert der Überlagerung</returns> public static float GetOverlap(Projection first, Projection second) { float firstOverlap = first.Max - second.Min; float secondOverlap = second.Max - first.Min; if(firstOverlap < secondOverlap) return firstOverlap; else return secondOverlap; }
public static void ApplyMVPNParameter(OpenGL gl, ExtShaderProgram esp, Projection pr, ModelView mv, Normal nrml) { var prms = esp.Parameters as IMVPNParameters; var p = esp.Program; // Set the matrices. p.SetUniformMatrix4(gl, prms.ProjectionMatrixId, pr.ToArray()); p.SetUniformMatrix4(gl, prms.ModelviewMatrixId, mv.ToArray()); p.SetUniformMatrix3(gl, prms.NormalMatrixId, nrml.ToArray()); }
public void project_with_the_for_attribute_and_func_to_massage_the_data() { var projection = new Projection<Address>(DisplayFormatting.RawValues); projection.ForAttribute("anything").ValueFrom(x => x.Line1).Use(value => "aaa" + value); projection.As<IProjection<Address>>().Write(new ProjectionContext<Address>(null, aTarget), aNode); aNode.Element.GetAttribute("anything").ShouldEqual("aaa" + anAddress.Line1); }
public void TestFromStreams() { var subject = new Projection ("test") .FromStreams (new[] {"stream1", "stream2", "stream3"}) .WhenAny ((s, e) => null); var actual = subject.ToJson (); actual.Should ().Be ("fromStreams(['stream1','stream2','stream3']).whenAny(function(s,e) { return null; })"); }
public void project_with_the_for_attribute_method() { var projection = new Projection<Address>(DisplayFormatting.RawValues); projection.ForAttribute("anything").Use(context => "aaa" + context.ValueFor(x => x.Line1)); projection.As<IProjection<Address>>().Write(new ProjectionContext<Address>(null, aTarget), aNode); aNode.Element.GetAttribute("anything").ShouldEqual("aaa" + anAddress.Line1); }
public void TestFromAllSomeEvent() { var subject = new Projection("test") .FromAll () .When("someEvent", (s, e) => null); var actual = subject.ToJson (); actual.Should ().Be ("fromAll().when({ 'someEvent':function(s,e) { return null; } })"); }
public void TestFromStream() { var subject = new Projection ("test") .FromStream ("events") .WhenAny((s, e) => null); var actual = subject.ToJson (); actual.Should ().Be ("fromStream('events').whenAny(function(s,e) { return null; })"); }
public void TestFromAllInit() { var subject = new Projection("test") .FromAll () .Init(() => null); var actual = subject.ToJson (); actual.Should ().Be ("fromAll().when({ '$init':function() { return null; } })"); }
public void Projection_Inverse() { Projection merc = new Projection("+init=epsg:3857"); double[] mercCoords = new double[] { -13627804.8659, 6041391.68077, -13608084.1728, 6053392.19471 }; double[] expected = new double[] { -122.420654, 47.605006, -122.2435, 47.67764 }; double[] actual = merc.Inverse(mercCoords[0], mercCoords[1], mercCoords[2], mercCoords[3]); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0], actual[0], .0001); Assert.AreEqual(expected[1], actual[1], .0001); Assert.AreEqual(expected[2], actual[2], .0001); Assert.AreEqual(expected[3], actual[3], .0001); }
public void accessors() { var projection = new Projection<Address>(DisplayFormatting.RawValues); projection.Value(x => x.Address1); projection.Value(x => x.Address2); projection.Value(x => x.City); projection.Value(x => x.State); projection.As<IProjection<Address>>().Accessors().Select(x => x.Name) .ShouldHaveTheSameElementsAs("Address1", "Address2", "City", "State"); }
internal PropertyGetterInvocation( Projection projection, ProjectionProperty property, GetterOptions options, Cell<IProjectionBehavior> behavior) { this.projection = projection; = property; this.options = options; this.behavior = behavior; }
public void filter() { var projection = new Projection<Address>(DisplayFormatting.RawValues); projection.Value(x => x.Address1); projection.Value(x => x.Address2); projection.Value(x => x.City); projection.Value(x => x.State); var filtered = projection.Filter(a => a.Name.StartsWith("A")); filtered.As<IProjection<Address>>().Accessors().Select(x => x.Name) .ShouldHaveTheSameElementsAs("Address1", "Address2"); }
public void write_node_with_inline_writer() { var projection = new Projection<Address>(DisplayFormatting.RawValues); projection.WriteWith((context, node) => { node.AddChild("address").SetAttribute("description", "I was here"); }); projection.As<IProjection<Address>>().Write(new ProjectionContext<Address>(null, aTarget), aNode); aNode.Element.InnerXml.ShouldEqual("<address description=\"I was here\" />"); }
public static void Add3DCar(LocalVectorDataSource source, Projection projection) { // Add a single 3D model to the vector layer // Be sure to add milktruck.nml to your *Assets*, not Drawable, folder (Android) string name = "milktruck.nml"; MapPos modelPos = projection.FromWgs84(new MapPos(24.646469, 59.423939)); NMLModel model = new NMLModel(modelPos, AssetUtils.LoadAsset(name)); model.Scale = 20; model.SetMetaDataElement("ClickText", new Variant("Single model")); source.Add(model); }
public void ProjTransform_Forward() { Projection src = new Projection("+init=epsg:4326"); Projection dest = new Projection("+init=epsg:3857"); ProjTransform tran = new ProjTransform(src, dest); double x = -122.33517; double y = 47.63752; double[] expected = new double[] { -13618288.8305, 6046761.54747 }; //forward double[] actual = tran.Forward(x, y); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0], actual[0], .0001); Assert.AreEqual(expected[1], actual[1], .0001); }
public void write_a_node_with_multiple_properties() { var projection = new Projection<Address>(); projection.Value(x => x.Line1); projection.Value(x => x.City); projection.Value(x => x.State); projection.Value(x => x.ZipCode); projection.As<IValueProjection<Address>>().WriteValue(aTarget, aNode); aNode.Element.GetAttribute("Line1").ShouldEqual(anAddress.Line1); aNode.Element.GetAttribute("City").ShouldEqual(anAddress.City); aNode.Element.GetAttribute("State").ShouldEqual(anAddress.State); aNode.Element.GetAttribute("ZipCode").ShouldEqual(anAddress.ZipCode); }
public void write_a_node_with_multiple_properties() { var projection = new Projection<Address>(DisplayFormatting.RawValues); projection.Value(x => x.Line1); projection.Value(x => x.City); projection.Value(x => x.State); projection.Value(x => x.ZipCode); projection.As<IProjection<Address>>().Write(new ProjectionContext<Address>(null, aTarget), aNode); aNode.Element.GetAttribute("Line1").ShouldEqual(anAddress.Line1); aNode.Element.GetAttribute("City").ShouldEqual(anAddress.City); aNode.Element.GetAttribute("State").ShouldEqual(anAddress.State); aNode.Element.GetAttribute("ZipCode").ShouldEqual(anAddress.ZipCode); }
