//-------------------------------- #region Converting private void OnConvert(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string input = Config.Convert.CurrentInput; string output = (Config.Convert.UseInput ? Config.Convert.CurrentInput : Config.Convert.CurrentOutput); bool allowImages = Config.Convert.AllowImages; bool allowSounds = Config.Convert.AllowSounds; Thread thread; if (Config.Convert.Mode == InputModes.Folder) { if (!Helpers.DirectoryExistsSafe(input)) { TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, MessageIcon.Warning, "Could not find the input folder.", "Invalid Path"); return; } if (!Helpers.IsPathValid(output)) { TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, MessageIcon.Warning, "Output folder path is invalid.", "Invalid Path"); return; } input = Helpers.FixPathSafe(input); output = Helpers.FixPathSafe(output); thread = new Thread(() => { Processing.ConvertAll(input, output, allowImages, allowSounds); }); } else { if (!Helpers.FileExistsSafe(input)) { TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, MessageIcon.Warning, "Could not find the input file", "Invalid Path"); return; } if (!Helpers.IsPathValid(output)) { TriggerMessageBox.Show(this, MessageIcon.Warning, "Output file path is invalid.", "Invalid Path"); return; } input = Helpers.FixPathSafe(input); output = Helpers.FixPathSafe(output); thread = new Thread(() => { Processing.ConvertSingleFile(input, output); }); } Processing.StartProgressThread(this, "Converting...", Config.AutoCloseProgress, Config.CompressImages, Config.CompletionSound, thread); }