/// <summary>
        ///     Send data through epic network.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">The person we want to send data to.</param>
        /// <param name="msgBuffer">The data we are sending.</param>
        /// <param name="channel">The channel we are going to send data on.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool Send(ProductUserId host, byte[] msgBuffer, int channel)
            bool sent = EpicManager.P2PInterface.SendPacket(new SendPacketOptions
                AllowDelayedDelivery = true,
                Channel      = (byte)channel,
                Data         = msgBuffer,
                LocalUserId  = EpicManager.AccountId.ProductUserId,
                Reliability  = Options.Channels[channel],
                RemoteUserId = host,
                SocketId     = SocketName
            }) == Result.Success;

            if (sent)
                if (Transport.transportDebug)
                    DebugLogger.RegularDebugLog("[Client] - Packet sent successfully.");
                if (Transport.transportDebug)
                    DebugLogger.RegularDebugLog("[Client] - Packet failed to send.");

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Receive the next packet for the local user, and information associated with this packet, if it exists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">Information about who is requesting the size of their next packet, and how much data can be stored safely</param>
        /// <param name="outPeerId">The Remote User who sent data. Only set if there was a packet to receive.</param>
        /// <param name="outSocketId">The Socket ID of the data that was sent. Only set if there was a packet to receive.</param>
        /// <param name="outChannel">The channel the data was sent on. Only set if there was a packet to receive.</param>
        /// <param name="outData">Buffer to store the data being received. Must be at least <see cref="GetNextReceivedPacketSize" /> in length or data will be truncated</param>
        /// <param name="outBytesWritten">The amount of bytes written to OutData. Only set if there was a packet to receive.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <see cref="Result" />::<see cref="Result.Success" /> - If the packet was received successfully
        /// <see cref="Result" />::<see cref="Result.InvalidParameters" /> - If input was invalid
        /// <see cref="Result" />::<see cref="Result.NotFound" /> - If there are no packets available for the requesting user
        /// </returns>
        public Result ReceivePacket(ReceivePacketOptions options, out ProductUserId outPeerId, out SocketId outSocketId, out byte outChannel, out byte[] outData)
            System.IntPtr optionsAddress = new System.IntPtr();
            Helper.TryMarshalSet <ReceivePacketOptionsInternal, ReceivePacketOptions>(ref optionsAddress, options);

            var outPeerIdAddress = System.IntPtr.Zero;

            var outSocketIdInternal = Helper.GetDefault <SocketIdInternal>();

            outChannel = Helper.GetDefault <byte>();

            System.IntPtr outDataAddress  = System.IntPtr.Zero;
            uint          outBytesWritten = MaxPacketSize;

            Helper.TryMarshalAllocate(ref outDataAddress, outBytesWritten);

            var funcResult = EOS_P2P_ReceivePacket(InnerHandle, optionsAddress, ref outPeerIdAddress, ref outSocketIdInternal, ref outChannel, outDataAddress, ref outBytesWritten);

            Helper.TryMarshalDispose(ref optionsAddress);

            Helper.TryMarshalGet(outPeerIdAddress, out outPeerId);

            Helper.TryMarshalGet(outSocketIdInternal, out outSocketId);

            Helper.TryMarshalGet(outDataAddress, out outData, outBytesWritten);
            Helper.TryMarshalDispose(ref outDataAddress);

 public EpicMessage(ProductUserId connectionId, int channel, InternalMessage eventType, byte[] data)
     EventType    = eventType;
     Data         = data;
     ConnectionId = connectionId;
     Channel      = channel;
Example #4
        protected override void OnReceiveData(byte[] data, ProductUserId clientUserId, int channel)
            if (ignoreAllMessages)

            if (epicToMirrorIds.TryGetValue(clientUserId, out ulong connectionId))
                transport.OnCommonDataReceived.Invoke(connectionId, data, channel);
                //OnReceivedData.Invoke(connectionId, data, channel);
                SocketId socketId;
                epicToSocketIds.TryGetValue(clientUserId, out socketId);
                CloseP2PSessionWithUser(clientUserId, socketId);

                string productId;
                clientUserId.ToString(out productId);

                Debug.LogError("Data received from epic client thats not known " + productId);
                transport.OnCommonErrored.Invoke(0, new Exception("ERROR Unknown product ID"));
Example #5
        protected override void OnReceiveInternalData(InternalMessages type, ProductUserId clientUserId) {
            switch (type) {
                case InternalMessages.CONNECT:
                    if (epicToMirrorIds.Count >= maxConnections) {
                        SendInternal(clientUserId, InternalMessages.DISCONNECT);

                    SendInternal(clientUserId, InternalMessages.ACCEPT_CONNECT);

                    int connectionId = nextConnectionID++;
                    epicToMirrorIds.Add(clientUserId, connectionId);
                    Debug.Log($"Client with Product User ID {clientUserId} connected. Assigning connection id {connectionId}");
                case InternalMessages.DISCONNECT:
                    if (epicToMirrorIds.TryGetValue(clientUserId, out int connId)) {
                        Debug.Log($"Client with Product User ID {clientUserId} disconnected.");
                    } else {
                        OnReceivedError.Invoke(-1, new Exception("ERROR Unknown Product User ID"));

