Example #1
        // GET: /ProposalInfo/View/1
        public ActionResult View(int?id)
            if (!id.HasValue)

            Project _project = projservice.GetProposalInfo(id.Value); //This will happen In MenuITEM Controller orgservice.GetOrganizationGeneralOfCurrentProposal(id.Value);

            if (_project.ProjectInfo == null)                         //no ProjectInfo.
                _project.ProjectInfo = new ProjectInfo();             //give some instance.

            FinanceResults finres = new FinanceResults(id.Value);

            // ViewData["moneyLeft"] = finres.Project_TotalAmountLeftFromAwardAmount();
            ViewData["CashOnHand"]      = finres.Project_TotalCashOnHand();
            ViewData["MoneyTransfered"] = finres.Project_TotalMoneyTransferedFromAwardAmount();

            //    ViewData["StaffRoleList"] = new SelectList(projservice.GetOrgStaffRoles(), "RoleID", "RoleTitle");

            //   ViewData["ProgramAreaList"] = new SelectList(projservice.GetProgramAreaList(), "ProgramAreaCodeID", "ProgramAreaText");

            ViewData["ProposalID"] = id.Value;

            //Get Events with Type: Site Visit
            //Get All Events with Type: Narrative Reports

            ProjectEventService        evnts     = new ProjectEventService();
            IEnumerable <ProjectEvent> projevnts = evnts.GetProjectEventList(id.Value);
            int sitevisits        = 0;
            int narrativereport   = 0;
            int narrativeaccepted = 0;
            int narrativerejected = 0;

            //   Project Info=> Accepted Narrative Reports Rename to Current Grant Evaluation
            //Count Evaluation not Narrative Report.
            foreach (ProjectEvent projevnt in projevnts)
                if (projevnt.EventType.EventTypeName == "Site Visit" || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeName == "Site visit")

                //if (projevnt.EventDescription != null)
                //    if (projevnt.EventDescription.Contains("Site Visit") || projevnt.EventDescription.Contains("Site visit"))
                //    {
                //        sitevisits++;
                //    }

                if (projevnt.EventType.EventTypeName == "Evaluation Report" || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeName == "Evaluation report")
                //|| projevnt.EventDescription.Contains("Narrative Report") || projevnt.EventDescription.Contains("Narrative report"))

                    if (projevnt.ReportStatus.HasValue)
                        if (projevnt.ReportStatus.Value == 1)
                        if (projevnt.ReportStatus.Value == 0)

            ViewData["NumberOfSiteVisits"]        = sitevisits;
            ViewData["NumberOfAcceptedNarrative"] = narrativeaccepted;
            ViewData["NumberOfRejectedNarrative"] = narrativerejected;

            // EventType evType = new EventType();
            //  evType.EventTypeName
            //  evntTypeSer.GetEventTypeList();

        public ActionResult test()
            // var View = new Dictionary<ProgramAreaID, Dictionary<RegionID, numberOfItems>>();
            var                 MView       = new Dictionary <FirstVs, Dictionary <int, numberOfItems> >();
            ProjectService      prj         = new ProjectService();
            ProjectEventService evnts       = new ProjectEventService();
            AppDropDownsService appDropDown = new AppDropDownsService();

            int?id = 1;
            IEnumerable <ProjectEvent> projevnts = evnts.GetProjectEventList(id.Value);

            int sitevisits = 0;
            IEnumerable <Project> projects = prj.getAllProjects().Where(p => p.CompetitionCode != null && p.ProgramArea != null);
            //int sitevisits = projevnts.Count(projevnt => projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 1 || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 2);
            //  if (projevnt.EventType.EventTypeName == "Site Visit" || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeName == "Site visit")
            // projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 1 || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 2
            var projSiteVisits = new Dictionary <Project, int>();
            var MView2         = new Dictionary <int, List <VsContainer> >();

            if (projects != null)
                var query = projects
                            .GroupBy(g => new    //GROUP BY GrantType, ProgramArea Field1, Field2 and SUM AmtRequested.
                            .Select(group => new VsContainer() //Select all Grouped into VersusContainer.
                    ProjId      = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).ToList(),
                    Field1      = group.Key.CompetCodeID.Value,
                    Field2      = group.Key.ProgramAreaCodeID.Value,
                    iAmount     = group.Sum(c => c.ProjectEvents.Count(projevnt => projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 1 || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 2)),
                    dAmount     = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).Count(),
                    Field1Title = group.Select(i => i.CompetitionCode.CompetitionCodeList.CodeText).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Field2Title = group.Select(i => i.ProgramArea.ProgramAreaList.ProgramAreaText).FirstOrDefault()

                List <VsContainer> vsc = query.ToList();   //test.

