[TestMethod] public async Task TestProductSearch()
            int           pageNum = 1;
            int           perPage = 10;
            DateTime      dateUtc = new DateTime(2021, 10, 15);
            ProductSearch result  = await client.GetUpdatedProducts(dateUtc, pageNum, perPage);

            if (result == null)
                Console.WriteLine($"Failed to get products list.");

            Console.WriteLine($"Start date: {dateUtc:yyyy-MM-dd}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Page number: {result.pageInfo.page}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Items per page: {result.pageInfo.perPage}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Total items: {result.pageInfo.total}");

            int counter = 0;

            foreach (Product product in result.items)
                Console.WriteLine($"{counter}. Product {product.id} ({product.code})");
                Console.WriteLine($"{product.name} is MDLP = {product.isMdlp}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Last updated: {product.updatedAt:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}");
                foreach (GtinCode gtin in product.gtinCodes)
                    Console.WriteLine($"- {gtin.code}");
Example #2
        public PartialViewResult ProductSearchMulti()
            MultiOptions settings = new MultiOptions();

            if (this.WidgetPayload is MultiOptions)
                settings = (MultiOptions)this.WidgetPayload;

            //ProductSearch model = new ProductSearch();
            //using (var db = new NorthwindDataContext()) {
            //	if (settings.CategoryIDs.Any()) {
            //		model.Options = (from c in db.Categories
            //						 where settings.CategoryIDs.Contains(c.CategoryID)
            //						 select c).ToList();

            //		model.Results = (from p in db.Products
            //						 where settings.CategoryIDs.Contains(p.CategoryID.Value)
            //						 select p).ToList();
            //	}

            ProductSearch model = settings.GetData();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.AlternateViewFile))
                model.AltViewName = settings.AlternateViewFile;
                return(PartialView(settings.AlternateViewFile, model));
Example #3
 public Task <ResponseResult <List <ProductWeb> > > GetProductList(ProductSearch search)
     return(Task.Run(() =>
         return GetProductListAsync(search);
Example #4
        public IHttpActionResult SearchPriceAndMake(ProductSearch searchEntity)
            IHttpActionResult ret = null;
            PTCViewModel      vm  = new PTCViewModel();

            //Search for Products
            vm.SearchEntity = searchEntity;

            var priceRange        = vm.ProductsMaxPrice.Intersect(vm.ProductsMinPrice);
            var makeAndPriceRange = priceRange.Intersect(vm.Products);

            vm.Products = makeAndPriceRange.ToList();

            if (vm.Products.Count > 0)
                ret = Ok(vm.Products);
                ret = NotFound();

        public PageResponse <ProductDto> Execute(ProductSearch search)
            var query = context.Products.AsQueryable();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search.Name) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search.Name))
                query = query.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains(search.Name.ToLower()));

            var skipCount = search.PerPage * (search.Page - 1);

            var reponse = new PageResponse <ProductDto>
                CurrentPage  = search.Page,
                ItemsPerPage = search.PerPage,
                TotalCount   = query.Count(),
                Items        = query.Skip(skipCount).Take(search.PerPage).Select(x => new ProductDto
                    Id          = x.Id,
                    Name        = x.Name,
                    Description = x.Description,
                    Price       = x.Price,
                    CategoryId  = x.CategoryId,
                    Quantity    = x.Quantity

Example #6
        public IHttpActionResult SearchProducts(string storeId, ProductSearch criteria)
            var responseGroup = EnumUtility.SafeParse <ItemResponseGroup>(criteria.ResponseGroup, ItemResponseGroup.ItemLarge & ~ItemResponseGroup.ItemProperties);
            var result        = SearchProducts(_searchConnection.Scope, storeId, criteria, responseGroup);

