Example #1
        public void ApplyEffectsWorks()
            ItemData i = new ItemData();

            ProgressVerifier.ApplyEffects(effList, i);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.24, i.Data[1].Tps);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, i.tofuClickEarnings);
Example #2
        public void GetAllEffectsOfUpgradeArrayWorks()
            Dictionary <int, Upgrade> u = Upgrade.upgradeData;

            Upgrade[]     uArr    = { u[100], u[1000], u[1001] };
            List <Effect> effList = ProgressVerifier.GetAllEffects(uArr);

            Assert.AreEqual("0", effList[0].Benefactor);
            Assert.AreEqual("tps", effList[0].BenefactorProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", effList[1].Benefactor);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.1, effList[1].Operand);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", effList[2].Benefactor);
            Assert.AreEqual("tps", effList[2].BenefactorProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual("*", effList[2].Operator);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.2, effList[2].Operand);
Example #3
        public void SortEffectsWorks()
            effList = new List <Effect>();
            Effect e0 = Effect.Parse(@"1.tps*1.2");
            Effect e1 = Effect.Parse(@"1.tps+0.1");
            Effect e2 = Effect.Parse(@"0.tps+1");


            Assert.AreEqual(e0, effList[2]);
            Assert.AreEqual(e1, effList[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(e2, effList[1]);
Example #4
        public int SaveProgress(ProgressData progress)
            //if connection is already invalidated
            if (!ValidityMap.CurrentInstance.Contains(Context.ConnectionId) ||
                Debug.WriteLine("INVALID CONNECTION");

            string dataRoot = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("DataDirectory").ToString();
            //read cookie
            string c = AESCryptoStuff.CurrentInstance.AesDecrypt(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Context.RequestCookies["userID"].Value));

            //current time in UTC
            long utcTime = (long)(DateTime.Now - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds;
            Hmac h       = Hmac.CurrentInstance;

            #region SaveTime limit to 3 / min
            //check database if it's too soon
            Database d = Database.CurrentInstance; long[] times = new long[3];
            //PRQ stands for Parameterized Reader Query, it returns a DataTable with all the rows
            //First argument is the query, every argument after that is the parameters
            //The @ parameters MUST START FROM 1 COUNTS UP FROM THERE
            //you can have any number of @ parameters and corresponding method arguments for the values
            DataTable dt = d.PRQ("SELECT * FROM savetime WHERE userID = @1", c);
            if (dt == null)
                return(-2);            //if database not up
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                //if you want to loop
                //foreach(DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];
                //Field method returns the value of the column specified in the type in the angle brackets
                times[0] = dr.Field <long>("time1");
                times[1] = dr.Field <long>("time2");
                times[2] = dr.Field <long>("time3");
                //PNQ stands for Parameterized Non Query, it returns nothing
                d.PNQ("INSERT INTO savetime (userID, time1, time2, time3) VALUES (@1, @2, @3, @4)",
                      c, 0, 0, utcTime);
                times = new long[] { 0, 0, utcTime };
            if (utcTime - times[0] < 60000) //4th save in a minute
                times[0] = utcTime;
                d.PNQ("UPDATE savetime SET time1 = @1, time2 = @2, time3 = @3 WHERE userID = @4",
                      times[0], times[1], times[2], c);

            //get previous save data
            SaveFile prevSave;
                string prevSaveText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(
                    dataRoot + "\\Saves\\" + h.Encode(c) + ".tusav");
                prevSave = SaveFile.Parse(prevSaveText);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e)        //no existing save
                long defaultTime = utcTime - 100000; //100 seconds leeway
                prevSave = new SaveFile(defaultTime, 0,
                                        new Dictionary <int, int>(), new int[] { });

            bool noCheats = ProgressVerifier.VerifyProgress(prevSave, progress, utcTime);
            Debug.WriteLine("IS CHEATING: " + !noCheats);
            //verify progress
            if (!noCheats)
                //if caught cheating
                //insert cheat record into database
                d.PNQ("INSERT INTO cheatlog (userID, time) VALUES (@1, @2)", c, utcTime);
                ValidityMap.CurrentInstance[Context.ConnectionId] = false;

            //save + time on first line
            string s = "" + utcTime
                       + '\n' + progress.ToString();
            Debug.WriteLine("SAVING FOR " + h.Encode(c) + ":\n" + s);

            //write to file
                dataRoot + "\\Saves\\" + h.Encode(c) + ".tusav", s);
