Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Registriert diese Aufzeichnung in einer Planungsinstanz.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scheduler">Die zu verwendende Planungsinstanz.</param>
        /// <param name="job">Der zugehörige Auftrag.</param>
        /// <param name="devices">Die Liste der Geräte, auf denen die Aufzeichnung ausgeführt werden darf.</param>
        /// <param name="findSource">Dient zum Prüfen einer Quelle.</param>
        /// <param name="disabled">Alle deaktivierten Aufträge.</param>
        /// <param name="context">Die aktuelle Planungsumgebung.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Es wurden nicht alle Parameter angegeben.</exception>
        public void AddToScheduler(RecordingScheduler scheduler, VCRJob job, IScheduleResource[] devices, Func <SourceSelection, SourceSelection> findSource, Func <Guid, bool> disabled, PlanContext context)
            // Validate
            if (scheduler == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(scheduler));
            if (job == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(job));
            if (findSource == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(findSource));

            // Let VCR.NET choose a profile to do the work
            if (job.AutomaticResourceSelection)
                devices = null;

            // Create the source selection
            var persistedSource = Source ?? job.Source;
            var selection       = findSource(persistedSource);

            // Station no longer available
            if (selection == null)
                if (persistedSource != null)
                    selection =
                        new SourceSelection
                        DisplayName = persistedSource.DisplayName,
                        ProfileName = persistedSource.ProfileName,
                        Location    = persistedSource.Location,
                        Group       = persistedSource.Group,
                        Source      =
                            new Station
                            TransportStream = persistedSource.Source?.TransportStream ?? 0,
                            Network         = persistedSource.Source?.Network ?? 0,
                            Service         = persistedSource.Source?.Service ?? 0,
                            Name            = persistedSource.DisplayName,

            // See if we are allowed to process
            var identifier = UniqueID.Value;

            if (disabled != null)
                if (disabled(identifier))

            // Load all
            var name          = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) ? job.Name : $"{job.Name} ({Name})";
            var source        = ProfileScheduleResource.CreateSource(selection);
            var duration      = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(Duration);
            var noStartBefore = NoStartBefore;
            var start         = FirstStart;

            // Check repetition
            var repeat = CreateRepeatPattern();

            if (repeat == null)
                // Only if not being recorded
                if (!noStartBefore.HasValue)
                    scheduler.Add(RecordingDefinition.Create(this, name, identifier, devices, source, start, duration));
                // See if we have to adjust the start day
                if (noStartBefore.HasValue)
                    // Attach to the limit - actually we shift it a bit further assuming that we did have no large exception towards the past and the duration is moderate
                    var startAfter    = noStartBefore.Value.AddHours(12);
                    var startAfterDay = startAfter.ToLocalTime().Date;

                    // Localize the start time
                    var startTime = start.ToLocalTime().TimeOfDay;

                    // First adjust
                    start = (startAfterDay + startTime).ToUniversalTime();

                    // One more day
                    if (start < startAfter)
                        start = (startAfterDay.AddDays(1) + startTime).ToUniversalTime();

                // Read the rest
                var exceptions = Exceptions.Select(e => e.ToPlanException(duration)).ToArray();
                var endDay     = LastDay.GetValueOrDefault(MaxMovableDay);

                // A bit more complex
                if (start.Date <= endDay.Date)
                    scheduler.Add(RecordingDefinition.Create(this, name, identifier, devices, source, start, duration, endDay, repeat), exceptions);