protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context) { try { string _arguments = Arguments.Get(context); string _fileName = ProcessPath.Get(context); string _workingDirectory = WorkingDirectory.Get(context); Int32 _timeout = Timeout.Get(context); Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); if (_arguments != null) { p.StartInfo.Arguments = _arguments; } if (_workingDirectory != null) { p.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = _workingDirectory; } p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo.FileName = _fileName; p.Start(); Thread.Sleep(_timeout); context.ScheduleAction(Body, "", OnCompleted, OnFaulted); } catch (Exception e) { if (ContinueOnError.Get(context)) { } else { throw new NotImplementedException(e.Message); } } }
private void ProcessSourceFile(ProcessPath process, ScanResult result) { ScannedSourceFile sourceFile = null; string fileKey = ScannedSourceFile.CalculateKey(process.Path, process.Properties); if (!result.SourceFiles.TryGetValue(fileKey, out sourceFile) && !result.UnknownFiles.Contains(process.Path)) { try { sourceFile = new ScannedSourceFile(process.Path, process.Properties); if (this.AddSymbols(result, sourceFile)) { result.SourceFiles.Add(sourceFile.Key, sourceFile); } else { result.UnknownFiles.Add(process.Path); } } catch (Exception e) { this.OnMessage(ScannerMessageType.Warning, "Skipping non-XML file: {0} - reason: {1}", process.Path, e.Message); result.UnknownFiles.Add(process.Path); } } if (sourceFile != null && process.Project != null) { process.Project.SourceFiles.Add(sourceFile); sourceFile.SourceProjects.Add(process.Project); //result.ProjectToSourceFileReferences.Add(new ScannedProjectSourceFileReference() { SourceProject = process.Project, TargetSourceFile = sourceFile }); } }
public FileChoosing(IGraph parent, ProcessPath process) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { Build(); _parent = parent; _process = process; }
private Image _Render(ProcessPath path, Definition definition, string elemid) { Size sz = Size; Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(sz.Width, sz.Height); int minX; int minY; int maxX; int maxY; _CalculateDimensions(out minX, out maxX, out minY, out maxY); Graphics gp = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); gp.TranslateTransform(Math.Abs(minX), Math.Abs(minY)); foreach (Shape shape in _Shapes) { if (shape.bpmnElement == (elemid == null ? shape.bpmnElement : elemid)) { gp.DrawImage(_RenderShape(shape, path.GetStatus(shape.bpmnElement), shape.GetIcon(definition), definition.LocateElement(shape.bpmnElement)), shape.Rectangle); } } foreach (Edge edge in _Edges) { if (edge.bpmnElement == (elemid == null ? edge.bpmnElement : elemid)) { gp.DrawImage(_RenderEdge(edge, path.GetStatus(edge.bpmnElement), definition), edge.Rectangle); } } return(bmp); }
private IEnumerable <ProcessPath> ProcessProjectFile(ProcessPath process, ScanResult result) { List <ProcessPath> newFiles = new List <ProcessPath>(); // If this project is not processed already, read through it all. ScannedProject scannedProject; string key = ScannedProject.CalculateKey(process.Path, process.Properties); if (!result.ProjectFiles.TryGetValue(key, out scannedProject)) { Project project = new Project(process.Path, process.Properties, null); string projectFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullPath); string type = project.GetPropertyValue("OutputType"); scannedProject = new ScannedProject(type, project.FullPath, process.Properties, null); ICollection <ProjectItem> projectReferences = project.GetItemsIgnoringCondition("ProjectReference"); if (this.RecurseProjects && projectReferences != null) { foreach (ProjectItem projectReference in projectReferences) { // TODO: process Property metadata. string include = Path.Combine(projectFolder, projectReference.EvaluatedInclude); newFiles.Add(new ProcessPath(include) { Project = scannedProject }); } } ICollection <ProjectItem> compiles = project.GetItemsIgnoringCondition("Compile"); if (compiles != null) { foreach (ProjectItem item in compiles) { // TODO: process DefineConstants property. string include = Path.Combine(projectFolder, item.EvaluatedInclude); newFiles.Add(new ProcessPath(include) { Project = scannedProject }); } } Debug.Assert(key == scannedProject.Key, String.Format("{0} should equal {1}", key, scannedProject.Key)); result.ProjectFiles.Add(scannedProject.Key, scannedProject); } // If there is a parent project, create a reference between the two projects. if (process.Project != null) { process.Project.TargetProjects.Add(scannedProject); scannedProject.SourceProjects.Add(process.Project); //result.ProjectToProjectReferences.Add(new ScannedProjectProjectReference() { SourceProject = process.Project, TargetProject = scannedProject }); } return(newFiles); }