Example #7
        public IEnumerable <Bid> GenerateProductBidsReport(ProductSearch searchData)
            IEnumerable <Bid> bidsFound = new List <Bid>();

            if (searchData.FromDate > searchData.ToDate)
                searchData.ToDate = null;
            if (searchData.FromDate > DateTime.Now)
                searchData.FromDate = DateTime.Now;

            DateTime actualToDate = DateTime.Now;

            if (searchData.ToDate.HasValue)
                DateTime endDate = searchData.ToDate.Value;
                actualToDate = endDate.AddDays(1);

            if (searchData.FromDate != null && searchData.ToDate != null)
                bidsFound = GetAllProductsBidsSoldBetweenTheSpecifiedDates(Convert.ToDateTime(searchData.FromDate), Convert.ToDateTime(actualToDate));

        public IViewComponentResult Invoke(ProductSearch search)
            ViewBag.Vendors    = _VendorRepo.GetAll();
            ViewBag.Categories = _CategoryRepo.GetAll();

        public PageResponse <ProductDtoSearch> Execute(ProductSearch search)
            var query = _context.Products.AsQueryable();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search.Name) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search.Name))
                query = query.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains(search.Name.ToLower()) || x.Description.ToLower().Contains(search.Name.ToLower()));
            if (search.CategoryId != 0)
                if (_context.Categories.Any(c => c.Id == search.CategoryId))
                    query = query.Where(p => p.CategoryId == search.CategoryId);
                    query = query.Take(0);
            if (search.Stock)
                query = query.Where(p => p.Stock > 0);

            query = query.Include(pr => pr.Prices);

            return(query.Paged <ProductDtoSearch, Product>(search, _mapper));
Example #10
        public void sut_should_takes_product_correctly(
            string expectedName)
            // Arrange
            var builder = new Fixture();
            var product = builder.Build <Product> ()
                          .With(x => x.Name, expectedName)
            var unExpected  = builder.Create <Product> ();
            var productList = new List <Product> {
            var sut = new ProductSearch(productList);

            // Act
            var actual = sut.GetProductList(new List <string> {

            // Assert
Example #11
        public async ValueTask <List <Product> > ProductSearch(ProductSearch dataModel)
                DynamicParameters parameters = new DynamicParameters(new
                var result = await connection.QueryAsync <Product, Category, Product>(
                    (p, c) =>
                    Product product  = p;
                    product.Category = c;
                    param : parameters,
                    commandType : CommandType.StoredProcedure);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public List <ProductViewModel> Search(ProductSearch search)
            var query = _context.Products.Include(p => p.ProductCategory).Select(p => new ProductViewModel()
                Id           = p.Id,
                Name         = p.Name,
                CategoryName = p.ProductCategory.Name,
                CategoryId   = p.CategoryId,
                Code         = p.Code,
                Picture      = p.Picture,
                DateCreate   = p.DateCreate.ToPersian(),

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search.Name))
                query = query.Where(p => p.Name.Contains(search.Name));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search.Code))
                query = query.Where(p => p.Code.Contains(search.Code));

            if (search.CategoryId != 0)
                query = query.Where(p => p.CategoryId == search.CategoryId);

            return(query.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).ToList());
Example #13
        // search from https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/search/products?searchTerm=smith%20chips
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Product> > Search(string productName)
            Uri baseAddress     = new Uri("https://www.woolworths.com.au/apis/ui/Search/");
            var cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();

            using (var handler = new HttpClientHandler()
                CookieContainer = cookieContainer
                using (var client = new HttpClient(new LoggingHandler(handler))
                    BaseAddress = baseAddress

                    var productSearch = new ProductSearch {
                        SearchTerm = productName
                    HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("products", productSearch);

                    var productsn = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    var productList = JObject.Parse(productsn)["Products"].Select(x => x.ToObject <RootObject>());
                    return(productList.Select(x => x.Products.First()));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(string productType, string searchString)
            IQueryable <string> typeQuery = _context.Product
                                            .OrderBy(p => p.Type)
                                            .Select(p => p.Type);

            var products = from p in _context.Product
                           select p;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString))
                products = products.Where(s => s.Name.Contains(searchString));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(productType))
                products = products.Where(p => p.Type == productType);

            var productSearchVM = new ProductSearch
                Types = new SelectList(await typeQuery.Distinct()
                Products = await products.ToListAsync()

        public void Can_perf_web_search_products(string providerType)
            var provider = GetSearchProvider(providerType, _scope);

