public void StreamEncodingCanBeChanged()
     var info = new ProcessInfo("somewhere");
     var encoding = Encoding.UTF32;
     info.StreamEncoding = encoding;
     Assert.AreEqual(encoding, info.StreamEncoding);
Example #2
        public static System.Diagnostics.Process CreateProcess(string path, string args, string currentDirectory)
            if (!File.Exists(path))
                throw new ArgumentException("File does not exist");
            ProcessInfo proc = new ProcessInfo();
                var inf = new StartupInfo();

                inf.cb = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(StartupInfo));
                var cmd = path;
                    cmd += " " + args;
                if (!CreateProcess(null, cmd, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, false, CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB | CREATE_NO_WINDOW, IntPtr.Zero, currentDirectory, ref inf, out proc))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Couldn't create process");

                return System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(proc.ProcessId);
                if (proc.hProcess != IntPtr.Zero)

Example #3
        public void Show(ProcessInfo process, string whatsHigh)
            this._Process = process;

            this.Text = "Warning! Process taking high " + whatsHigh;
            this.TitleLabel.Text = "The following process is taking high " + whatsHigh + " and should be closed:";
            this.ProcessNameLabel.Text = process.Title;
            this.PostponeButton.Text = string.Format("Postpone {0} mins", Settings.Default.Default_Postpone_Time.TotalMinutes);
            this.CPULabel.Text = process.CpuUsage + "%";
            this.MemoryLabel.Text = (process.WorkingSet / 1048576) + " MB";
                Process realProcess = Process.GetProcessById(process.Id);
                this.ProcessNameLabel.Text = realProcess.MainWindowTitle;


            this.TopMost = true;

        public void ProcessInfo_TestEqualishWorksAlwaysReturnsFalseForDifferentProcesses()
            var info1 = new ProcessInfo("process.exe", "TestDocument.doc *");
            var info2 = new ProcessInfo("process2.exe", "TestDocument.doc");

            info1.IsEqualishTo(info2).Should().BeFalse("because they're different processes");
 public void MinimalConstructorSetsFilename()
     var filename = "nameoffile";
     var info = new ProcessInfo(filename);
     Assert.AreEqual(filename, info.FileName);
     Assert.AreEqual(2, info.TimeOut.Minutes);
        public void ProcessInfo_TestEverything()
            ProcessInfo p1 = new ProcessInfo();
            Assert.AreEqual(0, p1.ProcessId);
            Assert.AreEqual(ProcessInfo.ProcessType.Unknown, p1.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Unknown, p1.Status);

            PublicEndPoint ep1 = new PublicEndPoint() { Host = "", Port = 32541 };
            DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now;
            ProcessInfo p2 = new ProcessInfo()
                    ProcessId = 10,
                    Type = ProcessInfo.ProcessType.Player,
                    EndPoint = ep1,
                    Label = "Test Process",
                    Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Initializing,
                    AliveTimestamp = t1
            Assert.AreEqual(10, p2.ProcessId);
            Assert.AreEqual(ProcessInfo.ProcessType.Player, p2.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(ep1, p2.EndPoint);
            Assert.AreEqual("Test Process", p2.Label);
            Assert.AreEqual(ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Initializing, p2.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual("Initializing", p2.StatusString);
            Assert.AreEqual(t1, p2.AliveTimestamp);
 public void StandardInputContentCanBeChanged()
     var info = new ProcessInfo("somewhere");
     var expected = "some data to pass in";
     info.StandardInputContent = expected;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, info.StandardInputContent);
 public ProcessMonitor(Process p)
     m_process = p;
     m_info = new ProcessInfo(p);
     //m_cpucounter = new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", GetPerformanceCounterProcessName(m_process.Id), true);
        public void ProcessInfo_TestEqualishWorksWithUnsavedDocumentMarkers()
            var processName = "process.exe";
            var info1 = new ProcessInfo(processName, "TestDocument.doc *");
            var info2 = new ProcessInfo(processName, "TestDocument.doc");

            info1.IsEqualishTo(info2).Should().BeTrue("because the process name is the same and the window title is basically the same!");
		public void ShouldNotUseATimeoutIfTimeoutSetToInfiniteOnProcessInfo()
			ProcessInfo processInfo = new ProcessInfo("cmd.exe", "/C @echo Hello World");
			processInfo.TimeOut = ProcessInfo.InfiniteTimeout;
			ProcessResult result = executor.Execute(processInfo);
			Assert.AreEqual("Hello World", result.StandardOutput.Trim());			
		public void SetEnvironmentVariables()
			ProcessInfo processInfo = new ProcessInfo("cmd.exe", "/C set foo", null);
			processInfo.EnvironmentVariables["foo"] = "bar";
			ProcessResult result = executor.Execute(processInfo);