                MView2.Add(1, vsc);
            // var View = new Dictionary<ProgramAreaID, Dictionary<CompCodeID, numberOfItems>>();
            //======var MView = new Dictionary<FirstVs, Dictionary<int, numberOfItems>>();=========================

            IEnumerable <Project> projects2 = prj.getAllProjects().Where(p => p.Organization.Addresses.FirstOrDefault().Region != null && p.ProgramArea != null);

            if (projects != null)
                var query = projects2
                            .GroupBy(g => new    //GROUP BY GrantType, ProgramArea Field1, Field2 and SUM AmtRequested.
                            .Select(group => new VsContainer() //Select all Grouped into VersusContainer.
                    ProjId      = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).ToList(),
                    Field1      = group.Key.DDIDRegion.Value,
                    Field2      = group.Key.ProgramAreaCodeID.Value,
                    iAmount     = group.Sum(c => c.ProjectEvents.Count(projevnt => projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 1 || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 2)),
                    dAmount     = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).Count(),
                    Field1Title = group.Select(i => i.Organization.Addresses.FirstOrDefault().RegionList.DDNAME).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Field2Title = group.Select(i => i.ProgramArea.ProgramAreaList.ProgramAreaText).FirstOrDefault()

                List <VsContainer> vsc = query.ToList();   //test.

                MView2.Add(2, vsc);

            //foreach (var p in projects)
            //    sitevisits += p.ProjectEvents.Count(projevnt => projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 1 || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 2);
            //    projSiteVisits.Add(p, sitevisits);
            //    sitevisits = 0;

            //IEnumerable<RegionList> regions = appDropDown.GetRegionList();

            //foreach (RegionList reg in regions)


            //foreach (var v in View)
            //    foreach(var vl in v.Value)
            //    {
            //       int hello = vl.Value.numOfgrant;
            //    }

            //AppDropDownsService ServiceDDL = new AppDropDownsService();
            //var SubView = new Dictionary<int, numberOfItems>();
            //var SubView2 = new Dictionary<int, numberOfItems>();
            //// ==============
            //var number1 = new numberOfItems();
            //number1.numOfgrant = 35;
            //number1.numOfvisits = 40;
            //SubView.Add(1, number1);

            //var number2 = new numberOfItems();
            //number2.numOfgrant = 15;
            //number2.numOfvisits = 10;

            //SubView.Add(4, number2);

            //var number3 = new numberOfItems();
            //number3.numOfgrant = 25;
            //number3.numOfvisits = 60;

            //SubView.Add(8, number3);

            //var number4 = new numberOfItems();
            //number4.numOfgrant = 125;
            //number4.numOfvisits = 60;

            //var number5 = new numberOfItems();
            //number5.numOfgrant = 125;
            //number5.numOfvisits = 60;

            //SubView2.Add(3, number4);
            //SubView2.Add(2, number5);

            //FirstVs fv = new FirstVs();
            //fv.id = 1;
            //fv.title = "ECD";
            //MView.Add(fv, SubView);

            //FirstVs fv2 = new FirstVs();
            //fv2.id = 2;
            //fv2.title = "Youth";
            //MView.Add(fv2, SubView2);

            AppDropDownsService ServiceDDL = new AppDropDownsService();

            ViewData["MView"]          = MView;
            ViewData["MView2"]         = MView2;
            ViewData["Region"]         = ServiceDDL.GetRegionList();
            ViewData["CompletionCode"] = ServiceDDL.GetCompetitionCodeList();
            ViewData["ProgramArea"]    = ServiceDDL.GetProgramAreaList();

 *      private bool DeleteMyFile(int FileID, int EventID)
 *      {
 *          bool result = true;
 *          ProjectEventService pes = new ProjectEventService();
 *          string dir = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PhysicalPath"];
 *          string virpath = pes.GetProjectEventDocument(FileID).PhysicalVirtualPath;
 *          System.IO.File.Delete(dir + virpath);
 *          pes.DeleteDocument(FileID, EventID);
 *          return result;
 *      }
        // GET: /Event/

        public ActionResult Index(int?id)
            if (Session["ProposalID"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Search", "ProposalInfo"));

            EventTypeService    et  = new EventTypeService();
            ProjectEventService pes = new ProjectEventService();
            SSPStaffService     sss = new SSPStaffService();

            ViewData["ddlEventType"] = new SelectList(et.GetEventTypeList(), "EventTypeID", "EventTypeName", 31);
            //Session["ProposalID"] = "1";
            int ProposalID = Session["ProposalID"] != null?int.Parse(Session["ProposalID"].ToString()) : 0;

            ViewData["ProjectID"] = ProposalID;
            IEnumerable <ProjectEvent> pe = pes.GetProjectEventList(ProposalID);

            IEnumerable <SSPStaff> slist = sss.GetSSPStaffListForProject(ProposalID);

            List <SelectListItem> selects = new List <SelectListItem>();

            if (slist != null)
                //this gets users who is in keyassosiactions.
                foreach (var item in slist)
                    selects.Add(new SelectListItem()
                        Value = item.SSPStaffID.ToString(), Text = item.FirstName + " " + item.LastName + " " + item.MiddleName