            RebuildIndex(provider, CatalogItemSearchCriteria.DocType);

            var store = GetStore("electronics");

            // find all products in the category
            var criteria = new ProductSearch
                Currency = "USD"

            var context = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Store", store },

            var filterService   = GetBrowseFilterService();
            var filters         = filterService.GetFilters(context);
            var serviceCriteria = criteria.AsCriteria <CatalogItemSearchCriteria>(store.Id, store.Catalog, filters);
            var ibs             = GetItemBrowsingService(provider);

            Benchmark.Iterate(() =>
                var searchResults = ibs.SearchItems(_scope, serviceCriteria, ItemResponseGroup.ItemLarge);
                Assert.Equal(true, searchResults.Products.Any());
Example #16
        public IEnumerable <ProductDto> Execute(ProductSearch request)
            var query = Context.Products.AsQueryable();

            if (request.MinPrice != null)
                query = query.Where(p => p.Price >= request.MinPrice);
            if (request.MaxPrice != null)
                query = query.Where(p => p.Price <= request.MaxPrice);
            if (request.ProductName != null)
                query = query.Where(p => p.Name.ToLower().Contains(request.ProductName.ToLower()));
            query = query.Where(p => p.IsActive == true);
            return(query.Select(p => new ProductDto
                Id = p.Id,
                Name = p.Name,
                Price = p.Price,
                Description = p.Description,
                CategoryNames = p.ProductCategories.Select(pc => pc.Category.Name)
Example #17
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetProductList(ProductSearch search)
            List <Product> list  = new List <Product>();
            int            total = 0;

            search.PageIndex = search.PageIndex / search.PageSize + 1;
            ResponseResult <List <ProductWeb> > responseResult = await _YoungoServer.GetProductList(search);

            if (responseResult.IsSuccess)
                var data = from m in responseResult.Content
                           select new
                    id            = m.Id,
                    productId     = m.ProductID,
                    name          = m.CnName,
                    type          = m.TypeName,
                    picture       = m.Picture,
                    purchasePrice = m.PurchasePrice.ToString("F2") + "元",
                    salesVolumem  = m.SalesVolume,
                    isTop         = m.IsTop ? "<i class='fa fa-ok fa-fw'></i>" : "<i class='fa fa-ban fa-fw'></i>",
                    state         = m.State ? "有效" : "无效",
                    isClearStock  = m.IsClearStock ? "<i class='fa fa-ok fa-fw'></i>" : "<i class='fa fa-ban fa-fw'></i>",
                    creatTime     = m.CreatTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm"),
                total = int.Parse(responseResult.Total.ToString());
                return(Json(new { rows = data, total = total }));
            return(Json(new { rows = list, total = total }));
Example #18
        private IQueryable <ProductInfo> searchProducts(out int total, string keywords = "", string exp_keywords = "", long cid = 0L, long b_id = 0L, string a_id = "", int orderKey = 1, int orderType = 1, int pageNo = 1, int pageSize = 6)
            ProductSearch productSearch = new ProductSearch()
                shopId     = 0,
                BrandId    = b_id,
                CategoryId = cid,
                Ex_Keyword = exp_keywords,
                Keyword    = keywords,
                OrderKey   = orderKey,
                OrderType  = orderType == 1,
                AttrIds    = new List <string>(),
                PageNumber = pageNo,
                PageSize   = pageSize
            ProductSearch productSearch1 = productSearch;