public void ProjTransform_NoChange() { Projection src = new Projection("+init=epsg:4326"); Projection dest = new Projection("+init=epsg:4326"); ProjTransform tran = new ProjTransform(src, dest); double[] expected = new double[] { -122.33517, 47.63752 }; //forward double[] actual = tran.Forward(expected[0], expected[1]); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0], actual[0]); Assert.AreEqual(expected[1], actual[1]); //backward actual = tran.Backward(expected[0], expected[1]); Assert.AreEqual(expected[0], actual[0]); Assert.AreEqual(expected[1], actual[1]); }
public void project_the_property_with_formatting_thru_display_formatter() { var projection = new Projection<Address>(DisplayFormatting.UseDisplayFormatting); projection.Value(x => x.Line1); var services = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IServiceLocator>(); var formatter = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IDisplayFormatter>(); services.Stub(x => x.GetInstance<IDisplayFormatter>()).Return(formatter); var accessor = ReflectionHelper.GetAccessor<Address>(x => x.Line1); var theFormattedValue = "formatted value"; formatter.Stub(x => x.GetDisplayForValue(accessor, anAddress.Line1)).Return(theFormattedValue); var node = new DictionaryMediaNode(); projection.As<IProjection<Address>>().Write(new ProjectionContext<Address>(services, aTarget), node); node.Values["Line1"].ShouldEqual(theFormattedValue); }
public async Task <IReadOnlyList <Guid> > QueryNotFoundAsync(Guid appId, Guid schemaId, IList <Guid> contentIds) { var collection = GetCollection(appId); var contentEntities = await collection.Find(x => contentIds.Contains(x.Id) && x.AppId == appId).Project <BsonDocument>(Projection.Include(x => x.Id)) .ToListAsync(); return(contentIds.Except(contentEntities.Select(x => Guid.Parse(x["_id"].AsString))).ToList()); }
public static PurchaseOrderItemView Create(StockBatch po_item) { return(Projection.Compile().Invoke(po_item)); }
protected override Expression VisitChildren(ExpressionVisitor visitor) { var changed = false; var projections = new List <ProjectionExpression>(); IDictionary <ProjectionMember, Expression> projectionMapping; if (Projection.Any()) { projectionMapping = _projectionMapping; foreach (var item in Projection) { var projection = (ProjectionExpression)visitor.Visit(item); projections.Add(projection); changed |= projection != item; } } else { projectionMapping = new Dictionary <ProjectionMember, Expression>(); foreach (var mapping in _projectionMapping) { var newProjection = visitor.Visit(mapping.Value); changed |= newProjection != mapping.Value; projectionMapping[mapping.Key] = newProjection; } } var tables = new List <TableExpressionBase>(); foreach (var table in _tables) { var newTable = (TableExpressionBase)visitor.Visit(table); changed |= newTable != table; tables.Add(newTable); } var predicate = (SqlExpression)visitor.Visit(Predicate); changed |= predicate != Predicate; var orderings = new List <OrderingExpression>(); foreach (var ordering in _orderings) { var orderingExpression = (SqlExpression)visitor.Visit(ordering.Expression); changed |= orderingExpression != ordering.Expression; orderings.Add(ordering.Update(orderingExpression)); } var offset = (SqlExpression)visitor.Visit(Offset); changed |= offset != Offset; var limit = (SqlExpression)visitor.Visit(Limit); changed |= limit != Limit; if (changed) { var newSelectExpression = new SelectExpression(Alias, projections, tables, orderings) { _projectionMapping = projectionMapping, Predicate = predicate, Offset = offset, Limit = limit, IsDistinct = IsDistinct }; return(newSelectExpression); } return(this); }
public static Matrix4 CreateProjection(Projection p) => CreateProjection(p, new Size(16, 9));
protected override void ApplyDocumentTextChanged(DocumentId id, SourceText text) { var document = GetDocument(id); if (document == null) { return; } bool isOpen; var filePath = document.FilePath; var data = TextFileProvider.Instance.GetTextEditorData(filePath, out isOpen); // Guard against already done changes in linked files. // This shouldn't happen but the roslyn merging seems not to be working correctly in all cases :/ if (document.GetLinkedDocumentIds().Length > 0 && isOpen && !(text.GetType().FullName == "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.ChangedText")) { return; } SourceText formerText; if (changedFiles.TryGetValue(filePath, out formerText)) { if (formerText.Length == text.Length && formerText.ToString() == text.ToString()) { return; } } changedFiles [filePath] = text; Projection projection = null; foreach (var entry in ProjectionList) { var p = entry.Projections.FirstOrDefault(proj => FilePath.PathComparer.Equals(proj.Document.FileName, filePath)); if (p != null) { filePath = entry.File.FilePath; projection = p; break; } } SourceText oldFile; if (!isOpen || !document.TryGetText(out oldFile)) { oldFile = new MonoDevelopSourceText(data); } var changes = text.GetTextChanges(oldFile).OrderByDescending(c => c.Span.Start).ToList(); int delta = 0; if (!isOpen) { delta = ApplyChanges(projection, data, changes); var formatter = CodeFormatterService.GetFormatter(data.MimeType); var mp = GetMonoProject(CurrentSolution.GetProject(id.ProjectId)); string currentText = data.Text; foreach (var change in changes) { delta -= change.Span.Length - change.NewText.Length; var startOffset = change.Span.Start - delta; if (projection != null) { int originalOffset; if (projection.TryConvertFromProjectionToOriginal(startOffset, out originalOffset)) { startOffset = originalOffset; } } string str; if (change.NewText.Length == 0) { str = formatter.FormatText(mp.Policies, currentText, TextSegment.FromBounds(Math.Max(0, startOffset - 1), Math.Min(data.Length, startOffset + 1))); } else { str = formatter.FormatText(mp.Policies, currentText, new TextSegment(startOffset, change.NewText.Length)); } data.ReplaceText(startOffset, change.NewText.Length, str); } data.Save(); OnDocumentTextChanged(id, new MonoDevelopSourceText(data), PreservationMode.PreserveValue); FileService.NotifyFileChanged(filePath); } else { var formatter = CodeFormatterService.GetFormatter(data.MimeType); var documentContext = IdeApp.Workbench.Documents.FirstOrDefault(d => FilePath.PathComparer.Compare(d.FileName, filePath) == 0); if (documentContext != null) { var editor = (TextEditor)data; using (var undo = editor.OpenUndoGroup()) { delta = ApplyChanges(projection, data, changes); foreach (var change in changes) { delta -= change.Span.Length - change.NewText.Length; var startOffset = change.Span.Start - delta; if (projection != null) { int originalOffset; if (projection.TryConvertFromProjectionToOriginal(startOffset, out originalOffset)) { startOffset = originalOffset; } } if (change.NewText.Length == 0) { formatter.OnTheFlyFormat(editor, documentContext, TextSegment.FromBounds(Math.Max(0, startOffset - 1), Math.Min(data.Length, startOffset + 1))); } else { formatter.OnTheFlyFormat(editor, documentContext, new TextSegment(startOffset, change.NewText.Length)); } } } } OnDocumentTextChanged(id, new MonoDevelopSourceText(data.CreateDocumentSnapshot()), PreservationMode.PreserveValue); Runtime.RunInMainThread(() => { if (IdeApp.Workbench != null) { foreach (var w in IdeApp.Workbench.Documents) { w.StartReparseThread(); } } }); } }
