Example #1
    //Fires the projectile, or projectiles, ignoring collision with the team of the player who fired it
    public override void Shoot(PlayerStats firingPlayer)
        //If the gun is ready to fire again
        if (timeSinceLastFire >= fireRate)
            //If the gun has no ammo
            if (ammoInClip == 0)
                //Reset the time since the last fire
                timeSinceLastFire = 0f;
                //Play the empty clip sound
            //If the gun has ammo
                //If the gun is not reloading
                if (!isReloading)
                    //Construct the layer mask (invert the layers these bullets will ignore)
                    collisionMask = ~(ignoreBulletsLayer | firingPlayer.teamLayer);
                    //Reset the time since last firing the weapon
                    timeSinceLastFire = 0f;
                    //Reduce the ammo in the clip
                    //Start the effects for firing the weapon
                    gunLight.enabled = true;
                    //If the particles are still playing, stop the old particles and start new ones

                    //Get projectiles from the object pool
                    List <GameObject> projectiles = projectilePool.GetProjectiles(projectilePrefab, numberOfProjectiles);
                    //Iterate through the projectiles
                    foreach (GameObject projectile in projectiles)
                        //Move them
                        projectile.transform.position = transform.position;
                        //Rotate the object to face forwards
                        projectile.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.forward);
                        //Activate the projectile
                        projectile.GetComponent <ProjectileBehavior>().Activate(collisionMask, firingPlayer);