Example #1
        public byte[] ComputeHash(Stream stream, IProgressReporter progressReporter, ProgressOperation operation)
            // Throwing exception, if hash algorithm was disposed
            if (_isDisposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(Algorithm));

            // Shortcut, if length of stream is less than size of one package
            if (stream.Length <= 4096)
                Debug.WriteLine("Stream.Length is less than 4096 bytes, computing of hash will be performed through standart method ComputeHash(Stream)");

            // ...
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            progressReporter?.OnProgressChanged(operation, stream.Position, stream.Length);

            // ...
            var interval = 0;
            var buffer   = new byte[4096];

            // ...
            while (true)
                var length = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                if (length < buffer.Length || stream.Position == stream.Length)
                    // End of stream, performing TransformFinalBlock
                    Algorithm.TransformFinalBlock(buffer, 0, length);
                    progressReporter?.OnProgressChanged(operation, stream.Length, stream.Length);
                    // Regular block transform
                    Algorithm.TransformBlock(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, null, 0);

                // If IProgressReporter has been specified
                if (progressReporter == null)

                // Cancelling operation, if requested
                if (progressReporter.CancellationPending)

                // Reporting about progress each 250 kylobytes
                if (++interval > 60)
                    interval = 0;
                    progressReporter.OnProgressChanged(operation, stream.Position, stream.Length);
Example #2
        private void DeleteSelectedBlob()
            Dialog.ConfirmYesOrNo("Are you sure you want ot delete blob " + (Grid.SelectedItem as CloudBlob).Name + "?", () =>
                var operation = new ProgressOperation()
                    Message = "Deleting blob ".ToConsoleString() + (Grid.SelectedItem as CloudBlob).Name.ToConsoleString(ConsoleColor.Yellow),
                    State   = OperationState.InProgress

                Application.MessagePump.QueueAsyncAction((Grid.SelectedItem as CloudBlob).DeleteAsync(), (tp) =>
                    if (tp.Exception != null)
                        operation.State   = OperationState.Failed;
                        operation.Details = tp.Exception.ToString().ToConsoleString();
                        operation.Message = "Failed to delete blob ".ToConsoleString() + (Grid.SelectedItem as CloudBlob).Name.ToConsoleString(ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                        operation.State   = OperationState.Completed;
                        operation.Message = "Finished deleting blob ".ToConsoleString() + (Grid.SelectedItem as CloudBlob).Name.ToConsoleString(ConsoleColor.Yellow);

                    if (Application != null && PageStack.CurrentPage == this)
        public static DialogResult ExecuteWithProgress(string title, ProgressOperation operation, ISynchronizeInvoke synchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window owner)
            using (ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog())
                progress.Text = title;
                MultipartAsyncOperation async = new MultipartAsyncOperation(synchronizeInvoke);
                async.AddProgressOperation(operation, new ProgressCategory(null, null), 100);
                progress.ProgressProvider = async;

                DialogResult result;
                if (!async.IsDone)
                    result = progress.ShowDialog(owner);
                    result = progress.DialogResult;

                if (result == DialogResult.Cancel)
                    throw new OperationCancelledException();
                else if (result == DialogResult.Abort)
                    throw async.Exception;
Example #4
        private void OpenSelectedBlob()
            var blob     = Grid.SelectedItem as CloudBlob;
            var tempFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), GetFileName(blob));

            var operation = new ProgressOperation()
                State   = OperationState.InProgress,
                Message = "Downloading blob ".ToConsoleString() + blob.Uri.ToString().ToConsoleString(ConsoleColor.Cyan)


            Application.MessagePump.QueueAsyncAction(blob.DownloadToFileAsync(tempFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate), (t) =>
                if (t.Exception != null)
                    operation.State   = OperationState.Failed;
                    operation.Message = "Failed to delete blob ".ToConsoleString() + blob.Uri.ToString().ToConsoleString(ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                    operation.Details = t.Exception.ToString().ToConsoleString();
                    operation.State   = OperationState.Completed;
                    operation.Message = "Fiinished downloading blob ".ToConsoleString() + blob.Uri.ToString().ToConsoleString(ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                    operation.Details = "The downloaded file is located here: ".ToConsoleString() + tempFile.ToConsoleString(ConsoleColor.Cyan);
Example #5
        public void Start()
            if (!CanStart)