public static async Task PayInterestForSpecificAccount ([ActivityTrigger] IDurableActivityContext payInterestContext) { string accountNumber = payInterestContext.GetInput <string>(); #region Tracing telemetry Activity.Current.AddTag("Account Number", accountNumber); #endregion Command cmdPayInterest = new Command( new CommandAttribute("Bank", "Pay Interest", payInterestContext.InstanceId) ); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accountNumber)) { string result = ""; await cmdPayInterest.InitiateStep(AccountCommands.COMMAND_STEP_PAY_INTEREST, "Bank", "Account", accountNumber); // 1- Get interest due... Projection prjInterestDue = new Projection( new ProjectionAttribute( "Bank", "Account", accountNumber, nameof(InterestDue) ) ); // get the interest owed / due as now InterestDue interestDue = await prjInterestDue.Process <InterestDue>(); if (null != interestDue) { // pay the interest decimal amountToPay = decimal.Round(interestDue.Due, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); if (amountToPay != 0.00M) { EventStream bankAccountEvents = new EventStream( new EventStreamAttribute( "Bank", "Account", accountNumber ) ); InterestPaid evInterestPaid = new InterestPaid() { AmountPaid = decimal.Round(interestDue.Due, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero), Commentary = $"Interest due {interestDue.Due} as at {interestDue.CurrentSequenceNumber}" }; await bankAccountEvents.AppendEvent(evInterestPaid); result = $"Interest paid: {evInterestPaid.AmountPaid} ({evInterestPaid.Commentary})"; } } await cmdPayInterest.StepCompleted(AccountCommands.COMMAND_STEP_PAY_INTEREST, result, "Bank", "Account", accountNumber); } }
//private void ReflectionLaziness() //{ // Actions = new Dictionary<string, Action>(); // var operators = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() // .Where(t => t.IsClass && t.GetInterface("IOperator") != null); // foreach (var item in operators) // { // object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(item); // var methods = item.GetMethods(); // foreach (var method in methods) // { // method. // Actions.Add(method.Name, ) // } // } //} private void ManualWithNimbleText() { Aggregation Aggregation = new Aggregation(); Concatenation Concatenation = new Concatenation(); Conversion Conversion = new Conversion(); Element Element = new Element(); Equal Equal = new Equal(); Filter Filter = new Filter(); Generate Generate = new Generate(); Group Group = new Group(); JoinOperation JoinOperation = new JoinOperation(); Partition Partition = new Partition(); Projection Projection = new Projection(); Quantifier Quantifier = new Quantifier(); Set Set = new Set(); Sorting Sorting = new Sorting(); Actions = new Dictionary <string, Action>(); Actions.Add("OrderBy", Sorting.OrderBy); Actions.Add("OrderByDescending", Sorting.OrderByDescending); Actions.Add("ThenBy", Sorting.ThenBy); Actions.Add("ThenByDescending", Sorting.ThenByDescending); Actions.Add("Reverse", Sorting.Reverse); Actions.Add("Where", Filter.Where); Actions.Add("OfType", Filter.OfType); Actions.Add("Join", JoinOperation.Join); Actions.Add("GroupJoin", JoinOperation.GroupJoin); Actions.Add("SequenceEqual", Equal.SequenceEqual); Actions.Add("Concat", Concatenation.Concat); Actions.Add("GroupBy", Group.GroupBy); Actions.Add("ToLookup", Group.ToLookup); Actions.Add("DefaultIfEmpty", Generate.DefaultIfEmpty); Actions.Add("Empty", Generate.Empty); Actions.Add("Range", Generate.Range); Actions.Add("Repeat", Generate.Repeat); Actions.Add("Select", Projection.Select); Actions.Add("SelectMany", Projection.SelectMany); Actions.Add("All", Quantifier.All); Actions.Add("Any", Quantifier.Any); Actions.Add("Contains", Quantifier.Contains); Actions.Add("Distinct", Set.Distinct); Actions.Add("Except", Set.Except); Actions.Add("Intersect", Set.Intersect); Actions.Add("Union", Set.Union); Actions.Add("Skip", Partition.Skip); Actions.Add("SkipWhile", Partition.SkipWhile); Actions.Add("Take", Partition.Take); Actions.Add("TakeWhile", Partition.TakeWhile); Actions.Add("ElementAt", Element.ElementAt); Actions.Add("ElementAtOrDefault", Element.ElementAtOrDefault); Actions.Add("First", Element.First); Actions.Add("FirstOrDefault", Element.FirstOrDefault); Actions.Add("Last", Element.Last); Actions.Add("LastOrDefault", Element.LastOrDefault); Actions.Add("Single", Element.Single); Actions.Add("SingleOrDefault", Element.SingleOrDefault); Actions.Add("AsEnumerable", Conversion.AsEnumerable); Actions.Add("AsQueryable", Conversion.AsQueryable); Actions.Add("Cast", Conversion.Cast); Actions.Add("ToArray", Conversion.ToArray); Actions.Add("ToDictionary", Conversion.ToDictionary); Actions.Add("ToList", Conversion.ToList); Actions.Add("Aggregate", Aggregation.Aggregate); Actions.Add("Average", Aggregation.Average); Actions.Add("Count", Aggregation.Count); Actions.Add("LongCount", Aggregation.LongCount); Actions.Add("Max", Aggregation.Max); Actions.Add("Min", Aggregation.Min); Actions.Add("Sum", Aggregation.Sum); }
public IQuery Save(Projection projection) { return(RawQuery.Create(_scriptProvider.Get("Projection.Save")) .AddParameterValue(Columns.Name, projection.Name) .AddParameterValue(Columns.SequenceNumber, projection.SequenceNumber)); }
