Example #1
        int executeCommandLine(string[] args)
            var animatedGifWindowToken = new CancellationTokenSource();

            using (Disposable.Create(() => animatedGifWindowToken.Cancel())) {

                this.Log().Info("Starting Squirrel Updater: " + String.Join(" ", args));

                if (args.Any(x => x.StartsWith("/squirrel", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) {
                    // NB: We're marked as Squirrel-aware, but we don't want to do
                    // anything in response to these events
                    return 0;

                bool silentInstall = false;
                var updateAction = default(UpdateAction);

                string target = default(string);
                string releaseDir = default(string);
                string packagesDir = default(string);
                string bootstrapperExe = default(string);
                string backgroundGif = default(string);
                string signingParameters = default(string);
                string baseUrl = default(string);
                string processStart = default(string);
                string processStartArgs = default(string);
                string setupIcon = default(string);
                string icon = default(string);
                string shortcutArgs = default(string);
                bool shouldWait = false;

                opts = new OptionSet() {
                    "Usage: Squirrel.exe command [OPTS]",
                    "Manages Squirrel packages",
                    { "install=", "Install the app whose package is in the specified directory", v => { updateAction = UpdateAction.Install; target = v; } },
                    { "uninstall", "Uninstall the app the same dir as Update.exe", v => updateAction = UpdateAction.Uninstall},
                    { "download=", "Download the releases specified by the URL and write new results to stdout as JSON", v => { updateAction = UpdateAction.Download; target = v; } },
                    { "update=", "Update the application to the latest remote version specified by URL", v => { updateAction = UpdateAction.Update; target = v; } },
                    { "releasify=", "Update or generate a releases directory with a given NuGet package", v => { updateAction = UpdateAction.Releasify; target = v; } },
                    { "createShortcut=", "Create a shortcut for the given executable name", v => { updateAction = UpdateAction.Shortcut; target = v; } },
                    { "removeShortcut=", "Remove a shortcut for the given executable name", v => { updateAction = UpdateAction.Deshortcut; target = v; } },
                    { "updateSelf=", "Copy the currently executing Update.exe into the default location", v => { updateAction =  UpdateAction.UpdateSelf; target = v; } },
                    { "processStart=", "Start an executable in the latest version of the app package", v => { updateAction =  UpdateAction.ProcessStart; processStart = v; }, true},
                    { "processStartAndWait=", "Start an executable in the latest version of the app package", v => { updateAction =  UpdateAction.ProcessStart; processStart = v; shouldWait = true; }, true},
                    { "h|?|help", "Display Help and exit", _ => {} },
                    { "r=|releaseDir=", "Path to a release directory to use with releasify", v => releaseDir = v},
                    { "p=|packagesDir=", "Path to the NuGet Packages directory for C# apps", v => packagesDir = v},
                    { "bootstrapperExe=", "Path to the Setup.exe to use as a template", v => bootstrapperExe = v},
                    { "g=|loadingGif=", "Path to an animated GIF to be displayed during installation", v => backgroundGif = v},
                    { "i=|icon", "Path to an ICO file that will be used for icon shortcuts", v => icon = v},
                    { "setupIcon=", "Path to an ICO file that will be used for the Setup executable's icon", v => setupIcon = v},
                    { "n=|signWithParams=", "Sign the installer via SignTool.exe with the parameters given", v => signingParameters = v},
                    { "s|silent", "Silent install", _ => silentInstall = true},
                    { "b=|baseUrl=", "Provides a base URL to prefix the RELEASES file packages with", v => baseUrl = v, true},
                    { "a=|process-start-args=", "Arguments that will be used when starting executable", v => processStartArgs = v, true},
                    { "l=|shortcut-locations=", "Comma-separated string of shortcut locations, e.g. 'Desktop,StartMenu'", v => shortcutArgs = v},


                // NB: setupIcon and icon are just aliases for compatibility
                // reasons, because of a dumb breaking rename I made in 1.0.1
                setupIcon = setupIcon ?? icon;

                if (updateAction == UpdateAction.Unset) {
                    return -1;

                switch (updateAction) {
                case UpdateAction.Install:
                    var progressSource = new ProgressSource();
                    if (!silentInstall) { 
                        AnimatedGifWindow.ShowWindow(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), animatedGifWindowToken.Token, progressSource);

