/// <summary>
        /// Called from context menu of Solution Explorer, processes given list of ProjectItems
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedItems">Items selected in Solution Explorer - to be searched</param>
        /// <param name="verbose">True if processing info should be printed to the output</param>
        public override void Process(Array selectedItems, bool verbose)
            if (verbose)
                VLOutputWindow.VisualLocalizerPane.WriteLine("Batch Move to Resources command started on selected items from Solution Explorer");
            if (verbose)

            try {
                Results = new List <CodeStringResultItem>();

                base.Process(selectedItems, verbose);

                // remove empty strings
                Results.RemoveAll((item) => { return(item.Value.Trim().Length == 0); });

                // set each source file as readonly
                Results.ForEach((item) => {
                    VLDocumentViewsManager.SetFileReadonly(item.SourceItem.GetFullPath(), true);
            } finally {
                if (verbose)

            if (verbose)
                VLOutputWindow.VisualLocalizerPane.WriteLine("Batch Move to Resources completed - found {0} items to be moved", Results.Count);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called from context menu of a code file, processes selected block of code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verbose">True if processing info should be printed to the output</param>
        public override void ProcessSelection(bool verbose)

            if (verbose)
                VLOutputWindow.VisualLocalizerPane.WriteLine("Batch Inline command started on text selection of active document ");
            if (verbose)

            try {
                Results = new List <CodeReferenceResultItem>();

                Process(currentlyProcessedItem, IntersectsWithSelection, verbose);

                // remove items laying outside the selection
                Results.RemoveAll((item) => {

                // set each source file as readonly
                Results.ForEach((item) => {
                    VLDocumentViewsManager.SetFileReadonly(item.SourceItem.GetFullPath(), true);
            } finally {
                // clear cached data

                if (verbose)
            if (verbose)
                VLOutputWindow.VisualLocalizerPane.WriteLine("Found {0} items to be moved", Results.Count);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called from context menu of a code file, processes selected block of code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verbose">True if processing info should be printed to the output</param>
        public override void ProcessSelection(bool verbose)
            base.ProcessSelection(verbose); // initialize class variables

            if (verbose)
                VLOutputWindow.VisualLocalizerPane.WriteLine("Batch Move to Resources command started on text selection of active document ");
            if (verbose)

            try {
                Results = new List <CodeStringResultItem>();

                Process(currentlyProcessedItem, IntersectsWithSelection, verbose); // process active document, leaving only those items that have non-empty intersection with the selection

                // remove empty strings and result items laying outside the selection
                Results.RemoveAll((item) => {
                    bool empty = item.Value.Trim().Length == 0;
                    return(empty || IsItemOutsideSelection(item));

                // set each source file as readonly
                Results.ForEach((item) => {
                    VLDocumentViewsManager.SetFileReadonly(item.SourceItem.GetFullPath(), true);
            } finally {
                if (verbose)

            if (verbose)
                VLOutputWindow.VisualLocalizerPane.WriteLine("Found {0} items to be moved", Results.Count);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called from context menu of a code file, processes current document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verbose">True if processing info should be printed to the output</param>
        public override void Process(bool verbose)
            base.Process(verbose); // initialize class variables

            if (verbose)
                VLOutputWindow.VisualLocalizerPane.WriteLine("Batch Inline command started on active document... ");
            if (verbose)

            try {
                Results = new List <CodeReferenceResultItem>();

                Process(currentlyProcessedItem, verbose);

                // set each source file as readonly
                Results.ForEach((item) => {
                    VLDocumentViewsManager.SetFileReadonly(item.SourceItem.GetFullPath(), true);
            } finally {
                // clear cached data

                if (verbose)
            if (verbose)
                VLOutputWindow.VisualLocalizerPane.WriteLine("Found {0} items to be moved", Results.Count);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called from context menu of a code file, processes current document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verbose">True if processing info should be printed to the output</param>
        public override void Process(bool verbose)
            base.Process(verbose); // initialize class variables

            if (verbose)
                VLOutputWindow.VisualLocalizerPane.WriteLine("Batch Move to Resources command started on active document... ");
            if (verbose)

            try {
                Results = new List <CodeStringResultItem>();

                Process(currentlyProcessedItem, verbose);                                // process active document

                Results.RemoveAll((item) => { return(item.Value.Trim().Length == 0); }); // remove empty strings

                // set each source file as readonly
                Results.ForEach((item) => {
                    VLDocumentViewsManager.SetFileReadonly(item.SourceItem.GetFullPath(), true);
            } finally {
                if (verbose)

            if (verbose)
                VLOutputWindow.VisualLocalizerPane.WriteLine("Found {0} items to be moved", Results.Count);
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the command, taking array of selected project items as a parameter
        /// </summary>
        public void Process(Array array)
            try {

                // find all ResX files contained within selected project items
                List <GlobalTranslateProjectItem> resxFiles = new List <GlobalTranslateProjectItem>();
                foreach (UIHierarchyItem o in array)
                    if (o.Object is ProjectItem)
                        ProjectItem item = (ProjectItem)o.Object;
                        SearchForResxFiles(item, resxFiles);
                    else if (o.Object is Project)
                        Project proj = (Project)o.Object;
                        SearchForResxFiles(proj.ProjectItems, resxFiles);
                    else if (o.Object is Solution)
                        Solution s = (Solution)o.Object;
                        SearchForResxFiles(s.Projects, resxFiles);
                        throw new Exception("Unexpected project item type: " + o.Object.GetVisualBasicType());

                // display form, allowing user to choose source and target language and select ResX files, where translation should be performed
                GlobalTranslateForm form = new GlobalTranslateForm(resxFiles);
                if (form.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    List <AbstractTranslateInfoItem> data = new List <AbstractTranslateInfoItem>();
                    try {
                        // collect string data from checked ResX files
                        foreach (GlobalTranslateProjectItem item in resxFiles)
                            if (item.Checked)
                                AddDataForTranslation(item, data);

                        // translate collected data using given language pair
                        TranslationHandler.Translate(data, form.Provider, form.LanguagePair.FromLanguage, form.LanguagePair.ToLanguage);

                        // replace original texts with the translated ones
                        foreach (AbstractTranslateInfoItem i in data)
                    } finally {
                        // unloads all ResX files that were originally closed
                        foreach (ResXProjectItem item in loadedResxItems)
            } finally {
                MenuManager.OperationInProgress = false;