                    Debug.Log("Received unknown message type");
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// ログイン
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>タスク</returns>
        async UniTask _Login()
            var auth    = EOSComponent.auth;
            var con     = EOSComponent.connect;
            var authRes = await auth.Login(Epic.OnlineServices.Auth.LoginCredentialType.Developer, $"localhost:{inptDevPort.text}", inptDevName.text);

            if (authRes == null)

            var token = auth.CopyUserAuthToken(authRes.LocalUserId);

            if (token == null)

            var conRes = await con.Login(token.AccessToken, Epic.OnlineServices.Connect.ExternalCredentialType.Epic);

            if (conRes == null)

            m_localUserId = conRes.LocalUserId;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     Connect clients async to mirror backend.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uri">The address we want to connect to using steam ids.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override async UniTask <IConnection> ConnectAsync(Uri uri)
            if (!EpicManager.Initialized)
                if (Logger.logEnabled)
                    if (transportDebug)
                        DebugLogger.RegularDebugLog("Epic not initialized. Client could not be started.");


            _epicOptions.ConnectionAddress = ProductUserId.FromString(uri.Host);

            _client = new Client(this, _epicOptions, false);

            _client.Error += (errorCode, message) => Error?.Invoke(errorCode, message);

            await _client.ConnectAsync();

 private void FetchEpicAccountId()
     if (EOSSDKComponent.Initialized)
         productUserId = EOSSDKComponent.localUserProductId;
Example #9
        private void OnConnectInterfaceLogin(Epic.OnlineServices.Connect.LoginCallbackInfo loginCallbackInfo)
            if (loginCallbackInfo.ResultCode == Result.Success)
                Debug.Log("Connect Interface Login succeeded");

                string productIdString;
                Result result = loginCallbackInfo.LocalUserId.ToString(out productIdString);
                if (Result.Success == result)
                    Debug.Log("EOS User Product ID:" + productIdString);

                    localUserProductIdString = productIdString;
                    localUserProductId       = loginCallbackInfo.LocalUserId;

                initialized  = true;
                isConnecting = false;
                Debug.Log("Login returned " + loginCallbackInfo.ResultCode + "\nRetrying...");
                EOS.GetConnectInterface().CreateUser(new Epic.OnlineServices.Connect.CreateUserOptions()
                    ContinuanceToken = loginCallbackInfo.ContinuanceToken
                }, null, (Epic.OnlineServices.Connect.CreateUserCallbackInfo cb) => {
                    if (cb.ResultCode != Result.Success)
                        Debug.Log(cb.ResultCode); return;
                    localUserProductId = cb.LocalUserId;
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Receive the next packet for the local user, and information associated with this packet, if it exists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">Information about who is requesting the size of their next packet, and how much data can be stored safely</param>
        /// <param name="outPeerId">The Remote User who sent data. Only set if there was a packet to receive.</param>
        /// <param name="outSocketId">The Socket ID of the data that was sent. Only set if there was a packet to receive.</param>
        /// <param name="outChannel">The channel the data was sent on. Only set if there was a packet to receive.</param>
        /// <param name="outData">Buffer to store the data being received. Must be at least <see cref="GetNextReceivedPacketSize" /> in length or data will be truncated</param>
        /// <param name="outBytesWritten">The amount of bytes written to OutData. Only set if there was a packet to receive.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <see cref="Result" />::<see cref="Result.Success" /> - If the packet was received successfully
        /// <see cref="Result" />::<see cref="Result.InvalidParameters" /> - If input was invalid
        /// <see cref="Result" />::<see cref="Result.NotFound" /> - If there are no packets available for the requesting user
        /// </returns>
        public Result ReceivePacket(ReceivePacketOptions options, out ProductUserId outPeerId, out SocketId outSocketId, out byte outChannel, ref byte[] outData, out uint outBytesWritten)
            var optionsInternal = Helper.CopyProperties <ReceivePacketOptionsInternal>(options);

            outPeerId = Helper.GetDefault <ProductUserId>();

            var outPeerIdAddress = IntPtr.Zero;

            outSocketId = Helper.GetDefault <SocketId>();

            var outSocketIdInternal = new SocketIdInternal();

            outChannel = Helper.GetDefault <byte>();

            outBytesWritten = Helper.GetDefault <uint>();

            var funcResult = EOS_P2P_ReceivePacket(InnerHandle, ref optionsInternal, ref outPeerIdAddress, ref outSocketIdInternal, ref outChannel, outData, ref outBytesWritten);

            Helper.TryMarshalDispose(ref optionsInternal);

