public void when_creating_product_on_disposed_store_then_throws() { var store = new ProductStore( "ProductStoreFixture.Simple.json", new JsonProductSerializer(), Mock.Of<IToolkitCatalog>()); store.Dispose(); Assert.Throws<ObjectDisposedException>(() => store.CreateProduct("foo", "bar", "baz")); }
public void when_closing_then_raises_closed() { var store = new ProductStore( "ProductStoreFixture.Simple.json", new JsonProductSerializer(), Mock.Of<IToolkitCatalog>()); var closed = false; store.Closed += (sender, args) => closed = true; store.Close(); Assert.True(closed); }
public void when_creating_duplicate_named_product_then_throws() { var store = new ProductStore( "ProductStoreFixture.Simple.json", new JsonProductSerializer(), Mock.Of<IToolkitCatalog>(c => c.Find("SimpleToolkit") == Mock.Of<IToolkitInfo>(t => t.Products == new[] { Mock.Of<IProductInfo>(p => p.Toolkit == Mock.Of<IToolkitInfo>() && p.SchemaId == "NuPattern.Tookit.Simple.IAmazonWebServices") }))); store.CreateProduct("Foo", "SimpleToolkit", typeof(IAmazonWebServices).ToTypeFullName()); Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => store.CreateProduct("Foo", "SimpleToolkit", typeof(IAmazonWebServices).ToTypeFullName())); }
public IEnumerable <ProductStoreType> GetProductStoreTypes(ProductStore store) { return(null); }
public CreateProductViewModel(ProductStore productStore) { CreateProductCommand = new CreateProductCommand(this, productStore); }
public void Setup() { productStore = new ProductStore(); productsController = new ProductsController(productStore); }
private void SubTrackStore(Product product, double qtuop, int storageID, Order order) { Stack <ProductStore> stores = new Stack <ProductStore>(); order.PersonID = Convert.ToInt32(comboCustomer.SelectedValue); order.StorageName = comboStore.Text; order.TypeOf = TypeOfOrders.Export; order.DateOfOperation = DateTime.Now; var item = product.ProductStores.Where(a => a.StoreID == storageID && a.Qtu != 0).OrderBy(a => a.ExpireDate).ToList(); item.Sort((x, y) => DateTime.Compare(x.ExpireDate, y.ExpireDate)); foreach (var i in item) { stores.Push(i); } double mainQtu = qtuop; while (stores.Count > 0) { ProductStore productStore = stores.Pop(); if (productStore.Qtu == mainQtu) { order.OrderDetails.Add(new OrderDetails() { ExpireDateProduct = productStore.ExpireDate.Date, ProductionDate = productStore.ProductDate.Date, ProductID = product.ID, Qtu = mainQtu }); productStore.Qtu = 0; break; } else if (productStore.Qtu > mainQtu) { order.OrderDetails.Add(new OrderDetails() { ExpireDateProduct = productStore.ExpireDate.Date, ProductionDate = productStore.ProductDate.Date, ProductID = product.ID, Qtu = mainQtu }); double qtu = mainQtu; productStore.Qtu -= qtu; break; } else if (productStore.Qtu < mainQtu) { order.OrderDetails.Add(new OrderDetails() { ExpireDateProduct = productStore.ExpireDate.Date, ProductionDate = productStore.ProductDate.Date, ProductID = product.ID, Qtu = mainQtu }); mainQtu -= productStore.Qtu; productStore.Qtu = 0; } context.Entry(product).State = EntityState.Modified; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var marketStore = new MarketStore() { Path = marketPath }; var productStore = new ProductStore() { Path = productsPath }; var productInfoStore = new ProductInfoStore() { Path = productInfoPath }; // example 1. get markets with products // group markets with products var productList = productStore.GetCollection(); var marketList = marketStore.GetCollection(); var productInfoList = productInfoStore.GetCollection(); foreach (var item in marketList) { item.Products = productList .Where(x => x.MarketId == item.Id) .ToList(); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); Console.WriteLine("Шаг 1. Работа