/// <summary> /// Perform the underlying validation on the specified command /// </summary> /// <param name="commandId"> /// The unique identifier of the command to validate /// </param> private static async Task <bool> ValidateCreateLeagueCommand(string commandId, ILogger log, IWriteContext writeContext = null) { const string COMMAND_NAME = @"create-league"; Guid commandGuid; // use custom assembly resolve handler using (new AzureFunctionsResolveAssembly()) { if (Guid.TryParse(commandId, out commandGuid)) { #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogDebug($"Validating command {commandId} in ValidateCreateLeagueCommand"); } #endregion // Get the current state of the command... Projection getCommandState = new Projection(Constants.Domain_Command, COMMAND_NAME, commandGuid.ToString(), nameof(Command_Summary_Projection)); if (null != getCommandState) { #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogDebug($"Projection processor created in ValidateCreateLeagueCommand"); } #endregion Command_Summary_Projection cmdProjection = new Command_Summary_Projection(log); await getCommandState.Process(cmdProjection); if ((cmdProjection.CurrentSequenceNumber > 0) || (cmdProjection.ProjectionValuesChanged())) { #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogDebug($"Command { cmdProjection.CommandName} projection run for {commandGuid} in ValidateCreateLeagueCommand"); } #endregion if (cmdProjection.CurrentState == Command_Summary_Projection.CommandState.Completed) { // No need to validate a completed command #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"Command {commandId} is complete so no need to validate in ValidateCreateLeagueCommand"); } #endregion return(true); } if (cmdProjection.CurrentState == Command_Summary_Projection.CommandState.Validated) { // No need to process a completed projection #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"Command {commandId} is validated so no need to validate again in ValidateCreateLeagueCommand"); } #endregion return(true); } if ((cmdProjection.CurrentState == Command_Summary_Projection.CommandState.Created) || (cmdProjection.CurrentState == Command_Summary_Projection.CommandState.Invalid)) { bool leagueNameValid = false; bool incoporatedDateValid = false; // New or previously invalid command can be validated if (cmdProjection.ParameterIsSet(nameof(Create_New_League_Definition.LeagueName))) { // League name may not be blank string leagueName = cmdProjection.GetParameter <string>(nameof(Create_New_League_Definition.LeagueName)); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(leagueName)) { await CommandErrorLogRecord.LogCommandValidationError(commandGuid, COMMAND_NAME, true, "League name may not be blank"); #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"Command {COMMAND_NAME } :: {commandId} has a blank league name in ValidateCreateLeagueCommand"); } #endregion } else { leagueNameValid = true; // was the name already used? EventStream leagueEvents = new EventStream(@"Leagues", "League", leagueName); if (null != leagueEvents) { bool alreadyUsed = await leagueEvents.Exists(); if (alreadyUsed) { await CommandErrorLogRecord.LogCommandValidationError(commandGuid, COMMAND_NAME, true, $"League name '{leagueName}' already created."); #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"Command {COMMAND_NAME } :: {commandId} league name '{leagueName}' already created in ValidateCreateLeagueCommand"); } #endregion leagueNameValid = false; } } } } // The incoporation date may not be in the future if (cmdProjection.ParameterIsSet(nameof(ICreate_New_League_Definition.Date_Incorporated))) { DateTime dateIncorporated = cmdProjection.GetParameter <DateTime>(nameof(ICreate_New_League_Definition.Date_Incorporated)); if (dateIncorporated > DateTime.UtcNow) { await CommandErrorLogRecord.LogCommandValidationError(commandGuid, COMMAND_NAME, false, "Incorporation date is in the future"); #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"Command {COMMAND_NAME } :: {commandId} has a future dated incorporation date in ValidateCreateLeagueCommand"); } #endregion } else { incoporatedDateValid = true; } } if (incoporatedDateValid && leagueNameValid) { await CommandErrorLogRecord.LogCommandValidationSuccess(commandGuid, COMMAND_NAME); } return(incoporatedDateValid && leagueNameValid); } } else { // No events were read into the projection so do nothing #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"No command events read for {commandId} in ValidateCreateLeagueCommand"); } #endregion } } } return(false); } }
public Execution Get(Projection projection, Int64 executionId, FetchMode fetchMode = FetchMode.UseIdentityMap) { return ((IRepository<Execution>)this).Get(projection, executionId, fetchMode); }
public Statement Get(Projection projection, Int64 statementId, params string[] fields) { return ((IRepository<Statement>)this).Get(projection, statementId, fields); }
public Statement Get(Projection projection, Int64 statementId, FetchMode fetchMode = FetchMode.UseIdentityMap) { return ((IRepository<Statement>)this).Get(projection, statementId, fetchMode); }
public IRequest Marshall(CreateTableRequest createTableRequest) { IRequest request = new DefaultRequest(createTableRequest, "AmazonDynamoDBv2"); string target = "DynamoDB_20120810.CreateTable"; request.Headers["X-Amz-Target"] = target; request.Headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-amz-json-1.0"; string uriResourcePath = ""; if (uriResourcePath.Contains("?")) { string queryString = uriResourcePath.Substring(uriResourcePath.IndexOf("?") + 1); uriResourcePath = uriResourcePath.Substring(0, uriResourcePath.IndexOf("?")); foreach (string s in queryString.Split('&', ';')) { string[] nameValuePair = s.Split('='); if (nameValuePair.Length == 2 && nameValuePair[1].Length > 0) { request.Parameters.Add(nameValuePair[0], nameValuePair[1]); } else { request.Parameters.Add(nameValuePair[0], null); } } } request.ResourcePath = uriResourcePath; using (StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter()) { JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(stringWriter); writer.WriteObjectStart(); if (createTableRequest != null && createTableRequest.AttributeDefinitions != null && createTableRequest.AttributeDefinitions.Count > 0) { List <AttributeDefinition> attributeDefinitionsList = createTableRequest.AttributeDefinitions; writer.WritePropertyName("AttributeDefinitions"); writer.WriteArrayStart(); foreach (AttributeDefinition attributeDefinitionsListValue in attributeDefinitionsList) { writer.WriteObjectStart(); if (attributeDefinitionsListValue != null && attributeDefinitionsListValue.IsSetAttributeName()) { writer.WritePropertyName("AttributeName"); writer.Write(attributeDefinitionsListValue.AttributeName); } if (attributeDefinitionsListValue != null && attributeDefinitionsListValue.IsSetAttributeType()) { writer.WritePropertyName("AttributeType"); writer.Write(attributeDefinitionsListValue.AttributeType); } writer.WriteObjectEnd(); } writer.WriteArrayEnd(); } if (createTableRequest != null && createTableRequest.IsSetTableName()) { writer.WritePropertyName("TableName"); writer.Write(createTableRequest.TableName); } if (createTableRequest != null && createTableRequest.KeySchema != null && createTableRequest.KeySchema.Count > 0) { List <KeySchemaElement> keySchemaList = createTableRequest.KeySchema; writer.WritePropertyName("KeySchema"); writer.WriteArrayStart(); foreach (KeySchemaElement keySchemaListValue in keySchemaList) { writer.WriteObjectStart(); if (keySchemaListValue != null && keySchemaListValue.IsSetAttributeName()) { writer.WritePropertyName("AttributeName"); writer.Write(keySchemaListValue.AttributeName); } if (keySchemaListValue != null && keySchemaListValue.IsSetKeyType()) { writer.WritePropertyName("KeyType"); writer.Write(keySchemaListValue.KeyType); } writer.WriteObjectEnd(); } writer.WriteArrayEnd(); } if (createTableRequest != null && createTableRequest.LocalSecondaryIndexes != null && createTableRequest.LocalSecondaryIndexes.Count > 0) { List <LocalSecondaryIndex> localSecondaryIndexesList = createTableRequest.LocalSecondaryIndexes; writer.WritePropertyName("LocalSecondaryIndexes"); writer.WriteArrayStart(); foreach (LocalSecondaryIndex localSecondaryIndexesListValue in localSecondaryIndexesList) { writer.WriteObjectStart(); if (localSecondaryIndexesListValue != null && localSecondaryIndexesListValue.IsSetIndexName()) { writer.WritePropertyName("IndexName"); writer.Write(localSecondaryIndexesListValue.IndexName); } if (localSecondaryIndexesListValue != null && localSecondaryIndexesListValue.KeySchema != null && localSecondaryIndexesListValue.KeySchema.Count > 0) { List <KeySchemaElement> keySchemaList = localSecondaryIndexesListValue.KeySchema; writer.WritePropertyName("KeySchema"); writer.WriteArrayStart(); foreach (KeySchemaElement keySchemaListValue in keySchemaList) { writer.WriteObjectStart(); if (keySchemaListValue != null && keySchemaListValue.IsSetAttributeName()) { writer.WritePropertyName("AttributeName"); writer.Write(keySchemaListValue.AttributeName); } if (keySchemaListValue != null && keySchemaListValue.IsSetKeyType()) { writer.WritePropertyName("KeyType"); writer.Write(keySchemaListValue.KeyType); } writer.WriteObjectEnd(); } writer.WriteArrayEnd(); } if (localSecondaryIndexesListValue != null) { Projection projection = localSecondaryIndexesListValue.Projection; if (projection != null) { writer.WritePropertyName("Projection"); writer.WriteObjectStart(); if (projection != null && projection.IsSetProjectionType()) { writer.WritePropertyName("ProjectionType"); writer.Write(projection.ProjectionType); } if (projection != null && projection.NonKeyAttributes != null && projection.NonKeyAttributes.Count > 0) { List <string> nonKeyAttributesList = projection.NonKeyAttributes; writer.WritePropertyName("NonKeyAttributes"); writer.WriteArrayStart(); foreach (string nonKeyAttributesListValue in nonKeyAttributesList) { writer.Write(StringUtils.FromString(nonKeyAttributesListValue)); } writer.WriteArrayEnd(); } writer.WriteObjectEnd(); } } writer.WriteObjectEnd(); } writer.WriteArrayEnd(); } if (createTableRequest != null) { ProvisionedThroughput provisionedThroughput = createTableRequest.ProvisionedThroughput; if (provisionedThroughput != null) { writer.WritePropertyName("ProvisionedThroughput"); writer.WriteObjectStart(); if (provisionedThroughput != null && provisionedThroughput.IsSetReadCapacityUnits()) { writer.WritePropertyName("ReadCapacityUnits"); writer.Write(provisionedThroughput.ReadCapacityUnits); } if (provisionedThroughput != null && provisionedThroughput.IsSetWriteCapacityUnits()) { writer.WritePropertyName("WriteCapacityUnits"); writer.Write(provisionedThroughput.WriteCapacityUnits); } writer.WriteObjectEnd(); } } writer.WriteObjectEnd(); string snippet = stringWriter.ToString(); request.Content = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(snippet); } return(request); }
protected Proj4ProjectionInfo(Projection projection) { this.projection = projection; }
private void ThenTheProjectionIsDeleted() { ProjectionStore.Received().Delete(Projection.StoreKey(ProjectId, ToggleKey)); }
public User Get(Projection projection, System.Int32 userId) { return(((IRepository <User>) this).Get(projection, userId, FetchMode.UseIdentityMap)); }
public static async Task <Tuple <string, bool> > SetOverdraftForInterestForSpecificAccount ([ActivityTrigger] IDurableActivityContext interestOverdraftContext) { string accountNumber = interestOverdraftContext.GetInput <string>(); #region Tracing telemetry Activity.Current.AddTag("Account Number", accountNumber); #endregion bool success = true; Command cmdPayInterest = new Command( new CommandAttribute("Bank", "Pay Interest", interestOverdraftContext.InstanceId) ); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accountNumber)) { string result = "No overdraft required"; await cmdPayInterest.InitiateStep(AccountCommands.COMMAND_STEP_OVERDRAFT, "Bank", "Account", accountNumber); // run the "set overdraft limit for interest" function // 1- Get interest due... Projection prjInterestDue = new Projection( new ProjectionAttribute( "Bank", "Account", accountNumber, nameof(InterestDue) ) ); // get the interest owed / due as now InterestDue interestDue = await prjInterestDue.Process <InterestDue>(); if (null != interestDue) { // if the interest due is negative we need to make sure the account has sufficient balance if (interestDue.Due < 0.00M) { Projection prjBankAccountBalance = new Projection( new ProjectionAttribute( "Bank", "Account", accountNumber, nameof(InterestDue) ) ); Balance balance = await prjBankAccountBalance.Process <Balance>(); if (null != balance) { decimal availableBalance = balance.CurrentBalance; // is there an overdraft? Projection prjBankAccountOverdraft = new Projection( new ProjectionAttribute( "Bank", "Account", accountNumber, nameof(OverdraftLimit) ) ); OverdraftLimit overdraft = await prjBankAccountOverdraft.Process <OverdraftLimit>(); if (null != overdraft) { availableBalance += overdraft.CurrentOverdraftLimit; } if (availableBalance < interestDue.Due) { // Force an overdraft extension EventStream bankAccountEvents = new EventStream( new EventStreamAttribute( "Bank", "Account", accountNumber ) ); decimal newOverdraft = overdraft.CurrentOverdraftLimit; decimal extension = 10.00M + Math.Abs(interestDue.Due % 10.00M); OverdraftLimitSet evNewLimit = new OverdraftLimitSet() { OverdraftLimit = newOverdraft + extension, Commentary = $"Overdraft extended to pay interest of {interestDue.Due} ", Unauthorised = true }; result = $"Overdraft set to {evNewLimit.OverdraftLimit } ({evNewLimit.Commentary})"; try { await bankAccountEvents.AppendEvent(evNewLimit, balance.CurrentSequenceNumber); } catch (EventSourcingOnAzureFunctions.Common.EventSourcing.Exceptions.EventStreamWriteException) { success = false; } } } } } // Log the step completion if it was successful if (success) { await cmdPayInterest.StepCompleted(AccountCommands.COMMAND_STEP_OVERDRAFT, result, "Bank", "Account", accountNumber); } } return(new Tuple <string, bool>(accountNumber, success)); }
public Task <User> GetAsync(Projection projection, System.Int32 userId, FetchMode fetchMode = FetchMode.UseIdentityMap) { return(((IRepository <User>) this).GetAsync(projection, userId, fetchMode)); }