			Assert.AreEqual("foo=bar\r\n", result.StandardOutput);
        public void ProcessInfo_ConstructorShouldSetProperties()
            var name = "process.exe";
            var title = "window title";
            var info = new ProcessInfo(name, title);

Example #13
 private static void WriteToStandardInput(Process process, ProcessInfo processInfo)
     if (process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput)
		public void IfStandardInputContentIsSetThenStandardInputIsRedirected()
			ProcessInfo info = new ProcessInfo("temp");
			info.StandardInputContent = "Some content";

			Process process = info.CreateProcess();
		public void ForceProcessTimeoutBecauseTargetIsNonTerminating()
			ProcessInfo processInfo = new ProcessInfo("sleeper.exe");
			processInfo.TimeOut = 100;
			ProcessResult result = executor.Execute(processInfo);

			Assert.IsTrue(result.TimedOut, "process did not time out, but it should have.");
			Assert.IsNotNull(result.StandardOutput, "some output should have been produced");
		public void IfExecutableIsFoundInWorkingDirectoryThenUseCombinedPathAsExecutablePath()
			string workingDir = TempFileUtil.CreateTempDir("working");
			string executablePath = TempFileUtil.CreateTempFile("working", "myExecutable");

			ProcessInfo infoWithoutPathQualifiedExecutable = new ProcessInfo("myExecutable", "", workingDir);
			ProcessInfo infoWithPreQualifiedExecutable = new ProcessInfo(executablePath, "", workingDir);

			Assert.AreEqual(infoWithPreQualifiedExecutable, infoWithoutPathQualifiedExecutable);
 public AppStatus(InstallDirectoryItem appInstallation, string iconUrl, ProcessInfo processInfo, string error)
     Id = appInstallation.PackageId;
     Version = appInstallation.PackageVersion;
     Instance = appInstallation.Instance;
     FullName = $"{appInstallation.PackageId}.{appInstallation.PackageVersion}@{appInstallation.Instance}".TrimEnd('@');
     IconUrl = iconUrl;
     ProcessInfo = processInfo;
     Error = error;
Example #18
 public Player()
     Label = "Drew's Player";
     MyProcessInfo = new ProcessInfo()
         Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.NotInitialized,
         Label = Label,
         Type = ProcessInfo.ProcessType.Player
        public void ProcessInfo_TestEqualityWorks()
            var info1 = new ProcessInfo("process.exe", "window title");
            var info2 = new ProcessInfo("process.exe", "window title");
            var info3 = new ProcessInfo("process.exe", "different window title");
            var info4 = new ProcessInfo("proc.exe", "window title");

            info1.Equals(info2).Should().BeTrue("because the two objects have the same process/window title");
            info1.Equals(info3).Should().BeFalse("because the window titles are different");
            info1.Equals(info4).Should().BeFalse("because the process titles are different");
Example #20
 static extern bool CreateProcess(
     string lpApplicationName,
     string lpCommandLine, 
     ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,
     ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, 
     bool bInheritHandles,
     uint dwCreationFlags, 
     IntPtr lpEnvironment, 
     string lpCurrentDirectory,
     [In] ref StartupInfo lpStartupInfo,
     out ProcessInfo lpProcessInformation);
		public void ProcessSuccessRequiresZeroExitCode()
			int[] successExitCodes = { 1, 3, 5 };

			ProcessInfo info = new ProcessInfo(@"""c:\nant\nant.exe""", null, string.Format(@"""{0}""", Path.GetTempPath()));

Example #22
 public static void LaunchApp(string strPath, string strParms)
     pi = new ProcessInfo();
     byte[] si = new byte[128];
     CreateProcess(strPath, strParms, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, si, pi);
     // This line can be commented out if you do not want to wait for the process to exit
     //WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, 0xFFFFFFFF);
     //int exitCode = 0;
     //GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, ref exitCode);
Example #23
        private static Process Start(ProcessInfo processInfo)
            var process = processInfo.CreateProcess();
                          "Attempting to start process [{0}] in working directory [{1}] with arguments [{2}]",
                          process.StartInfo.FileName, process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory, process.StartInfo.Arguments));

            var isNewProcess = process.Start();
            if (! isNewProcess) Log.Debug("Reusing existing process...");

            return process;
Example #24
        public override IEnumerator<object> LoadInto(ProcessInfo process)
            if (ScriptText == null)
                yield return Reload();

            Program.PythonModuleToScript[ModuleName] = Name;

            yield return Program.LoadPythonScript(
                process, ModuleName, ScriptText

