Example #1
        private async Task ProcessEventsAsync(OperationContext context, List <EventData> messages)
            // Tracking raw messages count.
            CacheActivityTracker.AddValue(CaSaaSActivityTrackingCounters.ReceivedEventHubMessages, messages.Count);

            // Creating nested context for all the processing operations.
            context = context.CreateNested(nameof(EventHubContentLocationEventStore));

            if (messages.Count == 0)
                // This probably does not actually occur, but just in case, ignore empty message batch.
                // NOTE: We do this after logging to ensure we notice if the we are getting empty message batches.

            var state = new SharedEventProcessingState(context, this, messages);

            if (_eventProcessingBlocks != null)
                await context
                .CreateOperation(Tracer, () => sendToActionBlockAsync(state))
                .WithOptions(traceOperationStarted: false, endMessageFactory: r => $"TotalQueueSize={Interlocked.Read(ref _queueSize)}")
                .RunAsync(caller: "SendToActionBlockAsync")
                await ProcessEventsCoreAsync(new ProcessEventsInput(state, messages, actionBlockIndex : -1, store : this), EventDataSerializer);

            async Task <BoolResult> sendToActionBlockAsync(SharedEventProcessingState st)
                // This local function "sends" a message into an action block based on the sender's hash code to process events in parallel from different machines.
                // (keep in mind, that the data from the same machine should be processed sequentially, because events order matters).
                // Then, it creates a local counter for each processing operation to track the results for the entire batch.
                foreach (var messageGroup in messages.GroupBy(GetProcessingIndex))
                    int actionBlockIndex     = messageGroup.Key;
                    var eventProcessingBlock = _eventProcessingBlocks ![actionBlockIndex];
                    var input = new ProcessEventsInput(st, messageGroup, actionBlockIndex, this);

                    var sendAsyncTask = eventProcessingBlock.SendAsync(input);
                    if (sendAsyncTask.Status == TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation)
                        // The action block is busy. It means that its most likely full.
                        Tracer.Debug(context, $"Action block {actionBlockIndex} is busy. Block's queue size={eventProcessingBlock.InputCount}.");
                    bool success = await sendAsyncTask;

                    if (!success)
                        // NOTE: This case should not actually occur.
                        // Complete the operation in case we couldn't send to the action block to prevent pending event queue from getting backlogged.
                        return(new BoolResult("Failed to add message to an action block."));
Example #2
        private async Task ProcessEventsAsync(OperationContext context, List <EventData> messages)
            // Creating nested context for all the processing operations.
            context = context.CreateNested();
            string asyncProcessing = _eventProcessingBlocks != null ? "on" : "off";

            Tracer.Info(context, $"{Tracer.Name}: Received {messages.Count} events from Event Hub. Async processing is '{asyncProcessing}'.");

            if (messages.Count == 0)
                // This probably does not actually occur, but just in case, ignore empty message batch.
                // NOTE: We do this after logging to ensure we notice if the we are getting empty message batches.

            var state = new SharedEventProcessingState(context, this, messages);

            if (_eventProcessingBlocks != null)
                // Creating nested context to correlate all the processing operations.
                context = context.CreateNested();
                await context.PerformOperationAsync(
                    () => sendToActionBlockAsync(),
                    traceOperationStarted : false).TraceIfFailure(context);
                await ProcessEventsCoreAsync(new ProcessEventsInput(state, messages), EventDataSerializer, index : 0);

            async Task <SendToActionBlockResult> sendToActionBlockAsync()
                // This local function "sends" a message into an action block based on the sender's hash code to process events in parallel from different machines.
                // (keep in mind, that the data from the same machine should be processed sequentially, because events order matters).
                // Then, it creates a local counter for each processing operation to track the results for the entire batch.
                var operationTasks = new List <Task <OperationCounters> >();

                foreach (var messageGroup in messages.GroupBy(GetProcessingIndex))
                    var  eventProcessingBlock = _eventProcessingBlocks[messageGroup.Key];
                    var  input   = new ProcessEventsInput(state, messageGroup);
                    bool success = await eventProcessingBlock.SendAsync(input);

                    if (!success)
                        // NOTE: This case should not actually occur.
                        // Complete the operation in case we couldn't send to the action block to prevent pending event queue from getting backlogged.
                        return(new SendToActionBlockResult("Failed to add message to an action block."));

                return(new SendToActionBlockResult(operationTasks));
Example #3
        private async Task ProcessEventsCoreAsync(ProcessEventsInput input, ContentLocationEventDataSerializer eventDataSerializer)
            var context  = input.Context;
            var counters = input.EventStoreCounters;