                    Install(silentInstall, progressSource, Path.GetFullPath(target)).Wait();
                case UpdateAction.Uninstall:
                case UpdateAction.Download:
                case UpdateAction.Update:
                case UpdateAction.UpdateSelf:
                case UpdateAction.Releasify:
                    Releasify(target, releaseDir, packagesDir, bootstrapperExe, backgroundGif, signingParameters, baseUrl, setupIcon);
                case UpdateAction.Shortcut:
                    Shortcut(target, shortcutArgs, processStartArgs, setupIcon);
                case UpdateAction.Deshortcut:
                    Deshortcut(target, shortcutArgs);
                case UpdateAction.ProcessStart:
                    ProcessStart(processStart, processStartArgs, shouldWait);

            return 0;
Example #2
        public async Task Install(bool silentInstall, ProgressSource progressSource, string sourceDirectory = null)
            sourceDirectory = sourceDirectory ?? Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            var releasesPath = Path.Combine(sourceDirectory, "RELEASES");

            this.Log().Info("Starting install, writing to {0}", sourceDirectory);

            if (!File.Exists(releasesPath)) {
                this.Log().Info("RELEASES doesn't exist, creating it at " + releasesPath);
                var nupkgs = (new DirectoryInfo(sourceDirectory)).GetFiles()
                    .Where(x => x.Name.EndsWith(".nupkg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    .Select(x => ReleaseEntry.GenerateFromFile(x.FullName));

                ReleaseEntry.WriteReleaseFile(nupkgs, releasesPath);

            var ourAppName = ReleaseEntry.ParseReleaseFile(File.ReadAllText(releasesPath, Encoding.UTF8))

            var rootDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData);
            using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(sourceDirectory, ourAppName, FrameworkVersion.Net45, rootDir)) {

                var updateTarget = Path.Combine(mgr.RootAppDirectory, "Update.exe");
                this.ErrorIfThrows(() => File.Copy(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, updateTarget, true),
                    "Failed to copy Update.exe to " + updateTarget);

                await mgr.FullInstall(silentInstall, progressSource.Raise);

                await this.ErrorIfThrows(() => mgr.CreateUninstallerRegistryEntry(),
                    "Failed to create uninstaller registry entry");
Example #3
        public async Task Install(bool silentInstall, ProgressSource progressSource, string sourceDirectory = null)
            sourceDirectory = sourceDirectory ?? Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            var releasesPath = Path.Combine(sourceDirectory, "RELEASES");

            this.Log().Info("Starting install, writing to {0}", sourceDirectory);

            if (!File.Exists(releasesPath)) {
                this.Log().Info("RELEASES doesn't exist, creating it at " + releasesPath);
                var nupkgs = (new DirectoryInfo(sourceDirectory)).GetFiles()
                    .Where(x => x.Name.EndsWith(".nupkg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    .Select(x => ReleaseEntry.GenerateFromFile(x.FullName));

                ReleaseEntry.WriteReleaseFile(nupkgs, releasesPath);

            var ourAppName = ReleaseEntry.ParseReleaseFile(File.ReadAllText(releasesPath, Encoding.UTF8))

            using (var mgr = new UpdateManager(sourceDirectory, ourAppName)) {
                this.Log().Info("About to install to: " + mgr.RootAppDirectory);
                if (Directory.Exists(mgr.RootAppDirectory)) {
                    this.Log().Warn("Install path {0} already exists, burning it to the ground", mgr.RootAppDirectory);

                    await this.ErrorIfThrows(() => Utility.DeleteDirectory(mgr.RootAppDirectory),
                        "Failed to remove existing directory on full install, is the app still running???");

                    this.ErrorIfThrows(() => Utility.Retry(() => Directory.CreateDirectory(mgr.RootAppDirectory), 3),
                        "Couldn't recreate app directory, perhaps Antivirus is blocking it");

                var updateTarget = Path.Combine(mgr.RootAppDirectory, "Update.exe");
                this.ErrorIfThrows(() => File.Copy(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, updateTarget, true),
                    "Failed to copy Update.exe to " + updateTarget);

                await mgr.FullInstall(silentInstall, progressSource.Raise);

                await this.ErrorIfThrows(() => mgr.CreateUninstallerRegistryEntry(),
                    "Failed to create uninstaller registry entry");
Example #4
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     _ProgressSource = progressSource as ProgressSource;