            IsActive     = true;
            IsSuccessful = false;
            IsCanceled   = false;
            IsFailed     = false;

            Task.Run(async() =>
                // Create cancellation token source
                _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                // Create progress operation
                ProgressOperation = ProgressManager.CreateOperation();

                    // If download option is not set - get the best download option
                    if (DownloadOption == null)
                        DownloadOption = await _downloadService.GetBestDownloadOptionAsync(Video.Id, Format);

                    await _downloadService.DownloadVideoAsync(DownloadOption, FilePath, ProgressOperation, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

                    if (_settingsService.ShouldInjectTags)
                        await _taggingService.InjectTagsAsync(Video, Format, FilePath, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

                    if (SubtitleOption != null && SubtitleOption.ClosedCaptionTrackInfos.Any())
                        await _downloadService.DownloadSubtitleAsync(SubtitleOption, FilePath);

                    IsSuccessful = true;
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    IsCanceled = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    IsFailed   = true;
                    FailReason = ex.Message;
                    IsActive = false;

Example #6
 public ProgressWorker(ProgressOperation method, ProgressCategory category, ProgressOperationCompleted completedMethod, int progressSize, int progressTotal, IProgressHost progress)
     WorkerMethod       = method;
     _category          = category;
     CompletedMethod    = completedMethod;
     ProgressSize       = progressSize;
     ParentProgress     = progress;
     TotalProgressTicks = progressTotal;
 public ProgressWorker(ProgressOperation method, ProgressCategory category, ProgressOperationCompleted completedMethod, int progressSize, int progressTotal, IProgressHost progress)
     WorkerMethod = method;
     _category = category;
     CompletedMethod = completedMethod;
     ProgressSize = progressSize;
     ParentProgress = progress;
     TotalProgressTicks = progressTotal;
Example #8
        public void Start()
            if (!CanStart)

            IsActive     = true;
            IsSuccessful = false;
            IsCanceled   = false;
            IsFailed     = false;

            Task.Run(async() =>
                // Create cancellation token source
                _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                // Create progress operation
                ProgressOperation = ProgressManager.CreateOperation();

                    // daca nu sunt setate obtiuni de descarcare se foloseste setarea de baza
                    // descarca video
                    if (DownloadOption == null)
                        DownloadOption = await _downloadService.GetBestDownloadOptionAsync(Video.Id, Format);

                    await _downloadService.DownloadVideoAsync(DownloadOption, FilePath, ProgressOperation, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

                    if (_settingsService.ShouldInjectTags)
                        await _taggingService.InjectTagsAsync(Video, Format, FilePath, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

                    IsSuccessful = true;
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    IsCanceled = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    IsFailed   = true;
                    FailReason = ex.Message;
                    IsActive = false;

Example #9
        }         //

        static public ProgressWindow MakeProgressWindow(ProgressOperation operation)
            ProgressWindow win = new ProgressWindow();

            win.AutoClose = false;


Example #10
        }         //

        private void Cancel()
            if (this._operation != null)
                ProgressOperation op = this._operation;
                this.Operation = null;

Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Runs an operation asynchronously, with optional progress bar.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="operation"></param>
 /// <param name="showProgressWindow"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 static public async Task RunOperationAsync(ProgressOperation operation)
     try {
         await Task.Run((Action)operation.Run);
     } catch (Exception e) {
     } finally {
 }         // RunOperationAsync()
Example #12
		public void WatchProgress( ProgressOperation op ) {

			this.operation = op;
			if ( op != null ) {

				this.operation.ProgressChanged += this.OnProgress;
				this.UpdateDisplay( op.ProgressInformation );


Example #13
        public void ProgressOperation_Report_Disposed_Test()
            // Create operation
            var operation = new ProgressOperation();

            // Report completion

            // It shouldn't be possible to report progress anymore
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => operation.Report(0.5));
Example #14
		private void ProgressComplete() {

			if ( this.autoClose ) {

				if ( this.operation != null ) {
					this.operation.ProgressChanged -= this.OnProgress;
					this.operation = null;