            string[] strArrays = a_id.Replace("%40", "@").Split(new char[] { '@' });
            for (int i = 0; i < strArrays.Length; i++)
                string str = strArrays[i];
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str))
            PageModel <ProductInfo> pageModel = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().SearchProduct(productSearch1);

            total = pageModel.Total;
Example #19
        public async Task SearchProductByTextAsync_ShouldReturnSearchResultForSearchTex()
            var searchItem = new ItemSearch {
                query = "ipod", items = new Item[] { new Item {
                                                         itemId = "42608125"
                                                     } }

            var searchProduct = new ProductSearch {
                queryTime = 3.2, products = new Product[] { new Product {
                                                                productId = "1219661412848"
                                                            } }

            var searchText = "ipod";

            var mock   = new Mock <IWalmartServiceContext>();
            var bbmock = new Mock <IBestbuyServiceContext>();

            mock.Setup(m => m.SearchItemByTextAsync(searchText)).Returns(Task.FromResult(searchItem));

            xStoreRepository = new XStoreRepository(mock.Object, bbmock.Object);

            var result = await xStoreRepository.SearchProductByTextAsync(searchText);

            Assert.AreEqual(result.SearchTerm, searchText);
        protected void lnkDelete_Click(Object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
                if (e.CommandArgument != null)
                    ProductSearch productSearch = new ProductSearch();
                    productSearch.CategoryId  = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
                    productSearch.ProductName = "";

                    string    jsonProductDetails = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(productSearch);
                    string    data       = _apiAccess.GetProductBySearch(jsonProductDetails);
                    DataTable myObjectDT = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DataTable>(data);

                    if (myObjectDT.Rows.Count > 0)
                        Response.Write("<script>alert('You Can Not Delete This Category, Products Associated')</script>");

                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "alert", " alert('Category Deleted sucessfully'); window.open('Category.aspx');", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("StackTrace :" + ex.StackTrace + " Error Mesage : " + ex.Message + "Inner Exception :" + ex.InnerException);
                Response.Write("<script>alert('Something Went Wrong')</script>");
Example #21
        public void ProductSearchController_Show_ReturnsProductSearch()
            ProductSearch productSearch = GetProductSearch();

            ViewResult show = _controller.Show(productSearch, new ProductSearchQuery());

            show.Model.Should().BeOfType <ProductSearch>();
Example #22
        public ActionResult Products()
            ProductSearch search = new ProductSearch();

            filteredCategories = new List <int>();
            search.filterCats  = new List <int>();
Example #23
        public override void Init()
            DataCollection = new List <Product>();
            Entity         = new Product();
            SearchEntity   = new ProductSearch();

Example #24
 public WMSProductSearch(ProductSearch wmspro)
     : base(s_metadata)
     SetSqlString(0, wmspro.SKU);
     SetSqlString(1, wmspro.Str8);
     SetSqlString(2, wmspro.Str9);
     SetSqlString(3, wmspro.Str10);
     SetSqlString(4, wmspro.UPC);
        public ActionResult QueryString1()
            var model = new ProductSearch();

            model.Category    = Request.QueryString["category"];
            model.Subcategory = Request.QueryString["subcategory"];

            return(View("SearchResult", model));
        public ActionResult Path1()
            var model = new ProductSearch();

            model.Category    = RouteData.Values["category"].ToString();
            model.Subcategory = RouteData.Values["subcategory"].ToString();

            return(View("SearchResult", model));
        public ActionResult Path2(string category, string subcategory)
            var model = new ProductSearch();

            model.Category    = category;
            model.Subcategory = subcategory;

            return(View("SearchResult", model));
        public ActionResult Form1()
            var model = new ProductSearch();

            model.Category    = Request.Form["category"].ToString();
            model.Subcategory = Request.Form["subcategory"].ToString();

            return(View("SearchResult", model));
Example #29
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            CategoryService catesService = new CategoryService();
            var             list         = catesService.SelectAll().Where(u => u.Levels == 3);