protected string Process(string fileName, params string[] arguments) { var outp = ""; var args = string.Join(" ", arguments); Log.Info($"{fileName} {args}"); if (ProcessPath.TryGetValue(fileName, out string processPath)) { fileName = processPath; Log.Info($"Using {fileName}"); } void errorDataReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { var data = e?.Data; if (data != null) { Log.Warn(data); } } void outputDataReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { var data = e?.Data; if (data != null) { outp += data; Log.Info(data); } } using (var process = new Process()) { process.StartInfo.FileName = fileName; process.StartInfo.Arguments = args; process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Directory.Exists(CodeBase.Path) ? CodeBase.Path : ""; process.ErrorDataReceived += errorDataReceived; process.OutputDataReceived += outputDataReceived; process.Start(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.WaitForExit(); var exitCode = process.ExitCode; if (exitCode != 0) { throw new Exception("Process error (exit code '" + exitCode + "')"); } } return(outp); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = (ProcessHandle != null ? ProcessHandle.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (ProcessName != null ? ProcessName.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (ProcessPath != null ? ProcessPath.GetHashCode() : 0); return(hashCode); } }
internal ProcessState(ProcessStepComplete complete, ProcessStepError error) { _evnt = new AutoResetEvent(true); _doc = new XmlDocument(); _doc.LoadXml(_BASE_STATE); _stateElement = (XmlElement)_doc.GetElementsByTagName(_PROCESS_STATE_ELEMENT)[0]; _log = (XmlElement)_doc.GetElementsByTagName(_PROCESS_LOG_ELEMENT)[0]; _variables = new StateVariableContainer(this); _suspensions = new SuspendedStepContainer(this); _path = new ProcessPath(complete, error, new processStateChanged(_stateChanged), this); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { var other = obj as ReAttachTarget; if (other == null) { return(false); } return(ProcessPath.Equals(other.ProcessPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && ProcessUser.Equals(other.ProcessUser, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && ServerName.Equals(other.ServerName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); }
public override bool IsIncomingFlowComplete(string incomingID, ProcessPath path) { bool ret = true; foreach (string str in Incoming) { if (path.GetStatus(str) != StepStatuses.Succeeded) { ret = false; break; } } return(ret); }
private IEnumerable<ProcessPath> ProcessFile(ProcessPath process, ScanResult result) { IEnumerable<ProcessPath> moreFiles; string extension = Path.GetExtension(process.Path); if (extension.Equals(".wixproj", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { moreFiles = this.ProcessProjectFile(process, result); } else { this.ProcessSourceFile(process, result); moreFiles = new List<ProcessPath>(); } return moreFiles; }
private IEnumerable <ProcessPath> ProcessFile(ProcessPath process, ScanResult result) { IEnumerable <ProcessPath> moreFiles; string extension = Path.GetExtension(process.Path); if (extension.Equals(".wixproj", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { moreFiles = this.ProcessProjectFile(process, result); } else { this.ProcessSourceFile(process, result); moreFiles = new List <ProcessPath>(); } return(moreFiles); }
