public async Task <IActionResult> CreateRequestAsync([FromBody] Request request)
            // Look up the channel to notify
            var mapping = await this.channelMappingRepository.GetByCategoryAsync(request.Category);

            if (mapping == null)
                this.logger.LogError("Failed to create consult request. No mapping exists for consult category {ConsultCategory}.", request.Category);
                return(this.BadRequest(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "Consult category is not valid"

            // Lookup the Channel
            var channel = await this.channelRepository.GetByChannelIdAsync(mapping.ChannelId);

            if (channel == null)
                this.logger.LogError("Failed to create consult request. Channel {ChannelId} does not exist, but a mapping to that channel exists.", mapping.ChannelId);
                return(this.BadRequest(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "New consult requests cannot be made for this category"

            // Save the new request in the database
            request.Id                 = Guid.NewGuid();
            request.FriendlyId         = this.GetFriendlyId();
            request.Status             = RequestStatus.Unassigned;
            request.BookingsBusinessId = mapping.BookingsBusiness.Id;
            request.BookingsServiceId  = mapping.BookingsService.Id;
            request.CreatedDateTime    = DateTime.Now;
            await this.requestRepository.AddAsync(request);

            // Get the new request adaptive card
            var hostDomain        = this.azureADOptions.Value.HostDomain;
            var consultAttachment = CardFactory.CreateConsultAttachment(request, $"https://{hostDomain}", this.localizer);

            // Send the proactive message to the channel
            var conversationParameter = await ProactiveUtil.SendChannelProactiveMessageAsync(consultAttachment, channel.ChannelId, channel.ServiceUrl, this.botOptions.Value);

            // rebuild local request with id from object
            request.ConversationId = conversationParameter.Id;
            request.ActivityId     = conversationParameter.ActivityId;

            // Save the new request in the database
            await this.requestRepository.UpsertAsync(request);

        public async Task <IActionResult> AssignRequestAsync(string consultId, [FromBody] AssignConsultRequestBody requestBody, [FromHeader] string authorization)
            string ssoToken = authorization.Substring("Bearer".Length + 1);

            // Extract user's object ID from claims
            var assignerObjectId = this.GetUserObjectId();
            var assignerUserName = this.GetUserName();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(assignerObjectId))
                this.logger.LogError("Failed to assign consult request. The assigner's object ID was null or empty.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(consultId))
                return(this.BadRequest(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "Invalid consult ID provided"

            // Handle assign to another agent
            var assigneeObjectId = assignerObjectId;

            if (requestBody.Agent != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestBody.Agent.Id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestBody.Agent.DisplayName))
                var canAssignOther = await this.CheckSupervisorAsync(consultId);

                if (!canAssignOther)

                assigneeObjectId = requestBody.Agent.Id;

            // Lookup the agent
            var assigneeAgent = await this.agentRepository.GetByObjectIdAsync(assigneeObjectId);

            if (assigneeAgent == null)
                this.logger.LogError("Failed to assign consult request. Agent with ID {UserObjectId} does not exist", assigneeObjectId);
                return(this.BadRequest(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "Invalid agent provided"

            // Set assignee user name based on self-assign vs assign to other
            var assigneeUserName = assigneeObjectId == assignerObjectId ? assignerUserName : assigneeAgent.Name;

            // Load existing consult from DB
            var request = await this.requestRepository.GetAsync(new CosmosItemKey(consultId, consultId));

            if (request == null)
                this.logger.LogError("Failed to assign consult request {ConsultRequestId}. The consult request does not exist.", consultId);
                return(this.NotFound(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "Consult request not found"

            if (request.Status != RequestStatus.Unassigned && request.Status != RequestStatus.ReassignRequested)
                this.logger.LogWarning("Failed to assign consult request {ConsultRequestId}. The consult request is already assigned.", consultId);
                return(this.StatusCode(403, new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "The consult is already assigned"

            // Update consult request fields from request body
            request.AssignedTimeBlock = requestBody.SelectedTimeBlock;

            string assigneeStaffMemberId = assigneeAgent.BookingsStaffMemberId;

            GraphBeta.BookingAppointment bookingsResult = null;
            bool didBookingsSucceed          = false;
            bool didRetrieveNewStaffMemberId = false;

            while (!didBookingsSucceed && !didRetrieveNewStaffMemberId)
                // If we don't have the agent's staff member ID, try getting it from Graph
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assigneeStaffMemberId))
                        assigneeStaffMemberId = await GraphUtil.GetBookingsStaffMemberId(ssoToken, request.BookingsBusinessId, assigneeAgent.UserPrincipalName, this.azureADOptions.Value);
                    catch (Graph.ServiceException)
                        // This failure could also be because the caller doesn't have permission
                        this.logger.LogError("Failed to assign consult request {ConsultRequestId}. Bookings staff member ID for agent {AgentUPN} could not be retrieved.", consultId, assigneeAgent.UserPrincipalName);
                        return(this.BadRequest(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                            Reason = "The assignee is not a valid staff member in Bookings."

