Example #1
        public static ProcedureFunctionChart CreateLoopTestPfc()
            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc = new ProcedureFunctionChart(new Highpoint.Sage.SimCore.Model("Test model", Guid.NewGuid()), "SFC 1");

            #region Create Nodes

            A = pfc.CreateStep("Step_A", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            B = pfc.CreateStep("Step_B", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            C = pfc.CreateStep("Step_C", "", Guid.NewGuid());

            nA = (IPfcNode)A;
            nB = (IPfcNode)B;
            nC = (IPfcNode)C;

            #endregion Create Nodes

            #region Create Structure

            pfc.Bind(nA, nB);
            pfc.Bind(nB, nC);
            pfc.Bind(nB, nB);

            #endregion Create Structure

        private IProcedureFunctionChart CreateSchedulePfc(IModel model, string pfcName, double minutesPerTask, ExecutionEngineConfiguration eec)
            //       Start
            //         |
            //         + T1
            //         |
            //     Campaigns
            //         |
            //         + T2
            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc = new ProcedureFunctionChart(model, pfcName);

            pfc.ExecutionEngineConfiguration = eec;
            pfc.CreateStep("Start", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.CreateStep("Campaigns", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.CreateTransition("T1", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.CreateTransition("T2", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.Bind(pfc.Nodes["Start"], pfc.Nodes["T1"]);
            pfc.Bind(pfc.Nodes["T1"], pfc.Nodes["Campaigns"]);
            pfc.Bind(pfc.Nodes["Campaigns"], pfc.Nodes["T2"]);


Example #3
        public void Test_InsertStepAndTransition()
            Model model = new Model("SFC Test 1");
            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc = new ProcedureFunctionChart(model, "SFC 1", "", Guid.NewGuid());

            IPfcStepNode t0 = pfc.CreateStep("START", "", Guid.Empty);
            IPfcStepNode t1 = pfc.CreateStep("FINISH", "", Guid.Empty);

            pfc.Bind(t0, t1);

            string structureString = PfcDiagnostics.GetStructure(pfc);

            Console.WriteLine("Structure is \r\n" + structureString);

            // Get reference to old successor
            IPfcNode pfcNode          = pfc.Nodes["T_000"];
            IPfcNode oldSuccessorNode = pfcNode.SuccessorNodes[0];

            // Add the step
            IPfcStepNode       newStep  = pfc.CreateStep("STEP_1", "", Guid.Empty);
            IPfcTransitionNode newTrans = pfc.CreateTransition();

            // We are adding a step following a transition - binding is from selectedTrans-newStep-newTrans-oldSuccessorStep
            pfc.Bind(pfcNode, newStep);
            pfc.Bind(newStep, newTrans);
            pfc.Bind(newTrans, oldSuccessorNode);

            // Disconnect old successor
            pfc.Unbind(pfcNode, oldSuccessorNode);

            structureString = PfcDiagnostics.GetStructure(pfc);
            Console.WriteLine("Structure is \r\n" + structureString);
            Assert.IsTrue(structureString.Equals("{START-->[L_000(SFC 1.Root)]-->T_000}\r\n{T_000-->[L_002(SFC 1.Root)]-->STEP_1}\r\n{STEP_1-->[L_003(SFC 1.Root)]-->T_001}\r\n{T_001-->[L_004(SFC 1.Root)]-->FINISH}\r\n"));
Example #4
        public static ProcedureFunctionChart CreateTestPfc4()
            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc = new ProcedureFunctionChart(new Highpoint.Sage.SimCore.Model("Test model", Guid.NewGuid()), "SFC 1");

            #region Create Nodes

            char name = 'A';
            A = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            B = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            C = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            D = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            E = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());

            nA = (IPfcNode)A;
            nB = (IPfcNode)B;
            nC = (IPfcNode)C;
            nD = (IPfcNode)D;
            nE = (IPfcNode)E;

            #endregion Create Nodes

            #region Create Structure

            pfc.Bind(nA, nB);
            pfc.Bind(nB, nE);
            pfc.Bind(nA.SuccessorNodes[0], nC);
            pfc.Bind(nC, nD);
            pfc.Bind(nD, nE.PredecessorNodes[0]);

            PfcLinkElementList links = new PfcLinkElementList(pfc.Links);
            links.Sort(new Comparison <IPfcLinkElement>(delegate(IPfcLinkElement a, IPfcLinkElement b) {
                return(Comparer.Default.Compare(a.Name, b.Name));

            System.Reflection.BindingFlags bf = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance;
            foreach (IPfcLinkElement link in links)
                typeof(PfcElement).GetField("m_guid", bf).SetValue((PfcElement)link, NextGuid()); // Totally cheating.