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            List <Task> taskList = new List <Task>();

            foreach (Category cg in list)
                Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    Stopwatch swShop = new Stopwatch();
                    LogHelper.WriteLog($"*************商品名称:{cg.Name}开始爬取*************", ConsoleColor.Blue);
                    int pageNum = ProductSearch.GetPageNum(cg.Url);
                    for (int index = 1; index <= pageNum; index++)
                        LogHelper.WriteLog($"{cg.Name} 页码{index} 总页码{pageNum}");
                        var productList = ProductSearch.GetPageDataAsync(cg.Url, index, cg.Id);

                        List <ProductGroupInput> groupList = productList.GroupBy(u => u.ProductId % PublicConst.SheetNum).Select(u => new ProductGroupInput
                            Id           = u.Key,
                            ProductUnits = u.OrderBy(p => p.ProductId).ToList()

                }).ContinueWith(t =>
                    LogHelper.WriteLog($"*************商品名称:{cg.Name} 结束爬取 耗时:{t.Result / 1000 / 60}分钟*************", ConsoleColor.Blue);

                if (taskList.Count > 20)
                    taskList = taskList.Where(t => !t.IsCompleted && !t.IsCanceled && !t.IsFaulted).ToList();

            LogHelper.WriteLog($"*************商品爬取结束 耗时:{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000 / 60}分钟 {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000 / 60 / 24}小时*************");
Example #30
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] ProductSearch productSearch)
            var result = _productRep.SearchProduct(productSearch);

            if (result == null)
                return(BadRequest("Something Went Wrong!"));
 public ProductControllerTests()
     _documentService = A.Fake<IDocumentService>();
     _productService = A.Fake<IProductService>();
     _categoryService = A.Fake<ICategoryService>();
     _productOptionManager = A.Fake<IProductOptionManager>();
     _fileService = A.Fake<IFileAdminService>();
     _productOptionManagementService = A.Fake<IProductOptionManagementService>();
     _siteSettings = new SiteSettings {DefaultPageSize = 10};
     _uniquePageService = A.Fake<IUniquePageService>();
     _productSearch = new ProductSearch();
     _eTagAdminService = A.Fake<IETagAdminService>();
     A.CallTo(() => _uniquePageService.GetUniquePage<ProductSearch>()).Returns(_productSearch);
     _productController = new ProductController(_productService, _documentService, _categoryService,
         _fileService, _productOptionManagementService, _siteSettings, _uniquePageService, _eTagAdminService);
Example #32
        public PageModel Setup(MediaModel mediaModel)
            var pageModel = new PageModel();

            var productSearch = new ProductSearch
                Name = "Categories",
                UrlSegment = "categories",
                RevealInNavigation = true
            var categoryContainer = new ProductContainer
                Name = "Products",
                UrlSegment = "products",
                RevealInNavigation = false
            pageModel.ProductSearch = productSearch;

            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var yourBasket = new Cart
                Name = "Your Basket",
                UrlSegment = "basket",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                PublishOn = now
            var enterOrderEmail = new EnterOrderEmail
                Name = "Enter Order Email",
                UrlSegment = "enter-order-email",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                Parent = yourBasket,
                DisplayOrder = 0,
                PublishOn = now,
            var setPaymentDetails = new PaymentDetails
                Name = "Set Payment Details",
                UrlSegment = "set-payment-details",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                Parent = yourBasket,
                DisplayOrder = 1,
                PublishOn = now,
            var setDeliveryDetails = new SetShippingDetails
                Name = "Set Shipping Details",
                UrlSegment = "set-shipping-details",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                Parent = yourBasket,
                DisplayOrder = 2,
                PublishOn = now,
            var orderPlaced = new OrderPlaced
                Name = "Order Placed",
                UrlSegment = "order-placed",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                Parent = yourBasket,
                DisplayOrder = 3,
                PublishOn = now,