Example #15
        private void UploadBlob()
            Dialog.ShowTextInput("Choose file".ToConsoleString(), (f) =>
                var operation = new ProgressOperation()
                    Message = "Uploading file ".ToConsoleString() + f.ToConsoleString(),
                    State   = OperationState.Scheduled


                if (File.Exists(f.ToString()) == false)
                    operation.State   = OperationState.Failed;
                    operation.Message = "File not found - ".ToConsoleString() + f;
                    Dialog.ShowTextInput("Enter blob prefix".ToConsoleString(), (pre) =>
                        var blobPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(pre.ToString(), System.IO.Path.GetFileName(f.ToString()));
                        var blob     = container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobPath);
                        Application.MessagePump.QueueAsyncAction(blob.UploadFromFileAsync(f.ToString(), FileMode.Open), (t) =>
                            if (t.Exception != null)
                                operation.State   = OperationState.Failed;
                                operation.Message = operation.Message = "Failed to upload file ".ToConsoleString() + f.ToConsoleString();
                                operation.Details = t.Exception.ToString().ToConsoleString();
                                operation.State   = OperationState.Completed;
                                operation.Message = operation.Message = "Finished uploading file ".ToConsoleString() + f.ToConsoleString();

                                if (Application != null && PageStack.CurrentPage == this)
                                         () =>
                        operation.State   = OperationState.CompletedWithWarnings;
                        operation.Message = "Cancelled uploading file ".ToConsoleString() + f.ToConsoleString();
Example #16
        public void Start()
            if (!CanStart)

            Task.Run(async() =>
                // Create cancellation token source
                _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                // Create progress operation
                ProgressOperation = ProgressManager.CreateOperation();

                    IsSuccessful = false;
                    IsCanceled   = false;
                    IsFailed     = false;
                    IsActive     = true;

                    // If download option is not set - get the best download option
                    if (DownloadOption == null)
                        DownloadOption = await _downloadService.GetBestDownloadOptionAsync(Video.Id, Format);

                    // Download
                    await _downloadService.DownloadVideoAsync(DownloadOption, FilePath, ProgressOperation, _cancellationTokenSource.Token);

                    IsSuccessful = true;
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    IsCanceled = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    IsFailed   = true;
                    FailReason = ex.Message;
                    IsActive = false;

Example #17
        public void ProgressOperation_Dispose_Test()
            // Create operation
            var operation = new ProgressOperation();

            // Assert initial state
            Assert.That(operation.IsCompleted, Is.False);

            // Report completion

            // Assert final state
            Assert.That(operation.IsCompleted, Is.True);
Example #18
        public void ProgressOperation_Report_Test()
            // Create operation
            var operation = new ProgressOperation();

            // Assert initial state
            Assert.That(operation.Progress, Is.Zero);

            // Report new progress
            const double newProgress = 0.5;


            // Assert final state
            Assert.That(operation.Progress, Is.EqualTo(newProgress));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new ProgressOperation to the list of work to perform and assigns the operation
        /// the number of ticks that it should take up in the overall operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="operation">the progress-compatible method that will do some work</param>
        /// <param name="completed">method called when the operation is completed</param>
        /// <param name="tickSize">an arbitrary number that should reflect the percentage of the work that will be done by this operation.
        /// Note: longer running operations should have a larger tick count than fast executing operations.</param>
        public void AddProgressOperation(ProgressOperation operation, ProgressCategory category, ProgressOperationCompleted completed, int tickSize)
            // if a category is being specified then the connected UI should know that
            // it can and should show categories
            if (category != null)
                showCategories = true;

            //wrap the operation with a ProgressWorker that can manage its execution
            ProgressWorker worker = new ProgressWorker(operation, category, completed, tickSize, 100, this);

            //add the worker to the list

            //add the ticks assigned to this task to the overall tick count
            totalProgressTicks += tickSize;
Example #20
        public void ProgressOperation_NotifyPropertyChanged_Test()
            // Create operation
            var operation = new ProgressOperation();

            // Subscribe to event
            var eventTriggerCount = 0;

            operation.PropertyChanged += (sender, args) => eventTriggerCount++;