            #endregion Create Structure

Example #5
        public static ProcedureFunctionChart CreateOffsetParallelPFC()
            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc    = new ProcedureFunctionChart(null, "OffsetParallelPfc");
            IPfcStepNode           start  = pfc.CreateStep("Start", "", Guid.Empty);
            IPfcStepNode           finish = pfc.CreateStep("Finish", "", Guid.Empty);

            char name = 'A';

            A = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            B = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            C = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            D = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            E = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            F = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            G = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());

            nA = (IPfcNode)A;
            nB = (IPfcNode)B;
            nC = (IPfcNode)C;
            nD = (IPfcNode)D;
            nE = (IPfcNode)E;
            nF = (IPfcNode)F;
            nG = (IPfcNode)G;

            pfc.Bind(start, nA);
            pfc.Bind(nA, nB);
            pfc.Bind(nB, nE);
            pfc.Bind(nE, nF);
            pfc.Bind(nF, nG);
            pfc.Bind(nG, finish);
            pfc.Bind(((PfcTransition)((PfcStep)nA).SuccessorNodes[0]), nC);
            pfc.Bind(nC, ((PfcTransition)((PfcStep)nE).SuccessorNodes[0]));
            pfc.Bind(((PfcTransition)((PfcStep)nB).SuccessorNodes[0]), nD);
            pfc.Bind(nD, ((PfcTransition)((PfcStep)nF).SuccessorNodes[0]));


Example #6
        private void _TestTransitionToTransitionBinding()
            string testName = "Transition-to-Transition binding, maintaining SFC Compliance";

            Model model = new Model("SFC Test 1");
            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc = new ProcedureFunctionChart(model, "SFC 1", "", Guid.NewGuid());

            IPfcTransitionNode s1 = pfc.CreateTransition("Alice", "", Guid.Empty);
            IPfcTransitionNode s2 = pfc.CreateTransition("Bob", "", Guid.Empty);

            //IPfcTransitionNode s3 = pfc.CreateTransition("Charlie", "", Guid.Empty);

            pfc.Bind(s1, s2);

            string structureString = PfcDiagnostics.GetStructure(pfc);

            Console.WriteLine("After a " + testName + ", structure is \r\n" + structureString);
Example #7
        private void _TestStepToStepBinding()
            string testName = "Step-to-Step binding, maintaining SFC Compliance";

            Model model = new Model("SFC Test 1");
            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc = new ProcedureFunctionChart(model, "SFC 1", "", Guid.NewGuid());

            PfcStep s1 = (PfcStep)pfc.CreateStep("Alice", "", Guid.Empty);
            PfcStep s2 = (PfcStep)pfc.CreateStep("Bob", "", Guid.Empty);

            //SfcStep s3 = (SfcStep)pfc.CreateStep("Charlie", "", Guid.Empty);

            pfc.Bind(s1, s2);

            string structureString = PfcDiagnostics.GetStructure(pfc);

            Console.WriteLine("After a " + testName + ", structure is \r\n" + structureString);
Example #8
        private void _TestSimpleLink(PfcElementType inType, PfcElementType outType, string shouldBe)
            string testName = "Simple link from " + inType.ToString() + " to " + outType.ToString();
            Model  model    = new Model(testName);

            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc = new ProcedureFunctionChart(model, "SFC 1", "", Guid.NewGuid());

            IPfcNode n0, n1;

            n0 = CreateNode(pfc, "Alice", inType);
            n1 = CreateNode(pfc, "Bob", outType);
            pfc.Bind(n0, n1);

            string structureString = PfcDiagnostics.GetStructure(pfc);