            Helper.TryMarshalGet(outPeerIdAddress, out outPeerId);
            outSocketId = Helper.CopyProperties <SocketId>(outSocketIdInternal);
            Helper.TryMarshalDispose(ref outSocketIdInternal);

            var funcResultReturn = Helper.GetDefault <Result>();

            Helper.TryMarshalGet(funcResult, out funcResultReturn);
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Send an internal message through system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">The steam person we are sending internal message to.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of <see cref="InternalMessage"/> we want to send.</param>
        internal bool SendInternal(ProductUserId target, InternalMessage type, SocketId socket)
            Result sent = EpicManager.P2PInterface.SendPacket(new SendPacketOptions
                AllowDelayedDelivery = true,
                Channel      = (byte)Options.Channels.Length,
                Data         = new[] { (byte)type },
                LocalUserId  = EpicManager.AccountId.ProductUserId,
                Reliability  = PacketReliability.ReliableOrdered,
                RemoteUserId = target,
                SocketId     = socket

            if (sent == Result.Success)
                if (Transport.transportDebug)
                    DebugLogger.RegularDebugLog("[Client] - Packet sent successfully.");
                if (Transport.transportDebug)
                    DebugLogger.RegularDebugLog($"[Client] - Packet failed to send. Results: {sent}");

            return(sent == Result.Success);
Example #12
        protected override void OnReceiveInternalData(InternalMessages type, ProductUserId clientUserId, SocketId socketId)
            if (ignoreAllMessages)

            switch (type)
            case InternalMessages.ACCEPT_CONNECT:
                Connected = true;
                Debug.Log("Connection established.");

            case InternalMessages.DISCONNECT:
                Connected = false;


                Debug.Log("Received unknown message type");
 public void Set(GetFileMetadataCountOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = PlayerDataStorageInterface.GetfilemetadatacountoptionsApiLatest;
         LocalUserId  = other.LocalUserId;
Example #14
 public void Set(SessionSearchSetTargetUserIdOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = SessionSearch.SessionsearchSettargetuseridApiLatest;
         TargetUserId = other.TargetUserId;
Example #15
 public void Set(GetProductUserExternalAccountCountOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = ConnectInterface.GetproductuserexternalaccountcountApiLatest;
         TargetUserId = other.TargetUserId;
Example #16
 public void Set(GetUnlockedAchievementCountOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = AchievementsInterface.GetunlockedachievementcountApiLatest;
         UserId       = other.UserId;
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches the login status for an product user id. This product user id is considered logged in as long as the underlying access token has not expired.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localUserId">the product user id of the user being queried</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// the enum value of a user's login status
        /// </returns>
        public LoginStatus GetLoginStatus(ProductUserId localUserId)
            var funcResult       = EOS_Connect_GetLoginStatus(InnerHandle, localUserId.InnerHandle);
            var funcResultReturn = Helper.GetDefault <LoginStatus>();

            Helper.TryMarshalGet(funcResult, out funcResultReturn);
Example #18
 public void Set(SessionSearchFindOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = SessionSearch.SessionsearchFindApiLatest;
         LocalUserId  = other.LocalUserId;
Example #19
 public void Set(DeleteCacheOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = PlayerDataStorageInterface.DeletecacheoptionsApiLatest;
         LocalUserId  = other.LocalUserId;
 public void Set(QueryFileListOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = PlayerDataStorageInterface.QueryfilelistoptionsApiLatest;
         LocalUserId  = other.LocalUserId;
 public void Set(UnlinkAccountOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = ConnectInterface.UnlinkaccountApiLatest;
         LocalUserId  = other.LocalUserId;
 public void Set(LobbySearchFindOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = LobbySearch.LobbysearchFindApiLatest;
         LocalUserId  = other.LocalUserId;
 public void Set(GetInviteCountOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = SessionsInterface.GetinvitecountApiLatest;
         LocalUserId  = other.LocalUserId;
 public void Set(GetPlayerAchievementCountOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = AchievementsInterface.GetplayerachievementcountApiLatest;
         UserId       = other.UserId;
 public void Set(QueryInvitesOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = SessionsInterface.QueryinvitesApiLatest;
         LocalUserId  = other.LocalUserId;
 public void Set(GetStatCountOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = StatsInterface.GetstatscountApiLatest;
         TargetUserId = other.TargetUserId;
Example #27
 public void Set(LobbyDetailsGetMemberAttributeCountOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = LobbyDetails.LobbydetailsGetmemberattributecountApiLatest;
         TargetUserId = other.TargetUserId;
 public void Set(GetPlayerSanctionCountOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = SanctionsInterface.GetplayersanctioncountApiLatest;
         TargetUserId = other.TargetUserId;
Example #29
 internal void Set(AuthExpirationCallbackInfoInternal?other)
     if (other != null)
         ClientData  = other.Value.ClientData;
         LocalUserId = other.Value.LocalUserId;
Example #30
 public void Set(QueryPlayerAchievementsOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = AchievementsInterface.QueryplayerachievementsApiLatest;
         UserId       = other.UserId;