Example #1
 // Tab Two Changed (by using ALL, EDIT, ADD btn): change UI appearance accordingly
 private void twoTab_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     twoBtnViewAll.BackColor = Color.DarkCyan;;
     twoBtnEdit.BackColor    = Color.DarkCyan;
     twoBtnAdd.BackColor     = Color.DarkCyan;
     twoBtnSave.Visible      = true;
     if (twoTab.SelectedIndex == 0)
         twoBtnSave.Visible = false;
         // 'ALL' tab, load all Product Supplier data and fill DataSource
         _psList = Products_suppliersDB.GetAllProductSupplierWithNames().OrderBy(ps => ps.ProdName).ToList();
         // use List to make a SortableBindingList
         var _sortableList = new SortableBindingList <ProductSupplierWithName>(_psList);
         productSupplierWithNameBindingSource.DataSource = _sortableList;
         // databinding for combo boxes
         suppliersBindingSource.DataSource = SuppliersDB.GetSuppliers().OrderBy(s => s.SupName);
         productsBindingSource.DataSource  = ProductsDB.GetProducts();
     else if (twoTab.SelectedIndex == 2)
         // 'ADD' tab
         // select nothing when load
         twoCmbAddProdName.SelectedIndex = -1;
         twoCmbAddSuppName.SelectedIndex = -1;
     // 'EDIT' tab
Example #2
        // dropdown list selected: filter for second dropdown list
        private void twoCmbAddProdName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        {   // if nothing selected, return
            if (twoCmbAddProdName.SelectedIndex == -1)
            // filtering
            var suppliers = SuppliersDB.GetSuppliers();
            var prodSupps = Products_suppliersDB.GetProductsSuppliers();
            var _psHasIds = prodSupps.FindAll(ps => ps.ProductId == (int)twoCmbAddProdName.SelectedValue).Select(ps => ps.SupplierId);
            List <Suppliers> filteredSupp = new List <Suppliers>();

            foreach (var supp in suppliers)
                if (!_psHasIds.Contains(supp.SupplierId))

            suppliersBindingSource.DataSource = filteredSupp;
            twoCmbAddSuppName.SelectedIndex   = -1;
Example #3
        // SAVE btn clicked: update or add new
        private void twoBtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (twoTab.SelectedIndex == 1)  // EDIT MODE
                // get the current Product_supplier obj in order to compare with new one
                var currentPS = Products_suppliersDB.GetProductsSuppliers()
                                .SingleOrDefault(ps => ps.ProductSupplierId == Convert.ToInt32(twoTxtProdSuppId.Text));
                // create new Product_supplier obj using user's change
                var newProdSupp = new Products_suppliers
                    ProductId  = Convert.ToInt32(twoCmbProdName.SelectedValue),
                    SupplierId = Convert.ToInt32(twoCmbSupName.SelectedValue)
                // compare old and new, see if there is any change
                if (currentPS.ProductId == newProdSupp.ProductId &&
                    currentPS.SupplierId == newProdSupp.SupplierId)
                    // no change, show message
                    MessageBox.Show("No change were found.", "Please make changes");
                    //  have change, try to update database
                        var rowsAffected = Products_suppliersDB.UpdateProductSupplier(currentPS, newProdSupp);
                        MessageBox.Show(rowsAffected + " record is successfully updated.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
            else if (twoTab.SelectedIndex == 2) // ADD MODE
                // do validation, make sure user select Product and Supplier
                if (twoCmbAddProdName.SelectedIndex < 0 ||
                    twoCmbAddSuppName.SelectedIndex < 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Required data missing.", "Please choose Product and Supplier");
                    twoCmbAddProdName.SelectedIndex = -1;
                    twoCmbAddSuppName.SelectedIndex = -1;

                // create new Product_supplier obj using user's choices
                var newProdSupp = new Products_suppliers
                    ProductId  = Convert.ToInt32(twoCmbAddProdName.SelectedValue),
                    SupplierId = Convert.ToInt32(twoCmbAddSuppName.SelectedValue)
                // try to insert new obj
                    var newId = Products_suppliersDB.AddProductSupplier(newProdSupp);
                    MessageBox.Show($"Product Supplier was successfully added, new record id: {newId}.", "Congratulations");
                catch (Exception ex)