public static async Task <Tuple <string, bool> > AccrueInterestForSpecificAccount ([ActivityTrigger] IDurableActivityContext accrueInterestContext) { const decimal DEBIT_INTEREST_RATE = 0.001M; const decimal CREDIT_INTEREST_RATE = 0.0005M; string accountNumber = accrueInterestContext.GetInput <string>(); #region Tracing telemetry Activity.Current.AddTag("Account Number", accountNumber); #endregion if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountNumber)) { EventStream bankAccountEvents = new EventStream(new EventStreamAttribute("Bank", "Account", accountNumber)); if (await bankAccountEvents.Exists()) { // Has the accrual been done today for this account? Classification clsAccruedToday = new Classification(new ClassificationAttribute("Bank", "Account", accountNumber, nameof(InterestAccruedToday))); ClassificationResponse isAccrued = await clsAccruedToday.Classify <InterestAccruedToday>(); if (isAccrued.Result != ClassificationResponse.ClassificationResults.Include) { // Get the account balance Projection prjBankAccountBalance = new Projection(new ProjectionAttribute("Bank", "Account", accountNumber, nameof(Balance))); // Get the current account balance, as at midnight Balance projectedBalance = await prjBankAccountBalance.Process <Balance>(DateTime.Today); if (null != projectedBalance) { Account.Events.InterestAccrued evAccrued = new Account.Events.InterestAccrued() { Commentary = $"Daily scheduled interest accrual", AccrualEffectiveDate = DateTime.Today // set the accrual to midnight today }; // calculate the accrual amount if (projectedBalance.CurrentBalance >= 0) { // Using the credit rate evAccrued.AmountAccrued = CREDIT_INTEREST_RATE * projectedBalance.CurrentBalance; evAccrued.InterestRateInEffect = CREDIT_INTEREST_RATE; } else { // Use the debit rate evAccrued.AmountAccrued = DEBIT_INTEREST_RATE * projectedBalance.CurrentBalance; evAccrued.InterestRateInEffect = DEBIT_INTEREST_RATE; } try { await bankAccountEvents.AppendEvent(evAccrued, isAccrued.AsOfSequence); } catch (EventSourcingOnAzureFunctions.Common.EventSourcing.Exceptions.EventStreamWriteException) { // We can't be sure this hasn't already run... return(new Tuple <string, bool>(accountNumber, false)); } } } } } return(new Tuple <string, bool>(accountNumber, true)); }
public Task <User> GetAsync(Projection projection, System.Int32 userId, params string[] fields) { return(((IRepository <User>) this).GetAsync(projection, userId, fields)); }
/// <summary> /// 預設指令碼 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected override string DefaultCommand() { if (YVariables == null) { throw new Exception("建立 Plot 指令時,未給定 YVariables"); } if (XVariables == null) { throw new Exception("建立 Plot 指令時,未給定 XVariables"); } Mtb.Column[] yvars = (Mtb.Column[])YVariables; Mtb.Column[] xvars = (Mtb.Column[])XVariables; Mtb.Column[] gps = null; if (GroupingVariables != null) { gps = (Mtb.Column[])GroupingVariables; } StringBuilder cmnd = new StringBuilder(); if (GraphType == MultipleGraphType.Regular) { if (yvars.Length != xvars.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("GraphType=Regular 時,X 變數和 Y 變數的數量不同"); } cmnd.AppendLine("Plot &"); for (int i = 0; i < yvars.Length; i++) { cmnd.AppendFormat("{0}*{1} &\r\n", yvars[i].SynthesizedName, xvars[i].SynthesizedName); } cmnd.AppendLine(";"); } else { cmnd.AppendFormat("Plot ({0})*({1});\r\n", string.Join(" &\r\n", yvars.Select(x => x.SynthesizedName).ToArray()), string.Join(" &\r\n", xvars.Select(x => x.SynthesizedName).ToArray())); if (GraphType == MultipleGraphType.Overlay) { cmnd.AppendLine(" Over;"); } } if (gps != null) { string[] gp = gps.Select(x => x.SynthesizedName).ToArray(); Symbol.GroupingBy = gp.Clone(); Connectline.GroupingBy = gp.Clone(); Projection.GroupingBy = gp.Clone(); } cmnd.AppendFormat(""); cmnd.Append(GetOptionCommand()); cmnd.Append(YScale.GetCommand()); cmnd.Append(XScale.GetCommand()); cmnd.Append(Symbol.GetCommand()); cmnd.Append(Connectline.GetCommand()); cmnd.Append(Projection.GetCommand()); cmnd.Append(Panel.GetCommand()); cmnd.Append(GetAnnotationCommand()); cmnd.Append(GetRegionCommand()); return(cmnd.ToString() + "."); }
/// <summary> /// Perform the validation on the parameters of this "Get League Summary" query and, if all OK, mark it /// as allowed to continue /// </summary> /// <param name="queryId"> /// Unique identifier of the query event stream for this "Get League Summary" query /// </param> /// <param name="log"> /// If set, output progress to this trace writer /// </param> private static async Task <bool> ValidateGetLeagueSummaryQuery(string queryId, ILogger log) { const string QUERY_NAME = @"get-league-summary"; Guid queryGuid; if (Guid.TryParse(queryId, out queryGuid)) { // Get the current state of the query... Projection getQueryState = new Projection(@"Query", QUERY_NAME, queryGuid.ToString(), nameof(Query_Summary_Projection)); if (null != getQueryState) { #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogDebug($"Projection processor created in ValidateGetLeagueSummaryQuery"); } #endregion // Run the query summary projection Query_Summary_Projection qryProjection = new Query_Summary_Projection(log); await getQueryState.Process(qryProjection); if ((qryProjection.CurrentSequenceNumber > 0) || (qryProjection.ProjectionValuesChanged())) { // Process the query state as is now... #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogDebug($"Query { qryProjection.QueryName } projection run for {queryGuid} in ValidateGetLeagueSummaryQuery"); } #endregion if (qryProjection.CurrentState == Query_Summary_Projection.QueryState.Completed) { // No need to validate a completed query #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"Query {queryGuid} is complete so no need to validate in ValidateGetLeagueSummaryQuery"); } #endregion return(true); } if (qryProjection.CurrentState == Query_Summary_Projection.QueryState.Invalid) { // No need to validate an already invalid query #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"Query {queryGuid} is already marked as invalid so no need to validate in ValidateGetLeagueSummaryQuery"); } #endregion return(false); } if (qryProjection.CurrentState == Query_Summary_Projection.QueryState.Validated) { // No need to validate an already validated query #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"Query {queryGuid} is already validated so no need to validate in ValidateGetLeagueSummaryQuery"); } #endregion return(true); } // Validations - 1: Check league name is not empty if (qryProjection.ParameterIsSet(nameof(Get_League_Summary_Definition.League_Name))) { string leagueNameParam = qryProjection.GetParameter <string>(nameof(Get_League_Summary_Definition.League_Name)); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(leagueNameParam)) { await QueryLogRecord.LogQueryValidationError(queryGuid, QUERY_NAME, true, "League name may not be blank"); #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"Query {QUERY_NAME} :: {queryGuid} has a blank league name in ValidateGetLeagueSummaryQuery"); } #endregion return(false); } else { // any additional validation could go here (?).. return(true); } } else { // Parameter is mandatory but may not be set yet so leave the query as is #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"Query { qryProjection.QueryName } has no value specified for the parameter {nameof(Get_League_Summary_Definition.League_Name)} in ValidateGetLeagueSummaryQuery"); } #endregion return(false); } } } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Perform the underlying processing on the specified command /// </summary> /// <param name="commandId"> /// The unique identifier of the command to process /// </param> private static async Task HandleSetLeagueEmailAddressCommand(string commandId, ILogger log = null) { const string COMMAND_NAME = @"set-league-email-address"; Guid commandGuid; if (Guid.TryParse(commandId, out commandGuid)) { #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogDebug($"Validating command {commandId} in HandleSetLeagueEmailAddressCommand"); } #endregion // Get the current state of the command... Projection getCommandState = new Projection(@"Command", COMMAND_NAME, commandGuid.ToString(), nameof(Command_Summary_Projection)); if (null != getCommandState) { #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogDebug($"Projection processor created in HandleSetLeagueEmailAddressCommand"); } #endregion Command_Summary_Projection cmdProjection = new Command_Summary_Projection(log); await getCommandState.Process(cmdProjection); if ((cmdProjection.CurrentSequenceNumber > 0) || (cmdProjection.ProjectionValuesChanged())) { if (cmdProjection.CurrentState == Command_Summary_Projection.CommandState.Completed) { // No need to process a completed projection #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"Command {commandId} is complete so no need to process in HandleSetLeagueEmailAddressCommand"); } #endregion return; } if (cmdProjection.CurrentState == Command_Summary_Projection.CommandState.Created) { // No need to process a completed projection #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"Command {commandId} is not yet validated so cannot process in HandleSetLeagueEmailAddressCommand"); } #endregion return; } if (cmdProjection.CurrentState == Command_Summary_Projection.CommandState.Invalid) { // No need to process a completed projection #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"Command {commandId} is not yet marked as invalid so cannot process in HandleSetLeagueEmailAddressCommand"); } #endregion return; } if (cmdProjection.CurrentState == Command_Summary_Projection.CommandState.Validated) { string leagueName = string.Empty; // New or previously invalid command can be validated if (cmdProjection.ParameterIsSet(nameof(Set_Email_Address_Definition.LeagueName))) { // Get the league name we want to set the email address leagueName = cmdProjection.GetParameter <string>(nameof(Set_Email_Address_Definition.LeagueName)); } string twitterHandle = string.Empty; if (cmdProjection.ParameterIsSet(nameof(Create_New_League_Definition.Twitter_Handle))) { twitterHandle = cmdProjection.GetParameter <string>(nameof(Create_New_League_Definition.Twitter_Handle)); } string emailAddress = string.Empty; if (cmdProjection.ParameterIsSet(nameof(Set_Email_Address_Definition.New_Email_Address))) { emailAddress = cmdProjection.GetParameter <string>(nameof(Set_Email_Address_Definition.New_Email_Address)); } string notes = string.Empty; if (cmdProjection.ParameterIsSet(nameof(Set_Email_Address_Definition.Notes))) { notes = cmdProjection.GetParameter <string>(nameof(Set_Email_Address_Definition.Notes)); } // Create a new "Contact Details Changed" event Leagues.League.eventDefinition.Contact_Details_Changed changedEvent = new Leagues.League.eventDefinition.Contact_Details_Changed(DateTime.UtcNow, twitterHandle, emailAddress); EventStream leagueEvents = new EventStream(@"Leagues", "League", leagueName); if ((null != leagueEvents) && (null != changedEvent)) { await leagueEvents.AppendEvent(changedEvent); } } } } else { // No events were read into the projection so do nothing #region Logging if (null != log) { log.LogWarning($"No command events read for {commandId} in HandleSetLeagueEmailAddressCommand"); } #endregion } } }
bool IOctTreeInsertable.HitTest(Projection projection, BoundingRect rect, bool onlyInside) { // kommt nicht dran throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public Execution Get(Projection projection, Int64 executionId, params string[] fields) { return ((IRepository<Execution>)this).Get(projection, executionId, fields); }
internal bool GetOverlap(Projection projection, out float overlap) { overlap = Math.Min(this.Max, projection.Max) - Math.Max(this.Min, projection.Min); return(overlap > 0); }
public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> AboutQueryRun( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage req, ILogger log, [EventStream(Constants.Domain_Query, "Test Case", "123")] EventStream esTest, [Projection(Constants.Domain_Query, "Test Case", "123", nameof(Query_Summary_Projection))] Projection prjTest, [Classifier(Constants.Domain_Query, "Test Case", "123", nameof(Query_InError_Classifier))] Classifier clsTest) { log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request."); if (null != esTest) { log.LogInformation($"Event stream created {esTest}"); // add a test event await esTest.AppendEvent(new QueryCreated("Test Query", Guid.NewGuid(), aurhorisationTokenIn : "Duncan test 123" )); } else { log.LogWarning($"Unable to create event stream parameter"); } if (null != prjTest) { log.LogInformation($"Projection created {prjTest}"); // Query_Summary_Projection projection = await prjTest.Process <Query_Summary_Projection>(); if (null != projection) { log.LogInformation($"Projection created {projection.CurrentSequenceNumber} status {projection.CurrentState } "); } } else { log.LogWarning($"Unable to create projection parameter"); } if (null != clsTest) { log.LogInformation($"Classifier created {clsTest}"); var result = await clsTest.Classify <Query_InError_Classifier>(forceExclude : true); log.LogInformation($"Classifier created {clsTest.ClassifierTypeName} result {result } "); } else { log.LogWarning($"Unable to create classifier parameter"); } // parse query parameter string name = req.GetQueryNameValuePairsExt()[@"name"]; // Get request body dynamic data = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync <object>(); // Set name to query string or body data name = name ?? data?.name; return(name == null ? req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "The Long Run - Leagues Domain - Function App") : req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, GetFunctionAbout(name))); }
