} // func TruncateAsync #endregion #region -- Commit/Transmission State -------------------------------------- public async Task CommitFileAsync(long recordCount, long unitCount) { if (readOnly) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } // validate file size if (RecordCount != recordCount) { throw new OdetteFileServiceException(OdetteAnswerReason.InvalidRecordCount, String.Format("Invalid record count (local: {0}, endpoint: {1}).", RecordCount, recordCount)); } if (TotalLength != unitCount) { throw new OdetteFileServiceException(OdetteAnswerReason.InvalidByteCount, String.Format("Invalid record count (local: {0}, endpoint: {1}).", TotalLength, unitCount)); } // close the stream Procs.FreeAndNil(ref stream); // rename file to show that it is received await ChangeInFileStateAsync(fileItem.FileInfo, OdetteInFileState.Received); // notify that the file is received await fileItem.NotifyFileReceivedAsync(); } // proc CommitFileAsync
} // proc Dispose protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { Procs.FreeAndNil(ref stream); } } // prop Dispsoe
} // ctor protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { Procs.FreeAndNil(ref currentListener); } base.Dispose(disposing); } // proc Dispose
} // ctor protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { Procs.FreeAndNil(ref logFile); ConfigLogItemCount--; } base.Dispose(disposing); } // proc Disposing
} // proc ProcessReceiveLine private void ProcessExited(object state, bool timeout) { if (!NativeMethods.GetExitCodeProcess(exitWaitHandle.SafeWaitHandle, out var exitCode)) { exitCode = UInt32.MaxValue; } try { Log.LogMsg(LogMsgType.Information, "Process closed (ExitCode={0})", unchecked ((int)exitCode)); if (this["ProcessStopped"] != null) { CallMemberDirect("ProcessStopped", new object[] { (Process)state }, throwExceptions: false); } HttpRefreshProperties(); } finally { Procs.FreeAndNil(ref exitWaitHandle); waitHandle = null; try { if (hUser != IntPtr.Zero) { Debug.Print("UnloadProfile={0}", NativeMethods.UnloadUserProfile(hUser, hProfile)); Debug.Print("CloseUserHandle={0}", NativeMethods.CloseHandle(hUser)); } if (arOutputStream != null) { procProcessLogLine.EndInvoke(arOutputStream); } if (arErrorStream != null) { procProcessLogLine.EndInvoke(arErrorStream); } arOutputStream = null; arErrorStream = null; Procs.FreeAndNil(ref inputStream); Procs.FreeAndNil(ref outputStream); Procs.FreeAndNil(ref errorStream); } finally { waitForExitEvent.Set(); Procs.FreeAndNil(ref waitForExitEvent); process = null; } } } // proc ProcessExited
} // ctor protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { Procs.FreeAndNil(ref propertyNextRun); Procs.FreeAndNil(ref propertyLastTime); Procs.FreeAndNil(ref propertyIsRunning); } base.Dispose(disposing); } // proc Dispose
} // proc Dispose protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { // Liste wieder austragen configItem.UnregisterList(this); // Sperren zerstören Procs.FreeAndNil(ref listLock); } } // proc Dispose
} // proc Dispose #endregion #region -- Compile -------------------------------------------------------------- protected virtual void Compile(Func <TextReader> open, KeyValuePair <string, Type>[] args) { lock (chunkLock) { // clear the current chunk Procs.FreeAndNil(ref chunk); // recompile the script using (var tr = open()) chunk = Lua.CompileChunk(tr, scriptId, compiledWithDebugger ? engine.debugOptions : null, args); } } // proc Compile
} // ctor protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { try { if (disposing) { Procs.FreeAndNil(ref propertyScriptCount); this.GetService <IServiceContainer>(false)?.RemoveService(typeof(IDELuaEngine)); } } finally { base.Dispose(disposing); } } // proc Dispose
} // proc Dispose protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { foreach (var g in engine.GetAttachedGlobals(scriptId)) { g.ResetScript(); } // Remove the script from the engine engine.RemoveScript(this); log.Info("Entfernt."); Procs.FreeAndNil(ref chunk); } } // proc Dispose
} // proc Dispose protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { stoppingEvent?.Set(); if (disposing) { // stop the thread if (!thread.Join(3000)) { thread.Abort(); } thread = null; // clear objects Procs.FreeAndNil(ref stoppingEvent); // Remove properties Procs.FreeAndNil(ref propertyRestarts); Procs.FreeAndNil(ref propertyRunning); } } // proc Dispose
} // ctor protected void StartThread(string name, ThreadPriority priority = ThreadPriority.Normal, bool isBackground = false, ApartmentState apartmentState = ApartmentState.MTA) { // create the thread thread = new Thread(Execute); thread.SetApartmentState(apartmentState); thread.IsBackground = isBackground; thread.Priority = priority; thread.Name = name; // start the thread startedEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); stoppingEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); thread.Start(); if (!startedEvent.Wait(3000)) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Could not start thread '{0}'.", name)); } Procs.FreeAndNil(ref startedEvent); } // proc StartThread