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assigneeStaffMemberId))
                        this.logger.LogError("Failed to assign consult request {ConsultRequestId}. Bookings staff member ID for agent {AgentUPN} could not be retrieved.", consultId, assigneeAgent.UserPrincipalName);
                        return(this.BadRequest(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                            Reason = "The assignee is not a valid staff member in Bookings."

                    didRetrieveNewStaffMemberId = true;

                // Create/update Bookings appointment
                    if (request.Status == RequestStatus.Unassigned)
                        bookingsResult = await GraphUtil.CreateBookingsAppointment(ssoToken, request, assigneeStaffMemberId, this.azureADOptions.Value);
                        await GraphUtil.UpdateBookingsAppointment(ssoToken, request, assigneeStaffMemberId, this.azureADOptions.Value);

                    didBookingsSucceed = true;
                catch (Graph.ServiceException)
                    // Will try retrieving a fresh staff member ID
                    assigneeStaffMemberId = null;

            // Ensure appointment creation succeeded
            if (!didBookingsSucceed)
                this.logger.LogError("Failed to assign consult request {ConsultRequestId}. The Bookings appointment could not be created/updated for agent {AgentId}.", consultId, assigneeObjectId);
                return(this.BadRequest(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "Unable to create/update the Bookings appointment."

            // Update DB with agent's staff member ID, if needed
            if (assigneeAgent.BookingsStaffMemberId != assigneeStaffMemberId)
                assigneeAgent.BookingsStaffMemberId = assigneeStaffMemberId;
                await this.agentRepository.UpsertAsync(assigneeAgent);

            // Update consult request fields with Bookings info, if needed
            if (request.Status == RequestStatus.Unassigned)
                request.BookingsAppointmentId = bookingsResult.Id;
                request.JoinUri = bookingsResult.OnlineMeetingUrl;

            // Update other consult request fields
            var currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            request.Status         = RequestStatus.Assigned;
            request.AssignedToId   = assigneeObjectId;
            request.AssignedToName = assigneeUserName;
            request.Activities     = request.Activities ?? new List <Activity>();
            request.Activities.Add(new Activity
                Id   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Type = ActivityType.Assigned,
                ActivityForUserId   = assigneeObjectId,
                ActivityForUserName = assigneeUserName,
                Comment             = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestBody.Comments) ? requestBody.Comments : null,
                CreatedByName       = assignerUserName,
                CreatedById         = new Guid(assignerObjectId),
                CreatedDateTime     = currentTime,

            // Update consult request in DB
            await this.requestRepository.UpsertAsync(request);

            // Look up the channel to notify
            var mapping = await this.channelMappingRepository.GetByCategoryAsync(request.Category);

            if (mapping == null)
                this.logger.LogError("Failed to send channel message for assignment of consult {ConsultRequestId}. Channel mapping does not exist for request category {RequestCategory}.", consultId, request.Category);
                return(this.BadRequest(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "Consult requests in this category cannot be assigned"

            // Lookup the Channel
            var channel = await this.channelRepository.GetByChannelIdAsync(mapping.ChannelId);

            if (channel == null)
                this.logger.LogError("Failed to send channel message for assignment of consult {ConsultRequestId}. Channel {ChannelId} does not exist, but a mapping to that channel exists.", consultId, mapping.ChannelId);
                return(this.BadRequest(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "Consult requests in this category cannot be reassigned"

            // Get the assigned consult adaptive card for channel
            var baseUrl            = $"https://{this.azureADOptions.Value.HostDomain}";
            var consultChannelCard = CardFactory.CreateAssignedConsultAttachment(request, baseUrl, assigneeUserName, false, this.localizer);

            // Update the proactive message to the channel
            await ProactiveUtil.UpdateChannelProactiveMessageAsync(consultChannelCard, channel.ServiceUrl, request.ConversationId, request.ActivityId, this.botOptions.Value);