        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified process info.	
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processInfo">The process info.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
		public virtual ProcessResult Execute(ProcessInfo processInfo)
			string projectName = Thread.CurrentThread.Name;
			using (RunnableProcess p = new RunnableProcess(processInfo, projectName, processInfo == null ? null : processInfo.PublicArguments))
				p.ProcessOutput += ((sender, e) => OnProcessOutput(e));

				ProcessMonitor.MonitorProcessForProject(p.Process, projectName);
				ProcessResult run = p.Run();
				return run;
Example #26
        public void Initialize()
            MyProcessInfo = new ProcessInfo()
                Status = ProcessInfo.StatusCode.Initializing,
                Type = ProcessInfo.ProcessType.BalloonStore,
                Label = Options.Label

            RegistryEndPoint = new PublicEndPoint(Options.Registry);
            GameManagerEndPoint = new PublicEndPoint(Options.GameManagerEndPoint);

            Identity = new IdentityInfo()
                Alias = Options.Alias,
                ANumber = Options.ANumber,
                FirstName = Options.FirstName,
                LastName = Options.LastName

            SetupCommSubsystem(new BalloonStoreConversationFactory()
                DefaultMaxRetries = Options.Retries,
                DefaultTimeout = Options.Timeout,
                Process = this
            }, minPort: Options.MinPort, maxPort: Options.MaxPort);

            Game = new GameInfo();
            PennyBankPublicKey = new PublicKey();
            WaterSources = new List<GameProcessData>();
            BalloonStores = new List<GameProcessData>();
            UmbrellaSuppliers = new List<GameProcessData>();
            Players = new List<GameProcessData>();
            Balloons = new ResourceSet<Balloon>();
            CachedPennies = new List<Penny>();

            rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
            rsaSigner = new RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter(rsa);
            Hasher = new SHA1Managed();
            RSAParameters parameters = rsa.ExportParameters(false);
            PublicKey = new PublicKey()
                Exponent = parameters.Exponent,
                Modulus = parameters.Modulus

            NextId = 0;
            NumIds = 0;
Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the after A while if a process is still running. If running, then kill it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processToKill">The process to kill.</param>
        private void CheckAfterAWhileIfItsStillRunning(ProcessInfo processToKill)
            if (_ProcessKillTimer == default(Timer))
                _ProcessKillTimer = new Timer();
                _ProcessKillTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(_ProcessKillTimer_Tick);

            if (!_ProcessesToKill.Contains(processToKill))

            _ProcessKillTimer.Interval = Convert.ToInt32(Settings.Default.How_Long_To_Wait_Before_Killing_Process_If_Normal_Close_Does_Not_Work.TotalMilliseconds);
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行方法
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="processParams"></param>
        public static object ExecuteProcess(ProcessInfo processInfo, Dictionary<string, object> processParams)
            if (processInfo == null)
                return null;

            if (!processInfo.IsActive)
                return null;

            switch (processInfo.Type)
                case ProcessType.CSharp:
                    string[] ss = processInfo.ExecuteParam.Split(new char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (ss.Length != 2)
                        throw new ArgumentException("processInfo.ExecuteParam of " + processInfo.Name + " count should be 2", "ExecuteParam");

                    if (processParams == null)
                        return Feng.Utils.ReflectionHelper.RunStaticMethod(ss[0], ss[1], null);
                        object[] p = new object[processParams.Count];
                        int i = 0;
                        foreach (object j in processParams.Values)
                            p[i] = j;
                        return Feng.Utils.ReflectionHelper.RunStaticMethod(ss[0], ss[1], p);
                case ProcessType.PythonFile:
                        return PythonHelper.ExecutePythonFile(processInfo.ExecuteParam, processParams);
                case ProcessType.PythonStatement:
                        return PythonHelper.ExecutePythonStatement(processInfo.ExecuteParam, processParams);
                case ProcessType.Python:
                        return TryExecutePython(processInfo.ExecuteParam, processParams);
                    throw new NotSupportedException("processInfo.Type of " + processInfo.Name + "is Invalid!");
 public Connection(IPAddress remote, IPAddress local, int owningProcessId)
     Remote = remote;
     Local = local;
     ProcessInfo = new ProcessInfo(owningProcessId, null);
     Task t1 = new Task(() => { FillInArinInfo(Remote); });
     Task t2 = new Task(() => { FillInGeoLocation(Remote); });
     Task t3 = new Task(() => { FillInHostName(Remote); });
     Task t4 = new Task(() => { FillInProcessName(owningProcessId); });
		public void ProcessSuccessIsDeterminedBySuccessExitCodes()
			int[] successExitCodes = { 1, 3, 5 };