с файлами\n1. Извлечь данные из файлов (csv);"); Console.WriteLine("2. Отобразить все данные из этих файлов в виде списка;\n"); var prodTemplate = "{0} | {1} | {2} | {3} | {4}"; Console.WriteLine(string.Format(prodTemplate, "Id", "Name", "Price", "Amount", "Delivery Perion (days)")); foreach (var item in marketList) { foreach (var prod in item.Products) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format(prodTemplate, prod.Id, prod.Name, prod.Price, prod.Amount, prod.DeliveryPeriod)); } } Console.WriteLine("\n"); foreach (var item in productList) { item.ProductInfo = productInfoList.Where(x => x.ProductId == item.Id).ToList(); } var productInfoListTemplate = "{0} | {1} | {2}"; Console.WriteLine(string.Format(productInfoListTemplate, "Id", "Parameter", "Definition")); foreach (var i in productList) { foreach (var prodInfo in i.ProductInfo) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format(productInfoListTemplate, prodInfo.Id, prodInfo.Parameter, prodInfo.Definition)); } } Console.WriteLine("\n"); Console.WriteLine(string.Format(productInfoListTemplate, "Id", "Name", "Rating")); foreach (var i in marketList) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format(productInfoListTemplate, i.Id, i.MarketName, i.Rating)); } Console.WriteLine("\n\nШаг 2. Обработка Market"); Console.WriteLine("\n1. Отобразить список продуктов;\n"); foreach (var i in marketList) { Console.Write(i.MarketName + " | "); } Console.WriteLine(); string enteredMarketName = Console.ReadLine(); var selectedMarket = marketList .First(x => x.MarketName.Equals(enteredMarketName)); selectedMarket.Products = productList .Where(x => x.MarketId == selectedMarket.Id) .ToList(); foreach (var item in selectedMarket.Products) { Console.WriteLine(item.Id + " " + item.Name); } Console.WriteLine("\n2. Вывести сумму цен всех продуктов выбранного Market; "); Console.WriteLine("= " + selectedMarket.Products.Sum(x => x.Price)); Console.WriteLine("\n\n3. Отсортировать по цене (от меньшего к большему) и вывести продукты выбранного Market;"); selectedMarket.Products = productList .Where(x => x.MarketId == selectedMarket.Id) .OrderBy(x => x.Price) .ToList(); foreach (var cur in selectedMarket.Products) { Console.WriteLine(cur.Price + " " + cur.Name); } Console.WriteLine("\n4. Отсортировать по кол-ву продуктов и вывести их (по выбранному Market);"); selectedMarket.Products = productList .Where(x => x.MarketId == selectedMarket.Id) .OrderBy(x => x.Amount) .ToList(); foreach (var cur in selectedMarket.Products) { Console.WriteLine(cur.Amount + " " + cur.Name); } Console.WriteLine("\n\nШаг 3. Работа с ProductInfo\n\n1. Сгруппировать Product и Product Info и отобразить их;\n"); Console.WriteLine("Group Product and PrInfo by their Name\n"); string pr6LessStr = "{0} | {1} | {2} | {3} | {4} | {5}"; Console.WriteLine(string.Format(pr6LessStr, "Name", "Price", "Amount", "DeliveryPeriod", "Parameter", "Definition")); var proddListttt = productList .Join(productInfoList, x => x.Id, y => y.ProductId, (x, y) => new { x.Name, x.Price, x.Amount, x.DeliveryPeriod, y.Parameter, y.Definition }) .GroupBy(x => x.Name) .ToList(); foreach (var itm in proddListttt) { foreach (var i in itm) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format(pr6LessStr, i.Name, i.Price, i.Amount, i.DeliveryPeriod, i.Parameter, i.Definition)); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); } Console.WriteLine("\n2. Отсортировать название параметра в Product Info;"); var listOfProdInfo = productInfoList .OrderBy(x => x.Parameter); string listOfProdInfoStr = "{0} | {1} | {2}"; Console.WriteLine(string.Format(productInfoListTemplate, "Id", "Parameter", "Definition")); foreach (var cur in