            Console.WriteLine("After a " + testName + ", structure is \r\n" + structureString);
            Assert.AreEqual(StripCRLF(structureString), StripCRLF(shouldBe), "Structure should have been\r\n" + shouldBe + "\r\nbut it was\r\n" + structureString + "\r\ninstead.");

            if (m_testSerializationToo)
                _TestSerialization(pfc, shouldBe, testName);
        private IProcedureFunctionChart CreateRecipePfc(IModel model, string pfcName, double minutesPerTask, ExecutionEngineConfiguration eec)
            //    Start
            //      |
            //      +T1   ----
            //      |     |  |
            //      -------  |
            //         |     |
            //       Step1   |
            //         |     |
            //         +T2   |
            //         |     |
            //       Step2   |
            //         |     |
            //      -------  |
            //     T3+   +T4 |
            //       |   |---
            //    Finish
            //       |
            //     T5+
            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc = new ProcedureFunctionChart(model, pfcName);

            pfc.ExecutionEngineConfiguration = eec;
            pfc.CreateStep("Start", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.CreateStep("Step1", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.CreateStep("Step2", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.CreateStep("Finish", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.CreateTransition("T1", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.CreateTransition("T2", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.CreateTransition("T3", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.CreateTransition("T4", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.CreateTransition("T5", "", Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.Bind(pfc.Nodes["Start"], pfc.Nodes["T1"]);
            pfc.Bind(pfc.Nodes["T1"], pfc.Nodes["Step1"]);
            pfc.Bind(pfc.Nodes["Step1"], pfc.Nodes["T2"]);
            pfc.Bind(pfc.Nodes["T2"], pfc.Nodes["Step2"]);
            pfc.Bind(pfc.Nodes["Step2"], pfc.Nodes["T3"]);
            pfc.Bind(pfc.Nodes["Step2"], pfc.Nodes["T4"]);
            pfc.Bind(pfc.Nodes["T4"], pfc.Nodes["Step1"]);
            pfc.Bind(pfc.Nodes["T3"], pfc.Nodes["Finish"]);
            pfc.Bind(pfc.Nodes["Finish"], pfc.Nodes["T5"]);

            pfc.Steps.ForEach(delegate(IPfcStepNode psn) {
                psn.LeafLevelAction = new PfcAction(delegate(PfcExecutionContext pfcec, StepStateMachine ssm) {
                    StringBuilder sb = (StringBuilder)pfcec["StringBuilder"];
                    string stepName  = pfc.Name + "." + psn.Name;
                    IExecutive exec  = psn.Model.Executive;
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} : {1} is running its intrinsic action.", exec.Now, stepName));
                    exec.CurrentEventController.SuspendUntil(exec.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(minutesPerTask));

                = new Highpoint.Sage.Graphs.PFC.Execution.ExecutableCondition(
                      delegate(object userData, Highpoint.Sage.Graphs.PFC.Execution.TransitionStateMachine tsm) {
                IDictionary graphContext = userData as IDictionary;
                string countKey          = pfc.Guid.ToString() + ".Count";
                if (!((IDictionary)graphContext).Contains(countKey))
                    ((IDictionary)graphContext).Add(countKey, 1);
                    graphContext[countKey] = 1;
                return(DEFAULT_EXECUTABLE_EXPRESSION(graphContext, tsm));

                = new Highpoint.Sage.Graphs.PFC.Execution.ExecutableCondition(
                      delegate(object userData, Highpoint.Sage.Graphs.PFC.Execution.TransitionStateMachine tsm) {
                IDictionary graphContext = userData as IDictionary;
                string countKey          = pfc.Guid.ToString() + ".Count";
                return(DEFAULT_EXECUTABLE_EXPRESSION(graphContext, tsm) && (((int)graphContext[countKey]) > 5));

                = new Highpoint.Sage.Graphs.PFC.Execution.ExecutableCondition(
                      delegate(object userData, Highpoint.Sage.Graphs.PFC.Execution.TransitionStateMachine tsm) {
                IDictionary graphContext = userData as IDictionary;
                string countKey          = pfc.Guid.ToString() + ".Count";
                if ((DEFAULT_EXECUTABLE_EXPRESSION(graphContext, tsm) && (((int)graphContext[countKey]) <= 5)))
                    graphContext[countKey] = ((int)graphContext[countKey]) + 1;


Example #10
        public void Test_InsertStepIntoLoop()
            string testName = "PFC with loop gets the loop extended";