            // User Account
            var userAccount = new SitemapPlaceholder
                Name = "User Account",
                UrlSegment = "user-account",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                PublishOn = now

            var userAccountInfo = new UserAccountInfo
                Name = "Account Details",
                UrlSegment = "user-account-details",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                PublishOn = now,
                Parent = userAccount

            var userAccountPassword = new UserAccountChangePassword
                Name = "Change Password",
                UrlSegment = "user-account-change-password",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                PublishOn = now,
                Parent = userAccount

            var userAccountAddresses = new UserAccountAddresses
                Name = "Account Addresses",
                UrlSegment = "user-account-addresses",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                PublishOn = now,
                Parent = userAccount

            var editAddress = new UserAccountEditAddress
                Name = "Edit Address",
                UrlSegment = userAccountAddresses.UrlSegment + "/edit-address",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                PublishOn = now,
                Parent = userAccountAddresses

            var userAccountOrders = new UserAccountOrders
                Name = "Orders",
                UrlSegment = "user-account-orders",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                PublishOn = now,
                Parent = userAccount

            var userOrder = new UserOrder
                Name = "View Order",
                UrlSegment = "user-account-orders/order",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                PublishOn = now,
                Parent = userAccountOrders

            var userAccountReviews = new UserAccountReviews
                Name = "Reviews",
                UrlSegment = "user-account-reviews",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                PublishOn = now,
                Parent = userAccount

            var userAccountRewards = new UserAccountRewardPoints
                Name = "Reward Points",
                UrlSegment = "user-account-reward-points",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                PublishOn = now,
                Parent = userAccount

            // End User Account

            //Added to cart
            var addedToCart = new ProductAddedToCart
                Name = "Added to Basket",
                UrlSegment = "add-to-basket",
                RevealInNavigation = false,
                PublishOn = now
            pageModel.ProductAddedToCart = addedToCart;

            var wishlist = new ShowWishlist
                Name = "Wishlist",
                UrlSegment = "wishlist",
                RevealInNavigation = true,
                PublishOn = now

            var newIn = new NewInProducts
                Name = "New In",
                UrlSegment = "new-in",
                RevealInNavigation = true,
                PublishOn = now

            var about = new TextPage()
                Name = "About us",
                UrlSegment = "about-us",
                RevealInNavigation = true,
                PublishOn = now,
                BodyContent = EcommerceInstallInfo.AboutUsText

            //update core pages
            var homePage = _documentService.GetDocumentByUrl<TextPage>("home");
            if (homePage != null)
                homePage.BodyContent = EcommerceInstallInfo.HomeCopy;
                var templates = _pageTemplateAdminService.Search(new PageTemplateSearchQuery());
                var homeTemplate = templates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Home Page");
                if (homeTemplate != null)
                    homePage.PageTemplate = homeTemplate;

                homePage.SubmitButtonText = "Sign up";
                pageModel.HomePage = homePage;
            var page2 = _documentService.GetDocumentByUrl<TextPage>("page-2");
            if (page2 != null)//demopage in core not needed

            var contactus = _documentService.GetDocumentByUrl<TextPage>("contact-us");
            if (contactus != null)//demopage in core not needed

            //Added to cart
            var contactUs = new ContactUs()
                Name = "Contact Us",
                UrlSegment = "contact-us",
                RevealInNavigation = true,
                PublishOn = now,
                Latitude = 55.01021m,
                Longitude = -1.44998m,
                Address = EcommerceInstallInfo.Address,
                PinImage = mediaModel.Logo.FileUrl,
                BodyContent = "[form]",
                FormDesign = EcommerceInstallInfo.ContactFormDesign

            var brandListing = new BrandListing
                Name = "Brands",
                UrlSegment = "brands",
                RevealInNavigation = true,
                PublishOn = now,
                BodyContent = ""

            return pageModel;