listOfProdInfo) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format(listOfProdInfoStr, cur.Id, cur.Parameter, cur.Definition)); } Console.WriteLine("\n3. Выделить все продукты с рейтингом менее 6;"); var prodRating6Less = productList .Join(productInfoList, x => x.Id, y => y.ProductId, (x, y) => new { x.Name, y.Definition, y.Parameter }) .Where(x => x.Parameter.Equals("Rating") && Convert.ToInt32(x.Definition) < 6) .ToList(); foreach (var print in prodRating6Less) { Console.WriteLine(print.Definition + " " + print.Name); } Console.WriteLine("\n\nШаг 4. Общее\n\n1. Сгруппировать Market, Product, ProductInfo и вывести;\n"); var grMarProd = marketList .Join(productList, x => x.Id, y => y.MarketId, (x, y) => new { x.MarketName, x.Rating, y.Id, y.Name, y.Price, y.Amount, y.DeliveryPeriod }); var grMarProdPrInf = grMarProd .Join(productInfoList, x => x.Id, y => y.ProductId, (x, y) => new { x.MarketName, x.Rating, x.Name, x.Price, x.Amount, x.DeliveryPeriod, y.Parameter, y.Definition }) .GroupBy(x => x.MarketName); string grMarProdPrInfStr = "{0} | {1} | {2} | {3} | {4} | {5} | {6} | {7}"; Console.WriteLine(string.Format(grMarProdPrInfStr, "MarketName", "Rating", "Name", "Price", "Amount", "DeliveryPeriod", "Parameter", "Definition\n")); foreach (var grMPP in grMarProdPrInf) { foreach (var g in grMPP) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format(grMarProdPrInfStr, g.MarketName, g.Rating, g.Name, g.Price, g.Amount, g.DeliveryPeriod, g.Parameter, g.Definition)); } } var grMarRatAndProdRat = grMarProd .Join(productInfoList, x => x.Id, y => y.ProductId, (x, y) => new { x.MarketName, x.Rating, x.Name, x.Price, x.Amount, x.DeliveryPeriod, y.Parameter, y.Definition }) .Where(x => x.Parameter.Equals("Rating")); foreach (var grMPP in grMarProdPrInf) { var avPrInMarket = grMPP .Where(x => x.Parameter.Equals("Rating")) .Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Definition)) .ToList(); } Console.WriteLine("\n2. Сравнить рейтинг Market с средним значением рейтингов продуктов. Если рейтинг Market ниже, то выделить Market\n"); foreach (var grMPP in grMarProdPrInf) { var avPrInMarket = grMPP .Where(x => x.Parameter.Equals("Rating")) .Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Definition)) .Average(); Console.WriteLine("\nAverage rating of product: " + avPrInMarket + "\n"); string addedTick = ""; foreach (var g in grMPP) { if (Convert.ToDouble(g.Rating) < Convert.ToDouble(avPrInMarket)) { addedTick = " IS LESS"; } else { addedTick = ""; } } foreach (var g in grMPP) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format(grMarProdPrInfStr, g.MarketName, g.Rating + addedTick, g.Name, g.Price, g.Amount, g.DeliveryPeriod, g.Parameter, g.Definition)); } } }
public void when_creating_product_then_store_forwards_events_until_delete() { var store = new ProductStore( "ProductStoreFixture.Simple.json", new JsonProductSerializer(), Mock.Of<IToolkitCatalog>(c => c.Find("SimpleToolkit") == Mock.Of<IToolkitInfo>(t => t.Products == new[] { Mock.Of<IProductInfo>(p => p.Toolkit == Mock.Of<IToolkitInfo>(i => i.Id == "SimpleToolkit" && i.Version == "1.0") && p.SchemaId == typeof(IAmazonWebServices).FullName && p.Components == new [] { Mock.Of<IElementInfo>(e => e.SchemaId == typeof(IStorage).FullName && e.DefaultName == "Storage" && e.Properties == new [] { Mock.Of<IPropertyInfo>(ak => ak.Name == "RefreshOnLoad" && ak.PropertyType == typeof(bool)), } ) } && p.Properties == new [] { Mock.Of<IPropertyInfo>(ak => ak.Name == "AccessKey" && ak.PropertyType == typeof(string)), Mock.Of<IPropertyInfo>(ak => ak.Name == "SecretKey" && ak.PropertyType == typeof(string)), }) }))); var created = default(IProduct); store.ProductEvents.Created += (sender, args) => created = args.Value; var product = store.CreateProduct("Simple", "SimpleToolkit", typeof(IAmazonWebServices).FullName); Assert.Same(product, created); product.Delete(); }
