Example #1
        public async Task SaveProfitAndLoss(ProfitAndLoss pnl)
            _log.LogInformation($"Adding pnl for {pnl.Pair} to database");

            var contextProfitAndLosses = _context.ProfitAndLosses;
            await contextProfitAndLosses.AddAsync(pnl);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
Example #2
        public static ProfitAndLoss GetProfitAndLossForPair(IEnumerable <Trade> trades, Currency currency)
            var tradeList = trades.ToList();

            decimal totalBought = 0;
            decimal totalSold   = 0;

            decimal totalBuyCost  = 0;
            decimal totalSellCost = 0;
            decimal commisssion   = 0;

            foreach (var trade in tradeList)
                if (trade.Side == TradeSide.Buy)
                    totalBought  = totalBought + trade.QuantityOfTrade;
                    totalBuyCost = totalBuyCost + trade.Cost;

                if (trade.Side == TradeSide.Sell)
                    totalSold     = totalSold + trade.QuantityOfTrade;
                    totalSellCost = totalSellCost + trade.Cost;
                commisssion = commisssion + trade.Commission;

            decimal averageBuy  = 0;
            decimal averageSell = 0;

                averageBuy  = totalBuyCost / totalBought;
                averageSell = totalSellCost / totalSold;
            catch (Exception)
                // TODO: Should log a could not divide by 0;

            var remaining = totalBought - totalSold;

            var profitAndLoss = new ProfitAndLoss
                AverageBuyPrice  = averageBuy,
                AverageSellPrice = averageSell,
                UnrealisedProfit = totalSellCost - totalBuyCost,
                Profit           = (totalSellCost - totalBuyCost) - (averageBuy * remaining),
                Base             = currency.Base,
                Terms            = currency.Terms,
                QuantitySold     = totalSold,
                QuantityBought   = totalBought,
                CommissionPaid   = commisssion

Example #3
        public static ProfitAndLoss GetProfitAndLossForPair(IEnumerable <Trade> trades, string ccy1, string ccy2)
            decimal totalBought = 0;
            decimal totalSold   = 0;

            decimal totalBuyCost  = 0;
            decimal totalSellCost = 0;
            decimal commisssion   = 0;

            foreach (var trade in trades)
                if (trade.Side == TradeSide.Buy)
                    totalBought  = totalBought + trade.QuantityOfTrade;
                    totalBuyCost = totalBuyCost + trade.Cost;

                if (trade.Side == TradeSide.Sell)
                    if (trade.Side == TradeSide.Sell)
                        totalSold     = totalSold + trade.QuantityOfTrade;
                        totalSellCost = totalSellCost + trade.Cost;

                commisssion = commisssion + trade.Commission;

            decimal averageBuy  = 0;
            decimal averageSell = 0;

                averageBuy  = totalBuyCost / totalBought;
                averageSell = totalSellCost / totalSold;
            catch (Exception)
                // TODO: Should log a could not divide by 0;

            var profitAndLoss = new ProfitAndLoss
                AverageBuyPrice  = averageBuy,
                AverageSellPrice = averageSell,
                Profit           = totalBuyCost - totalSellCost,
                Base             = ccy1,
                Terms            = ccy2,
                QuantitySold     = totalSold,
                QuantityBought   = totalBought,
                CommissionPaid   = commisssion

Example #4
 private static void Chapater2()
     Chapter_02.ProfitAndLoss chapter2 = new ProfitAndLoss();
Example #5
 public void SaveProfitAndLoss(ProfitAndLoss pnl)
     _log.LogInformation($"Adding pnl for {pnl.Pair} to database");
        public async Task <FileInfo> GetTradeExport()
            using (var xlPackage = new ExcelPackage())
                var pnlDict = new Dictionary <string, List <ProfitAndLoss> >();

                var pnlWorksheet      = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Pair PnL");
                var totalPnlWorksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Total PnL");

                var allPairs = await _databaseService.GetAllPairs();

                totalPnlWorksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Coin";
                totalPnlWorksheet.Cells["B1"].Value = "Unrealised Profit";
                totalPnlWorksheet.Cells["C1"].Value = "Realised Profit";

                pnlWorksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Base";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["B1"].Value = "Terms";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["C1"].Value = "Unrealised Profit in Base CCY";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["D1"].Value = "Realised Profit in Base CCY";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["E1"].Value = "Average Buy Price";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["F1"].Value = "Average Sell Price";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["G1"].Value = "Commission Paid";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["H1"].Value = "Quantity Bought";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["I1"].Value = "Quantity Sold";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["J1"].Value = "Quantity Remaining";

                int lastPairProfitRow = 2;
                foreach (var currency in allPairs)
                    var excelWorksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(currency.ToString());

                    var allTradesForCurrency = _databaseService.GetAllTradesFor(currency);
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Id";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["B1"].Value = "Timestamp";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["C1"].Value = "Base";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["D1"].Value = "Terms";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["E1"].Value = "Side";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["F1"].Value = "Limit";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["G1"].Value = "Quantity";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["H1"].Value = "Quantity Remaining";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["I1"].Value = "Abs Quantity";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["J1"].Value = "Cost";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["K1"].Value = "Abs Cost";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["L1"].Value = "Commission";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["M1"].Value = "Exchange";

                    var i = 2;

                    foreach (var trade in allTradesForCurrency)
                        var costAbs = trade.Cost;
                        if (trade.Side == TradeSide.Buy)
                            costAbs = -costAbs;