            await context.PerformOperationAsync(
                async() =>
                int filteredEvents = 0;
                foreach (var message in input.Messages)
                    // Extracting information from the message
                    var foundEventFilter = message.Properties.TryGetValue(EventFilterKey, out var eventFilter);

                    message.Properties.TryGetValue(OperationIdKey, out var operationId);

                    var sender = TryGetMessageSender(message) ?? "Unknown sender";

                    var eventTimeUtc         = message.SystemProperties.EnqueuedTimeUtc;
                    var eventProcessingDelay = DateTime.UtcNow - eventTimeUtc;

                    // Creating nested context with operationId as a guid. This helps to correlate operations on a worker and a master machines.
                    context = CreateNestedContext(context, operationId?.ToString());

                    Tracer.Debug(context, $"{Tracer.Name}.ReceivedEvent: ProcessingDelay={eventProcessingDelay}, Sender={sender}, OpId={operationId}, SeqNo={message.SystemProperties.SequenceNumber}, EQT={eventTimeUtc}, Filter={eventFilter}, Size={message.Body.Count}.");

                    Tracer.TrackMetric(context, EventProcessingDelayInSecondsMetricName, (long)eventProcessingDelay.TotalSeconds);


                    if (!foundEventFilter || !string.Equals(eventFilter as string, _configuration.Epoch))

                    // Deserializing a message
                    IReadOnlyList <ContentLocationEventData> eventDatas;

                    using (counters[Deserialization].Start())
                        eventDatas = eventDataSerializer.DeserializeEvents(message);


                    // Dispatching deserialized events data
                    using (counters[DispatchEvents].Start())
                        foreach (var eventData in eventDatas)
                            // An event processor may fail to process the event, but we will save the sequence point anyway.
                            await DispatchAsync(context, eventData, counters);

                    _lastProcessedSequencePoint = new EventSequencePoint(message.SystemProperties.SequenceNumber);


Example #4
        private async Task ProcessEventsAsync(OperationContext context, List <EventData> messages)
            // Creating nested context for all the processing operations.
            context = context.CreateNested();
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            string asyncProcessing = _eventProcessingBlocks != null ? "on" : "off";

            Tracer.Info(context, $"{Tracer.Name}: Received {messages.Count} events from Event Hub. Async processing is '{asyncProcessing}'.");

            if (_eventProcessingBlocks != null)
                // Creating nested context to correlate all the processing operations.
                context = context.CreateNested();
                SendToActionBlockResult result = await context.PerformOperationAsync(
                    () => sendToActionBlockAsync(),
                    traceOperationStarted : false).TraceIfFailure(context);

                await ProcessEventsCoreAsync(new ProcessEventsInput(context, messages, new OperationCounters(), processingFinishedTaskSource : null), EventDataSerializer);

            void printOperationResultsAsynchronously(SendToActionBlockResult results)
                if (results)
                        t =>
                        var eventStoreCounters = t.GetAwaiter().GetResult()
                                                 .Select(c => c.EventStoreCounters)
                                                 .Aggregate((collection, counterCollection) => collection + counterCollection);

                        int duration = (int)sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                        context.LogProcessEventsOverview(eventStoreCounters, duration);

            async Task <SendToActionBlockResult> sendToActionBlockAsync()
                // This local function "sends" a message into an action block based on the sender's hash code to process events in parallel from different machines.
                // (keep in mind, that the data from the same machine should be processed sequentially, because events order matters).
                // Then, it creates a local counter for each processing operation to track the results for the entire batch.
                var operationTasks = new List <Task <OperationCounters> >();

                foreach (var messageGroup in messages.GroupBy(GetProcessingIndex))
                    var  eventProcessingBlock = _eventProcessingBlocks[messageGroup.Key];
                    var  input   = ProcessEventsInput.Create(context, messageGroup);
                    bool success = await eventProcessingBlock.SendAsync(input);

                    if (!success)
                        return(new SendToActionBlockResult("Failed to add message to an action block."));

                    Contract.Assert(input.ProcessingFinishedTaskSource != null);

                return(new SendToActionBlockResult(operationTasks));
Example #5
            protected override async Task ProcessEventsCoreAsync(ProcessEventsInput input, ContentLocationEventDataSerializer eventDataSerializer)
                await Task.Delay(_configuration.Slowdown);

                await base.ProcessEventsCoreAsync(input, eventDataSerializer);