public static void Initialize(IApplicationBuilder app) { using (var serviceScope = app.ApplicationServices.GetService <IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope()) { var context = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService <DatabaseContext>(); if (context.Stores != null && context.Stores.Any()) { return; } List <Store> stores = new List <Store> { Store.Create("KMart", "KMart is the best store.", ""), Store.Create("Kepco", "Kepco is the best store.", ""), Store.Create("Shop Ro 2000", "Shop Ro 2000 is the best store.", ""), Store.Create("GoShop", "GoShop is the best store.", "") }; context.Stores.AddRange(stores); context.SaveChanges(); List <Product> products = new List <Product> { Product.Create("sugar", "SugarBrand", 1, "kilogram", 1), Product.Create("flour", "FlourBrand", 1, "kilogram", 1), Product.Create("water", "WaterBrand", 2.5, "litre", 2), Product.Create("soy sauce", "Soy B", 500, "millilitre", 2), Product.Create("chicken breast", "Kf Chicken", 1, "kilogram", 1), Product.Create("salt", "SaltBrand", 1, "kilogram", 1) }; context.Products.AddRange(products); context.SaveChanges(); List <ProductStore> productStores = new List <ProductStore> { ProductStore.Create(products[0].Id, stores[0].Id, 2.99), ProductStore.Create(products[0].Id, stores[1].Id, 3.09), ProductStore.Create(products[0].Id, stores[2].Id, 2.98), ProductStore.Create(products[0].Id, stores[3].Id, 2.99), ProductStore.Create(products[1].Id, stores[0].Id, 2.47), ProductStore.Create(products[1].Id, stores[1].Id, 2.50), ProductStore.Create(products[1].Id, stores[2].Id, 2.99), ProductStore.Create(products[1].Id, stores[3].Id, 2.01), ProductStore.Create(products[2].Id, stores[0].Id, 2.59), ProductStore.Create(products[2].Id, stores[1].Id, 3.59), ProductStore.Create(products[2].Id, stores[2].Id, 4.89), ProductStore.Create(products[2].Id, stores[3].Id, 3.09), ProductStore.Create(products[3].Id, stores[0].Id, 2.22), ProductStore.Create(products[3].Id, stores[1].Id, 2.23), ProductStore.Create(products[3].Id, stores[2].Id, 2.24), ProductStore.Create(products[3].Id, stores[3].Id, 2.03), ProductStore.Create(products[4].Id, stores[0].Id, 4.41), ProductStore.Create(products[4].Id, stores[1].Id, 5.49), ProductStore.Create(products[4].Id, stores[2].Id, 3.99), ProductStore.Create(products[4].Id, stores[3].Id, 4.79), ProductStore.Create(products[5].Id, stores[0].Id, 1.41), ProductStore.Create(products[5].Id, stores[1].Id, 1.49), ProductStore.Create(products[5].Id, stores[2].Id, 1.99), ProductStore.Create(products[5].Id, stores[3].Id, 1.79), }; context.ProductStores.AddRange(productStores); context.SaveChanges(); Recipe recipe = Recipe.Create( "Pancakes", "New day, you want to start it right. Try this fresh and tasty Pancakes recipe!", 4, 500, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0); context.Recipes.Add(recipe); context.SaveChanges(); List <Ingredient> ingredients = new List <Ingredient> { Ingredient.Create(recipe.Id, productStores[2].Id, "sugar", 100, 2.98, "grams", 1), Ingredient.Create(recipe.Id, productStores[7].Id, "flour", 500, 2.01, "grams", 1), Ingredient.Create(recipe.Id, productStores[11].Id, "water", 100, 1.09, "millilitre", 1) }; context.Ingredients.AddRange(ingredients); context.SaveChanges(); List <Instruction> instructions = new List <Instruction> { Instruction.Create(recipe.Id, "In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, " + "salt and sugar. Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg and melted butter; " + "mix until smooth.", 1), Instruction.Create(recipe.Id, "Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high " + "heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. " + "Brown on both sides and serve hot.", 2) }; context.Instructions.AddRange(instructions); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void when_loading_store_then_loads_product_and_associates_schema_and_store() { var store = new ProductStore( "ProductStoreFixture.Simple.json", new JsonProductSerializer(), Mock.Of<IToolkitCatalog>(c => c.Find("SimpleToolkit") == Mock.Of<IToolkitInfo>(t => t.Products == new[] { Mock.Of<IProductInfo>(p => p.Toolkit == Mock.Of<IToolkitInfo>() && p.SchemaId == "NuPattern.Tookit.Simple.IAmazonWebServices") }))); store.Load(NullProgress<int>.Default); Assert.Equal(1, store.Products.Count()); Assert.NotNull(store.Products.First().Schema); Assert.Same(store, store.Products.First().Store); }
public void when_loaded_product_deleted_then_removes_from_store_and_resets_store() { var store = new ProductStore( "ProductStoreFixture.Simple.json", new JsonProductSerializer(), Mock.Of<IToolkitCatalog>()); store.Load(NullProgress<int>.Default); var product = store.Products.First(); product.Delete(); Assert.Equal(0, store.Products.Count()); Assert.Null(product.Store); }
private void metroButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <OrderDetails> list = new List <OrderDetails>(); foreach (DataGridViewRow item in dataGridView1.Rows) { list.Add(new OrderDetails() { ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(item.Cells[0].Value), Qtu = Convert.ToInt32(item.Cells[2].Value), ProductionDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.Cells[4].Value), ExpireDateProduct = Convert.ToDateTime(item.Cells[3].Value), }); } Order order = new Order() { PersonID = Convert.ToInt32(comboSupplierAndCustomer.SelectedValue), StorageName = comboStorage.Text, DateOfOperation = DateTime.Now, TypeOf = TypeOfOrders.Import, OrderDetails = list }; List <ProductStore> productStores = new List <ProductStore>(); foreach (DataGridViewRow item in dataGridView1.Rows) { int productId = Convert.ToInt32(item.Cells[0].Value); DateTime Exdate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.Cells[3].Value); DateTime Prdate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.Cells[4].Value); int StorageId = Convert.ToInt32(comboStorage.SelectedValue); var items = context.ProductStores.Where(a => a.ProductID == productId && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.ExpireDate) == Exdate.Date && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.ProductDate) == Prdate.Date && a.StoreID == StorageId ).ToList(); if (items.Count == 0) { productStores.Add(new ProductStore() { ExpireDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.Cells[3].Value), ProductDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.Cells[4].Value), Qtu = Convert.ToInt32(item.Cells[2].Value), ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(item.Cells[0].Value), StoreID = Convert.ToInt32(comboStorage.SelectedValue) }); } else { ProductStore currentProduct = context.ProductStores.FirstOrDefault(a => a.StoreID == StorageId && a.ProductID == productId); currentProduct.Qtu += Convert.ToDouble(item.Cells[2].Value); } } foreach (var item in productStores) { context.ProductStores.Add(item); } context.Orders.Add(order); if (context.SaveChanges() > 0) { MessageBox.Show("The Bill of is added", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
public ProductServices() { store = new ProductStore(); }
public ProductsController(ProductStore productStore) { _mProductStore = productStore; }
public HomeController() { store = new ProductStore(); }
public virtual ProductStore DeleteProductStore(ProductStore entity) { this.DeleteProductStore(entity.ProductId); return(entity); }