                        excelWorksheet.Cells["A" + i].Value = trade.ExchangeId;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["B" + i].Value = trade.Timestamp;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["C" + i].Value = trade.Base;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["D" + i].Value = trade.Terms;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["E" + i].Value = trade.Side;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["F" + i].Value = trade.Limit;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["G" + i].Value = trade.Quantity;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["H" + i].Value = trade.QuantityRemaining;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["I" + i].Value = trade.QuantityOfTrade;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["J" + i].Value = trade.Cost;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["K" + i].Value = costAbs;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["L" + i].Value = trade.Commission;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["M" + i].Value = trade.Exchange;


                    ProfitAndLoss pnl = ProfitCalculator.GetProfitAndLossForPair(allTradesForCurrency, currency);
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["A" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.Base;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["B" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.Terms;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["C" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.UnrealisedProfit;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["D" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.Profit;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["E" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.AverageBuyPrice;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["F" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.AverageSellPrice;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["G" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.CommissionPaid;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["H" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.QuantityBought;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["I" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.QuantitySold;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["J" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.Remaining;

                    if (pnlDict.Keys.Contains(pnl.Base))
                        var list = new List <ProfitAndLoss> {
                        pnlDict[pnl.Base] = list;


                int rowNumber = 2;
                foreach (var pnlPair in pnlDict)
                    decimal realisedPnl   = 0m;
                    decimal unrelaisedPnl = 0m;

                    foreach (var profitAndLoss in pnlPair.Value)
                        realisedPnl   = realisedPnl + profitAndLoss.Profit;
                        unrelaisedPnl = realisedPnl + profitAndLoss.UnrealisedProfit;

                    totalPnlWorksheet.Cells["A" + rowNumber].Value = pnlPair.Key;
                    totalPnlWorksheet.Cells["B" + rowNumber].Value = unrelaisedPnl;
                    totalPnlWorksheet.Cells["C" + rowNumber].Value = realisedPnl;


                var path     = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\temp_trade_export.xlsx";
                var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path);

        public FileInfo GetTradeExport()
            using (var xlPackage = new ExcelPackage())
                var pnlWorksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Profit and Loss");

                var allPairs = _databaseService.GetAllPairs();

                pnlWorksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Base";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["B1"].Value = "Terms";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["C1"].Value = "Unrealised Profit in Base CCY";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["D1"].Value = "Realised Profit in Base CCY";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["E1"].Value = "Average Buy Price";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["F1"].Value = "Average Sell Price";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["G1"].Value = "Commission Paid";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["H1"].Value = "Quantity Bought";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["I1"].Value = "Quantity Sold";
                pnlWorksheet.Cells["J1"].Value = "Quantity Remaining";

                int lastPairProfitRow = 2;
                foreach (var currency in allPairs)
                    var excelWorksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(currency.ToString());

                    var allTradesForCurrency = _databaseService.GetAllTradesFor(currency);
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Id";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["B1"].Value = "Timestamp";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["C1"].Value = "Base";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["D1"].Value = "Terms";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["E1"].Value = "Side";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["F1"].Value = "Limit";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["G1"].Value = "Quantity";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["H1"].Value = "Quantity Remaining";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["I1"].Value = "Abs Quantity";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["J1"].Value = "Cost";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["K1"].Value = "Abs Cost";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["L1"].Value = "Commission";
                    excelWorksheet.Cells["M1"].Value = "Exchange";

                    var i = 2;

                    foreach (var trade in allTradesForCurrency)
                        var costAbs = trade.Cost;
                        if (trade.Side == TradeSide.Buy)
                            costAbs = -costAbs;

                        excelWorksheet.Cells["A" + i].Value = trade.ExchangeId;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["B" + i].Value = trade.TimeStamp;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["C" + i].Value = trade.Base;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["D" + i].Value = trade.Terms;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["E" + i].Value = trade.Side;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["F" + i].Value = trade.Limit;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["G" + i].Value = trade.Quantity;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["H" + i].Value = trade.QuantityRemaining;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["I" + i].Value = trade.QuantityOfTrade;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["J" + i].Value = trade.Cost;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["K" + i].Value = costAbs;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["L" + i].Value = trade.Commission;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells["M" + i].Value = trade.Exchange;


                    ProfitAndLoss pnl = ProfitCalculator.GetProfitAndLossForPair(allTradesForCurrency, currency);
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["A" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.Base;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["B" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.Terms;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["C" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.UnrealisedProfit;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["D" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.Profit;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["E" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.AverageBuyPrice;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["F" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.AverageSellPrice;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["G" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.CommissionPaid;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["H" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.QuantityBought;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["I" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.QuantitySold;
                    pnlWorksheet.Cells["J" + lastPairProfitRow].Value = pnl.Remaining;


                var path     = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\temp_trade_export.xlsx";
                var fileInfo = new FileInfo(path);
