/// <summary>  Return in pieces basing on current prices and needs  /// </summary>
        //override public float getLocalEffectiveDemand(Product product)
        //    return getLocalEffectiveDemand(product, getWorkForceFulFilling());

        /// <summary>
        /// per level
        /// </summary>
        internal Procent getEfficiency(bool useBonuses)
            //limit production by smallest factor
            Procent efficencyFactor;
            Procent workforceProcent = GetWorkForceFulFilling();
            Procent inputFactor      = getInputFactor();

            if (inputFactor.isZero() & isJustHiredPeople())
                inputFactor = Procent.HundredProcent.Copy();

            if (inputFactor.isSmallerThan(workforceProcent))
                efficencyFactor = inputFactor;
                efficencyFactor = workforceProcent;
            //float basicEff = efficencyFactor * getLevel();
            //Procent result = new Procent(basicEff);
            //Procent result = new Procent(efficencyFactor);
            if (useBonuses)
                efficencyFactor.set(efficencyFactor.get() * modifierEfficiency.getModifier(this), false);
Example #2
        protected Procent getInputFactor(Procent multiplier)
            if (multiplier.isZero())
            if (type.isResourceGathering())

            List <Storage> reallyNeedResources = new List <Storage>();

            //Storage available;

            // how much we really want
            foreach (Storage input in type.resourceInput)

            // checking if there is enough in market
            //old DSB
            //foreach (Storage input in realInput)
            //    available = Country.market.HowMuchAvailable(input);
            //    if (available.get() < input.get())
            //        input.set(available);

            // check if we have enough resources
            foreach (Storage resource in reallyNeedResources)
                Storage haveResource = getInputProductsReserve().getBiggestStorage(resource.Product);
                //if (!getInputProductsReserve().has(resource))
                if (haveResource.isSmallerThan(resource))
                    // what we really have
            //old last turn consumption checking thing
            //foreach (Storage input in realInput)
            //    //if (Country.market.getDemandSupplyBalance(input.Product) >= 1f)
            //    //available = input

            //    available = consumedLastTurn.findStorage(input.Product);
            //    if (available == null)
            //        ;// do nothing - pretend there is 100%, it fires only on shownFactory start
            //    else
            //    if (!justHiredPeople && available.get() < input.get())
            //        input.set(available);
            // checking if there is enough money to pay for
            // doesn't have sense with inputReserv
            //foreach (Storage input in realInput)
            //    Storage howMuchCan = wallet.HowMuchCanAfford(input);
            //    input.set(howMuchCan.get());
            var inputFactor = Procent.HundredProcent.Copy();

            // searching lowest factor
            foreach (Storage need in reallyNeedResources)
                Value denominator = type.resourceInput.GetFirstSubstituteStorage(need.Product).Copy().Multiply(multiplier);
                if (denominator.isNotZero())
                    var newfactor = new Procent(need, denominator);
                    if (newfactor.isSmallerThan(inputFactor))
                        inputFactor = newfactor;
                else // no resources