			ProcessInfo info = new ProcessInfo(@"""c:\nant\nant.exe""", null, string.Format(@"""{0}""", Path.GetTempPath()), ProcessPriorityClass.Normal, successExitCodes);

Example #31
        public void Start()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.Start(connection, project);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"start -nogui -q -m -h ""localhost"" -d ""\\server\share\dbname"" -p ""MyProject-MyProject_Int"" -n ""jdoe"" -pw ""password"" -r ""build_mgr"" -u ""C:\cmsynergy\uidb"" -home ""C:\cmsynergy\jdoe""");
Example #32
        public void Reconfigure()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.Reconfigure(connection, project);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"reconfigure /recurse /keep_subprojects /project ""MyProject-MyProject_Int""");
Example #33
        public void GetSubProjects()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.GetSubProjects(connection, project);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"query hierarchy_project_members('MyProject-MyProject_Int:project:1', 'none')");
Example #34
    public ProcessRunner(ProcessInfo processInfo, int processIndex, int processCount, ReadyToRunJittedMethods jittedMethods, AutoResetEvent processExitEvent)
        _processInfo      = processInfo;
        _processIndex     = processIndex;
        _processCount     = processCount;
        _jittedMethods    = jittedMethods;
        _processExitEvent = processExitEvent;

        _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

        _stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
        _state = StateIdle;

        _logWriter = new StreamWriter(_processInfo.Parameters.LogPath);

        if (_processInfo.Parameters.ProcessPath.IndexOf(' ') >= 0)
        _logWriter.Write(' ');

        ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo()
            FileName               = _processInfo.Parameters.ProcessPath,
            Arguments              = _processInfo.Parameters.Arguments,
            UseShellExecute        = false,
            RedirectStandardOutput = true,
            RedirectStandardError  = true,

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> environmentOverride in _processInfo.Parameters.EnvironmentOverrides)
            psi.EnvironmentVariables[environmentOverride.Key] = environmentOverride.Value;

        _process                     = new Process();
        _process.StartInfo           = psi;
        _process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
        _process.Exited             += new EventHandler(ExitEventHandler);

        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _state, StateRunning);

        if (_processInfo.Parameters.CollectJittedMethods)
            _jittedMethods.AddProcessMapping(_processInfo, _process);

        _outputCapture = new StringBuilder();

        _outputHandler = new DataReceivedEventHandler(StandardOutputEventHandler);
        _process.OutputDataReceived += _outputHandler;

        _errorHandler = new DataReceivedEventHandler(StandardErrorEventHandler);
        _process.ErrorDataReceived += _errorHandler;

Example #35
        public void GetDcmDelimiter()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.GetDcmDelimiter(connection);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"dcm /show /delimiter");
 public IAnalysisResult AnalyzeData(IMatrixData mdata, Parameters param, ProcessInfo processInfo)
     return(new SelectRowsManuallyResult(mdata));
Example #37
        public void ProcessData(IMatrixData mdata, Parameters param, ref IMatrixData[] supplTables,
                                ref IDocumentData[] documents, ProcessInfo processInfo)
            int           nameCol = param.GetParam <int>("New column names").Value;
            List <string> colNames;

            if (nameCol >= 0)
                HashSet <string> taken = new HashSet <string>();
                colNames = new List <string>();
                foreach (string n in mdata.StringColumns[nameCol])
                    string n1 = StringUtils.GetNextAvailableName(n, taken);
                colNames = new List <string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < mdata.RowCount; i++)
                    colNames.Add("Column" + (i + 1));
            List <string> rowNames = mdata.ColumnNames;

            mdata.Values = mdata.Values.Transpose();
            if (mdata.IsImputed != null)
                mdata.IsImputed = mdata.IsImputed.Transpose();
            if (mdata.Quality != null)
                mdata.Quality = mdata.Quality.Transpose();
            List <string>     stringColumnNames              = mdata.StringColumnNames;
            List <string>     categoryColumnNames            = mdata.CategoryColumnNames;
            List <string>     numericColumnNames             = mdata.NumericColumnNames;
            List <string>     multiNumericColumnNames        = mdata.MultiNumericColumnNames;
            List <string>     stringColumnDescriptions       = mdata.StringColumnDescriptions;
            List <string>     categoryColumnDescriptions     = mdata.CategoryColumnDescriptions;
            List <string>     numericColumnDescriptions      = mdata.NumericColumnDescriptions;
            List <string>     multiNumericColumnDescriptions = mdata.MultiNumericColumnDescriptions;
            List <string[]>   stringColumns       = mdata.StringColumns;
            List <string[][]> categoryColumns     = GetCategoryColumns(mdata);
            List <double[]>   numericColumns      = mdata.NumericColumns;
            List <double[][]> multiNumericColumns = mdata.MultiNumericColumns;