public ScanResult Scan(IEnumerable <string> paths, IList <string> includeSymbols, IList <string> excludeSymbols) { ScanResult result = new ScanResult(); Queue <ProcessPath> queue = new Queue <ProcessPath>(); foreach (string path in paths) { queue.Enqueue(new ProcessPath(path)); } while (0 < queue.Count) { ProcessPath process = queue.Dequeue(); if (process.Project == null && Directory.Exists(process.Path)) { foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(process.Path)) { queue.Enqueue(new ProcessPath(directory)); } foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(process.Path)) { IEnumerable <ProcessPath> more = this.ProcessFile(process, result); foreach (ProcessPath item in more) { queue.Enqueue(item); } } } else { IEnumerable <ProcessPath> more = this.ProcessFile(process, result); foreach (ProcessPath item in more) { queue.Enqueue(item); } } } this.ResolveSymbols(result); return(result); }
internal Image RenderElement(ProcessPath path, Definition definition, string elementID, out RectangleF?rectangle) { foreach (Shape shape in _Shapes) { if (shape.bpmnElement == elementID) { rectangle = _ShiftRectangle(shape.Rectangle); return(_RenderShape(shape, path.GetStatus(shape.bpmnElement), shape.GetIcon(definition), definition.LocateElement(shape.bpmnElement))); } } foreach (Edge edge in _Edges) { if (edge.bpmnElement == elementID) { rectangle = _ShiftRectangle(edge.Rectangle); return(_RenderEdge(edge, path.GetStatus(edge.bpmnElement), definition)); } } rectangle = null; return(null); }
static void TcpIpPerformance() { long tableTime, processTimeTotal, sidTimeTotal; var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); var tcpTable = TcpTable.GetAllTcpConnections(); sw.Stop(); tableTime = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; var itemCount = tcpTable.Length; //===================================================== var processPaths = new string[tcpTable.Length]; sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < tcpTable.Length; i++) { if (tcpTable[i].owningPid != 0) { processPaths[i] = ProcessPath.GetProcessPath((uint)tcpTable[i].owningPid); } else { processPaths[i] = "SystemIdle"; } } sw.Stop(); processTimeTotal = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; //===================================================== var processSid = new string[tcpTable.Length]; var myProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); //for (int i = 0; i < tcpTable.Length; i++) //{ // if (processPaths[i] != "") // { // processSid[i] = ProcessUser.sidFromProcess((uint)tcpTable[i].owningPid); // } //} Action <string> loggerSample = new Action <string>((text) => Console.WriteLine(text)); Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserSid.sidFromProcess((uint)myProcess.Id, loggerSample)); Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserSid.sidFromProcess((uint)myProcess.Id, loggerSample)); Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserSid.sidFromProcess((uint)myProcess.Id, loggerSample)); Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserSid.sidFromProcess((uint)myProcess.Id, loggerSample)); Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserSid.sidFromProcess((uint)myProcess.Id, loggerSample)); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Only fast sid: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserSid.sidFromProcess(4, loggerSample)); Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserSid.sidFromProcess(4, loggerSample)); Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserSid.sidFromProcess(4, loggerSample)); Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserSid.sidFromProcess(4, loggerSample)); Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserSid.sidFromProcess(4, loggerSample)); Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserSid.sidFromProcess(4, loggerSample)); Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserSid.sidFromProcess(4, loggerSample)); sw.Stop(); sidTimeTotal = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine($"Results\n======\nTcpTable: {tableTime}ms\nPaths: {processTimeTotal}ms\nSids: {sidTimeTotal}ms"); }