             *           START
             *           |
             *   |----   +T1
             *   |   |   |
             *   |   STEP1
             *   |   |   |
             *   | T2+   +T3
             *   ----|   |
             *           FINISH
             *      TO
             *          START
             *           |
             *   |----   +T1
             *   |   |   |
             *   |   STEP1
             *   |   |   |
             *   | T4+   +T3
             *   |   |   |
             *   | STEP2 FINISH
             *   |   |
             *   | T2+
             *   -----

            IModel model = new Model(testName);

            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc = new ProcedureFunctionChart(model, testName);

            IPfcNode startStep  = pfc.CreateStep("START", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode step1      = pfc.CreateStep("STEP1", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode step2      = pfc.CreateStep("STEP2", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode finishStep = pfc.CreateStep("FINISH", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());

            IPfcNode t1 = pfc.CreateTransition("T1", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode t2 = pfc.CreateTransition("T2", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode t3 = pfc.CreateTransition("T3", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode t4 = pfc.CreateTransition("T4", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());

            pfc.Bind(startStep, t1);
            pfc.Bind(t1, step1);
            pfc.Bind(step1, t2);
            pfc.Bind(step1, t3);
            pfc.Bind(t2, step1);
            pfc.Bind(t3, finishStep);


            /* Connect new step (step2) to existing transition (t2) */
            pfc.Bind(step2, t2);

            /* Connect existing step (step1) to new transition (t3)*/
            pfc.Bind(step1, t4);

            /* Connect new transition (t3) to new step (step2)*/
            pfc.Bind(t4, step2);

            /* Unbind existing step (step1) and existing transition (t2) */
            pfc.Unbind(step1, t2);

            string result = PfcDiagnostics.GetStructure(pfc);

            Assert.IsTrue(result.Equals("{START-->[L_000(SFC 1.Root)]-->T1}\r\n{T1-->[L_001(SFC 1.Root)]-->STEP1}\r\n{STEP1-->[L_003(SFC 1.Root)]-->T3}\r\n{T2-->[L_004(SFC 1.Root)]-->STEP1}\r\n{T3-->[L_005(SFC 1.Root)]-->FINISH}\r\n{STEP2-->[L_006(SFC 1.Root)]-->T2}\r\n{STEP1-->[L_007(SFC 1.Root)]-->T4}\r\n{T4-->[L_008(SFC 1.Root)]-->STEP2}\r\n"));
Example #11
        public void Test_RemoveStep()
            string testName = "PFC With Simultaneous Branch";

            IModel model = new Model(testName);

             *                      START
             *                        + {T1}
             *                      STEP1
             *                        + (T2)
             *                  STEP2   STEP3
             *                    |       + (T3)
             *                    |     STEP4
             *                        + (T4)
             *                      STEP5
             *                        + (T5)
             *                      FINISH

            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc = new ProcedureFunctionChart(model, testName);

            IPfcNode startStep  = pfc.CreateStep("START", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode step1      = pfc.CreateStep("STEP1", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode step2      = pfc.CreateStep("STEP2", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode step3      = pfc.CreateStep("STEP3", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode step4      = pfc.CreateStep("STEP4", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode step5      = pfc.CreateStep("STEP5", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode finishStep = pfc.CreateStep("FINISH", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());

            IPfcNode t1 = pfc.CreateTransition("T1", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode t2 = pfc.CreateTransition("T2", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode t3 = pfc.CreateTransition("T3", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode t4 = pfc.CreateTransition("T4", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcNode t5 = pfc.CreateTransition("T4", string.Empty, Guid.NewGuid());

            pfc.Bind(startStep, t1);
            pfc.Bind(t1, step1);
            pfc.Bind(step1, t2);
            pfc.Bind(t2, step2);
            pfc.Bind(t2, step3);
            pfc.Bind(step2, t4);
            pfc.Bind(step3, t3);
            pfc.Bind(t3, step4);
            pfc.Bind(step4, t4);
            pfc.Bind(t4, step5);
            pfc.Bind(step5, t5);
            pfc.Bind(t5, finishStep);

            /* Delete Step4 and T3*/

            // Need to delete the predecessor transition

            IPfcTransitionNode predecessorTrans = (IPfcTransitionNode)step4.PredecessorNodes[0];

            Assert.IsTrue(predecessorTrans.Name == t3.Name, "The predecessor trans should be T3");