                //-----------------This chunk added in order not
                // =========to lose previous eventHolder.
                //next step we must add users who is participating in this project if they don't exist,
                //this will cover users who was deleted from keyassociations, but did particular event.
                //How to do that? we go through all Events, get event Holders and compare HolderID agains slist. if does not exist we add.
                foreach (ProjectEvent e in pe)
                { //check if staff in event inside DropDown.
                    SelectListItem sitem = (from x in selects
                                            where x.Value.ToString() == e.EventHolderID.ToString()
                                            select x).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (sitem == null) //no staff.
                        SSPStaff staff = null;

                        //get that user from repository
                        if (e.EventHolderID.HasValue)
                            staff = sss.GetAccountByID(e.EventHolderID.Value);

                        if (staff != null)
                            selects.Add(new SelectListItem()
                                Value = staff.SSPStaffID.ToString(), Text = staff.FirstName + " " + staff.LastName + " " + staff.MiddleName
            ViewData["SSPStaffList"] = selects;
            ProjectService projservice = new ProjectService();;
            Project        _project;

            _project = projservice.GetProposalInfo(ProposalID);
            List <SelectListItem> reportperiods = new List <SelectListItem>();

                foreach (var item in _project.Budget.ReportPeriodListRs)
                    reportperiods.Add(new SelectListItem()
                        Value = item.ReportPeriodID.ToString(),
                        Text  = (item.PeriodStart.HasValue ? item.PeriodStart.Value.ToShortDateString() : "") + " - " +
                                (item.PeriodEnd.HasValue ? item.PeriodEnd.Value.ToShortDateString() : "")
            } catch (Exception ex) {}
            ViewData["ReportPeriodList"] = reportperiods;
            if (id.HasValue == true)
                ViewData["selectedID"] = id;
        public Dictionary <int, List <VsContainer> > SiteVisitReports(IEnumerable <Project> prj)
            // var View = new Dictionary<ProgramAreaID, Dictionary<RegionID, numberOfItems>>();
            var MView = new Dictionary <FirstVs, Dictionary <int, numberOfItems> >();
            // ProjectService prj = new ProjectService();
            ProjectEventService evnts       = new ProjectEventService();
            AppDropDownsService appDropDown = new AppDropDownsService();

            int?id = 1;
            IEnumerable <ProjectEvent> projevnts = evnts.GetProjectEventList(id.Value);

            int sitevisits = 0;
            //Filter OUT NULL STUFF!
            IEnumerable <Project> projects = prj.Where(p => p.CompetitionCode != null && p.ProgramArea != null);

            var projSiteVisits = new Dictionary <Project, int>();
            var MView2         = new Dictionary <int, List <VsContainer> >();

            if (projects != null)
                var query = projects
                            .GroupBy(g => new    //GROUP BY GrantType, ProgramArea Field1, Field2 and SUM AmtRequested.
                            .Select(group => new VsContainer() //Select all Grouped into VersusContainer.
                    ProjId      = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).ToList(),
                    Field1      = group.Key.CompetCodeID.Value,
                    Field2      = group.Key.ProgramAreaCodeID.Value,
                    iAmount     = group.Sum(c => c.ProjectEvents.Count(projevnt => projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 1 || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 2)),
                    dAmount     = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).Count(),
                    Field1Title = group.Select(i => i.CompetitionCode.CompetitionCodeList.CodeText).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Field2Title = group.Select(i => i.ProgramArea.ProgramAreaList.ProgramAreaText).FirstOrDefault()

                List <VsContainer> vsc = query.ToList();   //test.

                MView2.Add(1, vsc);
            // var View = new Dictionary<ProgramAreaID, Dictionary<CompCodeID, numberOfItems>>();
            //======var MView = new Dictionary<FirstVs, Dictionary<int, numberOfItems>>();=========================

            //Filter OUT NULL STUFF!
            IEnumerable <Project> projects2 = prj.Where(p => p.Organization != null && p.Organization.Addresses != null && p.Organization.Addresses.FirstOrDefault().Region != null && p.ProgramArea != null);

            if (projects != null)
                var query = projects2
                            .GroupBy(g => new    //GROUP BY GrantType, ProgramArea Field1, Field2 and SUM AmtRequested.
                            .Select(group => new VsContainer() //Select all Grouped into VersusContainer.
                    ProjId      = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).ToList(),
                    Field1      = group.Key.DDIDRegion.Value,
                    Field2      = group.Key.ProgramAreaCodeID.Value,
                    iAmount     = group.Sum(c => c.ProjectEvents.Count(projevnt => projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 1 || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 2)),
                    dAmount     = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).Count(),
                    Field1Title = group.Select(i => i.Organization.Addresses.FirstOrDefault().RegionList.DDNAME).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Field2Title = group.Select(i => i.ProgramArea.ProgramAreaList.ProgramAreaText).FirstOrDefault()

                List <VsContainer> vsc = query.ToList();   //test.

                MView2.Add(2, vsc);