            mdata.SetAnnotationColumns(new List <string>(new[] { "Name" }), new List <string>(new[] { "Name" }),
                                       new List <string[]>(new[] { rowNames.ToArray() }), mdata.CategoryRowNames, mdata.CategoryRowDescriptions,
                                       GetCategoryRows(mdata), mdata.NumericRowNames, mdata.NumericRowDescriptions, mdata.NumericRows, new List <string>(),
                                       new List <string>(), new List <double[][]>());
            mdata.ColumnNames = colNames;
            List <string> colDescr = new List <string>();

            foreach (string s in colNames)
            mdata.ColumnDescriptions = colDescr;
            mdata.SetAnnotationRows(stringColumnNames, stringColumnDescriptions, stringColumns, categoryColumnNames,
                                    categoryColumnDescriptions, categoryColumns, numericColumnNames, numericColumnDescriptions, numericColumns,
                                    multiNumericColumnNames, multiNumericColumnDescriptions, multiNumericColumns);
Example #38
 private void RaiseLastFrameRenderEvent(ProcessInfo processData, FrameInfo frameData)
     RaiseEvent(new FrameRenderRoutedEventArgs {
         ProcessData = processData, FrameData = frameData
Example #39
        public IMatrixData ProcessData(IMatrixData[] inputData, Parameters param, ref IMatrixData[] supplTables,
                                       ref IDocumentData[] documents, ProcessInfo processInfo)
            IMatrixData mdata1 = inputData[0];
            IMatrixData mdata2 = inputData[1];

            string[] header1 = new string[mdata1.RowCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < mdata1.RowCount; i++)
                if (mdata1.Name != mdata1.AltName)
                    header1[i] = mdata1.AltName;
                    header1[i] = mdata1.Name;

            string[] header2 = new string[mdata2.RowCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < mdata2.RowCount; i++)
                if (mdata2.Name == mdata2.AltName)
                    header2[i] = mdata1.AltName;
                    header2[i] = mdata2.AltName;

            int nrows1 = mdata1.RowCount;
            int nrows2 = mdata2.RowCount;
            int nrows  = nrows1 + nrows2;

            string[] expColNames = SpecialSort(mdata1.ColumnNames, mdata2.ColumnNames, out Dictionary <string, int> dic1, out Dictionary <string, int> dic2);
            double[,] ex = new double[nrows, expColNames.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < ex.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ex.GetLength(1); j++)
                    ex[i, j] = double.NaN;
            for (int i = 0; i < expColNames.Length; i++)
                if (dic1.ContainsKey(expColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic1[expColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows1; j++)
                        ex[j, i] = mdata1.Values.Get(j, ind);
                if (dic2.ContainsKey(expColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic2[expColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows2; j++)
                        ex[nrows1 + j, i] = mdata2.Values.Get(j, ind);
            string[]        numColNames = SpecialSort(mdata1.NumericColumnNames, mdata2.NumericColumnNames, out dic1, out dic2);
            List <double[]> numCols     = new List <double[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numColNames.Length; i++)
                numCols.Add(new double[nrows]);
                for (int j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
                    numCols[numCols.Count - 1][j] = double.NaN;
            for (int i = 0; i < numColNames.Length; i++)
                if (dic1.ContainsKey(numColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic1[numColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows1; j++)
                        numCols[i][j] = mdata1.NumericColumns[ind][j];
                if (dic2.ContainsKey(numColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic2[numColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows2; j++)
                        numCols[i][nrows1 + j] = mdata2.NumericColumns[ind][j];
            string[]        stringColNames = SpecialSort(mdata1.StringColumnNames, mdata2.StringColumnNames, out dic1, out dic2);
            List <string[]> stringCols     = new List <string[]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < stringColNames.Length; i++)
                stringCols.Add(new string[nrows]);
                for (int j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
                    stringCols[stringCols.Count - 1][j] = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < stringColNames.Length; i++)
                if (dic1.ContainsKey(stringColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic1[stringColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows1; j++)
                        stringCols[i][j] = mdata1.StringColumns[ind][j];
                if (dic2.ContainsKey(stringColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic2[stringColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows2; j++)
                        stringCols[i][nrows1 + j] = mdata2.StringColumns[ind][j];