// Class Functions: // ================================================= public HTTPTaskResult StartListener(IPAddress ip, int port, Func <bool> isCancelled) { HTTPTaskResult result = HTTPTaskResult.Fail(HTTPResultEnum.NOTOKEN_ERROR, "init"); TcpListener tcpServer = new TcpListener(ip, port); tcpServer.Start(); _actual_port = ((IPEndPoint)tcpServer.LocalEndpoint).Port; // Timeout for accepting client -> Just check if pending ( int acceptTimePassedMS = 0; acceptTimePassedMS = WaitForTcpClient(isCancelled, tcpServer, acceptTimePassedMS); if (acceptTimePassedMS >= AcceptTimeout.TotalMilliseconds || isCancelled()) { result = HTTPTaskResult .Fail(HTTPResultEnum.NOTOKEN_ERROR, "Accept socket timeout", resultObj: isCancelled()); } else { TcpClient client = tcpServer.AcceptTcpClient(); client.ReceiveTimeout = (int)TotalRequestTimeout.TotalMilliseconds; client.SendTimeout = (int)TotalResponseTimeout.TotalMilliseconds; NetworkStream ns = client.GetStream(); try { if (!ns.CanTimeout) { result = HTTPTaskResult .Fail(HTTPResultEnum.NOTOKEN_ERROR, "Networkstream can't timeout!", resultObj: isCancelled()); } else { ns.ReadTimeout = client.ReceiveTimeout; ns.WriteTimeout = client.SendTimeout; int bytesRecieved = 0; byte[] RequestBuffer = new byte[BufferSize]; string requestData = RecieveHTTPRequest(isCancelled, ns, ref bytesRecieved, RequestBuffer); if (!requestData.EndsWith(HTTPHeadersEnd)) { result = HTTPTaskResult .Fail(HTTPResultEnum.NOTOKEN_ERROR, "Error getting a valid HTTP request", resultObj: isCancelled()); } else { bool validReq = true; foreach (string item in findInRequest) { if (!requestData.Contains(item.ToLower())) { validReq = false; break; } } if (!validReq) { // Because we also check Agent header here, so from this point it is all security result = HTTPTaskResult .Fail(HTTPResultEnum.TOKEN_AUTH_ERROR, "Didn't find all required text in request:\n" + requestData, resultObj: isCancelled()); } else { int pid = pidFromConnection(client); if (pid < 0) { result = HTTPTaskResult .Fail(HTTPResultEnum.TOKEN_AUTH_ERROR, "Can't find token req PID owner", resultObj: isCancelled()); } else { LocalGroupsAndUsers users = new LocalGroupsAndUsers(); string processPath = ProcessPath.GetProcessPath((uint)pid); string userSid = ProcessUserSid.sidFromProcess((uint)pid, (s) => { }); string userName = users.getUserName(userSid); if (processPath == "" || userName == "" || userSid == "") { result = HTTPTaskResult .Fail(HTTPResultEnum.TOKEN_AUTH_ERROR, "Error getting process owner information", resultObj: isCancelled()); } else { Properties.Settings config = Properties.Settings.Default; bool isCallerAllowed = config.AllowedClientUsernames.ToLower().Contains(userName.ToLower()) && config.AllowedClientPaths.ToLower().Contains(processPath.ToLower()) && !isCancelled(); if (!isCallerAllowed) { result = HTTPTaskResult .Fail(HTTPResultEnum.TOKEN_AUTH_ERROR, string.Format( "Token acces denied problem!\nProcess: {0}\nUserSid: {1}\nUserName: {2}", processPath, userSid, userName ), resultObj: isCancelled()); } else { byte[] responseBuffer = CreateTokenHTTPResponse(DataToServe); Stopwatch sendTimer = new Stopwatch(); sendTimer.Start(); ns.Write(responseBuffer, 0, responseBuffer.Length); sendTimer.Stop(); if (sendTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= ns.WriteTimeout) { // Because maybe he got the token and stopped responding (reading) => TOKEN_AUTH_ERROR result = HTTPTaskResult .Fail(HTTPResultEnum.TOKEN_AUTH_ERROR, "Error sending response, got timeout.", resultObj: isCancelled()); } else { result = HTTPTaskResult.Success(HTTPResultEnum.SUCCESS, "Token sent!"); } } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { result = HTTPTaskResult .Fail(HTTPResultEnum.TOKEN_AUTH_ERROR, "Error in token process", resultObj: isCancelled(), error: ex); } finally { ns.Close(); client.Close(); tcpServer.Stop(); } } return(result); }
public override bool IsIncomingFlowComplete(string incomingID, ProcessPath path) { return(true); }
internal Image UpdateState(ProcessPath path, Definition elem, string nextStep) { return(_Render(path, elem, nextStep)); }
public bool IsWaiting(ProcessPath path) { return(path.GetStatus( == StepStatuses.Waiting); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(ProcessPath.ToLower().GetHashCode() + ProcessUser.ToLower().GetHashCode() + ServerName.ToLower().GetHashCode()); }