            IPfcStepNode predecessorStep = (IPfcStepNode)predecessorTrans.PredecessorNodes[0];

            Assert.IsTrue(predecessorStep.Name == step3.Name, "The predecessor step should be STEP3");

            IPfcTransitionNode successorTrans = (IPfcTransitionNode)step4.SuccessorNodes[0];

            Assert.IsTrue(successorTrans.Name == t4.Name, "The successor trans should be T4");

            // Connect the predecessor step to the successor transition
            pfc.Bind(predecessorStep, successorTrans);

            // Unbind the existing path from the predecessor step to the successor transition
            pfc.Unbind(predecessorStep, predecessorTrans);
            pfc.Unbind(predecessorTrans, step4);
            pfc.Unbind(step4, successorTrans);

            // Delete the predecessor transition

            // Delete step

            Assert.IsTrue(pfc.Transitions[t3.Name] == null, "T3 Should be Deleted");
            Assert.IsTrue(pfc.Steps[step4.Name] == null, "Step4 Should be Deleted");
        public void TestSequencers()
            Model model = new Model("MyTestModel");

            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc = new ProcedureFunctionChart(model, "RootPfc");

            pfc.ExecutionEngineConfiguration = new ExecutionEngineConfiguration();

            //                 Start
            //                   |
            //                   + T_Start
            //                   |
            // =====================================
            //   |       |       |       |       |
            // Step0   Step1   Step2   Step3   Step4
            //   |       |       |       |       |
            // =====================================
            //                   |
            //                   + Finis
            // (We want to run these in order "Step3", "Step1", "Step4", "Step2", "Step0")

            #region Create PFC
            IPfcStepNode       start      = pfc.CreateStep("Start", null, Guid.NewGuid());
            IPfcTransitionNode startTrans = pfc.CreateTransition("T_Start", null, Guid.NewGuid());
            pfc.Bind(start, startTrans);
            IPfcTransitionNode finis = pfc.CreateTransition("Finish", null, Guid.NewGuid());

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                IPfcStepNode step = pfc.CreateStep("Step" + i, null, Guid.NewGuid());
                pfc.Bind(startTrans, step);
                pfc.Bind(step, finis);
            #endregion Create PFC

            Guid     sequencerKey = Guid.NewGuid();
            string[] stepSeq      = new string[] { "Step4", "Step3", "Step2", "Step1", "Step0" };

            for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++)
                Console.WriteLine("\r\n\r\n========================================================\r\nStarting test iteration # " + n + ":\r\n");

                stepSeq = Shuffle(stepSeq);
                Console.WriteLine("Expecting sequence " + StringOperations.ToCommasAndAndedList(new List <string>(stepSeq)));

                int           j  = 0;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string stepNodeName in stepSeq)
                    IPfcStepNode step = pfc.Steps[stepNodeName];
                    step.Precondition    = new Sequencer(sequencerKey, j++).Precondition;
                    step.LeafLevelAction = new PfcAction(delegate(PfcExecutionContext pfcec, StepStateMachine ssm) { sb.Append("Running " + ssm.MyStep.Name + " "); });

                    new ExecEventReceiver(pfc.Run),
                    new PfcExecutionContext(pfc, "PFCEC", null, Guid.NewGuid(), null), ExecEventType.Detachable);



                string tgtString = string.Format(@"Running {0} Running {1} Running {2} Running {3} Running {4} ",
                                                 stepSeq[0], stepSeq[1], stepSeq[2], stepSeq[3], stepSeq[4]);



Example #13
        public static ProcedureFunctionChart CreateRandomPFC(int nSteps, int seed)
            Guid mask     = GuidOps.FromString(string.Format("{0}, {1}", nSteps, seed));
            Guid seedGuid = GuidOps.FromString(string.Format("{0}, {1}", seed, nSteps));
            int  rotate   = 3;

            GuidGenerator     guidGen = new GuidGenerator(seedGuid, mask, rotate);
            PfcElementFactory pfcef   = new PfcElementFactory(guidGen);

            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc = new ProcedureFunctionChart(new Highpoint.Sage.SimCore.Model("Test model", Guid.NewGuid()), "Name", "", guidGen.Next(), pfcef);