            // Invoke changes

            // Assert that the event was triggered accordingly
            Assert.That(eventTriggerCount, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(3));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new ProgressOperation to the list of work to perform and assigns the operation
        /// the number of ticks that it should take up in the overall operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="operation">the progress-compatible method that will do some work</param>
        /// <param name="completed">method called when the operation is completed</param>
        /// <param name="tickSize">an arbitrary number that should reflect the percentage of the work that will be done by this operation.
        /// Note: longer running operations should have a larger tick count than fast executing operations.</param>
        public void AddProgressOperation(ProgressOperation operation, ProgressCategory category, ProgressOperationCompleted completed, int tickSize)
            // if a category is being specified then the connected UI should know that
            // it can and should show categories
            if (category != null)
                showCategories = true;

            //wrap the operation with a ProgressWorker that can manage its execution
            ProgressWorker worker = new ProgressWorker(operation, category, completed, tickSize, 100, this);

            //add the worker to the list

            //add the ticks assigned to this task to the overall tick count
            totalProgressTicks += tickSize;
        public int Progress(ref uint pdwCookie, int fInProgress, string pwszLabel, uint nComplete, uint nTotal)

            LastPwdCookie   = pdwCookie;
            LastfInProgress = fInProgress;
            LastLabel       = pwszLabel;
            LastnComplete   = nComplete;
            LastnTotal      = nTotal;

            if (pdwCookie == 0)
                pdwCookie = cookieToReturn;


            return(0);    // success
Example #23
        private void BeginDeleteSelectedEntityIfExists()
            if (Grid.SelectedItem == null)

            var rowKey = (Grid.SelectedItem as ITableEntity).RowKey;

            Dialog.ConfirmYesOrNo("Are you sure you want to delete entity ".ToConsoleString() + rowKey.ToConsoleString(ConsoleColor.Yellow) + "?", () =>
                var entityToDelete = Grid.SelectedItem as ITableEntity;

                ProgressOperation operation = new ProgressOperation()
                    State   = OperationState.InProgress,
                    Message = "Deleting entity ".ToConsoleString() + rowKey.ToConsoleString(Application.Theme.H1Color) + " from table " + table.Name,


                var applicationRef = Application;
                Application.QueueAsyncAction(table.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Delete(entityToDelete)), (t) =>
                    if (t.Exception != null)
                        operation.Message = "Failed to delete entity ".ToConsoleString(ConsoleColor.Red) + rowKey.ToConsoleString(applicationRef.Theme.H1Color) + " from table " + table.Name;
                        operation.Details = t.Exception.ToString().ToConsoleString();
                        operation.State   = OperationState.Failed;
                        operation.Message = "Finished deleting entity ".ToConsoleString() + rowKey.ToConsoleString(applicationRef.Theme.H1Color) + " from table " + table.Name;
                        operation.State   = OperationState.Completed;

                    Grid.NoVisibleColumnsMessage = "Loading...";
Example #24
        public virtual bool Send()
            if (!Program2.SiteOptions.NetworkEnabled)

            progress = ProgressScreen.RegisterOperation();

                // If security is turned on, We need to have an Index from the server in order to proceed
                if (secure && Community.SymmetricIndex == null)
                    Hello hello = new Hello(Callback_Hello, null);
                    if (ISend())
        public static DialogResult ExecuteWithProgress(string title, ProgressOperation operation, ISynchronizeInvoke synchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window owner)
            using (ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog())
                progress.Text = title;
                MultipartAsyncOperation async = new MultipartAsyncOperation(synchronizeInvoke);
                async.AddProgressOperation(operation, new ProgressCategory(null, null), 100);
                progress.ProgressProvider = async;

                DialogResult result;
                if (!async.IsDone)
                    result = progress.ShowDialog(owner);
                    result = progress.DialogResult;