public MainWindowViewModel() { // Load LoadDefaultConfiguration(); var useConnectionType = UseConnectionTypeSelectedIndex .Select(x => (ConnectionProtocol)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConnectionProtocol), UseConnectionType[x])) .ToReactiveProperty(); // Setup peer peer = new ReactiveProperty <ObservablePhotonPeer>(new UseJsonObservablePhotonPeer(useConnectionType.Value)); peer.Select(x => x.ObserveStatusChanged()) .Switch() .Subscribe(x => { if (x == StatusCode.Connect) { CurrentConnectionStatus.Value = "Connecting : " + Address.Value + " " + AppName.Value; } else { CurrentConnectionStatus.Value = x.ToString(); } Log.WriteLine(CurrentConnectionStatus.Value); }); // Setup Properties HubInfoListSelectedIndex.Subscribe(x => { foreach (var item in OperationInfoList) { item.Dispose(); } OperationInfoList.Clear(); if (x == -1) { return; } if (HubInfoList.Count - 1 < x) { return; } var hub = HubInfoList[x]; foreach (var item in hub.Operations) { OperationInfoList.Add(new OperationItemViewModel(peer, Log, item)); } }); // Setup Commands var photonProcessExists = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).Select(x => Process.GetProcessesByName("PhotonSocketserver").Any()); KillPhotonProcess = photonProcessExists.ToReactiveCommand(); KillPhotonProcess.Subscribe(_ => { var processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("PhotonSocketServer"); foreach (var item in processes) { item.Kill(); } }); StartPhotonProcess = ProcessPath.CombineLatest(WorkingDir, (processPath, workingDir) => new { processPath, workingDir }) .Select(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.processPath + x.workingDir)) .CombineLatest(photonProcessExists, (x, y) => x && !y) .ToReactiveCommand(); StartPhotonProcess.Subscribe(_ => { try { var processPath = ProcessPath.Value; var workingDir = WorkingDir.Value; var pi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = ProcessPath.Value, Arguments = ProcessArgument.Value, WorkingDirectory = workingDir }; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(pi); SaveConfiguration(); // can start, save path } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }); ReloadDll = DllPath.Select(x => File.Exists(x.Trim('\"'))).ToReactiveCommand(ImmediateScheduler.Instance); // needs Immediate check for InitialLoad(see:bottom code) ReloadDll.Subscribe(_ => { try { HubInfoList.Clear(); var hubInfos = HubAnalyzer.LoadHubInfos(DllPath.Value.Trim('\"')); SaveConfiguration(); // can load, save path hubInfoLookup = hubInfos.ToDictionary(x => x.HubId); foreach (var hub in hubInfos) { HubInfoList.Add(hub); } HubInfoListSelectedIndex.Value = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }); Connect = peer.Select(x => x.ObserveStatusChanged()) .Switch() .CombineLatest(Address, (x, y) => x != StatusCode.Connect && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(y)) .ToReactiveCommand(); Connect.Subscribe(async _ => { try { peer.Value.Dispose(); peer.Value = new UseJsonObservablePhotonPeer(useConnectionType.Value); var b = await peer.Value.ConnectAsync(Address.Value, AppName.Value); Log.WriteLine("Connect:" + b); if (b) { SaveConfiguration(); // can connect, save path // Register Listener listenerSubscription.Disposable = peer.Value.ObserveReceiveEventData().Subscribe(ReceiveEvent); } else { listenerSubscription.Disposable = System.Reactive.Disposables.Disposable.Empty; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteLine("Can't connect:" + ex.ToString()); listenerSubscription.Disposable = System.Reactive.Disposables.Disposable.Empty; } }); Disconnect = peer.Select(x => x.ObserveStatusChanged()) .Switch() .Select(x => x == StatusCode.Connect) .ToReactiveCommand(); Disconnect.Subscribe(_ => { try { peer.Value.Disconnect(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteLine("Can't disconnect:" + ex.ToString()); } }); LogClear = new ReactiveCommand(); LogClear.Subscribe(_ => { Log.Value = ""; }); // Initial Load if (ReloadDll.CanExecute()) { ReloadDll.Execute(); } // Initial VersionInfo VersionInfo = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetCustomAttribute <AssemblyFileVersionAttribute>().Version.ToString(); if (peer.Value.ObserveStatusChanged().FirstAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult() == StatusCode.Disconnect) { CurrentConnectionStatus.Value = "PhotonWire.HubInvoker " + VersionInfo; } }