            IPfcStepNode start  = pfc.CreateStep("Start", "", Guid.Empty);
            IPfcStepNode step1  = pfc.CreateStep("Step1", "", Guid.Empty);
            IPfcStepNode finish = pfc.CreateStep("Finish", "", Guid.Empty);

            pfc.Bind(start, step1);
            pfc.Bind(step1, finish);

            Console.WriteLine("Seed = {0}.", seed);

            Random r = new Random(seed);

            while (pfc.Steps.Count < nSteps)
                double steeringValue = r.NextDouble();

                if (steeringValue < .5)
                    // Insert a step in series.
                    IPfcLinkElement link     = pfc.Links[r.Next(0, pfc.Links.Count - 1)];
                    IPfcStepNode    stepNode = pfc.CreateStep();
                    pfc.Bind(link.Predecessor, stepNode);
                    pfc.Bind(stepNode, link.Successor);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Inserted {0} between {1} and {2}.", stepNode.Name, link.Predecessor.Name, link.Successor.Name);
                else if (steeringValue < .666)
                    // Insert a step in parallel.
                    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)   // Try, but give up if don't find suitable step.
                        IPfcStepNode target = pfc.Steps[r.Next(0, pfc.Steps.Count - 1)];
                        if (target.PredecessorNodes.Count == 1 && target.SuccessorNodes.Count == 1)
                            IPfcStepNode stepNode = pfc.CreateStep();
                            pfc.Bind(target.PredecessorNodes[0], stepNode);
                            pfc.Bind(stepNode, target.SuccessorNodes[0]);
                            //Console.WriteLine("Inserted {0} parallel to {1}.", stepNode.Name, target.Name);
                else if (steeringValue < .833)
                    // Insert a branch
                    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)   // Try, but give up if don't find suitable step.
                        IPfcStepNode step = pfc.Steps[r.Next(0, pfc.Steps.Count - 1)];
                        if (step.PredecessorNodes.Count == 1 && step.SuccessorNodes.Count == 1)
                            IPfcStepNode entryStep = pfc.CreateStep(step.Name + "_IN", null, Guid.Empty);
                            IPfcStepNode exitStep  = pfc.CreateStep(step.Name + "_OUT", null, Guid.Empty);
                            IPfcStepNode leftStep  = pfc.CreateStep(step.Name + "_LFT", null, Guid.Empty);
                            IPfcStepNode rightStep = pfc.CreateStep(step.Name + "_RGT", null, Guid.Empty);
                            pfc.Bind(step.PredecessorNodes[0], entryStep);
                            pfc.Bind(entryStep, leftStep);
                            pfc.Bind(entryStep, rightStep);
                            pfc.Bind(leftStep, exitStep);
                            pfc.Bind(rightStep, exitStep);
                            pfc.Bind(exitStep, step.SuccessorNodes[0]);
                            pfc.Unbind(step.PredecessorNodes[0], step);
                            pfc.Unbind(step, step.SuccessorNodes[0]);
                            //Console.WriteLine("Inserted a branch in place of {0}.", step.Name);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)   // Try, but give up if don't find suitable step.
                        IPfcTransitionNode trans = pfc.Transitions[r.Next(0, pfc.Transitions.Count - 1)];
                        if (trans.PredecessorNodes.Count == 1 && trans.SuccessorNodes.Count == 1)
                            IPfcStepNode successor = (IPfcStepNode)trans.SuccessorNodes[0];
                            IPfcStepNode subject   = pfc.CreateStep();
                            pfc.Bind(trans, subject);
                            pfc.Bind(subject, successor);
                            pfc.Unbind(trans, successor);
                            IPfcStepNode loopback = pfc.CreateStep();
                            pfc.Bind(subject, loopback);
                            pfc.Bind(loopback, subject);
                            //Console.WriteLine("Inserted {0} between {1} and {2}, and created a branchback around it using {3}.",
                            //    subject.Name, trans.PredecessorNodes[0].Name, successor.Name, loopback.Name);
                    //// insert a loopback
                    //IPfcStepNode step;
                    //do { step = pfc.Steps[r.Next(0, pfc.Steps.Count - 1)]; } while (step == start || step == finish);
                    //IPfcStepNode newNode = pfc.CreateStep();
                    //pfc.Bind(step, newNode);
                    //pfc.Bind(newNode, step);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Inserted a loopback around {0} using new step, {1}.", step.Name, newNode.Name);