                if (result == DialogResult.Cancel)
                    throw new OperationCancelledException();
                else if (result == DialogResult.Abort)
                    throw async.Exception;
                    return result;
Example #26
 public ProgressVM(ProgressOperation operation)
     this.Operation = operation;
 }         //
 public ProgressWorker(ProgressOperation method, int progressSize, int progressTotal, IProgressHost progress)
     : this(method, null, null, progressSize, progressTotal, progress)
 public ProgressWorker(ProgressOperation method, ProgressOperationCompleted completedMethod, int progressSize, int progressTotal, IProgressHost progress)
     : this(method, null, completedMethod, progressSize, progressTotal, progress)
Example #29
 public void MarkAsCompleted()
     IsCompleted = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new ProgressOperation to the list of work to perform and assigns the operation
 /// the number of ticks that it should take up in the overall operation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="operation">the progress-compatible method that will do some work</param>
 /// <param name="tickSize">an arbitrary number that should reflect the percentage of the work that will be done by this operation.
 /// Note: longer running operations should have a larger tick count than fast executing operations.</param>
 public void AddProgressOperation(ProgressOperation operation, ProgressCategory progressCategory, int tickSize)
     AddProgressOperation(operation, progressCategory, null, tickSize);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new ProgressOperation to the list of work to perform and assigns the operation
 /// the number of ticks that it should take up in the overall operation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="operation">the progress-compatible method that will do some work</param>
 /// <param name="tickSize">an arbitrary number that should reflect the percentage of the work that will be done by this operation.
 /// Note: longer running operations should have a larger tick count than fast executing operations.</param>
 public void AddProgressOperation(ProgressOperation operation, int tickSize)
     AddProgressOperation(operation, null, null, tickSize);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new ProgressOperation to the list of work to perform and assigns the operation
 /// the number of ticks that it should take up in the overall operation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="operation">the progress-compatible method that will do some work</param>
 /// <param name="completed">method called when the operation is completed</param>
 /// <param name="tickSize">an arbitrary number that should reflect the percentage of the work that will be done by this operation.
 /// Note: longer running operations should have a larger tick count than fast executing operations.</param>
 public void AddProgressOperation(ProgressOperation operation, ProgressOperationCompleted completed, int tickSize)
     AddProgressOperation(operation, null, completed, tickSize);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new ProgressOperation to the list of work to perform and assigns the operation
 /// the number of ticks that it should take up in the overall operation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="operation">the progress-compatible method that will do some work</param>
 /// <param name="completed">method called when the operation is completed</param>
 /// <param name="tickSize">an arbitrary number that should reflect the percentage of the work that will be done by this operation.
 /// Note: longer running operations should have a larger tick count than fast executing operations.</param>
 public void AddProgressOperation(ProgressOperation operation, ProgressOperationCompleted completed, int tickSize)
     AddProgressOperation(operation, null, completed, tickSize);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new ProgressOperation to the list of work to perform and assigns the operation
 /// the number of ticks that it should take up in the overall operation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="operation">the progress-compatible method that will do some work</param>
 /// <param name="tickSize">an arbitrary number that should reflect the percentage of the work that will be done by this operation.
 /// Note: longer running operations should have a larger tick count than fast executing operations.</param>
 public void AddProgressOperation(ProgressOperation operation, int tickSize)
     AddProgressOperation(operation, null, null, tickSize);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new ProgressOperation to the list of work to perform and assigns the operation
 /// the number of ticks that it should take up in the overall operation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="operation">the progress-compatible method that will do some work</param>
 /// <param name="tickSize">an arbitrary number that should reflect the percentage of the work that will be done by this operation.
 /// Note: longer running operations should have a larger tick count than fast executing operations.</param>
 public void AddProgressOperation(ProgressOperation operation, ProgressCategory progressCategory, int tickSize)
     AddProgressOperation(operation, progressCategory, null, tickSize);
 public static DialogResult ExecuteWithProgress(string title, ProgressOperation operation, Control control)
     return ExecuteWithProgress(title, operation, control, control.FindForm());
 public ProgressWorker(ProgressOperation method, ProgressCategory category, int progressSize, int progressTotal, IProgressHost progress)
     : this(method, category, null, progressSize, progressTotal, progress)
 public static DialogResult ExecuteWithProgress(string title, ProgressOperation operation, Control control)
     return(ExecuteWithProgress(title, operation, control, control.FindForm()));
Example #39
 public ProgressWorker(ProgressOperation method, ProgressCategory category, int progressSize, int progressTotal, IProgressHost progress)
     : this(method, category, null, progressSize, progressTotal, progress)
Example #40
 public ProgressWorker(ProgressOperation method, ProgressOperationCompleted completedMethod, int progressSize, int progressTotal, IProgressHost progress)
     : this(method, null, completedMethod, progressSize, progressTotal, progress)