public ActionResult Edit(string type, int id = 0) { try { FillDropdowns(); if (id != 0) { QuerySheet QuerySheet = new QuerySheet(); var repo = new ProjectCostRepository(); QuerySheet = new QuerySheetRepository().GetQuerySheetItem(id); QuerySheet.Items = repo.GetProjectCost(id); ViewBag.Type = type; return(View(QuerySheet)); } else { TempData["error"] = "That was an invalid/unknown request. Please try again."; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } } catch (InvalidOperationException iox) { TempData["error"] = "Sorry, we could not find the requested item. Please try again.|" + iox.Message; } catch (SqlException sx) { TempData["error"] = "Some error occured while connecting to database. Please try again after sometime.|" + sx.Message; } catch (NullReferenceException nx) { TempData["error"] = "Some required data was missing. Please try again.|" + nx.Message; } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["error"] = "Some error occured. Please try again.|" + ex.Message; } TempData["success"] = ""; return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Type = "Unit" })); }
public ActionResult CreateQuerySheet(QuerySheet qs) { //if (qs.QuerySheetId==0) //{ try { qs.OrganizationId = OrganizationId; qs.CreatedDate = System.DateTime.Now; qs.CreatedBy = UserID.ToString(); var id = ""; int row; if (qs.Type == "Unit") { FillDropdowns(); row = new QuerySheetRepository().UpdateQuerySheetUnit(qs); TempData["success"] = "Saved Successfully (" + qs.QuerySheetRefNo + ")"; return(RedirectToAction("PendingQuerySheetforUnit")); } else if (qs.Type == "Costing") { FillDropdowns(); if (qs.Items == null || qs.Items.Count <= 0) { TempData["error"] = "Query Sheet cannot be saved without costing parameters."; return(RedirectToAction("CreateQuerySheetUnit", new { QuerySheetid = qs.QuerySheetId, type = "Costing" })); } row = new ProjectCostRepository().InsertProjectCosting(qs); TempData["success"] = "Saved Successfully (" + qs.QuerySheetRefNo + ")"; return(RedirectToAction("PendingQuerySheetforCosting")); } else if (qs.Type == "RoomDetails") { id = new QuerySheetRepository().InsertQuerySheet(qs); if (id.Split('|')[0] != "0") { qs.QuerySheetId = Convert.ToInt16(id.Split('|')[0]); qs.QuerySheetRefNo = id.Split('|')[1]; TempData["success"] = "Saved successfully. Reference No. is " + id.Split('|')[1]; TempData["error"] = ""; return(RedirectToAction("CreateQuerySheet", new { type = qs.Type })); } else { throw new Exception(); } } } catch (SqlException sx) { TempData["error"] = "Some error occured while connecting to database. Please check your network connection and try again.|" + sx.Message; } catch (NullReferenceException nx) { TempData["error"] = "Some required data was missing. Please try again.|" + nx.Message; } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["error"] = "Some error occured. Please try again.|" + ex.Message; } TempData["success"] = ""; //} return(RedirectToAction("CreateQuerySheet", new { type = qs.Type })); }
public ProjectCostsController(ApplicationDbContext context, ProjectCostRepository repository) { _context = context; CostRepository = repository; }