public abstract bool IsIncomingFlowComplete(string incomingID, ProcessPath path);
public AddProcessDialog() { InitializeComponent(); ProcessPath.Focus(); }
public Image Render(ProcessPath path, Definition definition) { return(_Render(path, definition, null)); }
private IEnumerable<ProcessPath> ProcessProjectFile(ProcessPath process, ScanResult result) { List<ProcessPath> newFiles = new List<ProcessPath>(); // If this project is not processed already, read through it all. ScannedProject scannedProject; string key = ScannedProject.CalculateKey(process.Path, process.Properties); if (!result.ProjectFiles.TryGetValue(key, out scannedProject)) { Project project = new Project(process.Path, process.Properties, null); string projectFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullPath); string type = project.GetPropertyValue("OutputType"); scannedProject = new ScannedProject(type, project.FullPath, process.Properties, null); ICollection<ProjectItem> projectReferences = project.GetItemsIgnoringCondition("ProjectReference"); if (this.RecurseProjects && projectReferences != null) { foreach (ProjectItem projectReference in projectReferences) { // TODO: process Property metadata. string include = Path.Combine(projectFolder, projectReference.EvaluatedInclude); newFiles.Add(new ProcessPath(include) { Project = scannedProject }); } } ICollection<ProjectItem> compiles = project.GetItemsIgnoringCondition("Compile"); if (compiles != null) { foreach (ProjectItem item in compiles) { // TODO: process DefineConstants property. string include = Path.Combine(projectFolder, item.EvaluatedInclude); newFiles.Add(new ProcessPath(include) { Project = scannedProject }); } } Debug.Assert(key == scannedProject.Key, String.Format("{0} should equal {1}", key, scannedProject.Key)); result.ProjectFiles.Add(scannedProject.Key, scannedProject); } // If there is a parent project, create a reference between the two projects. if (process.Project != null) { process.Project.TargetProjects.Add(scannedProject); scannedProject.SourceProjects.Add(process.Project); //result.ProjectToProjectReferences.Add(new ScannedProjectProjectReference() { SourceProject = process.Project, TargetProject = scannedProject }); } return newFiles; }
private Image _Render(ProcessPath path, Definition definition, string elemid) { Size sz = Size; Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(sz.Width, sz.Height); int minX = 0; int maxX = 0; int minY = 0; int maxY = 0; foreach (IElement elem in Children) { _RecurGetDimensions(elem, ref minX, ref maxX, ref minY, ref maxY); } Graphics gp = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); gp.TranslateTransform(Math.Abs(minX), Math.Abs(minY)); foreach (Shape shape in _Shapes) { if (shape.bpmnElement == (elemid == null ? shape.bpmnElement : elemid)) { StepStatuses status = path.GetStatus(shape.bpmnElement); BPMIcons? icon = shape.GetIcon(definition); IElement elem = definition.LocateElement(shape.bpmnElement); if (icon.HasValue) { Image img = Bitmap.FromStream(Utility.LocateEmbededResource(_GetImageStreamName(status))); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); switch (icon.Value) { case BPMIcons.Task: case BPMIcons.SendTask: case BPMIcons.ReceiveTask: case BPMIcons.UserTask: case BPMIcons.ManualTask: case BPMIcons.ServiceTask: case BPMIcons.ScriptTask: case BPMIcons.BusinessRuleTask: Pen p = new Pen(_GetBrush(status), Constants.PEN_WIDTH); gp.DrawEllipse(p, new RectangleF(shape.Rectangle.X, shape.Rectangle.Y, 11, 11)); gp.DrawEllipse(p, new RectangleF(shape.Rectangle.X, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height - 11, 11, 11)); gp.DrawEllipse(p, new RectangleF(shape.Rectangle.X + shape.Rectangle.Width - 11, shape.Rectangle.Y, 11, 11)); gp.DrawEllipse(p, new RectangleF(shape.Rectangle.X + shape.Rectangle.Width - 11, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height - 11, 11, 11)); gp.