public virtual void ProFormaFilter_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e) { ProFormaFilter filter = e.Row as ProFormaFilter; string actionID = Filter.Current.Action; Items.SetProcessDelegate <ProformaEntry>( delegate(ProformaEntry engine, PMProforma item) { if (actionID == "Release") { try { engine.Document.Current = item; engine.ReleaseDocument(item); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PXSetPropertyException(ex.Message, PXErrorLevel.RowError); } } }); }
public virtual IEnumerable items() { if (Filter.Current.Action == "<SELECT>") { yield break; } ProFormaFilter filter = Filter.Current; string actionID = Filter.Current.Action; if (_ActionChanged) { Items.Cache.Clear(); } PXSelectBase <PMProforma> cmd; switch (actionID) { case "Release": cmd = new PXSelectJoin <PMProforma, InnerJoinSingleTable <Customer, On <PMProforma.customerID, Equal <Customer.bAccountID> > >, Where <PMProforma.hold, Equal <False>, And <PMProforma.released, Equal <False>, And <PMProforma.status, Equal <>, And <Match <Customer, Current <AccessInfo.userName> > > > > > >(this); break; default: cmd = new PXSelectJoin <PMProforma, InnerJoinSingleTable <Customer, On <PMProforma.customerID, Equal <Customer.bAccountID> > >, Where <Match <Customer, Current <AccessInfo.userName> > > >(this); break; } cmd.WhereAnd <Where <PMProforma.invoiceDate, LessEqual <Current <ProFormaFilter.endDate> > > >(); if (filter.BeginDate != null) { cmd.WhereAnd <Where <PMProforma.invoiceDate, GreaterEqual <Current <ProFormaFilter.beginDate> > > >(); } if (filter.OwnerID != null) { cmd.WhereAnd <Where <PMProforma.ownerID, Equal <Current <ProFormaFilter.currentOwnerID> > > >(); } if (filter.WorkGroupID != null) { cmd.WhereAnd <Where <PMProforma.workgroupID, Equal <Current <ProFormaFilter.workGroupID> > > >(); } if (Filter.Current.ShowAll == true) { cmd.WhereAnd <Where <PMProforma.hold, Equal <False> > > (); } int startRow = PXView.StartRow; int totalRows = 0; foreach (PXResult <PMProforma> res in cmd.View.Select(PXView.Currents, null, PXView.Searches, PXView.SortColumns, PXView.Descendings, PXView.Filters, ref startRow, PXView.MaximumRows, ref totalRows)) { PMProforma item = res; PMProforma cached = (PMProforma)Items.Cache.Locate(item); if (cached != null) { item.Selected = cached.Selected; } yield return(item); PXView.StartRow = 0; } }