            string[]          catColNames = SpecialSort(mdata1.CategoryColumnNames, mdata2.CategoryColumnNames, out dic1, out dic2);
            List <string[][]> catCols     = new List <string[][]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < catColNames.Length; i++)
                catCols.Add(new string[nrows][]);
                for (int j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
                    catCols[catCols.Count - 1][j] = new string[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < catColNames.Length; i++)
                if (dic1.ContainsKey(catColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic1[catColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows1; j++)
                        catCols[i][j] = mdata1.GetCategoryColumnEntryAt(ind, j);
                if (dic2.ContainsKey(catColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic2[catColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows2; j++)
                        catCols[i][nrows1 + j] = mdata2.GetCategoryColumnEntryAt(ind, j);

            string[] multiNumColNames = SpecialSort(mdata1.MultiNumericColumnNames, mdata2.MultiNumericColumnNames, out dic1,
                                                    out dic2);
            List <double[][]> multiNumCols = new List <double[][]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < multiNumColNames.Length; i++)
                multiNumCols.Add(new double[nrows][]);
                for (int j = 0; j < nrows; j++)
                    multiNumCols[multiNumCols.Count - 1][j] = new double[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < multiNumColNames.Length; i++)
                if (dic1.ContainsKey(multiNumColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic1[multiNumColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows1; j++)
                        multiNumCols[i][j] = mdata1.MultiNumericColumns[ind][j];
                if (dic2.ContainsKey(multiNumColNames[i]))
                    int ind = dic2[multiNumColNames[i]];
                    for (int j = 0; j < nrows2; j++)
                        multiNumCols[i][nrows1 + j] = mdata2.MultiNumericColumns[ind][j];
            string MatrixName        = "Matrix Name";
            string MatrixDescription = "Description";

            string[] listnames = header1.Concat(header2).ToArray();

            //IMPORTANT!!!!! TODO: check if the name of the matrix if changed
            IMatrixData result = PerseusFactory.CreateMatrixData(ex, expColNames.ToList());

            result.NumericColumnNames             = new List <string>(numColNames);
            result.NumericColumnDescriptions      = result.NumericColumnNames;
            result.NumericColumns                 = numCols;
            result.StringColumnNames              = new List <string>(stringColNames);
            result.StringColumns                  = stringCols;
            result.CategoryColumnNames            = new List <string>(catColNames);
            result.CategoryColumnDescriptions     = result.CategoryColumnNames;
            result.CategoryColumns                = catCols;
            result.MultiNumericColumnNames        = new List <string>(multiNumColNames);
            result.MultiNumericColumnDescriptions = result.MultiNumericColumnNames;
            result.MultiNumericColumns            = multiNumCols;
            HashSet <string> taken = new HashSet <string>(result.StringColumnNames);

            result.AddStringColumn(MatrixName, MatrixName, listnames);

Example #40
 private void RaiseRenderEvent(ProcessInfo processData)
     RaiseEvent(new RenderRoutedEventArgs {
         ProcessData = processData
Example #41
 internal ProcessStartedEventArgs(ProcessInfo processInfo)
     : base(processInfo)
Example #42
        public void Stop()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.Stop(connection);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, "stop");
Example #43
        public void UseReconfigureTemplate()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.UseReconfigureTemplate(connection, project);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"reconfigure_properties /reconf_using template /recurse ""MyProject-MyProject_Int""");
Example #44
 /// <summary>
 /// 将速度(单位 B/s)转换为字符串表示
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="speed"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetSpeedString(long speed)
     return(ProcessInfo.GetStorageSizeString(speed) + "/s");
Example #45
        public void GetWorkArea()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.GetWorkArea(connection, project);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"info /format ""%wa_path\%name"" /project ""MyProject-MyProject_Int""");
Example #46
        public void GetNewObjects()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.GetObjectPaths(connection, project);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"finduse @");
Example #47
        public void GetDcmSettings()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.GetDcmSettings(connection);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"dcm /show /settings");
Example #48
        public static bool ProcessDataAddAnnotation(int nrows, IAnnotationProvider annotationProvider, Parameters para, string[] baseIds, ProcessInfo processInfo,
                                                    out string[] name, out int[] catColInds, out int[] textColInds, out int[] numColInds, out string[][][] catCols,
                                                    out string[][] textCols, out double[][] numCols)
            const bool deHyphenate           = true;
            ParameterWithSubParams <int> spd = para.GetParamWithSubParams <int>("Source");
            int        ind   = spd.Value;
            Parameters param = spd.GetSubParameters();
            var        types = annotationProvider.Sources.Select(s => s.annotation.Select(annotation => annotation.type).ToArray()).ToArray();
            var        type  = types[ind];
            var        names = annotationProvider.Sources.Select(s => s.annotation.Select(annotation =>;