                //IPfcStepNode origin = pfc.Steps[r.Next(0, pfc.Steps.Count - 1)];
                //if (origin.Equals(finish)) continue;

                //if (r.NextDouble() < .2) {
                //    IPfcStepNode stepNode = pfc.CreateStep();
                //    IPfcNode target = origin.SuccessorNodes[r.Next(0, origin.SuccessorNodes.Count - 1)];
                //    // Insert a step in series.
                //    pfc.Bind(origin, stepNode);
                //    pfc.Bind(stepNode, target);
                //    pfc.Unbind(origin, target);
                //    Console.WriteLine("Inserting {0} between {1} and {2}.",
                //        stepNode.Name, origin.Name, target.Name);

                //} else if (r.NextDouble() < .55) {
                //    // Insert a step in parallel
                //    if (origin.PredecessorNodes.Count == 1 && origin.SuccessorNodes.Count == 1) {
                //        origin = origin.PredecessorNodes[0];
                //        target = origin.SuccessorNodes[0];
                //        pfc.Bind(origin, stepNode);
                //        pfc.Bind(stepNode, target);
                //        Console.WriteLine("Inserting {0} parallel to {1} - between {2} and {3}.",
                //            stepNode.Name, parallelTo.Name, origin.Name, target.Name);

                //    }

                //} else {
                //    // Insert a loopback or branchforward.
                //    IPfcNode target = null;
                //    string parallelType = null;
                //    if (!origin.PredecessorNodes.Contains(start) && r.NextDouble() < .5) {
                //        target = origin;
                //        parallelType = "loopback";
                //    } else if (origin.SuccessorNodes.Count==1 && origin.PredecessorNodes==1) {
                //        target = origin.SuccessorNodes[r.Next(0, origin.SuccessorNodes.Count - 1)];
                //        parallelType = "branch forward";
                //    }

                //    if (target != null) {
                //        IPfcStepNode stepNode = pfc.CreateStep();
                //        pfc.Bind(origin, stepNode);
                //        pfc.Bind(stepNode, target);
                //        Console.WriteLine("Inserting {0} around {1} to {2}, with {3} on the new alternate path.",
                //            parallelType, origin.Name, target.Name, stepNode.Name);
                //    }

Example #14
        public static ProcedureFunctionChart CreateTestPfc()
            ProcedureFunctionChart pfc = new ProcedureFunctionChart(new Highpoint.Sage.SimCore.Model("Test model", Guid.NewGuid()), "SFC 1");

            ((PfcElementFactory)pfc.ElementFactory).SetRepeatable(Guid.Empty); // Ensures Guids are repeatable.

            #region Create Nodes

            char name = 'A';
            A = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            B = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            C = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            D = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            E = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            F = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            G = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            H = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            I = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            J = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            K = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            L = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            M = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            N = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            O = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name++), "", NextGuid());
            P = pfc.CreateStep("Step_" + (name), "", NextGuid());

            nA = (IPfcNode)A;
            nB = (IPfcNode)B;
            nC = (IPfcNode)C;
            nD = (IPfcNode)D;
            nE = (IPfcNode)E;
            nF = (IPfcNode)F;
            nG = (IPfcNode)G;
            nH = (IPfcNode)H;
            nI = (IPfcNode)I;
            nJ = (IPfcNode)J;
            nK = (IPfcNode)K;
            nL = (IPfcNode)L;
            nM = (IPfcNode)M;
            nN = (IPfcNode)N;
            nO = (IPfcNode)O;
            nP = (IPfcNode)P;

            #endregion Create Nodes

            #region Create Structure

            pfc.Bind(nA, nB);
            pfc.BindSeriesDivergent(nB, new IPfcNode[] { nC, nF });
            pfc.Bind(nC, nD);
            pfc.Bind(nD, nE);
            pfc.Bind(nF, nG);
            pfc.BindParallelDivergent(nG, new IPfcNode[] { nH, nI, nP });
            pfc.Bind(nH, nJ);
            pfc.Bind(nI, nK);
            pfc.BindParallelConvergent(new IPfcNode[] { nJ, nK, nP }, nL);
            pfc.Bind(nL, nM);
            pfc.BindSeriesConvergent(new IPfcNode[] { nE, nM }, nN);
            pfc.Bind(nN, nO);
            pfc.Bind(nB, nN);

            #endregion Create Structure