public Raster ProcessRaster() { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Raster gResult = null; System.IO.FileInfo fiOutput = ProjectManager.Project.GetAbsolutePath(txtRasterPath.Text); if (fiOutput.Exists) { Exception ex = new Exception("The raster path already exists."); ex.Data.Add("Raster path", txtRasterPath.Text); throw ex; } fiOutput.Directory.Create(); if (ExtImporter.RequiresResampling) { gResult = RasterOperators.BilinearResample(SourceRaster, fiOutput, ExtImporter.OutExtent, ProjectManager.OnProgressChange); } else { if (SourceRaster.Extent.Equals(ExtImporter.OutExtent)) { // Output extent is same as original raster. Simple dataset copy if (SourceRaster.driver == Raster.RasterDriver.GTiff) { SourceRaster.Copy(fiOutput); gResult = new Raster(fiOutput); } else { gResult = RasterOperators.ExtendedCopy(SourceRaster, fiOutput, ProjectManager.OnProgressChange); } } else { // Output extent differs from original raster. Use extended copy gResult = RasterOperators.ExtendedCopy(SourceRaster, fiOutput, ExtImporter.OutExtent, ProjectManager.OnProgressChange); } } // This method will check to see if pyrmaids are need and then build if necessary. PerformRasterPyramids(new System.IO.FileInfo(txtRasterPath.Text)); if (Purpose == Purposes.FirstDEM || Purpose == Purposes.SubsequentDEM || Purpose == Purposes.ReferenceSurface) { // Now try the hillshade for DEM Surveys and reference surfaces System.IO.FileInfo sHillshadePath = Surface.HillShadeRasterPath(fiOutput); RasterOperators.Hillshade(gResult, sHillshadePath, ProjectManager.OnProgressChange); ProjectManager.PyramidManager.PerformRasterPyramids(RasterPyramidManager.PyramidRasterTypes.Hillshade, sHillshadePath); } Cursor = Cursors.Default; Projection projRef = GISDatasetValidation.GetProjectProjection(); if (projRef != null && NeedsForcedProjection) { gResult.SetProjection(projRef); } return(gResult); }
public void ShowG(Graphics g, Projection pr = 0, Pen pen = null) { const double h = 0.1; const double h0 = 0; System.Drawing.Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(left, top, left + width, top + height); Pen p = new Pen(Color.Black); g.DrawRectangle(p, r1); // Создать шрифт Font font = new Font("Courier New", 12, FontStyle.Bold); SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(Color.Blue); // рисование осей // ось X Zoom_XY(0, 0, 0, out xx1, out yy1); Zoom_XY(1.2, 0, 0, out xx2, out yy2); g.DrawLine(p, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2); g.DrawString("X", font, b, xx2 + 3, yy2); // ось Y Zoom_XY(0, 0, 0, out xx1, out yy1); Zoom_XY(0, 1.2, 0, out xx2, out yy2); g.DrawLine(p, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2); g.DrawString("Y", font, b, xx2 + 3, yy2); // ось Z Zoom_XY(0, 0, 0, out xx1, out yy1); Zoom_XY(0, 0, 1.2, out xx2, out yy2); g.DrawLine(p, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2); g.DrawString("Z", font, b, xx2 + 3, yy2 - 3); // рисование поверхности p.Color = Color.Red; p.Width = 1; float dx = (Math.Abs(X0) + Math.Abs(X1)) / CountOfSplits; float dy = (Math.Abs(Y0) + Math.Abs(Y1)) / CountOfSplits; for (float j = X0; j <= X1; j += dx) { for (float i = Y0; i <= Y1; i += dy) { Zoom_XY(h0 + h * i, h0 + h * j, F(h0 + h * i, h0 + h * j), out xx[0], out yy[0]); Zoom_XY(h0 + h * i, h + h * j, F(h0 + h * i, h + h * j), out xx[1], out yy[1]); Zoom_XY(h + h * i, h + h * j, F(h + h * i, h + h * j), out xx[2], out yy[2]); Zoom_XY(h + h * i, h0 + h * j, F(h + h * i, h0 + h * j), out xx[3], out yy[3]); g.DrawLine(p, xx[0], yy[0], xx[1], yy[1]); g.DrawLine(p, xx[1], yy[1], xx[2], yy[2]); g.DrawLine(p, xx[2], yy[2], xx[3], yy[3]); g.DrawLine(p, xx[3], yy[3], xx[0], yy[0]); } } }
/// <inheritdoc/> public override async Task Connect( IAsyncStreamReader <ProjectionClientToRuntimeMessage> runtimeStream, IServerStreamWriter <ProjectionRuntimeToClientMessage> clientStream, ServerCallContext context) { // TODO: It seems like things are not properly unregistered on exceptions? // TODO: I tested this out and while making the DI container work, it kept failing and telling me that the projection was already registered on the second attempt. Log.ConnectingProjections(_logger); using var cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(_hostApplicationLifetime.ApplicationStopping, context.CancellationToken); var tryConnect = await _reverseCallServices.Connect(runtimeStream, clientStream, context, _protocol, cts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!tryConnect.Success) { return; } using var dispatcher = tryConnect.Result.dispatcher; var arguments = tryConnect.Result.arguments; var executionContext = arguments.ExecutionContext; var definition = arguments.ProjectionDefinition; var tryCreateExecutionContext = _executionContextCreator.TryCreateUsing(arguments.ExecutionContext); if (!tryCreateExecutionContext.Success) { await dispatcher.Reject( _protocol.CreateFailedConnectResponse($"Failed to register Projection because the execution context is invalid: ${tryCreateExecutionContext.Exception.Message}"), cts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } Log.ReceivedProjectionArguments(_logger, definition.Scope, definition.Projection); var projection = new Projection(dispatcher, definition, arguments.Alias, arguments.HasAlias); var registration = await _projections.Register(projection, executionContext, cts.Token); if (!registration.Success) { Log.ErrorWhileRegisteringProjection(_logger, definition.Scope, definition.Projection, registration.Exception); await dispatcher.Reject(new ProjectionRegistrationResponse { Failure = new Failure( ProjectionFailures.FailedToRegisterProjection, $"Failed to register Projection {projection.Definition.Projection}. {registration.Exception.Message}") }, cts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } using var processor = registration.Result; var reverseCall = dispatcher.Accept(new ProjectionRegistrationResponse(), cts.Token); var processing = processor.Start(); var tasks = new TaskGroup(reverseCall, processing); tasks.OnFirstTaskFailure += (_, ex) => Log.ErrorWhileRunningProjection(_logger, projection.Definition.Scope, projection.Definition.Projection, ex); tasks.OnAllTasksCompleted += () => Log.ProjectionDisconnected(_logger, projection.Definition.Scope, projection.Definition.Projection); await tasks.WaitForAllCancellingOnFirst(cts).ConfigureAwait(false); }