            name = names[ind];
            int[] addtlSources = para.GetParam <int[]>("Additional sources").Value;
            addtlSources = ArrayUtils.Remove(addtlSources, ind);
            int[] selection = param.GetParam <int[]>("Annotations to be added").Value;
            if (!IsValidSelection(name, addtlSources, types, names, type, selection, out string errString))
                catColInds            = new int[] { };
                textColInds           = new int[] { };
                numColInds            = new int[] { };
                catCols               = new string[][][] { };
                textCols              = new string[][] { };
                numCols               = new double[][] { };
                processInfo.ErrString = errString;
            type = ArrayUtils.SubArray(type, selection);
            name = ArrayUtils.SubArray(name, selection);
            HashSet <string> allIds = GetAllIds(baseIds, deHyphenate);
            var files = annotationProvider.Sources.Select(s => s.source).ToArray();
            Dictionary <string, string[]> mapping = ReadMapping(allIds, files[ind], selection);

            foreach (int addtlSource in addtlSources)
                Dictionary <string, string[]> mapping1 = ReadMapping(allIds, files[addtlSource], selection);
                foreach (string key in mapping1.Keys.Where(key => !mapping.ContainsKey(key)))
                    mapping.Add(key, mapping1[key]);
            SplitIds(type, out textColInds, out catColInds, out numColInds);
            catCols = new string[catColInds.Length][][];
            for (int i = 0; i < catCols.Length; i++)
                catCols[i] = new string[nrows][];
            textCols = new string[textColInds.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < textCols.Length; i++)
                textCols[i] = new string[nrows];
            numCols = new double[numColInds.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < numCols.Length; i++)
                numCols[i] = new double[nrows];
            for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
                string[]           ids     = baseIds[i].Length > 0 ? baseIds[i].Split(';') : new string[0];
                HashSet <string>[] catVals = new HashSet <string> [catCols.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < catVals.Length; j++)
                    catVals[j] = new HashSet <string>();
                HashSet <string>[] textVals = new HashSet <string> [textCols.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < textVals.Length; j++)
                    textVals[j] = new HashSet <string>();
                List <double>[] numVals = new List <double> [numCols.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < numVals.Length; j++)
                    numVals[j] = new List <double>();
                foreach (string id in ids)
                    if (mapping.ContainsKey(id))
                        string[] values = mapping[id];
                        AddCatVals(ArrayUtils.SubArray(values, catColInds), catVals);
                        AddTextVals(ArrayUtils.SubArray(values, textColInds), textVals);
                        AddNumVals(ArrayUtils.SubArray(values, numColInds), numVals);
                    else if (id.Contains("-"))
                        string q = id.Substring(0, id.IndexOf('-'));
                        if (mapping.ContainsKey(q))
                            string[] values = mapping[q];
                            AddCatVals(ArrayUtils.SubArray(values, catColInds), catVals);
                            AddTextVals(ArrayUtils.SubArray(values, textColInds), textVals);
                            AddNumVals(ArrayUtils.SubArray(values, numColInds), numVals);
                for (int j = 0; j < catVals.Length; j++)
                    string[] q = catVals[j].ToArray();
                    catCols[j][i] = q;
                for (int j = 0; j < textVals.Length; j++)
                    string[] q = textVals[j].ToArray();
                    textCols[j][i] = StringUtils.Concat(";", q);
                for (int j = 0; j < numVals.Length; j++)
                    numCols[j][i] = ArrayUtils.Median(numVals[j]);
Example #49
        public void GetLastReconfigureTime()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.GetLastReconfigureTime(connection, project);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"attribute /show reconf_time ""MyProject-MyProject_Int:project:1""");
Example #50
 public void ProcessData(IMatrixData mdata, Parameters para, ref IMatrixData[] supplTables,
                         ref IDocumentData[] documents, ProcessInfo processInfo)
     ProcessData(mdata, _annotationProvider, para, processInfo);
Example #51
        public void SetProjectRelease()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.SetProjectRelease(connection, project);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"attribute /m release /v ""MyProduct/1.0"" @ ");
Example #52
        public void LoadData(INetworkData ndata, Parameters param, ref IData[] supplData, ProcessInfo processInfo)
            var remoteExe = GetExectuable(param);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(remoteExe))
                processInfo.ErrString = Resources.RemoteExeNotSpecified;
            var outFolder = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName());

            if (!TryGetCodeFile(param, out string codeFile))
                processInfo.ErrString = $"Code file '{codeFile}' was not found";
            var suppFiles            = SupplDataTypes.Select(Utils.CreateTemporaryPath).ToArray();
            var commandLineArguments = GetCommandLineArguments(param);
            var args = $"{codeFile} {commandLineArguments} {outFolder} {string.Join(" ", suppFiles)}";