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, new PointF[] { new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X, shape.Rectangle.Y + 5), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + 5, shape.Rectangle.Y + 5), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + 5, shape.Rectangle.Y), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + shape.Rectangle.Width - 5, shape.Rectangle.Y), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + shape.Rectangle.Width - 5, shape.Rectangle.Y + 5), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + shape.Rectangle.Width, shape.Rectangle.Y + 5), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + shape.Rectangle.Width, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height - 5), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + shape.Rectangle.Width - 5, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height - 5), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + shape.Rectangle.Width - 5, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + 5, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + 5, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height - 5), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height - 5), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X, shape.Rectangle.Y + 5) }); gp.DrawLine(p, new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + 5, shape.Rectangle.Y), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + shape.Rectangle.Width - 5, shape.Rectangle.Y)); gp.DrawLine(p, new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + shape.Rectangle.Width, shape.Rectangle.Y + 5), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + shape.Rectangle.Width, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height - 5)); gp.DrawLine(p, new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + 5, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + shape.Rectangle.Width - 5, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height)); gp.DrawLine(p, new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X, shape.Rectangle.Y + 5), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height - 5)); switch (icon.Value) { case BPMIcons.Task: rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1); break; case BPMIcons.SendTask: rect = new Rectangle(278, 10, 46, 30); break; case BPMIcons.ReceiveTask: rect = new Rectangle(330, 10, 46, 30); break; case BPMIcons.UserTask: rect = new Rectangle(274, 52, 40, 47); break; case BPMIcons.ManualTask: rect = new Rectangle(327, 53, 55, 36); break; case BPMIcons.ServiceTask: rect = new Rectangle(335, 100, 48, 45); break; case BPMIcons.ScriptTask: rect = new Rectangle(385, 8, 33, 37); break; case BPMIcons.BusinessRuleTask: rect = new Rectangle(272, 111, 49, 30); break; } gp.DrawImage(img, new RectangleF(shape.Rectangle.X + 5, shape.Rectangle.Y + 5, 15, 15), rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); break; default: switch (icon.Value) { case BPMIcons.StartEvent: rect = new Rectangle(7, 5, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.MessageStartEvent: rect = new Rectangle(62, 5, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.TimerStartEvent: rect = new Rectangle(115, 5, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.ConditionalStartEvent: rect = new Rectangle(168, 5, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.SignalStartEvent: rect = new Rectangle(220, 5, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.MessageIntermediateThrowEvent: rect = new Rectangle(8, 56, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.EscalationIntermediateThrowEvent: rect = new Rectangle(62, 56, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.LinkIntermediateThrowEvent: rect = new Rectangle(116, 56, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.CompensationIntermediateThrowEvent: rect = new Rectangle(169, 56, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.SignalIntermediateThrowEvent: rect = new Rectangle(221, 56, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.MessageIntermediateCatchEvent: rect = new Rectangle(8, 107, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.TimerIntermediateCatchEvent: rect = new Rectangle(62, 107, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.ConditionalIntermediateCatchEvent: rect = new Rectangle(116, 107, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.LinkIntermediateCatchEvent: rect = new Rectangle(169, 107, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.SignalIntermediateCatchEvent: rect = new Rectangle(221, 107, 46, 46); break; case BPMIcons.EndEvent: rect = new Rectangle(6, 160, 48, 48); break; case BPMIcons.MessageEndEvent: rect = new Rectangle(61, 160, 48, 48); break; case BPMIcons.EscalationEndEvent: rect = new Rectangle(114, 160, 48, 48); break; case BPMIcons.ErrorEndEvent: rect = new Rectangle(167, 160, 48, 48); break; case BPMIcons.CompensationEndEvent: rect = new Rectangle(220, 160, 48, 48); break; case BPMIcons.SignalEndEvent: rect = new Rectangle(274, 160, 48, 48); break; case BPMIcons.TerminateEndEvent: rect = new Rectangle(332, 160, 48, 48); break; case BPMIcons.ExclusiveGateway: rect = new Rectangle(8, 214, 63, 63); break; case BPMIcons.ParallelGateway: rect = new Rectangle(77, 214, 63, 63); break; case BPMIcons.InclusiveGateway: rect = new Rectangle(149, 214, 63, 63); break; case BPMIcons.ComplexGateway: rect = new Rectangle(222, 214, 63, 63); break; case BPMIcons.EventBasedGateway: rect = new Rectangle(292, 214, 63, 63); break; } gp.DrawImage(img, shape.Rectangle, rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); break; } } if (elem != null) { if (elem is TextAnnotation) { gp.DrawLines(new Pen(_GetBrush(status), Constants.PEN_WIDTH), new PointF[] { new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + 20, shape.Rectangle.Y), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X, shape.Rectangle.Y), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height), new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X + 20, shape.Rectangle.Y + shape.Rectangle.Height) }); } else if (elem is Lane || elem is Participant) { gp.DrawRectangle(new Pen(_GetBrush(status), Constants.PEN_WIDTH), Rectangle.Round(shape.Rectangle)); } else if (elem is SubProcess) { gp.DrawPath(new Pen(_GetBrush(status), Constants.PEN_WIDTH), _GenerateRoundedRectangle(shape.Rectangle.X, shape.Rectangle.Y, shape.Rectangle.Width, shape.Rectangle.Height)); } if (elem.ToString() != "") { if (shape.Label != null) { SizeF sf = gp.MeasureString(elem.ToString(), Constants.FONT, new SizeF(shape.Label.Bounds.Rectangle.Width, float.MaxValue), Constants.STRING_FORMAT); gp.DrawString(elem.ToString(), Constants.FONT, _GetBrush(status), new RectangleF(shape.Label.Bounds.Rectangle.X, shape.Label.Bounds.Rectangle.Y, Math.Max(shape.Label.Bounds.Rectangle.Width, sf.Width), Math.Max(shape.Label.Bounds.Rectangle.Height, sf.Height)), Constants.STRING_FORMAT); } else { SizeF size = gp.MeasureString(elem.ToString(), Constants.FONT); if (size.Height != 0 || size.Width != 0) { if (elem is Lane || elem is LaneSet || elem is Participant) { Bitmap tbmp = new Bitmap((int)size.Height * 2, (int)size.Width); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(tbmp); g.TranslateTransform(tbmp.Width / 2, tbmp.Height); g.RotateTransform(-90); g.TranslateTransform(0, 0); g.DrawString(elem.ToString(), Constants.FONT, _GetBrush(status), 0, 0); g.Save(); gp.DrawImage(tbmp, new PointF(shape.Rectangle.X - 7, shape.Rectangle.Y + ((shape.Rectangle.Height - tbmp.Height) / 2))); } else { gp.DrawString(elem.ToString(), Constants.FONT, _GetBrush(status), new RectangleF(shape.Rectangle.X + 0.5f, shape.Rectangle.Y + 15, shape.Rectangle.Width - 1, shape.Rectangle.Height - 15.5f), Constants.STRING_FORMAT); } } } } } } } foreach (Edge edge in _Edges) { if (edge.bpmnElement == (elemid == null ? edge.bpmnElement : elemid)) { StepStatuses status = path.GetStatus(edge.bpmnElement); gp.DrawLines(edge.ConstructPen(_GetBrush(status), definition), edge.Points); edge.AppendEnds(gp, _GetBrush(status), definition); if (edge.Label != null) { IElement elem = definition.LocateElement(edge.bpmnElement); if (elem != null) { SizeF sf = gp.MeasureString(elem.ToString(), Constants.FONT, new SizeF(edge.Label.Bounds.Rectangle.Width, edge.Label.Bounds.Rectangle.Height), Constants.STRING_FORMAT); gp.DrawString(elem.ToString(), Constants.FONT, _GetBrush(status), new RectangleF(edge.Label.Bounds.Rectangle.X, edge.Label.Bounds.Rectangle.Y, Math.Max(edge.Label.Bounds.Rectangle.Width, sf.Width), Math.Max(edge.Label.Bounds.Rectangle.Height, sf.Height)), Constants.STRING_FORMAT); } } } } return(bmp); }