protected void OnProgramSelBoxChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (ProgramSelBox.Active) { case 0: ProgramPathLabel.LabelProp = "Path to RawTherapee:"; ProgramPathChoose.SetFilename(RTpath); break; case 1: MessageBox.Show("Lightroom is not supported yet, please use RawTherapee instead", Gtk.MessageType.Warning, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok); //temporary ProgramPathLabel.LabelProp = "Path to Lightroom:"; ProgramPathChoose.SetFilename(LRpath); break; default: ProgramUseLabel.LabelProp = "Path to Program"; break; } }
public Settings() { try { this.Build(); if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { Gtk.FileFilter filter = new Gtk.FileFilter(); filter.Name = "Executable"; filter.AddMimeType("Executable/exe"); filter.AddPattern("*.exe"); ProgramPathChoose.AddFilter(filter); } KeepPPChkBox.Active = MySettings.KeepPP; AutothreadsChkBox.Active = MySettings.AutoThreads; if (MySettings.AutoThreads == true) { ThreadcountSpin.Sensitive = false; } else { ThreadcountSpin.Sensitive = true; } ThreadcountSpin.Value = MySettings.Threads; ProgramPathChoose.SetFilename(MySettings.ProgramPath); QualitySpin.Value = MySettings.JPGQuality; CompressChkBox.Active = MySettings.TiffCompress; ProgramSelBox.Active = MySettings.Program; RTpath = MySettings.RT; LRpath = MySettings.LR; switch (MySettings.Program) { case 0: ProgramPathLabel.LabelProp = "Path to Rawtherapee:"; ProgramPathChoose.SetFilename(RTpath); break; case 1: ProgramPathLabel.LabelProp = "Path to Lightroom:"; ProgramPathChoose.SetFilename(LRpath); break; } switch (MySettings.SavingFormat) { case (0): SavingFormatBox.Active = 0; CompressChkBox.Sensitive = false; return; case (1): SavingFormatBox.Active = 1; CompressChkBox.Sensitive = false; BitDepthBox.Active = MySettings.BitDepthPNG; return; case (2): SavingFormatBox.Active = 2; CompressChkBox.Sensitive = true; BitDepthBox.Active = MySettings.BitDepthTiff; return; } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorReport.ReportError("Init (Settings)", ex); } }