} // proc SetTransmissionErrorAsync public async Task SetTransmissionStateAsync() { if (!readOnly) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } // close the stream Procs.FreeAndNil(ref stream); // clear answer state to successful var xSend = EnforceSendElement(); xSend.SetAttributeValue("reasonCode", 0); xSend.SetAttributeValue("reasonText", String.Empty); await fileItem.SaveExtensionsAsync(); // chanhe state await ChangeOutFileStateAsync(fileItem.FileInfo, OdetteOutFileState.WaitEndToEnd); } // proc ChangeOutFileStateAsync
} // proc OnBeginReadConfiguration protected override void OnEndReadConfiguration(IDEConfigLoading config) { base.OnEndReadConfiguration(config); var listenerAddress = Config.GetAttribute("address", ""); var listenerPort = Config.GetAttribute("port", serverCertificate == null ? 3305 : 6619); skipInvalidCertificate = Config.GetAttribute("skipInvalidCertificate", false); clientCertificateRequired = Config.GetAttribute("clientCertificateRequired", true); sslProtocols = (SslProtocols)Config.GetAttribute("sslProtocols", (int)defaultSslProtocols); Log.Info("Register Listener (port={0}, addr={1}, ssl={2})", listenerPort, listenerAddress, serverCertificate == null ? "<plain>" : serverCertificate.Subject); var endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(listenerAddress), listenerPort); // start the listener Procs.FreeAndNil(ref currentListener); currentListener = serverTcp.RegisterListener(endPoint, serverCertificate != null ? new Action <Stream>(CreateSslHandler) : new Action <Stream>(CreateHandler) ); } // proc OnEndReadConfiguration
} // ctor protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { try { if (disposing) { CancelJobs(); CronIdleActive = false; Server.Queue.CancelCommand(procCancelJobs); Server.Queue.CancelCommand(procRefreshCronServices); this.GetService <IServiceContainer>(false)?.RemoveService(typeof(IDECronEngine)); Procs.FreeAndNil(ref currentJobs); Procs.FreeAndNil(ref cronItemCacheController); } } finally { base.Dispose(disposing); } } // proc Dispose
} // func EnforceSendElement public async Task SetTransmissionErrorAsync(OdetteAnswerReason answerReason, string reasonText, bool retryFlag) { if (!readOnly) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } // close the stream Procs.FreeAndNil(ref stream); // write answer var xSend = EnforceSendElement(); xSend.SetAttributeValue("reasonCode", (int)answerReason); xSend.SetAttributeValue("reasonText", reasonText); await fileItem.SaveExtensionsAsync(); // no retry, mark as finished if (!retryFlag) { await ChangeOutFileStateAsync(fileItem.FileInfo, OdetteOutFileState.Finished); } } // proc SetTransmissionErrorAsync
} // ctor public void Dispose() { Procs.FreeAndNil(ref streamOutput); Procs.FreeAndNil(ref textOutput); } // proc Dispose
public void Dispose() { Procs.FreeAndNil(ref hStdInput); Procs.FreeAndNil(ref hStdOutput); Procs.FreeAndNil(ref hStdError); }
} // ctor public void Dispose() { Procs.FreeAndNil(ref enumBase); Procs.FreeAndNil(ref lockScope); } // proc Dispose
} // proc OnBeginReadConfiguration public override bool Request(IDEContext r) { if (assembly == null || namespaceRoot == null) { return(false); } // create the resource name var resourceName = namespaceRoot + r.RelativeSubPath.Replace('/', '.'); var src = (Stream)null; try { DateTime stamp; // try to open the resource stream var forceAlternativeCheck = nonePresentAlternativeExtensions != null && nonePresentAlternativeExtensions.FirstOrDefault(c => resourceName.EndsWith(c, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) != null; src = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName); if (src == null && !forceAlternativeCheck) // nothing... { return(false); } // check if there is a newer file if (alternativeRoots != null) { var relativeFileName = ProcsDE.GetLocalPath(r.RelativeSubPath); var alternativeFile = (from c in alternativeRoots let fi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(c, relativeFileName)) where fi.Exists && (forceAlternativeCheck || fi.LastWriteTimeUtc > assemblyStamp) orderby fi.LastWriteTimeUtc descending select fi).FirstOrDefault(); if (alternativeFile != null) { src?.Close(); src = alternativeFile.OpenRead(); stamp = alternativeFile.LastWriteTimeUtc; } else { stamp = assemblyStamp; if (forceAlternativeCheck && src == null) { return(false); } } } else { stamp = assemblyStamp; if (forceAlternativeCheck && src == null) { return(false); } } // security DemandFile(r, resourceName); // send the file r.SetLastModified(stamp) .WriteStream(src, GetFileContentType(resourceName) ?? r.Server.GetContentType(Path.GetExtension(resourceName))); return(true); } finally { Procs.FreeAndNil(ref src); } } // func Request