            // Temporarily set agent's locale as current culture before using localizer
            Microsoft.Bot.Schema.Attachment consultPersonalCard;
            using (new CultureSwitcher(assigneeAgent.Locale, assigneeAgent.Locale))
                // Get the assigned consult adaptive card for 1:1 chat
                consultPersonalCard = CardFactory.CreateAssignedConsultAttachment(request, baseUrl, assigneeUserName, true, this.localizer);

            // Send the proactive message to the agent
            await ProactiveUtil.SendChatProactiveMessageAsync(consultPersonalCard, assigneeAgent.TeamsId, this.azureADOptions.Value.TenantId, assigneeAgent.ServiceUrl, this.botOptions.Value);

        public async Task <IActionResult> ReassignRequestAsync([FromHeader] string authorization, string consultId, [FromBody] ReassignConsultRequestBody body)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(consultId))
                return(this.BadRequest(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "Invalid consult ID provided"

            // Extract user's object ID from claims
            var userObjectId     = this.GetUserObjectId();
            var userName         = this.GetUserName();
            var currentTime      = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var userObjectIdGuid = new Guid(userObjectId);

            // Load existing consult from DB
            var request = await this.requestRepository.GetAsync(new CosmosItemKey(consultId, consultId));

            if (request == null)
                this.logger.LogError("Failed to reassign consult request {ConsultRequestId}. The consult request does not exist.", consultId);
                return(this.NotFound(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "Consult request not found"

            if (request.Status != RequestStatus.Assigned)
                this.logger.LogWarning("Failed to reassign consult request {ConsultRequestId}. The consult request is not in the 'Assigned' state.", consultId);
                return(this.StatusCode(403, new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "The consult cannot be reassigned."

            request.Status = RequestStatus.ReassignRequested;

            // Add activity to consult request
            request.Activities = request.Activities ?? new List <Activity>();
            request.Activities.Add(new Activity
                Id   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Type = ActivityType.ReassignRequested,
                ActivityForUserId   = request.AssignedToId,
                ActivityForUserName = request.AssignedToName,
                CreatedByName       = userName,
                CreatedById         = userObjectIdGuid,
                CreatedDateTime     = currentTime,

            // Store updated consult request
            await this.requestRepository.UpsertAsync(request);

            // Look up the channel to notify
            var mapping = await this.channelMappingRepository.GetByCategoryAsync(request.Category);

            if (mapping == null)
                this.logger.LogError("Failed to send channel message for reassignment of consult {ConsultRequestId}. Channel mapping does not exist for request category {RequestCategory}", consultId, request.Category);
                return(this.BadRequest(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "Consult requests in this category cannot be reassigned"

            // Lookup the Channel
            var channel = await this.channelRepository.GetByChannelIdAsync(mapping.ChannelId);

            if (channel == null)
                // throw error...Category does not exists.
                this.logger.LogError("Failed to send channel message for reassignment of consult {ConsultRequestId}. Channel {ChannelId} does not exist, but a mapping to that channel exists", consultId, mapping.ChannelId);
                return(this.BadRequest(new UnsuccessfulResponse {
                    Reason = "Consult requests in this category cannot be reassigned"

            // Get the assigned consult adaptive card for channel
            var baseUrl = $"https://{this.azureADOptions.Value.HostDomain}";

            List <object> mentionedAgents = new List <object>();
            string        photo           = null;
            string        ssoToken        = authorization.Substring("Bearer".Length + 1);

            var displayPicGraphResponse = await GraphUtil.GetUserDisplayPhotoAsync(ssoToken, userObjectId, this.azureADOptions.Value);

            if (displayPicGraphResponse.FailureReason == string.Empty)
                photo = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + Convert.ToBase64String(displayPicGraphResponse.Result);

            var comment = body.Comments == null ? string.Empty : body.Comments;

            foreach (var agentIdName in body.Agents)
                var agent = await this.agentRepository.GetByObjectIdAsync(agentIdName.Id);

                    agentUserId = agent.TeamsId,
                    agentName   = agentIdName.DisplayName,

            var reassignConsultChannelCard = CardFactory.CreateReassignConsultAttachment(request, mentionedAgents, baseUrl, comment, userName, photo, this.localizer);

            // Update the channel message, and reply to it so that it gets pushed to the bottom
            var replyString = this.localizer.GetString("ConsultNeedsReassignment", userName);
            await ProactiveUtil.UpdateChannelProactiveMessageAsync(reassignConsultChannelCard, channel.ServiceUrl, request.ConversationId, request.ActivityId, this.botOptions.Value);

            await ProactiveUtil.ReplyToChannelMessageAsync(replyString, channel.ServiceUrl, request.ConversationId, request.ActivityId, this.botOptions.Value);