            Debug.WriteLine($"executing > {remoteExe} {args}");
            if (Utils.RunProcess(remoteExe, args, processInfo.Status, out string processInfoErrString) != 0)
                processInfo.ErrString = processInfoErrString;
            FolderFormat.Read(ndata, outFolder, processInfo);
            supplData = Utils.ReadSupplementaryData(suppFiles, SupplDataTypes, processInfo);
Example #53
        public static void ProcessData(IDataWithAnnotationColumns mdata, IAnnotationProvider annotationProvider, Parameters para, ProcessInfo processInfo)
            string[] baseIds = GetBaseIds(mdata, annotationProvider, para);
            bool     success = ProcessDataAddAnnotation(mdata.RowCount, annotationProvider, para, baseIds, processInfo, out string[] name,
                                                        out int[] catColInds,
                                                        out int[] textColInds, out int[] numColInds, out string[][][] catCols, out string[][] textCols,
                                                        out double[][] numCols);

            if (!success)
            for (int i = 0; i < catCols.Length; i++)
                mdata.AddCategoryColumn(name[catColInds[i]], "", catCols[i]);
            for (int i = 0; i < textCols.Length; i++)
                mdata.AddStringColumn(name[textColInds[i]], "", textCols[i]);
            for (int i = 0; i < numCols.Length; i++)
                mdata.AddNumericColumn(name[numColInds[i]], "", numCols[i]);
Example #54
        public void Heartbeat()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.Heartbeat(connection);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, "status");
Example #55
        public void GetTaskObjects()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.GetTaskObjects(connection, project);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"task /show objects /no_sort /u @");
Example #56
        public void GetProjectName()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.GetProjectFullName(connection, project);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"properties /format ""%objectname"" /p ""MyProject-MyProject_Int""");
Example #57
        public void UpdateReconfigureProperites()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.UpdateReconfigureProperites(connection, project);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"reconfigure_properties /refresh /recurse ""MyProject-MyProject_Int""");
Example #58
        public void Reconcile()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.Reconcile(connection, project, @"c:\ccm_wa\project-ver\project\folder");

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"reconcile /consider_uncontrolled /missing_wa_file /recurse /update_wa ""c:\ccm_wa\project-ver\project\folder""");
        unsafe void CheckProxyPort()
            var rPort          = Preference.Instance.Network.Port;
            var rUpstreamProxy = Preference.Instance.Network.UpstreamProxy;

            var rIsPortAvailable          = true;
            var rIsUpstreamProxyAvailable = false;

            if (!rUpstreamProxy.Enabled || rUpstreamProxy.Host != "")
                rIsUpstreamProxyAvailable = true;

            var rBufferSize = 0;

            NativeMethods.IPHelperApi.GetExtendedTcpTable(IntPtr.Zero, ref rBufferSize, true, NativeConstants.AF.AF_INET, NativeConstants.TCP_TABLE_CLASS.TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_LISTENER);

            var rBuffer = stackalloc byte[rBufferSize];

            NativeMethods.IPHelperApi.GetExtendedTcpTable((IntPtr)rBuffer, ref rBufferSize, true, NativeConstants.AF.AF_INET, NativeConstants.TCP_TABLE_CLASS.TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_LISTENER);

            var rTable = (NativeStructs.MIB_TCPTABLE *)rBuffer;
            var rRow   = &rTable->table;

            for (var i = 0; i < rTable->dwNumEntries; i++, rRow++)
                if (rRow->dwLocalAddr != LoopbackAddress)

                if (rRow->LocalPort == rPort)
                    rIsPortAvailable = false;

                        ProcessThatOccupyingPort = new ProcessInfo(Process.GetProcessById(rRow->dwOwningPid));
                        ProcessThatOccupyingPort = null;

                if (!rIsUpstreamProxyAvailable && rRow->LocalPort == rUpstreamProxy.Port)
                    rIsUpstreamProxyAvailable = true;

            if (rIsPortAvailable)
                ProcessThatOccupyingPort = null;

            IsPortAvailable          = rIsPortAvailable;
            IsUpstreamProxyAvailable = rIsUpstreamProxyAvailable;

Example #60
        public void AddTasksToFolder()
            ProcessInfo actual = SynergyCommandBuilder.AddTasksToFolder(connection, project, result);

            ValidateProcessInfo(actual, @"folder /modify /add_tasks ""100,2000,30000"" /y ""1234""");